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Everything posted by charmander6000

  1. I agree that Makalov needs to drop to at least below Nealuchi. Nealuchi is pretty awesome in part 2 and while Makalov has an impressive speed growth he won't double much until he promotes or is given an early crown. Until then he 3RKO enemies in 3-9 and 3RKO/4RKO enemies in 3-11 and beyond.
  2. Let's see, for the first two chapters Boyd 3RKOs most enemies unless he gets a crit with his killer axe and he literally does not double anything while getting doubled by swordmasters. In return he can be 4RKO, borderline 3RKO by enemies thanks to his massive HP and faces about 60% display hit. Once you are able to buy items Boyd can now 2RKO enemies. By around 3-4/5 Boyd will stop being doubled by swordmasters, but he won't double regularly until after promotion which happens at around 3-11. A speedwing isn't really helpful, all it does is stop Boyd from getting doubled by swordmasters earlier and give him the ability to double about a chapter earlier. With the promotion Boyd can now 1RKO many things while gets 4RKO by most things Aran is 3RKO by most things in 1-3 and can 2RKO/3RKO enemies. His hit-rate isn't the greatest, but his growths tend to fix that. By 1-E he still 2RKO/3RKOs most enemies while he can borderline last four rounds against enemies. In part 3 Tigers can 2RKO while Cats 3RKO because they can double. The rest of the team isn't faring too much better either, but at least they can double tigers making this chapter end faster. Since this is hard mode and Aran won't get a boatload of bexp and double I would give Boyd's part 4 the edge over Aran.
  3. I think we need to get back to the original topic of Leanne being too high. The characters around her have about twice the availability than she does; that's a big gap that she has to fill.
  4. I think Leanne is overrated. She's the worst heron for endgame and even in some chapters she's doesn't improve the completion time by a lot (2-P, 3-11 and maybe 4-3) also her move is terrible, especially in chapters where using your full move is better (4-3). I'd take both Sothe and Titania over Leanne at least.
  5. I understand what you mean, but most things don't ORKO so most of the time there will be enemies alive on player phase. Still with the amount of damage Lyre is doing the enemy might as well could have attacked at two range against a one range unit.
  6. Hate to go back to Astrid/Lyre, but isn't enemy phase offense > player phase offense? So what if Lyre doesn't get to attack every player phase, its better than Astrid not attacking during enemy phase.
  7. A forged javelin with max might and hit and with -3 weight (so Fiona isn't weighed down) would cost over 5000 gold and would still 4RKO most 1-7 enemies and only has on average 78% display hit. Also about half the map ORKO her because they can double her. The only thing Fiona has is an Earth affinity and innate savior (which can be removed, but no one really wants it until maybe endgame)
  8. I'm late to the party and many things have been said, but there's one double standard that's been bothering me. Lyre slows down the team because she doesn't ORKO a unit that Ike/Gatire/etc. would have, but Astrid can kill off a weakened unit on player phase. So apparently only units that can ORKO are on Lyre's team while units that 2RKO can be on Astrid's?
  9. Call it PE, but the only GM laguz I can get to S rank without abuse before 3-E is Lethe. Here's a break down of chapters and weapon ranks for laguz. Volug - S between 1-8 and 1-E and SS between 3-13 and 4-P/1/2 Muarim - S between 4-E-1 and 4-E-2, never SS Vika - S between 4-E-1 and 4-E-2, never SS Nealuchi - S between 4-E-1 and 4-E-2, never SS Lethe - S between 3-10 and 3-11, SS about 4-E-1 Mordecai - S about 3-E, SS about 4-E-3 Ranulf - S about 3-E, SS about 4-E-1 Kyza - S about 3-E, SS about 4-E-1 Lyre - S about 3-E, SS about 4-E-1 Janaff - S about 3-E, SS about 4-E-1 Ulki - S about 3-E, SS about 4-E-1 Skrimir - SS between 4-3 and 4-E-1 Naesala - SS between 4-3 and 4-E-1 Kurthnaga - S about 4-E-5 or never, never SS Ena - never S or SS. Nasir - never SS Gareth - never SS
  10. ??? The enemies may be tough, but I can usually get everyone that I'm using down to the bottom floor. I don't think I've had a PT where I didn't kill Ike as the GM showed up. The only chapter that I wouldn't play offensively is 3-6 because of the swamp and FoW. Except everyone wants Resolve while no one wants Wrath.
  11. 3-12 and 3-13 doesn't have to be played defensively and if you're going to use the DB you should play it offensively.
  12. The only part 3 chapter where high offense is bad is 3-6. 3-12 enemies aren't as dangerous and in 3-13 there aren't as many laguz concentrated in one spot.
