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Posts posted by Pieloswine

  1. BTW, I've yet to see any mention of Lon'qu being a good potato peeler. Anyone know which support its brought up in?

    To my knowledge, it's not mentioned in a support, but in the roster when you check the unit list in the barracks. Each unit gets their own mini profile with their birthday and stuff, and a "is the most/best ________ in the army", or something along those lines. Lon'qu's is being the best potato peeler.

  2. Oh I see. The wolves are kind of tricky when you're starting out since they tend to be pretty fast...

    If you're willing to give it another try (and you're using Mint) maybe you should use your magic to deal with them instead of her normal attacks? If you want to use Rue, you need to move around a bit so they can't gang up on you and wait for them to leap then strike.

    I'm currently replaying it because I miss Threads of Fate after talking about it xD

    I think at that point, I was already frustrated with the game because at the very beginning, I had to eat all the different kinds of food at the table but I was missing one, so I was circling around the table trying to find the one I missed xD I'll give it another go this weekend and see if your advice works, thanks!

    Nah, that's perfectly valid. I'll admit, I might (might? haha) have some slight bias since Lunar's pretty much one of my first RPGs for the PS1 so I have a lot of fond memories with it-- Add to that the fact that the only games I've played at the time were SNES, PSX and GBA, so I didn't really have any grand expectations of what a game should be like (Compared to say, people who are just playing it now, who've experienced next-gen console RPGs.)

    I won't disagree; It is cliche. But that's why it's so fun. It's not trying to be pretentious. It's a game that's about friendship and love, and saving the world! While having some laughs along the way. I love games like these. Tales of Destiny had that feel to it too, but Destiny was a whole lot darker at some points xD;

    I'm also really fond of the songs. Though they revamped the songs for the PSP, which I'm slightly disappointed in u n u

    No, I understand how childhood nostalgia can really make a game better for you, since it has so many great memories that tie into the game and really make you feel like you're a kid again. I feel like that's one of the appeals of games, and I can totally get behind that.

    I suppose it's more a matter of taste, then? I've recently started playing through the Tales series (Got through Phantasia, just started Destiny), so I haven't quite gotten to the darker bits yet. Too bad those aren't on the PSN, right? I haven't heard the PSP remixes, so I don't know how bad they are, but the music was definitely one of the stronger points of Lunar, I think.

    If Narga's into stories like that, he could try out Lunar and possibly end up loving it. It's just not for me xD Love and friendship is great, but I would prefer it if there was a slight twist on the story like in Disgaea. (Probably not the best of me to compare an older game like Lunar to a newer game like Disgaea but whatever haha)

  3. so you think that each individual character should have their own stat caps suitable for them? sure, but that sounds unnecessary as heck in the developers' point of view. speed is an important as heck stat anyway.

    males are generally heavier than females, and not having them with the same caps adds variety.

    I wasn't saying to have them all with the same caps, I'm saying to have different caps that aren't just the standard 'males get more strength/defense and females get more skill/speed'

    And also, while that is generally the case, there are plenty of instances in which a individual female is stronger than an individual male, so a little more diversity in the stat choices for the caps would be nice, in my opinion.


    @Refa: About the differences between Lucina and Chrom, that I can get behind, but they already have different modifiers, did they really need to put different class caps on top of that?


    @Brightbow/Huck Finn: For the armor, in Awakening specifically, I don't think it's that sexist. I'm assuming you're talking about Nowi, Panne, and Tharja when you refer to people running around in their underwear? Well, I don't know about Nowi, but Panne and Yarne wear the exact same armor, which makes me think that it's a Taguel thing. All the generic male enemy Sorcerers are wearing clothing just as revealing as Tharja. Henry, I assume was of a higher rank and isn't required to wear the regular Dark Mage uniform.

    Practicality, however, is another story. Why does nobody wear helmets? (The only playable FE character that wears a helmet that I can think of off the top of my head right now is Nephenee) Why doesn't Sully wear pants? Why are Warriors running around without a shirt? WHY DOES CHROM NOT WEAR A SLEEVE ON HIS RIGHT ARM? The world may never know.

