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Everything posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. “Well, ye’ll certainly turn a few ‘eads with that, that’s fer sure.” Nyx had to admit, they looked good on Gean. “Ye, s’pretty hot in this neck o’ th’woods at this time o’ year. Always did kinda suck when it got way too hot.” The smile quickly faded into a frown, though, as she realized that she had found nothing for herself, which was annoying as sin. “Nah, n’that’s th’ problem. Can’t find the kinda thing I’m lookin’ fer. Honestly, think I might be wantin’ t’find me some shorts, show off these legs o’mine. Whaddya think?” Nyx inquired, lifting her leg as high up as she could muster, bringing it about roughly level to her chest.
  2. Oh, shit. Nyx was just minding her own business, trying to find something cute for Gean, when she got hit with a three-letter punch to the gut. That… might have been the first time Gean had called her that so casually! At least, that she could remember. Maybe it was a common thing, and she just didn’t notice because she was drunk off her ass most of the time? ”Well, ye, I s’pose those’d do it… y’sure ye don’ want another jacket, though?” Nyx inquired, but then Gean found a nice pair of pants of her own and rushed to the changing room, leaving Nyx to peruse the store’s inventory herself. She was hoping to find some nice shorts, something to help accentuate her legs, but nothing was jumping out at her. Damn. Maybe the young’uns would have a better eye for this stuff.
  3. Well, at least she hadn’t been bodily thrown out of the store! Nyx still wondered why exactly Gean was actively dragging her over to the pants area, nor was she sure of what she was hoping for. Nyx, personally, wanted something particularly eye catching, something to get someone fired up - especially a certain frosty lady. ”Geez, Gean, yer really gettin’ insistent, aye? Ye tryin’ ta impress some’un wit some new threads alluva sudden?” Nyx teased, but was nonetheless still thumbing through the pants. Now, what would look best on Gean… well, truthfully anything would, but that wasn’t much help. Maybe some snug pants, that still gave her room to move? Hm. Much to consider. Tanya had to admit, this store was lively. Almost too much so, but hell if she couldn’t handle a few rowdy ladies. The pants were nice, but she was thinking something a little fancier… something to really pop at a party, in case she had to get into one of those for work or whatnot. That in mind, she slunk off towards the dresses, blissfully unaware of the two smaller girls with the same idea as she. Maybe she could get something for Yuria while she was here, too… oh, she’d be thrilled with that!
  4. Well, there was that mission accomplished. Technically. At the very least, Tanya didn’t have to watch the mage and the half-elf try and butcher one another in the middle of the arena, so it felt like progress. Of course, with Ricardo now tied up, arena challenges were on hold for the time being… ”Huh. Shit. Maybe I should go explorin’ the town. Y’know, see what else is cooking here, get a lay of the land… that sorta thing. Enjoy your cash, ice queen!” Tanya waved goodbye to the mage as she left the arena, eager to stretch her legs. Tugging on her coat, she looked around, wondering what to do next. ”Hm. Think my coin pouch is back inside the arena, and it’s a little crowded in there for my tastes. So… guess it’s window shopping for me.” Tanya yawned somewhat as she began strutting towards the clothing store, curious as to what the nice couple there had in stock. She’d have to see if they were willing to keep stuff held for her until she got at her gold again.
  5. “Woah, okay, okay, let’s all chill out for a sec here.” Tanya figured that maybe, if nothing else, she could act as something of a fire fighter for this scrap. It seemed like certainly a lot more than just a business problem, at least from where she was standing. And if nothing else, maybe a third party could help cooler heads prevail. ”Look, I dunno what’s going on, but clearly whatever you did to get the Crows peckin’ at ya worked, and you dealt with them, right? Maybe focus a little more on that.” The cat rubbed the back of her neck, trying and failing to keep a sigh down. “How’s about this. Since you’ve probably already pissed off a couple crooks in town by taking down Darlunya, maybe you’d be better off with an extra hand. I was… kinda after her for my own reasons, but coming with you guys to deal with the crooks I was hoping to track through Darlunya would work just as fine. And in exchange, I’ll try and keep everyone involved from just killing each other, so you two have a merc company to actually go back to. You interested?”
