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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I just filed in an application pros: I might get a job cons: I might get a job Though I want it way more than I don't, it'll be nice having more money to myself since my family uses most of what I already have lol I just needa get out of here before things get worse because I'm seriously losing it and who knows what kind of issues I have now alsoalso I saw posts about weighted objects and I can think of is weighted blankets and how they might be nice to have apparently it helps people with anxiety issues sleep or somethin only
  2. no I just want people to speak up for me I can't do it because I either want to avoid conflict or because whenever I try to people twist things and try to make me look like I'm overreacting or the bad guy so I say nothing but remember what happened and just hate the person responsible
  3. yeahhh hopefully I can understand the training part I think I'm p dumb with machinery =( hopefully yeah!! and yeah I hope it all goes ok but my parents are being shitty about it because they keep wanting me to take classes instead its not like I'm done forever I just need a break and I don't feel like I'm gonna feel better until I move out of there lol
  4. hhhhhhhh I think I have energy to socialize but idk my friend said the store she works at is hiring and is gonna get an application for me but idk about working with cash registers because I have a learning disability in math and not good with change I hope the machine does the work for you aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa
  5. uhh no idea I mean it sounds kind of embarassing but since I'm not alone I mean I GUESS uhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh idk what we'd even be man if I ask he'd probably lol @ me and give some goof response to mess with me too like a big POOPHEAD!!!!!
  6. yeah same i cant handle the cold ;_;
  7. idk which service is best I never used fedex I've used ups a few times and usps too ..though the last time I got a delivery for usps they said my package was delivered on saturday(it was not) so i was freaking out thinking it got lost and trying to figure out how to contact my post office bc I'd rather avoid phonecalls if I can help it talking to people makes me panic BUT it did arrive on tuesday so I didn't have to do anything after all
  8. idk which service is best I never used fedex I've used ups a few times and usps too ..though the last time I got a delivery for usps they said my package was delivered on saturday(it was not) so i was freaking out thinking it got lost and trying to figure out how to contact my post office bc I'd rather avoid phonecalls if I can help it talking to people makes me panic BUT it did arrive on tuesday so I didn't have to do anything after all
  9. pretty much, since you're spending money and you never know what you're gonna get i love getting random surprises and theres a variety of types but its probably not worth the investment ;_;
  10. wow the new font on here looks ass lol, I think the titles in the topic list are too large the update didn't even fix the pagination issue in older threads where it keeps directing to the wrong page o well
  11. very lovely and being around them is when i feel most safe so -- also sry for accidently puking on you a couple of weeks ago edit: o whoops i posted this late as for the other question idk animal crossing when i don't play for months probably so i never play it again
  12. I hate how dead it is it'd be nice to have at least somewhere to talk I'm always lonely also I don't think theres anything I can do to prevent my parents moving to California when I move if I tell them no they'll hold it as leverage against me and treat me more like shit than they usually do and refuse to help me with anything if my friends are unavailable so I have to pretend to be ok with it and they'd still do it anyway even if I refuse as long as they have the money at some point nothing is stopping them and thats the worst part I hate how when something is going good in my life it always gets ruined I'm tired of dealing with being stuck with them and being emotionally abused and when it looks like I can finally get away from them I!! can't!! they keep openly discussing plans and making dumb jokes around me about it too its like they're mocking me I don't know what to do anymore maybe I should try to figure out how to get a restraining order once I move and I'm away from them
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