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Everything posted by charmander6000

  1. Let's see... I agree that Kieran is at 20/17 by part 4 and Lucia is still at 20/14, but a max silver forge is quite pricey, even if you have a lot of money. 4-2: Lucia borderlines 2RKO most enemies, while Kieran 3RKO. Kieran could be on another team, but enemies are roughly the same stats everywhere. Kieran is 4HKO, sometimes 3HKO by the stronger enemies while facing 60% display while Lucia is 2HKO while facing around 45% display. Lucia has bond support with Elincia which can help her crit while Kieran could use a hammer against generals. Pretty even though Lucia takes this in a close one. Levels here are a bit hard to figure out, but I'll be nice and give Kieran the promotion (I have him pegged at 20/20 anyways) while Lucia hits 20/18. 4-5: I don't have hard mode stats for this chapter so I'll beef up the normal mode enemies. Kieran can borderline double Tigers if he gets his promotion while Lucia will gain the ability to double cats after she promotes mid-way through this chapter. Kieran 2RKO eveything except Red Dragons while Lucia needs to wait until promotion to do the same, but with Astra and gaining more crit with the promotion she'll easily outdo him offensively. Defensively Kieran is doing much better since laguz have high hit and Lucia's earth support hasn't kicked in. A major problem for Kieran is the swamp and reeds and even if he's on a different team his other choices are desert or indoors where he has to go the long way before getting to the action. Lucia wins once she promotes mid-chapter. Endgame: I won't go into much detail here. By endgame Lucia's support is now in full power and while her strength is a bit low she has access to her mastery, high crit and possibly adept (depends who's there). Kieran while hard hitting can never double except in the dragon level where he could make a case at being better. He could use a hammer in the first part (though he can't ORKO), but there's likely to be another axe user at endgame and with hammers being scarce he may not get it. Summary: Between the chapters they share I say Lucia takes this rather easily, but Kieran does have 2-3 and 3-9 plus he helps in 2-E, 3-11 and 3-E while Lucia only has 2-2 to combat with. Even with the earlier chapters I still have to give the slight win to Lucia.
  2. I'm looking at the HM enemy stats topic and with 24 speed she doubles most things, which she can realistically get and even if she isn't doubling everything, that's more than what the other CRK and Tanith can say.
  3. If you don't want to go back and look for my post I'll post a summary. Geoffrey - Shouldn't use it since you lose a Paragon for 3 chapters Kieran - Goes from 3RKO to 3RKO against 3-11 enemies with Paragon use Marcia - Goes from 4RKO to 2RKO against 3-11 enemies with Paragon use because she can double Makalov - Goes from 4RKO to 4RKO against 3-11 enemies with Paragon use Danved - Goes from 4RKO to 4RKO against 3-11 enemies with Paragon use Astrid - Goes from 5RKO to 4RKO against 3-11 enemies with Paragon use, with Silencer. Calill - Goes from 3RKO to 3RKO against 3-11 enemies with Paragon use, with max fire forge. Marcia helps the team more with Paragon during 3-9, just like Adept is best on Mia.
  4. You know in the middle of all this I don't see how Marcia is getting any favouritism in any chapter before the merge. Even if you are using more than two units I've already proved that Marcia helps in 3-11 more than any other CRK after Paragon use.
  5. Kurth with resolve (I don't think there's much competition for it at that point) should double a lot of things and with his defences he won't be in danger of dying at half health. Slapping on Paragon (again not much competition by then) will help his low level. Should be enough to get ahead of Kyza/Lethe. Leo may start off losing to Ilyana, but he closes the gap by the end of part 1. Then Ilyana goes off and becomes the worst unit on the team besides Lyre, even Heather is doing more damage on some enemies. Leonardo gets two chapters where the enemy is locked into one-range and is basically taking no damage from them, he makes a great case for Beastfoe, but I don't want to get into that.
