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Everything posted by Sias

  1. This went unanswered, so I'm just going to do a shameless repost. It basically boils down to: Is Miracle good on any healer that isn't fighting a lot anyways (due being a decent offensive unit with both Wrathful + Dazzling Staff)?
  2. CC is just a tad more than I wanted to invest though. :D The monthly cavalry quests or anything similar to that aren't a problem, but the cavalry GHBs are the last ones I haven't cleared yet, so... And yeah, I've tried Absorb+ with double Breath of Life on Lachesis, and it works surprisingly well in conjunction with Autobattle as she's still healing even when the Ai decides to attack. I've also toyed around with the idea of Miracle on her as I've seen a looot of Miracle Gennys/Elises during Rival Domains, but I'm not all that convinced. Unless you're playing Tempest Trials, Miracle probably isn't ever going to charge in time, especially considering that Lachesis is pretty slow to begin with and not necessarily going to see a lot of combat, even though I could use her to Res-tank in a pinch, I guess. Or am I missing something?
  3. Are you sure about this? I'm genuinely curious, as I always thought the game would check first to see whether an attack connects and then determine if it's a crit/skill activation on top of that. Anyways, on topic: I generally like most of the series' RNG elements and think it wouldn't work out too well if we removed e.g. hit rates. Heroes kind of suffers from a lot of characters being really similar (even moreso with skill inheritance factored in) because entire stats and mechanics are missing, and I don't want this to happen to the main games as well. On top of that there's also the issue of several class niches potentially disappearing (mostly critical- or dodge-heavy classes). For those of us who dislike random level-ups, there's always the possibility of Fixed Mode returning . What I think could actually be interesting are countdown-based skills however, especially for procs with low activation chances, because unless your playing something like lategame Awakening, those are just very unreliable. The balancing requirred for this would be rather tricky though, as you'd probably still want a way for high Skl characters to charge their procs more quickly while you'd want to avoid situations like someone keeping a charged Lethality around for half a map and then trivializing the boss.
  4. Well, of course Hannity is lying about his relations to Cohen, just like Trump did before. It's probably just a matter of time before we find out what exactly happened, though I'm not sure to what extent there will be any consequences for him. His followers will just deride every evidence as conspiracy, so... Also, on another rather interesting note, Ted Cruz is apparently only leading the fight for his senate seat by a meager 3%. Sad!
  5. I actually wrote "was" at first because it does sound right, but changed it while re-reading the sentence. Grammar is strange like that sometimes. If you still have questions or something doesn't work, just write, I'll be around for a while.
  6. It's actually pretty funny for me as I'm on team Sharena atm and we're sitting on 20-25 areas since hours now. :D Anyways, I agree that the maps need to be balanced more. There's still a day left and all possibilities are open for a surprise comeback by someone (I literally saw the game go from 14-1-15 over 6-4-20 to 11-16-3 during the last round), but eeeh, it's rather unlikely.
  7. Hector literally saw zero action during that fight. Like I wrote, the only thing mattering about him was that his HP were high enough to use Panic Ploy.
  8. Hm, I'm not sure. On the one side I agree that it's empowering for him to know that the US aren't a real danger to his rule, but on the other side the attack just made a withdrawal much more unlikely, which is bad for him. Oh well, that's what I get for just reading the title, the date and skimming over the rest of it. Still sucks though.
  9. Okay, so I'm going to describe what I did during my first time clear with the Black Knight (red DC tank), Inigo (dancer), Klein (Saias killer) and Hector (Panic Ploy user). You can replace any of them with someone filling the same role though. On the first turn, position Hector south of the green mage to defuse the Blade tome. Move the Black Knight upwards and into the tree (it also helps with chipping if you equip the QR seal). Klein should move next to Inigo to get the attack buff, and nobody wants to stand directly south of Saias unless you particularly enjoy getting hit by 3 debuffs at once. During enemy phase, the mage offs himself on the Black Knight while the sword cav gets wounded pretty badly. As a result of that you can kill the cav with Klein, then move the Black Knight left and Hector south out of Saias' range. The enemies will just move around a bit, though this part may vary depending on the specific units you use. The goal of the third turn is to kill Saias and ideally the sword wyvern as well (depending on movement). Klein goes two tiles to his right and shoots the wyvern, gets danced and then finishes Saias off. Unless your Klein is +Atk like mine, he shouldn't have enough damage for that normally, but Glacies or whatever you have on him should proc and do the job if he has fought the wyvern beforehand (or just use a +Atk seal, Spur/Drive Atk on your Panic Ployer etc). If your enemies move differently and Saias splits away from the wyvern, target just Saias instead and dance Klein to safety. Also remember to leave noone vulnerable in range of the enemy archer (the Black Knight does just fine though). Anyways, the archer will attack, get wounded and can be killed on your following turn. Afterwards it's just a matter of chipping the knight down with Klein + dance support. The others can possibly help as well.
