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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. o no at least u didn't oversleep like me
  2. orz ngl that song gave me the heebie jeebies like gothel was one of disney's more disturbing villains, good movie though
  3. orz ngl that song gave me the heebie jeebies like gothel was one of disney's more disturbing villains, good movie though
  4. damn I want chicken nuggets now.........this is some kind of mindtrick
  5. come one come all, I have nuggets of wisdom to share minus the wisdom
  6. my brother is downstairs blasting music with a guy rapping about how the earth is flat and that the moonlanding was filmed in a room
  7. lmao thats amazing kim I feel like most meat that isn't chicken makes my stomach slightly upset nowadays so idk if I can eat that but thats great yes I'm glad you found another thing to enjoy
  8. no seriously listen to my story here if you didn't know before you'll know now, I can't stand dark chocolate because its bitter and has an unpleasant aftertaste I HATE BITTER THINGS ok so with that in mind I learned that ben & jerrys released a bar thats chocolate chip cookie dough(my favorite flavor) covered in a coat of chocolate and I was like whoooooooooooooooooooah holyyyyyyyyyy shitttttttttttttttttt that sounds fuckin amazin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i ate it and i loved it though something seemed off with the taste of the coating kinda but i was like w/e so I've been eating these for awhile and I jus noticed today the wrapper the wrapper it says "dark chocolate coating" and im like no why whyyyyyyy ywhywhy ggggggg NOW I CANT UNNOTICE THE BITTER PART god dh this is-- this is the worst betrayal if this isn't infamous enough to go in the books I don't know what will imma keep eatin them anyway.....imma,......... ...
  9. its hard not to sleep in for so long though ;_;
  10. nop If a friend offered me some I'd try it just for the hell of it, but other than that I'm not interested
  11. so instead of bots spamming in korean now we got em posting threads for football streams considering the fact I haven't seen more than two threads at a time and the last non-deleted thread was posted over two hours ago they're much worse at it
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