  6. Tanya blinked once, then twice, then thrice. Darlunya was… dead? And after all the work that she’d done to track the Crows down, and finally get some proof of their leader’s misdeeds? She exhaled, and prepared the most eloquent and verbose response she could muster. ”Well, fuck me in the ass.”
  7. Tanya frowned, though her tail perked up once again as she saw the half-elf stride in. Huh. He’s pretty cute… As she was distracted, though, the mage had decided to start poking at him, and she couldn’t help but wince. Ouch, the coldness here was even worse than her tail getting frozen earlier. ”Huh. Must not get along great with him.” Tanya couldn’t help but chime in, since she’d had her conversation interrupted. “Say, what’d you say about the Crows? I have some, ah… business to deal with concerning their leader.”
  8. Well, that was… not what Nyx had expected. The apology was welcome, but missing a little something - namely, an apology for the thing that actually got her salty at the little dragon to begin with. She resisted the urge to simply scoff off the apology, though, because really it didn’t seem right to make a fuss with the rest of the Tigers there - or, well, enough of them, anyways. ”Oh, uh, thanks…? Y’still shouldn’ call me Gran’ma though, cuz then that’d make Nattie ancient. An’ ye wouldn’ want that, would ye?” Nyx couldn’t help the teasing, but still schooled herself back into being vaguely responsible in front of the kids. “Nah, but thanks, Viry. I know s’kinda hard t’say sorry fer shit… n’I’m sorry too, fer setting ye off t’begin wit.”
  9. Oh, Nyx was meant to be leading the pack? That was a little awkward, given she had zero goddamn clue where to go beyond ‘clothes store’. Thankfully, actually finding the store was a simple enough matter, but as she was about to lead the group in… Nope. Nyx turned around at the sound of the little dragon’s voice, evidently still salty with her over the happenings of the boat. Really, she didn’t mind the whole ‘filthy human’ kinda shit, but… grandma??? That was a line too far in Nyx’s eyes, an unforgivable sin to take with her to the grave. … Okay, so maybe she was just being petty. They both were, which was probably why Vira had said it in the first place; especially given the decided interest she seemed to have in Nattie, who was even older than Nyx. And it was also a wicked pain in the ass to have to duck her the whole time, especially when she had about half the Tigers with her. Dammit, this was just supposed to be Gean and her, how’d the rest of them get roped in? ”Shit. Guess we’re gonna end up suckin’ in a couple more Tigers to our lil’ posse here.” Nyx grumbled, as she pushed open the door to the clothing store. Hopefully the people running it wouldn’t recognize her - although she couldn’t recall having looted any clothing stores back then? Who knew anymore.
  10. Huh. Nyx had to admit, the way that Tio wriggled her way into their plans was pretty impressive, especially in how she’d seemingly convinced Renais to stick with them solely off a suggestion. Although, Nyx could have sworn that Tio was married, and Renais was… hm. She kinda felt bad for the poor kid. ”A’ight, so we’ve finally figured it all out, aye? So we can get movin’ on wit’ the trip?” Nyx asked, rather absentmindedly, folding her hands behind her head. She hated sounded bored, but it was a bit disheartening for her to be the only one who had no stroke in keeping the little healer with the group, more than Nyx would care to admit. And since she was trying to keep sober today, she had to dip into apathy to mask her insecurity instead. Ah well. At least they got everything settled now. Well then. Tanya hadn’t quite seen that coming. Sure, she figured the woman was a mage by the time she’d faced her in combat - focusing more on her notes on Darlunya, rather than her upcoming opponent. She really needed to prioritize better, it seemed, as she was brought down by the mage in the heat of battle. At least she landed a solid hit in, but still. Magic was never something she dealt with too well, and it showed. Really, though, Tanya found no fault in the loss that wasn’t her own. Sure, she was holding back on her opponent, like Ricardo had asked, but even still, she was quite skilled with that ice of hers. And, hey, Tanya always did like the kind of gal that could kick her ass. Even if she got the sense this lady was already spoken for. ”Hah. Well, that was a helluva good time. Even if I ended up freezing my ass off from it.” Tanya grumbled by the end, rubbing her tail to try and get some warmth back into it. “Y’know, a girl like you would make a helluva mercenary. You ever think about forming a little troop here?” It had some merit, plus Tanya figured that she could tag along for a bit if she did; if nothing else, maybe it’d get the Crows pecking at the wrong bit of meat so Tanya could close in on her prey.
