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Posts posted by InvdrZim13

  1. I uh, don't know if I can due to being on a Mac and running OpenEmu. I tired to do that for Midnight Sun and it was a no go. I'll give it a try again though.

    EDIT: .....that could be because I'm many many many versions behind without realizing it when it comes to OpenEmu. Newest is 2.0.2 or something like that. I was on 1.0.3. Whoops.

    EDIT2: Didn't fix the freeze, didn't change how savestates were made.

    I believe I figured out why it's freezing. It was checking to see if that archer that's near her was alive, and hiding him if he was, since the bastard will persist and show up in the cutscene if he's alive. The check wasn't working and causing the game to hang, so I just move the archer more to the right.

    Edited Patch 1.1 to reflect changes

    - Aurora doesn't attack people now (the fix I've done isn't ideal but it'll work till we figure out why she's doing it).

    - The Epee's description has been fixed.

    - 1-8 no longer freezes when you kill Regina.

    - Chest with the heal staff in 1-7 now properly opens once you unlock it

    Let me know if you find anything else!

  2. Sweet. I'll be checking it out tomorrow.

    Obviously the intent is to start from a fresh rom (and I have to in my case: Mac only has one patching tool for ROMs atm and it won't let you patch a file multiple times), but if somebody wanted to apply the patch to the old version just to quickly try out the new maps would it be possible? Or is fresh rom required?

    I haven't tried it so I don't know if it's possible but I'd recommend just patching a clean ROM since 1.1 is the version future versions are going to be built on.

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