  13. Protecting Leo isn't much of a problem on most maps, but it is a negative all archers, mages and herons have. Edward has better offense than Leo in part 1 because he is able to double most enemies. In part 3 if Leo uses his bow his speed becomes comparable with Edward, but by 3-13 even if Leo uses his bow he won't be able to double cats while Edward starts to borderline double them.
  14. Micaiah > Laura > Rhys >= Soren > Calill > Ilyana > Tormod > Bastian > Oliver > Pelleas > Lehran > Sanaki IMO
  15. Well everything looks to be in order. Now the only problem is Vika's offense (Bandits have awesome growths).
  16. But is that bandit near Vika or at different place on the map?
  17. When I said untransformed in 1-7 I meant the second half of the chapter or small portions during the entire chapter in an attempt to keep her transformed the whole time. Also if Vika hits the target she doesn't get the bonus in 1-8, though I think one of the bandits has a hand axe. Or was that a reinforment?
  18. Because of a Raven's transformation guage she won't transform until turn 4 after 1 olivi grass also the laguz meter doesn't get a boost if Vika hits the target. Also in 1-7 there are no olivi grass so Vika is missing about half the chapter since she's untransformed, though she could avoid dodge a bit.
  19. I feel that Meg is bit underrated in this topic. She needs a bit of a push to get over the initial hump, but after that she can hold her own. She's not great, but that's why she's ranked so low.
  20. I'd like to argue Sothe > Leanne. In part 1 Sothe is your best unit for 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 and is still great for the rest of part 1. In part 3 Sothe has a monopoly over Beastkiller and in 3-6 Micaiah can easily trade with him to something safer and then use Psychic. 3-12 his offense is still good, same with 3-13 and he could use Beastkiller when it's safe. His offense starts to drop in 4-P, but he can still 2RKO most enemies. 4-3 is all about finding stuff in the desert such as Baselard, White Gem, Dragon Foe and the Laguz Gem. Endgame we all know about, but at least he can give his spot to Nasir or Gareth >_> Leanne on the other hand doesn't have as many chapters as Sothe, in fact Sothe's availabilty is about twice as much as Leanne's. 2-P Leanne can vigor Marcia and Nealuchi so that they can team up and kill another enemy, but with the way the chapter is built waiting for Haar or even doing nothing is just as effective. 2-2 there's no doubt that Leanne is the reason why we are able to complete the chapter by max bexp and in 2-E she also pretty good. 3-11 Leanne appears in a weird position. Leanne can survive one direct hit from the stone throwers which is good until the last third where she may have to hang back and with her low move she may not be able to fully catch-up. 4-P she also does well, but in 4-3 Leanne is feeling the heat again. Since the team is mostly fliers, mages and laguz after the first turn of vigoring transformed laguz Leanne is basically left in the dust. With many units having a massive 9 move compare to Leanne's 5 she just can't keep up, even mages have 6 move. To make matters worse untransformed Leanne (which she'll probably be) can't access a large portion of the map because a purge mage at the bottom right which can ORKO her (there's also another on about mid-left, but someone usually gets it by turn 2. Leanne is probably the worst heron at endgame since she can only vigor two units.
  21. The problem with Ilyana is that she's in the Edward/Leo tier when she's with the DB, which is fine, but even when you train her she becomes the worst in the GM making the problem of why raise her when you could give that experience to other DB units. Had Ilyana stayed with the DB I think people would use her more often in PT, though that 30 speed cap/growth is still terrible.
  22. Why are you putting Leo, an archer in one-range of another unit? You might as well leave healers exposed as well.
  23. Kyza with a speedwing pretty much beats Lethe until endgame where Lethe wins in E-4, E-5 and maybe E-2. Any negative Kyza gets from the speedwing is reversed from the amount Kyza is beating Lethe in parts 3 and 4. Also people in this topic overrate Lethe's performance in part 2. 2-2 has 8 olivi grass and 5 laguz stones (better used in other chapters IMO) between three laguz and with Mordecai and Nealuchi being much better laguz Lethe is going to have a much harder time claiming those resources. The only thing Lethe ORKO are mages while she 2RKO almost everything else. Her avoid is okay and she has the same problems that all laguz have. 2-E has another olivi grass that Heather can find (two, but the other is in a bad place). This chapter is the same as 2-2 except a lot more enemies have two-range which means Lethe is going to need olivi grass more often and that there are a lot of generals meaning she is able to 2RKO less enemies.
  24. Is Muarim really > Skrimir? Doing a quick look Skrimir easily wins during the chapters they have together while also having 4-P where he doubles and ORKO most things. Is Muarim's part 1 that good? He's untransformed for half of 1-7 (though he is still rather bulky) due to lack of olivi grass.
  25. Radiant Dawn has almost no good walkthroughs, I guess everyone is too lazy to write one when you could just go to Serenes Forest. Then again Pokemon has Serebii and Smogon and there are some great walkthroughs.
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