  11. Nyx, to her credit, didn’t make a fuss over any of it. She knew she wasn’t exactly popular with the little healer of their group, but hey, two out of three in their current fold wasn’t bad! Although now it seemed to be growing again, and Nyx had more than a few concerns over bringing the Evokers with them - because she just knew it’d be a joint affair, and that meant a party of six they had to cram in somewhere. But then again, she also had Gean, and that was enough to sway the archer’s mind. ”What, y’think m’gonna just cause a ruckus everywhere? I ain’t near drunk enough for that!” Right now, anyways. “Hell, y’got my usual impulse control with me, besides, so y’know I’ll be a good lil’ girl.” Nyx teased, ruffling Gean’s hair in the process. Yeah, this’d be fine - probably. It had to be, or else things were gonna go south for her plans for the day real quick.
  12. Nyx cocked an eyebrow at Gean, before a quick bout of mental math had her cheeks turning red. Fuck, she was making it way too easy, huh? Mercifully, she’d been spared a bit more of it by the tiny blue that slammed into Gean, which had Nyx barking out a hearty laugh. ”Hey there, y’lil scamp, try n’ not break Gean, aye? Prob’ly would make today a lot harder if she hurt herself.” Nyx teased, before moving over to Miria and ruffling her hair. She liked to think that Miria was about the only other Tiger that actually liked her before she and Syn started getting close, and seeing her and Gean bonding brought a proud smile to Nyx’s face. Turning back over to Gean, Nyx’s eyes narrowed - moreso out of jest than anything. A clearly melodramatic overreaction, complete with flapping her arms. “Not in front o’ th’ kid, aye?! M’not gonna be th’ one to piss off Moonie’s mum, n’ Rennie’s big sis. That one’s prob’ly got plenty o’ reason t’kick me arse as it is.” Still, she elbowed Gean in the side, more of a nudge than anything. “‘Sides, I bet a fine lass like ye's got plenty o’folk interested in ‘er. Maybe that big lad we picked up ‘fore we left? Eh? Ehhhhh?” Ah, this was nice. Good wholesome family fun. Shame Nyx didn’t notice the fact that Renais was right nearby, probably scared out of her ass of her. Oh well.
  13. Nyx couldn’t help herself, grinning like a mad fool when Gean happily acquiesced to her request. Although the mention of bringing others dampened her enthusiasm for the whole ordeal just a tad, it was far from enough to quell the sudden surge of elation in her chest. ”I’m good with whatever, honestly. Might be kinda fun t’get some new clothes first, then go crack some skulls. Y’know, show some o’them lads that we can be fancy as hell n’ still kick their asses.” Granted, Nyx wasn’t exactly in the market for silken gowns or anything, but it would be a nice buffer in case the others that Gean planned to bring along were a bit… less cooperative. ”I do know Synnie went off to go scrap right away, but she’ll be fine. N’sides, this is about ye, n’not her.” Plus, Nyx didn’t want to think about the idea of Syn becoming a third mom to Gean yet. That was a little more than she was willing to stomach at present.
  14. Nyx pursed her lips, ready to retort to Gean’s teasing but finding she had none to pluck from her mind. Shit, maybe Syn really was being a better influence on her. Or maybe Nyx was making her worse…? No, not the time, she had a daughter to tease. ”What, y’think m’gonna get drunk this early without a reason? C’mon, Gean, even I got some standards with the bottle!” No, no, she really didn’t. But that didn’t matter right now; none of it did, in the fact of an important matter. “‘Sides, m’really not in th’mood to get us kicked outta every store we might go to today. Y’don’t deserve that.” Nyx left the unspoken bits about her definitely deserving it unsaid, especially since Gean knew full well why Nyx was so apprehensive about coming to Hecatia in the first place. “‘Plus, we ain’t had a whole lotta mom-kid time since we got this big job, n’that ain’t right. So c’mon, Gean, le’s get ye some pretty shit.” Well, it certainly didn’t take long for someone to come traipsing into the arena looking for a challenge! Tanya couldn’t help but study the cool woman that came into the arena, nodding in approval before shaking off whatever thoughts of playful flirting may have come into her head. There was a job to do first, after all, and something told her chasing this woman would end pretty poorly for her. ”Oh, yeah, just go over to Ricardo over there. You can’t miss him, he’s a big bird man.” Tanya stuck a thumb in Ricardo’s general direction, quietly hoping he wasn’t too busy to vet challengers but not really looking for herself to see if that was true. Speaking of that… ”Uh, no offense, though, but you don’t look to me like you’d last even a round with Zala n’ Dino. You got some magic in ya?” Tanya was also very much not keen on watching someone walk into the arena and get trounced by the early rounds, and decided to express those concerns in a… unique manner. Par for the course for her, mind, but the other woman probably wouldn’t get that.