  6. Also for whatever reason if you decide to use more than two CRKs Marcia is the best candidate for it. With Paragon Marcia is now able to double many things in 3-11 which makes her able to 2RKO a lot of the map. No other character becomes that much better with Paragon because they are too slow to have enough speed to double, unless you think Danved can go from 20/9 to 20/16 or Makalov can go from 20/7 to 20/15 in 2.5 chapters. Even hard hitters like Kieran still 3RKO after paragon unless you think he goes from 20/11 to 20/17-18 in 2.5 chapters. This is like Mia with adept, sure others can use it, but Marcia uses it the best.
  7. Considering how exp rich 2-E is and that she'll likely get paragon in 3-9 yes I do.
  8. I don't think Marcia is initially doubling everyone when she joins the GM. At 20/12 she's pretty borderline, though by the end of the chapter she should be doubling. She may also be weighed down by a steel greatlance if she's a bit strength screwed. Not enough to put Tanith over her, but it's something to know.
  9. Smash has a point, I could see Meg rising to top of bottom or bottom of low. Also what's with the difference between Pelleas and Oliver? I think we could place Oliver over Pelleas though Pelleas should drop below Kyza/Lethe and maybe Kurth/Ena (not too sure about them).
  10. True, but Astrid is more or less in the same boat as Fiona so while Meg isn't that great by part 4 Astrid is doing much worse.
  11. This I disagree with, Meg only needs one chapter of extreme babying before she can handle herself while Astrid needs multiple.
  12. Wow this really flew by, some quick comments. - Pelleas/Oliver pretty much comes down to whether two chapters of healing and weak shots is worth a Master Crown and maybe a Spirit Dust which no one, but Calill wants. - Oliver won't get the fortify staff; Micaiah is forced, will have higher magic and is considered the primary healer in any given PT. You could call this PE, but I've never had a PT where I needed to use Fortify twice in one turn. Of course using Physic is fine, but for at least the first few chapters of endgame my secondary healer isn't going to do much which is why someone like Elincia would be better for the job. - Micaiah shouldn't have a problem reaching her magic cap at 20/13. She has no problem hitting level 20 in part 1 with either the ability to get paragon which doesn't have much competition or having 1-9 to herself. 3-6 and 3-12 doesn't have a turn limit and while I like to stall and get as much experience as I can I'll give those chapters a 10 turn limit each. With Micaiah using Physic and heal that puts her at about 20/4, 3-13 she uses the sleep staff and Physic and reaches about 20/7. This is all done with strict staff use. The part 4 chapters require less healing since the enemies are weaker than the ones in 3-6 and 3-13 and your allies are stronger. In the first chapter she can Thani bomb many of the enemies which gives her a lot of experience, Thani also does a lot of damage in the second chapter. This is all without paragon, which she makes a great claim for since it's benefical for the player to get her as close to level 20 as possible. - Meg/Astrid. Meg becomes okay after some effort while Astrid requires full-out favouritism to be okay. Of course with the way this topic is heading making random potshots is probably worth more than actually trying to training the unit.
  13. But that Leo supported with anyone, whether it's Nolan or Fiona would survive a round of combat every time on 3-6. Saying Nolan would rather support Zihark and Jill would rather support Volug is dumb? There's a reason why those supports are commonly listed, having more avoid is more desirable than having more attack and taking less rounds to kill someone. While it is possible that one of those characters is missing in any given PT while Leo is used the chances are low and for a tier discussion it is assumed that all top characters are in play.
  14. But we're back to the problem again, Nolan, Zihark Volug and Jill's primary support is not Leonardo. While it's possible that a character that good is not in use you can't assume that is the case. I agree that Aran could take Leonardo as a primary support over Laura, but supporting Edward or Aran does not make Leonardo any better as +8 avoid won't help Leo's terrible avoid.
  15. That's fine except now Leonardo is left without a support and won't be able to build another one until Tauroneo comes back or part 4.
