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Posts posted by Trisket

  1. I love Henry for his personality and all, but the main reason I like him is his reason for joining the shepards. In a support he explains he literally joined the shepards just because he didn't want to see the war (with all the blood and death) end, and he thought they'd lose it without him. I find this whole mentality to be so psychopathic its amazing.

  2. Noire would love to have Galeforce AND Vantage, and only Gaius can give her that.

    And if you're playing on Lunatic+ then you probably won't use any kids that aren't Avatar's kids, except maybe Lucina. Unless of course you're grinding, in which case you'll stomp the difficulty no matter what pairings you have.

    Nah care considerably less about anything Gaius can give her...but Gregor!Noire is okay for VV tanking, although she might not be as helpful for Apo.

    Gregor!Laurent over Gregor!Noire. Noire can get galeforce from Gaius, so you might as well keep the VV sorc and get another galeforce attacker.

    Ok, well seeing that I can only give galeforce to 2 kids out of Nah, Noire, and Kjelle using Donny and Gaius, who would you say is most effective with galeforce?


    Hmm...just a thought. If Yarne really wants the Wyvern Rider line and Fred could potentially be used elsewhere, why not just pair off Panne with Virion? Yarne doesn't really need an offensive proc (considering he is mostly relegated to support). Plus, if his pairing wants Dual Guard+ (its effect I found can be quite minimal at times), I'm pretty sure whoever he's paired with will most likely have access to it or have a slot available for it...Just my two cents on the matter.

    This is a good setup and all, but how will the rest of your pairings look? Just curious.

    I didn't pick frederick for Wyvern rider I picked him for his other two classes which give him aegis/pavise/luna/dual guard+

    And here, this is the best I got right now:






    Vaike!Gerome (he will be support therefore he doesnt need anything more than axefair/LB/dual support+ which he gets from this set up. Plus his strength is absurd)


    Chrom!Inigo - already done

    Olivia!Lucina - already done

    Ricken!Laurent (He is also support with dual support+ at his side) -Already done


    Laurent!Morgan -already done


    I might alternatively go:





    I'm seriously not sure on anything yet.

  3. So guys so I've been thinking I think think I cam up with some pretty great pairings:



    Gregor!Noire (Amzing Amrsthrift/Vantage/Vengeance Sorcerer, and I'm playing on lunatic+ so I kinda need this)



    Let me know you thoughts

  4. Armthrift

    Oh wait, Armthrift sux

    Actually, now that I think of it, this is really true for everyone except Sorcerers and Sages (because of Aversa's night and Cecilia's Gale) because the best weapons are brave weapons and you can easily buy them. Huh,so armsthrift really is crap for everyone who doesn't use magic :/

    Now I'm thinking about doing maribelle!gregor because of this. Ideas?

  5. If you absolutely need Libra x Panne:

    Frederick x Olivia

    Donnel x Nowi (Donny's stats do not matter when passing to Nah, and he gives a strength and a defense mod, as well as galeforce, so he IS your best option.)

    Gregor x Cherche

    Henry x Maribelle

    Ricken x FeMU (This will give a more magically impressive Morgan than Henry!Morgan)

    If you're willing to change Libra x Panne:

    Libra x Olivia

    Frederick x Cherche

    Gregor x Panne

    Donny x Nowi

    Henry x Maribelle

    Ricken x FeMU

    I would recommend the bottom set over the top.

    Edited for Gregor.

    I feel like using gregor for panne would be a waste of armsthrift (since i like using yarne as a taguel) and gimping yarne of luna. Frederick offers much better stat modifiers and skills for yarne imo. I'd keep Gregor x Cherche so he can make use of that armsthrift while keeping a great strength mod. Lol that totally goes against what I said last in my other response. If you want them both to have luna then id go Stahl x Panne and Frederick x Cherche.

  6. So I made a comment asking for advice and the interent ate it :( let's try this again.

    I'm trying to figure out husbands for a few of my units. I already have a few people paired off and four people that I know I'm paring together anyways.

    The grils that need husbands are:






    These are the pairings I already have to show you who is taken:



    Miriel/Vaike (I know this isn't a great one but I just had too -_-)

    Sully/Virion (this one too :I)



    I am currently working on Panne/Libra and my female MU will be marring Henry because I want a magically impressive Morgan.

    The biggest thing I want to avoid is paring Donnel with Nowi because I want a Nah with good tanking ablities and decent hitting power - and I know that Donnel's stats cap early.

    I think that's it.

    Thank you!

    Frederick is good for Gerome since he gets Luna, Aegis, Pavise, and dual guard+ if you want to make him a supporter (which hes great at). Plus his stat mods work perfectly in Gerome's favor.

    Also I'd go either Gregor, Libra, or Henry for Maribelle. Go Gregor if you want great skills like vantage and armsthrift or go Libra/Henry if you want a very powerful Sorcerer (Only thing is its hard to tank this way without armsthrift). Unfortunately you can't get both vantage/vengeance, but all fathers I mentioned are great since Brady already has a nice skill pool. Henry is probably the better choice of Libra though since there is less class overlap.