  15. Nyx was… in a bit of a bind, as it were. Mostly because she was a bit torn in her priorities, between following her heart in seeking out her sort of-but not really-daughter, knowing full well that she needed to spend more time with her… and following her lady boner to watch her crush drop some ice on people in the arena, as Syndra had seemed to practically camp out by the arena. For once since they’d gotten here, Nyx chose the former over the latter, and sought out Gean instead. She saw the young lass hauling Moonie in after the fight, and towing around the little mousey healer with her, presumably to patch up the young lady’s wounds. Nyx was fine with it, and her, but that didn’t seem to go both ways. If only lil’ Rennie knew that Nyx truly hadn’t given a shit about her sister, or rather having some perceived grudge against the healer for something related to her. She never even met the woman. ”Oi, Gean! Y’decent in ‘ere?” Nyx called into the inn’s lobby, knowing full well that she absolutely would be. But that was just how they were - teasing of one another, to be sure, but always having each other’s back. And Nyx wouldn’t change that for anything. Things were going pretty smoothly, all things considered. The young cat Clouded twirled the lance in her dominant hand as she pondered over her makeshift notes, cooped up in a far corner of the Eibar arena. She’d come in pursuit of a lead regarding the head of a mercenary group who allegedly had ties to the Hecatian underground, and needed a place to entrench herself. And, wouldn’t you know it, someone conveniently skipped town or something right before she arrived, and the arena needed an extra fighter. Worked for her! Stretching her arms up above her head, Tanya stood up with a groan and the creaking of the wooden chair she’d found herself. Clearly, there was plenty of time to investigate this little port town, and enough ground here to keep her busy. But she was always up for a little fun, and idly hoped that perhaps someone might prove a worthy challenge, someone to get her blood pumping and her heart racing - even if the bird man running the establishment told her to keep her strength in check. Honestly, where was the fun in that? “Alright… Darlunya, was it? I’m coming for ya. The Spear of Justice doesn’t play favourites, and if you really do have those kinds of connections… I’ll sever them, and your head from your neck if I have to.” Tanya grabbed her spear from her side, and made her way back to the central area of the arena. No better vantage point to scope out potential challengers than right in the thick of it, after all.
  16. Nyx couldn’t help but snort a little at the speed in which Felix had pulled back from her touch. She knew he was more interested in Synnie than her, but hell if he wasn’t fun to tease. Besides, he seemed like a nice enough guy, and Nyx wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea… ”I might hafta take a few o’those drinks, then, cuz most of the lasses ain’t drinkers. Lotta young’uns with us, n’ the ones that ain’t are… well, they sure as shit ain’t me.” By that, Nyx means they weren’t about to drink him clean out of business like she probably could. “But ye, them featherheads ain’t gonna trouble ye no more. Nearly got Darlunya meself, but one o’ the kids beat me to it.” With a satisfied sigh, Nyx turned back towards the door. “I’ll hafta take a rain check on them drinks, though, Fe. Got somethin’ important t’deal wit.” And with that, Nyx strutted away, deliberately shaking her hips as a final tease to the beleaguered bartender. Now, she just had to find her not-daughter, and they could go dealing with some shopping from there.
  17. Oh, well. Nyx hadn’t expected that reaction from Felix. Thankfully, though, he’d presumably drop his sword for her, knowing she wasn’t a Crow, but a Tiger. ”Come on now, y’know I ain’t wit dem featherheads.” Nyx joked, lightly placing her finger on the blade’s tip. Really, now, he could poke someone’s eye out with that! “But y’can call me a concerned citizen or somethin’ like that. Glad t’see yer holdin’ up okay, though.” Patting Felix’s cheek for the second time in as many days, Nyx leaned in a little closer. “An’ hey, thanks fer th’tip about Darlunya n’ her mates. Really ‘preciate it, Fe.”
