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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. A multitude of mistakes were made RIP everyone (and my hopes and dreams) Also on turn 34(?) I'm not entirely sure what happened but the game soft resets because of something going on.
  2. Just Earth/Master seals it is then! And uh, have a look at these mugs that the art team's worked on: Regina: Nero: New Seneca vs Old Seneca: New mug for Eagle: Sebastian: And our twin bosses (Linus and Lloyd style twins, not weird bandit style twins): Berg: Stein:
  3. The idea was brought to me from one of my testers and I figured I'd put it here to get more opinions on it. The suggestion was only use earth seals for promotion items, so no knight crests or hero seals or any of that. It seems like a good idea to me, but I'm not the one who's going to be playing it in the end so I figured I'd ask it here to get a better feeling for the general opinion on this thing.
  4. Wow I suck at updates Chapter 2 of the demo is redone, 3 is started but not near done, plus there are other issues I need to figure out before I can say it's done to where it was in fe7. But that's going to have to wait because I have an exam every week until the 19th me: Sorry about the lack of good news, but I'm going to get this all done when I can/get everything sorted out.
  5. circles pls you're making the rest of us look bad It all looks awesome, as usual :P
  6. As far as I know you have to use MNCH for chapters that have world map stuff before them (like chapter 2 or well... Almost any other chapter). I'm still looking for some sort of workaround for this that will skip the world map because I don't need it. I think you might be able to use the Tower/Ruin maps for MNC2, I assume you can because they don't have world map events between them but I haven't tried it so I don't know. Here's a link that explains how to enable saving/disable the retreat command for the tower/ruins if you want to give that a shot. Though it'll only help so much, since that's only 18 chapters worth of maps.
  7. Thanks! Less than a month to go, then hopefully I can rouse the team and get things going again.
  8. Whoops haven't posted on here in awhile. Basically development has slowed to a crawl, as I can't dedicate the time to working on this because of school requiring almost all of my attention, and I don't want to rush working on it and end up with some half-baked shit product. Hopefully after my finals are done and recovered from I'll be able to kick working on this back into high gear. Sorry to anybody who was waiting for more news.
  9. I played a little bit of it so far, my only complaint is the fact that winds across the plains is a map theme.
  10. Out of curiosity is this the same project you have posted on FEShrine? If so, why do you feel the need to be so secretive about it here when you've got all that information on it over there?
  11. Thanks! Expecting to release a new version of the demo in fe8 (and possibly with an extra chapter of I'm feeling it) within a few weeks
  12. Isn't that answer to that question always yes? Definitely no Jojo bias here
  13. I think with what the writing team has in mind it'll work a lot better for us than 7, but it's too early to share any of those details :P
  14. Soooooooo I'm porting this to FE8, for a couple reasons. Mainly because it'll be more of a challenge than hacking FE7 and that makes it more fun. Also because it was supposed to be an FE8 hack outright. Also because I think there should be more FE8 hacks. Actually more hacks in general but shh that's not the point Because I hate myself Because FE8 is cooler I don't actually know when I'll have the FE8-ified version of the demo done because of schoolwork and work work, but hopefully within a week or two, depends on how long the events take to put together/when I can put the events together, and get all the assets and such ported over.
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