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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. LOL, Yep...I generally had lloyd, kratos, raine, genis as my team. Or the ninja instead of genis.

    Yeah, that was my usual team too. Genis would get switched for Presea sometimes and Sheena when she was forced. Zelos replaced Kratos during the second half of the game. I'd like to play it through again to use Regal but maaan I'm lazy and it's longgg.

  2. Colette's still better than Marta. Who's better than Estelle.

    Mint doesn't have any personality to really care one way or another about her.

    I'm surprised you didn't say anything about how much Raine sucks like usual.

    Oh yeah, Marta. I forgot about her.



    Yeah, Raine was a pretty good healer...I think I made Gensis the mage of the group too.

    Haha...agreed...Colette was a horrible character.

    You have no idea how happy I was when she lost her voice.

  3. I'm glad you can find the names by just my descriptions.

    Genis -- white hair boy with the ball and string thing?

    Yeah, Raine's brother. Yaaay Genisss!

    You're a good friend, so I miss you ;_;

    So this is good enough

    *pat* There there. I'm sure we'll have time to talk soon.

  4. Yes Yes...Kratos is awesome ^_^.

    What about the guy with the red hair?

    Haha, Zelos. He's one of my other favourites. Him, Genis and Presea are my top 3.


    Maybe later.


    Aww. :<

  5. Aw, why?

    I don't like her very much, if at all. <_<



    haha cool. I like the ninja girl and the purple wearing sword guy. I forget the names, it's been a LONG time since I've played.

    The criminal was cool too, but I mainly played as the sword people. Lloyd or purple guy.

    Uhh, Sheena and Kratos? And Regal is the criminal.

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