  16. I may use a bunch of characters, but I don't see how Zihark can promote by part 4 in normal mode unless you give him paragon in part 3. He usually promotes mid-way through the first chapter of part 4 while the other DB members promote at the end of the first or beginning of the second chapter.
  17. Except that there aren't any characters that want Water over their other support. Nolan, Zihark, Jill and Volug would be hard to argue for, Sothe already has A Micaiah and the extra defense isn't worth restarting a support, Micaiah doesn't double thus wouldn't make much use with 1 extra attack, Laura doesn't attack and will still gain massive damage when attacked, Aran is a possibility for 1 extra defence though never doubling without bexp makes the +2 attack worth less on Aran than Edward. Meg and Fiona would love Water, but since this entire arguement is based around using two worthless characters those two are out. The only character that may want to trade based on your arguement is Aran and even he wants some extra hit at the beginning since he misses a lot before his skill kicks in.
  18. Then don't baby him. Edward is limited of what he can do, which is why he's lower on the tier list but his existance in part 1 (excluding 7,8 and E) and 3 does not slow down the completion of the chapter.
  19. Why would Edward gain negatives when he isn't competing for a spot on most of the chapters he's available in? At worst he's neutral on all chapters except for 1-7, 1-8 and 1-E. By part 4 he's pulling his own weight.
  20. Why is Edward not considered to be deployed in 1-5 and 1-6? There's enough room for everyone in both chapters and he could do chip damage/finish off an enemy since most units can't ORKO.
  21. Edward has availability over Stefan and if you train him by the time Stefan shows up both units have similar stats so I don't see how Edward would lose.
  22. Yup the herons are safe from being attacked from 4-E-3 to 4-E-5 except that big energy wave.
  23. Actually it doesn't, her strength is that good and the dragon's defense is that bad.
  24. QUESTION 1: Ike and Haar, I guess QUESTION 2: Volug; pretty good in part 1, best in part 3, still good in part 4 though a bit outclassed in endgame. QUESTION 3: I'll probably screw this up, Fiona, Astrid, Lyre, Meg, Lehran, Oliver, Sanaki, Lethe, Bastian and Pelleas QUESTION 4: 4-4 easily, first you're stuck with Tormod and friends, then you have a sleep mage that could easily put your two best units (Ike and Nailiah) asleep. Also to clear the level under max bexp needs a lot of planning as enemies show up everywhere and if you miss the turn limit you are rewarded with more enemy units showing up at the bottom of the level when many of your units are at the top. QUESTION 5: Tough question, both chapters punish units that kill a lot. I'm going with Leonardo since he's locked on two range and should be worried about direct attacks on enemy phase. Volug has a transform guage to worry about while many units that can use two range should be used as a wall and Micaiah/Laura should be healing. QUESTION 6: Lethe, not too much olivi grass in part 2 and can't one round much. QUESTION 7: Edward has high availabilty, but isn't as good, Stefan is the opposite while Lucia takes the middle road. I'll go with Edward. QUESTION 8: Let's see after a quick elimination we're down to Micaiah, Calill and Soren. Calill can potentially become the best tome user, but availabilty hurts it. Soren runs into speed issues, but is genreally good, but Micaiah can OHKO enemies that are hard to kill for the DB, but die easily. I'll go with Micaiah. QUESTION 9:Naliah > Tibran > Naesala > Caineghis > Giffca > Kurthnaga Naliah has part 1, Tibarn and Naesala has part 4 and Kurthnaga needs too much work to be good. QUESTION 10: Marcia. Geoffery disappears for too long, Kieran is too slow after a while, Calill takes too long before becoming good and the rest aren't that great. BONUS QUESTION: No
  25. Even EarthxEarth is sometimes not enough when Zihark's biorhythm is against him. Also he may not have an A support by 3-6. Personally I give my units weapons with enough mt so that they can two round (with the first hit killing the laguz)
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