  10. I just quickly skimmed your list, @Anacybele, but if you're still searching for help, I could detail my strategy to beat this GHB on Infernal. I used a red distant counter unit to tank the green mage and the red cav (both the Black Knight and L!Ike should work), a dancer (ideally with an attack boost), someone who could quickly kill Saias (in my case Klein, but any brave unit with similar offenses should work) and anybody with enough HP to panic ploy the mage (needs 50/48/45 HP depending on your upgrade level of Panic Ploy). If a setup like this sound like something you'd be willing to use, I can go on.
  11. It's weird because my team had a slight lead all day, and now everyone seems to have gone to bed or something like that and we're losing every single one of the areas we're contesting. Fun times.
  12. Okay, I'll give it a whirl when I have some more time. And hm, maybe I should have expressed myself more clearly, but I don't just intend to slap my whole horse team unchanged onto Arena Assault. My plan was to use Cecilia mainly for cavalry only quests (as my horse team still lacks a green character) and also during AA when she seems to come in useful. Well then, last bunch of questions for a while (besides the Lilina stuff I mentioned last time): Are there any good B skills for healers besides Wrathful/Dazzling Staff, Live to Serve or Wings of Mercy? Because I don't have access to the former two and I have multiple people with the latter ones already, so it's getting kind of boring. Similarly, is there a way to make Absorb+ actually worthwile? Most healers don't have the defenses to really tank with that thing, and utility-wise it's kind of underwhelming as well. Maybe a build with double Breath of Life that lets them chip a little while still healing their team?
  13. Well, there's always lots of $$$ to be gained by the arms industry. In theory I agree that more drastic steps should be taken to stop atrocities like these, though in practice it's difficult to do much unless the UN are united not only in name but also in their position on the issue, which they really really aren't. I'd also prefer to wait on the results of the investigation before doing anything rash (even if it's kind of too late already), as either Assad is very stupid or something else is going on? Like really, in March the US announced that they're going to withdraw troops from Syria soon, which would greatly help him and hurt the rebels. And now Assad does the only real thing that will prevent that withdrawal, thereby causing harm to himself. Why?
  14. It seems my bad luck streak has finally ended as I managed to get two Nannas, Nowi and Spring Catria by sprinkling just 85 orbs on the various active banners today. Now let's just hope that it holds until the next legendary banner.
  15. Hm, I'm not sure how much I like this new game mode. It's cool and all that you yourself can actually make a difference by attacking the right area at the right time, but playing Rival Domains again and again gets kind of boring with time. There's also the issue that the maps aren't all that well balanced imo; there's one that has only one instead of the usual two camps and is therefore really easy to conquer, while another blocks the fortress off with a huge amount of water. Have fun playing that unless you've invested heavily in flier emblem. But anyways, good luck to all my fellow people on team Sharena. I'm in outrealm 1172, and while Alfonse was in the lead for a long time with Anna not even havin 5 territories, things have changed and he's lost a ton of momentum, falling back to last place even. Oh well.
  16. Yeah, okay. I'm still leaning towards Desperation for Felicia, but I'm going to have some more time to think about it anyways as I'm out of Shannas atm. Regarding Cecilia, well, the role I mostly want her to perform is filling in the vacant green spot on my cavalry team. My problem is that I've managed to pull tons of blue and gray cavalry units so far, but not a single red or green one, which honestly makes some of the "Clear XXX with cavalry units" quests rather tricky. There's also always the possibility of her countering some people during Arena Assault (Brave Lyn and Reinhardt mainly, but of course also other blues/grays and in case of Green Tome Breaker Green Mages as well). Her defenses are admittedly not all that great though, so I could also drop it for Bow Breaker to solidify her position against those guys and leave them mages to someone else. Speaking of which, now that Lilina has her legendary weapon I could finally finish her build. I think I'll stick to the +Atk/-Def one I already have and give her Death Blow, though I also could promote my +Spd/-HP one and teach her Fury to get her speed to at least somewhat acceptable levels (with a buff). It might not really be worth it however, as she still wouldn't double much and her physical bulk is so bad that she's always in danger of dying in one hit anyways.
