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Everything posted by Sias

  1. But can't you see that Alfonse and Celica were just made for each other? They have so many similarities! Like, uh. They're both red units, so everything fits perfectly.
  2. But yeah, if you think about it, it's a win-win-situation for Faye. It doesn't even matter whether Sharena breaks Celica's neck while wall-slamming her or breaks the bed while... Ahem. Poor Alm. He should probably run as long as he still can.
  3. I'm sure that Faye especially would be very very happy about that. Another obstacle less on her path to the conquest of Alm!
  4. I should probably start to do that as well as I had the incredible luck to either be at college or sleep during most of the 3x phases so far, so I'm still sitting on my nice pile of >3700 flags. At least I got rid of some of those today, and the next bonus for Robin shouldn't be all that far away, which means I'll stay hopeful.
  5. Under these conditions it doesn't sound like it would necessarily be a good idea to summon now. I'd probably hoard a lot of orbs and then start to selectively pick red on the next banner with a red mage that interest you.
  6. What he probably tries to tell you is this: Assuming that every game (or group of closely related games) has a certain fanbase, the members of said base will likely prefer to vote for the characters of that game. When you take a look at the top results now, you see that the majority are Awakening/Fates characters, while there are comparatively fewer people from PoR/RD. The conclusion he draws from that is the following one: When the PoR/RD fans voted for their games, they mostly voted for Ike (and threw in some votes for Micaiah/Mia/Nephenee as well, but the rest of the cast seems comparatively unpopular). In the Awakening/Fates crowd however people had far more favourites and therefore didn't give all their votes to Lucina, but instead to other characters as well. She had far more concurrence in her own game/fanbase so her votes got possibly diluted.
  7. Your best chances for a red mage would be gained by sniping reds on the mage banner. Unless you have increased the 5 star probability or still own quite a bunch of orbs however, it's still a toss-up whether you actually get someone, so \(o_O)/
  8. Quick Riposte Subaki would have killed Palla, so Genny would have started to attack due to the loss of a viable healing target. The axe pegasus also could have reached him on the last turn iirc.
  9. I just spent my whole stash of 140 orbs on the Celica banner and somehow managed to get no 5 stars at all out of it. At least I have greatly increased chances now, right? Haha. Ha.
  10. 10/10 would recruit again. Look on the bright side however: Just imagine all the beautiful things they might do to Linus!
  11. Anything that hits hard enough to purge these memories from my brain please. D: But yeah, this skill opens up quite a few nasty possibilities for future lunatic battles/maps. You can't even reduce the damage through WTA unless you bring a Raven tome user. Fun times.
  12. Far worse than that. It all began back in the old days at school during a weird weird music lesson with a story about Robespierre. And Danton. And Camille. And Saint-Just. I dunno about the banner, but regarding the map I fully expect a bazillion of annoying Cogs of Destiny valkyries.
  13. If Nino isn't going to be in the bonus GHB banner, I'll be sad. :( Also... Please never ever write anything like that again. I have a friend who occasionally does this stuff and it has traumatized me for life.
  14. Best served with a bunch of noodles and salt (contained in the tears).
  15. No no no, you've got this all wrong. It's an ancient Nohrian tradition to cut the cinnamon roll into pieces with a big sword before you eat her.
  16. I'm also on Team Julia and still looking for friends, so feel free to add me if you want. FC is 2533396304, represented by Robin to blow away all those filthy reds who might threaten her grace. Apparently some people get a message that my friend capacity is full when they try to add me though (it isn't). In that case just tell me, so that we can make things work the other way around.
  17. Roy is by no means great, but he isn't as horrible as you make him out to be either. Sure, he does have his terrible midgame low and his growths are kind of crummy, but accurate Rapier damage is nice early on while the Western Isles are an axe festival, which benefits swords like him anyways. And when he finally promotes and gets his hands on the sword of seals, he's perfectly usable again as long as that thing doesn't break. Btw, it's also a fact that this is still Heroes, so ingame performance has a huge impact on the results, and Julia's generally better than Sanaki. And it's not like the latter was one of the faces of her game, nor does she get a Smash or waifu bonus, so you might overestimate her popularity.
  18. Considering that Donnel!Kjelle lacks speed in comparision to her Gaius-fathered version, she can't run 75 Spd Wyvern Lord or Paladin anymore. Instead I'd probably use Bow Knight, but Griffon Rider is another option if you want to keep the flight + higher might from axes. Hero would also work, but has less movement in comparision to the others, similarly to Assassin, which is faster and has more skill for procs while still giving you ranged braves. Assassin would also get you up to 75 Spd again. If you don't care about doubling the fastest of the fastest enemies however (most of those are more vulnerable to magic anyways), the first two classes are still perfectly fine as they get you to 69 Spd nevertheless.