  18. Nyx couldn’t help but let out a snort at Cin’s admittance that most of this was because he just couldn’t sleep. She knew what that was like, for sure, but she never got herself in a big scrap immediately after. Although, that was kinda Ing’s fault, so… hm. ”Ye big dunce.” Nyx chastised, being the third to deliver an ineffective thump to the hulking dragon, this one a smack in the shoulder that was probably more akin to swatting a mosquito. “Hey, at least I forgive ye. But y’might wanna be a lil’ bit more careful next time, so y’don’ worry the lil’ lasses.” Standing up with a stretch, having successfully handed off her gift for ol’ Rennie and made sure that Cin wasn’t dead, Nyx figured there was only one thing left for her to do, and a certain good lad in town to check on… so, naturally, she drifted from the port towards the tavern, only for once, she had drink far away from her mind.
  19. Well, shit. She’d been hoping to get the last laugh on Darlunya, but Nyx was just a tad too late on that front. Oh well, sucks to suck, she figured! Although that might not be the right train of thought, considering their bigger of the two dragons they had with them just… crumpled, into a heap. ”Ah shit!” Nyx cried out, rushing towards the big man’s side even if she had no knowledge of real healing. “Oi, Rennie. Y’might wanna use this’un, if y’can.” The archer continued, fishing out the stave she’d picked up from the lady in the house earlier in the battle and sticking it almost comically into Renais’ face. Then something hit her… something very important she’d been told. ”Oh, uh. Th’lass tha’ I got that from… she said to tell ye ‘sorry t’ the feline’ or somethin’. Y’know what tha’ means?”
  20. Oh, so she was really racist. Well, Nyx definitely didn’t feel sorry about her whole crew getting ripped apart in front of her. Hm. How ironic would it be that, out of the group of largely Clouded mercenaries, one of the lone humans of the bunch was the one that put her down? Nyx decided it was time to find out. ”Oi. ‘eard about ye from a good lad earlier. Lemme tell ye somethin’, Darry: ain’t nobody gonna miss ya. N’least of all, I ain’t gonna miss. Tell them lads in the underworld that the Empress sends ‘em her regards.” Nyx moves to (10,18) and pops an arrow right in Darlunya’s dumb racist head.
  21. Nyx had to rub her eyes at what she’d sworn that she saw over on the other side of the arena. The hell was that all about? And why the hell couldn’t she do the same thing? Nobody was stopping her, dammit, and it just so happened that a certain ice mage was parked nearby… ”Synnie! Yer’ doin’ great! Lookit ye go, fine as hell out dere~” Nyx called out as she rushed over to where Syndra was standing and hugged her from behind. Nyx had to admit, now that the morning air had sobered her up some, she was pretty damn happy to be here with Syn- Oh, lil’ Moonie was right next to Syndra too, which of course meant that Nyx had to give her a little pat on the head. “N’ yer doin’ great too, Moonie. Thanks for keepin’ ‘er safe fer me~” Nyx moves to (9,15)!
  22. Nyx almost couldn’t believe it - that poor fucker! She honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the sorry display the archer put on, so she instead decided to ignore it and leave the dead man with the last of his dignity. Now, what to do next… Nyx moves to (8,12) and then laughs at the miserable saga of Archer 2.
  23. Nyx, honestly, found the whole display of the archer’s attempts to hit Ingverd pretty fuckin’ funny. She had half a mind to just leave the lad to his business, but, well, there wasn’t much else to be done that the others weren’t already handling. ”Y’gonna let the poor fuck outta ‘is misery soon, or m’I gon’ ‘afta do it?” Knocking an arrow, Nyx already figured she’d have at least a bit of fun with the guy. Nyx moves to (11,10) and shoots the archer! Maybe he’ll actually get close to hitting something this time.
  24. Ow! Fuckhead! Nyx never did like getting hit with magic, and she especially didn’t like how she got her hair all static-y with the lightning. Clearly this mage needed to be taught a lesson…! Nyx moves to (9,10) and pops an arrow at Mage 1!
  25. Well, shit. That lad really ate it. And Viry took off up north, so Nyx felt it might be a good idea to check up on the villagers - might not be a good idea to get in trouble for starting shit! Nyx pops in to say hi to whatever villager(s) is/are in the house at (10,11)!
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