  4. i feel like we should have a fat slob in an fe cast. a gheb, basically. i swear, these fire emblem cast lists look like the developers tried way too hard to make the playable characters likeable.

    because males aren't generally heavier than females, and variety in my video games sucks. and while we're at it, can we stop giving female characters boobs?

    I really don't get what you're trying to say, because you're doing it in an awfully roundabout manner. If you could word your thoughts in a way that I could understand better, I would greatly appreciate it.

  5. Yes! I'd personally recommend that you get Lunar. Lunar 2 as well if it's available! It perfectly encompasses what traditional JRPGs are like, but it does so in such a lovely manner that makes it such a classic.

    It's first and foremost a teenage boy (+friends) saves the world sort of deal I guess? But the love story that it revolves around of is really nice ; u ;

    It's just such a light-hearted and feel good game.

    I'd actually recommend Grandia to you for the exact same reasons as Lunar, but Lunar manages to be much more well-paced than the former. Grandia can get boring with how much you need to walk around before things start happening.

    Man, I think we just have really different tastes in games xD

    For Threads of Fate, the first level was the one with the forest with the wolves that kept killing me. I made it through all right but I got ambushed by like three of them and kept getting stuck in that same spot so I just gave up lol

    I played Lunar (haven't beaten it, but I got to the near end. I haven't played the rest of the series) and I was just..underwhelmed, I guess. You might be able to describe it as a 'classic JRPG', but I thought it was honestly really boring. The plot was boring, all the character/role reveals were predictable (there were like a million of them omg) and the characters themselves were all really bland. I mean, I can see where the appeal lies- the music is charming, the gameplay was pretty fun, and the dialogue made me laugh at times...

    But all in all when I got to the end, I didn't look back and say "wow, that was a great game". I felt more like "this was....an okay game." And that's still just my opinion, so you're free to disagree or open this up to debate or whatever. It's actually been a while since I stopped playing it, maybe I should pick it up again to see if my opinion changed.

  6. No more gender exclusive classes.

    This. A thousand times. Male Pegasus Knights/Troubadours would be awesome, and so would Female Fighters/more male exclusive classes that I can't remember right now. Also votes for more playable male Manaketes. And while we're at it, can we stop giving characters sexist growths/bases? I mean, I think they're on their way to fixing this, but I'm kind of tired of the whole "female units get speed/skill and male units get strength/defense", especially in Awakening's Great Lord class because why do male and female Great Lords get different caps when the rest of the classes dont have gender differentiated caps omg

    Not every single unit is like this, obviously, but a lot of the times, if two units of the opposite gender share a class, this ends up happening and I get kinda 8'C Yeah, they need to make the units different, but can't we swap the two every once in a while? Or maybe even put different stats together as combinations? Don't mind my rambling anymore.

    But I guess Lucina can be an example of a female story important Lord that doesn't get kicked out of the spot by another Lord? Except she really doesn't come in until halfway through the story, but I feel like it's a step forward from Micaiah "I was supposed to be the Lord and then Ike came and stole all of my spotlight and Lyn "I'm only important in the Prologue and then get kicked to the side and I don't even get my own legendary weapon".

    And also I personally dislike the "strong, reliable Lord main character" and the "soft spoken, kindhearted Pegasus Knight" love interest duo because I think it's boring.

  7. I bought Threads of Fate and I didn't mind the art style, but I kept dying at the first level. No joke. Maybe it's just me, and I'm terribly bad at action games, but I didn't have fun at all and ended up never picking it up again.

    The latter two Persona games are excellent, I highly recommend picking them up. (Haven't played the first two yet) They're a good way to get into the whole megaten franchise, and with SMTxFire Emblem coming up, that might be an option.

    Also seconded FFIX. It's my second favorite FF game- the gameplay is really good, and the music is top notch. (But what else do you expect from Uematsu?)

