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Everything posted by Eliwan

  1. Something that contrasts highly So a dark color, like a navy blue, would be optimally readable?
  2. yes, except the project doesn't have anima/light/dark, it has tomes/shurikens/stones
  3. is a two part effect A) git gud at pretties B) be able to work and account for the tile limit as you're building the frames
  4. only if you're going for FE8 colors, FE7 colors are actually that muted when placed next to one another \w/
  5. if what you want to do is match to FE's style, then analyzing how they do things is a very nice first step to take
  6. um, the ultimate tutorial has a section on how to do that
  7. where is it: on the first page yo suggestion: when you introduce a sprite, put it in the post you're introducing it in :v tbh this looks pretty neat~! not that FE, but very neat; I love it a lot actually (especially that staff)
  8. yes and 2-2 is not available in that patch
  9. I believe that has to do with one of the Unknown Pointers in the map sprite movement data? not sure though
  10. ..do you mean that it only took you a week to build those animations? in that case i am the jelly don't let your dreams be dreams, seize the day and the chance to excel. don't be pushed down by yourself- other people will gladly help normalize you. wrt spriting, i think the best thing would be checking anatomy of larger-canvas artists (e.g. digital paintings / character linearts / really anything) and of the GBAFE style by trying to splice different battle animations together.
  11. this is because the indexing of the image is all wrong, what did you use to edit it? (using usenti is the best idea since it guarantees your palette doesn't get edited on you) Did you directly port it? The dancer map sprites have special extra frames for their map-animation dancing, which could be the issue here
  12. "5ever" apparently equals 5 hours .-. * ok not really but if you're spriting in the style of vanilla you should reference vanilla there are plenty of amazing sprite artists who adapt a similar / nearly identical style though, especially around this forum if you look As an aside that will take me a long time to get into, this is, while not the worst I've seen, bad practice, because the hit has super low weight.
  13. Well let's see how they're attached to the post [img=http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_images/Serenes_Forest/attachicon.gif] [url=http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=9108]Exp7.dodgeweapon2.wm.gif[/url]Oh. WELL THEN. In that case, uhh... uuhhhh. I have no idea how to get it to work predictably from serenes' uploader. But the usual answer is upload to some other site (photobucket, imgur, majhost, gyazo, prntscrn/lightshot, dropbox, etc) and get the image's url from them, then stick the url after the [plain] and close it with another ]. e.g [img=http://serenesforest.net/forums/uploads/monthly_06_2016/post-25195-0-88825700-1466849470.gif]like this: now onto writing up some actual crit on the sprites, which make take 5ever
  14. by definition it does it's not strictly pixel art, but spriting just means making a graphic that doesn't have translucency and only transparency, *usually* obeying a color limit. i haven't; fe9/10splicing is rare
  15. The two purple boxes are for blinking frames, fully closed on the bottom. The red boxes are for talking frames. The right-most red box is used in the stat screen. The next-rightmost should be for Smiling Closed Mouth on top and Normal Closed Mouth on bottom-- then the leftmost are Smiling Open Mouth and Normal Closed Mouth, with the one in the middle being a halfway. Then the 32x32 box above the purple is for the chibi.
  16. Write some supports between canon characters that don't have supports?
  17. I agree that there should be such a topic, as what usually happens is "somebody posts a vision and somebody else offers to help".
  18. Eliwan

    Spriter's Resource

    ..... i don't understand at all are you *asking permission to use the palette of open source material*? (the answer is obviously yes-- first, it's open source; second, nobody will really know/care that you took the palettes from somewhere else unless that color ramp doesn't match at all to others in your graphics)
  19. Eliwan

    Spriter's Resource

    you cooould recolor them?? and no, i don't think they do, but mugshot and battle sprite palettes rarely match.
  20. The left one works nicely, the right one's face should be pushed 1-3 pixels towards the left edge of the cloak and have the collar tightened to match up with his? neck. Looks pretty great though~! Glad to see you're progressing. re: tutorial for dragon's veins: you're going to have to wait for an unknown amount of time (possibly zero time because the tutorial already exists, I don't know personally)
  21. Yeah, probably I like overdesigned gui hehe; I'll make simpler ones eventually what do you mean i don't know what you mean when you say this is it that there's too much contrast, the colors are too bright, that the pieces just smash out at you and look awful?
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