  19. I'd definitely keep the first one. Takumi is an offensive unit, so you want as much Atk as possible. Well, Julia, Linde and Tharja are all pretty great (Linde's Def boon doesn't really help her much, but still keeps her offenses intact, so it isn't really a hindrance either). You could even use all three of them a the same time if you wanted to play Mage Emblem, they have the colour coverage and offenses for that. Out of the three sword users you mentioned I'd personally use Chrom as Draug just isn't all that good in general while Hana needs skill inheritance to do really well and suffers rather harshly from her frailness. Chrom would also provide some tankiness for your team, which is otherwise very squishy. Abel's Spd bane in the meantime might by no means ideal, but he still does his job of ruining sword users and reds perfectly fine, so consider using him if you have problems with those.
  20. There are a lot of good points made so far, but I think in addition to enemy scaling determining how high growth rates should be, it's also important to take a look at whether reclassing is present in a game or not. Cause if the former is the case, we need not only high enough personal growth rates to differentiate between units in the same class, but also high enough class growth rates to distinguish someone who's a Cleric from the same character as Knight. Which leads us to higher growth rates in total invariably. Of course you could also try to create the distinction between my examples through high variation in base stats, but the balance of growth rates and bases is another topic entirely. Did Fates really have fixed growth rates though? I know that the Lunatic's stat gains are determined for all following level-ups as soon as you get a character, but are they actually fixed to recreate the statistical average every time? I'm pretty sure that this isn't the case as I distinctly remember having a Leo with barely any Mag gains, so it should still be possible to get RNG screwed, you just can't reset to avoid it anymore. It's obviously a matter of preference, but I actually enjoyed these somewhat early prepromotes. They added a nice layer of challenge imo, and I even liked the more unpopular bosses like Kotaro or Revelation Ryoma/Xander. They really felt like bosses - unlike a good bunch of other losers in that the game who are terribly easy to abuse because they start out range-locked. And even then, is chapter 12 all that early for regular prepromote enemies? Awakening started to hand them out from chapter 11 onwards iirc, though it's kind of hard to compare Fates to that due to its weird pacing ("real" game starts at chapter 6 etc).
  21. I must be getting old. Or sick. So I'd better get a nice healer next banner. Like Genny.
  22. Light Inheritors They were told that Julius' power couldn't be matched, that a power born from incest was the most evil there was. They proved them wrong. King Seliph and Queen Julia put an end to this whole story the same way it had started: by preserving the purity of their blood. Besides, it could be worse. They could be full-fledged siblings.
  23. Did I just miss it or was there no announcement this time about getting orbs after certain thresholds in the voting gauntlet have been met?
  24. Why is Klein too slow for Life and Death when Takumi can use it just fine? Like, I do realize that Takumi has better attack and is therefore the better brave user, but don't they have exactly the same base speed? In case it interests you, my current main arena team is Robin/Ninian/Julia/Hana with Spur Def/Hone Atk/Breath of Life/Threaten Spd. Julia is obviously going to get seomthing else eventually, but only after I've gotten more SP for her. Sometimes I switch to a more buff-centric composition though, using one of the Renais twins (with their weapon effect and Hone Spd each). And then there's still quite a bunch of people who are still in mid-inheritance-progress or haven't really been touched all that much. The next one that is going to be finished is probably Effie. Lucky you! I'm generally not able to forget a single thing about games I played or books I read - I could probably still recount everyone's class sets and mods and stuff like that by heart. Also, I continue to be torn in between joining Julia and Robin, but I have a few hours left, so I'll just keep telling myself that I'll have an enlightenment about this decision soon. Very soon. Besides all of this, I'm going to send you the PM now. It would probably help if you could do a short list of the other 5 stars you have so far. Generally speaking however, Anna and Alfonse, while not all that great on their own, are pretty safe bets as they're going to keep popping up as bonus characters for the arena. Michalis and Zephiel or Effie are obvious choices for a potential flier/armor emblem team, while Quadsuna could work out pretty well for you but requires a lot of bonus skills to get her set together. Do you have some Life and Death fodder or Luna prepared as well? Should you prefer another magic unit however, I'd recommend either M!Robin or F!Corrin. You said yourself that you'd rather wait for a Sophia with a different nature while F!Robin needs quite a bit more input for the same results as her male counterpart. Meanwhile Roy is very average in everything, so I'd personally wait for another more specialized sword user. It kind of depends on what your approach for the quest is going to be. You could either try to create a well-rounded team or do mono-colour (probably blue) with maybe one filler unit and then wait for enemy setups with mostly reds/no greeens. Definitely try to keep a mage with you regardless of your choice though (likely Ursula). My pool of cavalry units is absolutely terrible, so I did the latter personally, and between resetting the enemies via arena/first stratum and just defeating them with my armor/flier team, things worked out pretty well.
  25. I did some SP grinding and discovered that it's actually possible to be graced by five enemies with Wings of Mercy at once in the training tower. How lovely. Anyways, I'm currently sending characters who are useless for skill inheritance home, and I'm honestly kind of disappointed that I have to keep someone like Xander around in case a future GHB quest requires him. Like. He just takes up all my space and I'm so close to the limit right now.
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