    Disgaea 1 was really fun (I haven't played the others) and it was a neat SRPG, really unique and light hearted- it made me laugh a lot throughout the course of the game.

    In comparison, FF Tactics (WotL or original) is a darker SRPG, it's definitely possible to get through with minimal grinding, but you have to know how to spend your job points wisely.

  8. Anything that uses Dark Magic is my favorite. I guess the name of the class changes from like Dark Mage and Sorcerer to like Druid and Shaman or whatever but it's still great. I guess Summoners count, too. I was spoiled because my Canas in FE7 turned out amazing and Luna'd bosses to death. Runners up would be the Heroes because they were always reliable to me and the Wyvern Riders because they're awesome.

  9. Marth's 16 when his adventure first starts. Hector and Eliwood are I believe 17 during the main campaign, while Lyn is 19 (16 in the Japanese version. Other ages might vary between regions but that's the only one I know). Chrom is 18 during the first half. Roy is 15. That's all I remember

    Damn. They're all a lot younger than I thought they were. Except for maybe Roy, Roy looks pretty young. I guess that issue's kind of like exacerbated in Shadow Dragon, since Prologue!Marth looks like 14 but Regular!Marth looks like 20. And then New Mystery!Marth looks in between those two ages...

    I guess if those are the precursors to Awakening, I can see how Chrom would be 18. I still don't think he looks like a teenager, though :I

  10. I'm posting this all based on appearances and not paying attention to any of the supports because I'm honestly too lazy to look them all up/remember who said that they're around the same age. And I guess 'around the same age' can also be like within a 2-3 year gap....if you stretch it a little. Also note that I'm terrible with age based on appearance so I don't even know why I'm posting this in the first place. Go figure.

    Lucina- 21

    Owain- 19

    Inigo- 19

    Brady- 19

    Kjelle- 19

    Cynthia- 17

    Severa- 19

    Gerome- 22

    Morgan- 16

    Yarne- ???

    Laurent- 19

    Noire- 18

    Nah- ???

    Yarne to me looks like he's in his mid-late twenties while Nah looks like she's in her early-mid teens, but I suppose that's just because they're not fully human. I know that people (and characters) can look younger/older than they actually are, but that's just what I think they look like.

    I also prefer older characters in JRPGs, and so they all might be a little older than what you all might be expecting. I feel like JRPGs tend to make characters younger than they look. Like, I could have sworn Chrom was like 24 or 25 but the artbook revealed he was around 18 (after calculations with Emmeryn's age and reign and stuff) and I just about like spit out my drink. I tend to think that teenagers are really young to be fighting in an army (lookin at u, Ricken and Donnel) and that people in their 20's are still really young. 30's are also still young, and you start to become older once you hit your late 30's or early 40's. And this is me talking, and I'm a teenager!

    Too many times I've seen 20-somethings or 30-somethings in JRPGs complain that they're an old coot, but they should be reaching/at the peak of their lives? I mean, if you look at professional athletes, most of them are around that age so I would assume that that's the time when the human body is at peak physical condition.

    For the maturity argument- I've met a lot of people a lot more immature and a lot older than Severa. While she is brattish and spoiled, I honestly think that she has more to her personality than that. Her official art also makes her look around 18-19. To me at least.

  11. Unique characters are definitely a plus.

    I mean, you can't only go through the same archetypes so many times before it becomes boring. Like Ezio Auditore da Firenze said (wow that's a mouthful) I have a soft spot for physical female characters that aren't stick skinny because I've seen so many stick skinny characters in video games. I mean, Gonzalez from FE8 was a type of character I haven't really seen before, so I really like him.

    I agree with Viewtiful_J as well. If a character has a nice dynamic with another character, I tend to like both of them more as a unit. For an example, I love how Sain and Kent work with each other and I love their interactions in FE7, especially in the very beginning scenes. Even the tutorial was mildly amusing because of Sain's antics and Kent's scolding. Because of that, I like them more than Lowen (whose only support I can remember is with Rebecca, and I think they just talked about food).

