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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Because this topic needs to be further dominated by comments from me Some new classes/battle sprites are in now, the pictures even come with Belle's ugly as sin and totally not done recolor It's definitely not just lyn's palette
  2. The only real issue that came out of this is the waterfall I had in chapter 1 doesn't play nice with Town and Docks RIP Waterfall 2015-2015
  3. ... So I changed it to Water(Town&Docks) And now it magically works. I don't understand this at all.
  4. But anyway here it is in Nightmare But yeah, fields and plains isn't working either.
  5. Hmm... Maybe? I'm not too sure though since I tried saving it as a tmx and inserting it with the tiled map inserter. And, amusingly enough, I don't have much experience with mappy.
  6. Yeah there's a fields and plains option but it doesn't seem to work either. EDIT: also that 0x500 thing isn't in the dropdown, I had to type it in manually
  7. Oh yeah, duh The only problem is the water tiles don't move like they should, so instead it just sits there not moving. I tried to insert it as a .tmx but that didn't change anything. So here's some pictures that hopefully help show what I've tried/done. So here's the prologue map, the specific details about the design are unknown to me as I'm not the one who made it, but I don't think the issue is coming from the map itself, I've probably just goofed somewhere. And here's the (hopefully relevant) nightmare bit, I'm not 100% sure if there's anything else you'd need to know but I can try to give more information about it if needed.
  8. Probably, but general feedback from everyone is good too
  9. And I might as well put it on here, the map tile animations aren't working, despite it being set to 0x500 in nightmare, and unfortunately nobody I've asked has been able to figure out a solution for me to try, and I've got nothing. So if anyone has any idea on how to fix it please let me know, else Velhari will just have a bit of a standing water issue.
  10. This has my attention, looking forward to getting more info at FEE3.
  11. RIP? I should also figure out why these stupid map tiles aren't animating despite the tile animation stuff being set up correctly in nightmare.
  12. Kalvesta isn't Ursula anymore! (Feedback is of course welcome for her mug) Sawyer will get replaced eventually, whenever Toa can get around to it
  13. I was debating entering, then the other people helping me make it said "fucking do it zim" So here we are now, lol. Now we just have to hope the game doesn't suck
  14. Project Name: FE Staff of Ages Platform: FE7 Showing: Demo/LP Whichever one involves me just sending things and someone else playing/talking because I don't think anyone needs my commentary
  15. Figured I'd put something here as well as in the OP: If anyone is interested in trying out what we've got and giving some feedback on it, please feel free to let me know!
  16. I think I know which two you're referring to (not that there are more than two other new sprites on there), and we're actually working on making them better (Sawyer's is getting a totally new mug, for instance)
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