  17. Hm, even though it's looking bleak for team Lucina at the moment, I'm still happy as I managed to spend all my flags in rather high multiplier hours this time and am going to rake in a ton of feathers later on. And even then, maybe a lot of people kept a stack of flags saved for the last hour in hope of one final multiplier, so I guess everything is still possible.
  18. I really support this idea because possessed Julia would surely be totally adorable a very strong unit, but I'm not sure whether she's quite popular enough to get the spot as legendary hero. But hey, maybe we'll know more soon because the channel might actually tease some content of the next legendary banner.
  19. The funny thing is that this wasn't even a normal warrant, it was a special no-knock warrant, which are issued specifically in cases where the prosecutors fear that important documents might go mysteriously missing otherwise (they also paid a visit to his office, house and hotel room all at once for probably the same reason). It's rather difficult to even get the permission to perform one of those, as you need a mountain of evidence that some kind of illegal activity happened and that Cohen, the lawyer in question, either broke the law himself or counseled his client Trump in doing so. Long story short: It's rather likely that Cohen will suffer from some slight problems soon.
  20. Thank you both. I ended up promoting Felicia already and she's been working pretty well so far, though I'm not quite sure about her B slot skill yet. Desperation seems to be the obvious choice for someone as fast as her, but it sadly doesn't combo too well with the CD of her Glacies, even if most mages should be killable just fine without it. I also thought about Guard for a while as she would need it to survive stuff like Quickened Moonbow Rein, but that's probably rather situational as well... Unless there's something I'm missing, I'll probably stick with Desperation. Regarding Cecilia, I considered +Spd on her Raven set mainly because my old M!Robin from back at the start of the game is +Spd/-Res and the added Spd has generally been pretty nice for his tankiness. Cecilia is quite a bit slower than him though, so she would probably need horse buffs to reach a somewhat decent speed tier even with +Spd, so eeeh. I'm also not completely sure whether I want Bowbreaker on her as she should simply oneshot most bow users on the counter, so I thought about Green Tome Breaker to help her check some of the not so hyper-offensive green mages. And yep, unless a ranged unit has very onesided bulk and therefore the job to specifically tank one attack type (like Julia), I tend to balance Def and Res out so that it's easier to survive one hit from mostly everything you're neutral to. It's just sometimes difficult with cases like Nino, whom you could use to tank a few stray attacks if you leave her Res intact, but on the other side neutral Def also lets her survive just one attack from a lot of physical enemies, so hm.
  21. Part of it may also be influenced by the random teammates you get assigned? Because even though I'm always using the same unit myself, both the quality of my non-friendlist-ally and that of the enemies has generally varied pretty wildly from fully built five stars to 4 stars healers with barely any skills. And also 4 star Alfonse. If it's not a healer, it's Alfonse. Somehow. Besides that, I'm currently sitting at #2 in team Chrom, which is the highest I've ever been, and it looks like we have quite a chance to gain the win against Catria on top of that, so I'm looking forward to a ton of feathers. :D
  22. Okay, I ended up using my +Spd Nowi and she works pretty well so far. Thank you. :) Something else though: I intend to do a bunch of 5 star promotions soon, but for a few candidates I'm not quite sure which boon/bane version is ideal. The three people I'm talking about are Felicia (+Atk or +Spd/-Def), Cecilia (probably using the Gronnraven set with eiher +Atk or +Spd/-HP) and Tharja (+Spd/-Def or -Res). Any suggestions?
  23. Yeah, the problem is that I don't really want to sacrifice my only Ike for Steady Breath, so she's probably just going to use Fury instead, unless there is a better option. I guess it's good for +Spd Nowi though, as she gets her Spd+3 without using up the seal slot, though it does make it significantly harder to charge her special and the recoil isn't exactly nice either because it deactivates QR. Should I still run Bonfire in this case or switch to something else that also grants healing in order to prevent her from chipping herself down so quickly? I have neither Bold nor Vengeful Fighter available (and inheriting DC would kill my only Hector), so I'm afraid that's not quite possible. :D
  24. I could swear the spring banner hates me, I spent 160 orbs on this and got nothing besides a single Nowi so far. My pity rate is at 4,5% though, so if I stop now it just all goes to waste, aaagh. And I was planning to have some orbs left for the upcoming legendary banner. :(
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