    EDIT: By 'physical' I mean non-mages. (Dark) mages are probably my favorite class in the FE series, but I feel like the typical (white) mage heroine with a softspoken personality is just so overdone it bores me to tears.

  12. Character design is important to me, yeah. That doesn't mean I like all the conventionally attractive characters and shun all the conventionally unattractive ones, but if a character has a good design, I'll give them more points than they would get otherwise :P

    Personality's also important like everyone says. I don't have a preference of like a certain type of character I like more, but I'm always interested in backgrounds and hints to deeper characterizations. I don't get easily annoyed with characters, especially if they have some sort of redeeming qualities or reasons why they act certain ways. See: a lot of people hate Severa, and a lot of people love her. I love her because although her outer personality is really bratty, I personally see her as having justification for acting that way c:

    Bonus points if the character is really good. Like, gameplay wise. If a character turns out well in my first playthrough, I'll probably give them more chances in a second than a character that turned out sucking.

  13. (May be spoilers for various games down here)

    Man, Wally isn't here? I'm kind of disappointed.

    My favorite rival would have to be a tie between Wally and Silver, although I like them all except for Barry, really, since I found him slightly annoying with his whole "I'm going to fine you a million dollars" schtick.

    I like Wally because he isn't what you would think of when you say "rival". Maybe he isn't a real rival, since he battles you twice throughout the entire game if my memory serves correctly, and the first time is a total joke since he only had one Ralts. However, I really liked his character development- although Wally wasn't a rival to the player, the player was a rival to Wally. He always wanted to become stronger and overcome his illness in order to beat you and explore the world, and I really liked that about him. His story reminds me of myself when I was younger, which of course adds brownie points :P

    Silver was kind of a messed up person. Both him and the player had the same goal of taking down Team Rocket, so again, idk if he was really a rival, even if his attitude was kind of rival-ish. I really enjoyed his backstory about how he was Giovanni's son and all that jazz, and how he really wanted to defeat Team Rocket, no matter how he had to do it. It gave him a really anti-hero like vibe, and I'm interested to see his whole side of the story.

    N was also interesting, mostly because he was basically raised by Ghetsis for his own nefarious needs. He truly believed what he was doing was going to save Pokemon, and the whole clash of ideals and how everyone wanted the same result (peace between people and Pokemon) but how they were going to accomplish it differed really reminded me of real life, where nobody really wants to do things the exact same way. I guess that's the whole Black/White symbolism comes in, with all the extreme viewpoints.

    Cheren and Bianca both had their own struggles too, and while Cheren was the more competitive of the two, I felt like Bianca was the stronger character, not Pokemon wise, just because she developed from a confused teenager to a confident young woman who found her own way in life without needing anyone else's help. (Except maybe Elesa) Cheren became stronger as well, but I don't really remember if he ever figured out what Alder meant by strength wasn't everything.

    I don't remember what Barry wanted out of his journey, and I honestly have no idea about Brendan/May. Green kind of wanted to beat you for the sake of beating you, and also to regain his grandfather's love I guess if you wanted to stretch it a little bit, but since he lost in the end, I don't think any real development came out of it.

    Whoo, that was a little mini essay. Hopefully it wasn't too painful to read, I just had a lot to say on the topic ^^;;

  14. Hello, people of Serenes Forest~

    I'm Banana, and I'm kind of new to the FE franchise in general, since I've only played a couple titles in the series. This forum looked like a lot of interesting discussions was going on in it, though, so I decided to join and check it out. ouo

    What else am I supposed to say....? I'm 5'5", my blood type is A+, my birthday is March 5th, my favorite color is red, I enjoy long walks on the beach with a romance novel in hand- wait a moment. That's not right.

    As you can see, I think I'm funny and I enjoy making lame jokes, so hopefully you guys will be able to tolerate me. 8'D

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