    Also why do you say Donnel's stat modifiers affect Nah's tanking ability? He's gives her +5 defense and +2 resistance which is pretty helpful.

  7. Thanks guys, your opinions helped a lot.

    I know, if my Brady could have Armsthrift I would just be so happy.

    Alright, back with another question on a non-optimal pairing. This is one I unfortunately wasn't able to do much work with because for some strange reason his parents just got stat-screwed like you wouldn't believe. ... And then so did he. [/rage]

    So, any tips on having a Lon'qu!Gerome?

    With Lon'qu, Gerome makes a pretty sick assassin, having 54 STR, 61 SKL, and 59 SPD with LB. I'd go for LB/Swordfaire/Astra/Vantage and either Sol or Lethality for the last skill. If you want him to stay on Minervy-kins back, then i'd just take away swordfaire and take both Sol and Lethality.

  8. Not really. It's beneificial to Cynthia since she's almost always a Dark Flier (so Henry's mods aren't going to waste, and Freddy's mods hamper this sort of build), and Brady's able to stack offense with Aggressor, Luna, Limit Breaker and Tomefaire (all of which are innate!) that his MAG mod's more or less insignificant. You're honestly better going for a father with speed.

    Yeah, I just realized Magic could help Cynthia greatly as a dark flier, so I understand this now. And that skill set on Brady looks unbeatable xD

    I'm pretty sure Virion!Brady hits 49 magic as a sage, so that isn't a problem. Also, skills >>>>>>> stats. Think about a general. Its 54 defense isn't going to do crap when anyone with luna hits it. Also, a Ricken!Laurent is cool with it doing, say, 30 damage to the enemies in Apo. A Lon'qu!Laurent with VV can hit them with Vengeance at low HP and do more than 40 damage. Besides, once you get capped and get LB, your stats will be high enough to beat most enemies in even Apo. Libra!Owain is a really nice choice because of Vengeance Vantage as a sorcerer (That was for you, Canto) or sage.

    Why would lon'qu make vengeance for Laurent better? Ricken gives a better magic stat. And about the vantage vengeance thing for Owain, that's actually exactly why I picked Libra, knowing how much of a tank my Morgan is with a 64 magic cap as a Sorcerer and the skills Armsthrift/Tomefaire/LB/Vengence/Vantage with a forged Aversa's Night xD

  9. It gives her a lot of magic for her to be a dark flier.

    Ohhh that makes sense, thanks. I'll probably do that now cause I knew Frederick wasn't the best choice but Cynthia's choices are so limited, but now it's pretty obvious Henry is the way to go (Since it will help her in both Griffin Rider for staves and Dark Flier for tomes). Plus, you can't go wrong with a skill like vengeance!

  10. At the Bottom-right corner of everyone's post, it says 'Multiquote' & 'Quote'.

    Click on Multiquote if you want to reply to multiple people, or just click quote to reply to one.

    I've never really tried Henry!Cynthia, but people have said it's good, especially for Magic.

    Yeah thanks, of course I realized that right after I posted =_= my luck.

    Henry!Brady's good, but Henry!Cynthia is efficient for Luna distribution (only Gaius shares this trait out of Cynthia's limited potential fathers, and Gaius!Cynthia isn't Galeforce-efficient) and Cynthia's not getting much out of Frederick that other kids can. Brady's base set is good enough that he can take trash parents like Virion and Libra and get away with it.

    The Luna thing makes sense but isn't that a waste of a great magic parent for Owain/Brady? I usually pay attention to stats more than skills unlike most people, which is probably why I can never decide which parent is best (Since there are pros/cons to each parent stat-wise).

  11. Sorry guys, I can't figure out how to reply to a certain person, I'm very new to this (If someone could tell me how that'd be great!)



    I want to make a team mostly made of the 2nd generation (Since they're stat caps and class diversity are superior) that's unified and able to cooperate well for the harder dlcs. All i know for sure is that I'm going to use Gerome as a supporter (and pass down dual support+ from Cherche).



    Thanks for your suggestions (and btw I'm a man lol) and I do think agree with a lot of things you pointed out. Just one question: Why is Henry better for Cynthia? Is she a better mage?

  12. Hey guys! New to this forum (first forum I've ever joined actually) and I was wondering what people thought about the pairings I think I'm going to use in my lunatic+ save. I'm actually already at endgame on this save with my asset being magic and my flaw defense (It was so hard for the first 4 chapters considering I am playing lunatic+) and decided to recruit most of the children only once I reach postgame, so these pairings are exclusively for children that will be best in the final dlcs. The only pairings I've done so far was Ricken!Laurent!Morgan and Olivia!Lucina and this is what I have planned:









    Please let me know what you think! Thanks :)

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