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Everything posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Nyx groaned, knowing full well that ‘Gean was probably right. But dammit, booze was her thing! And she was more adult than anyone here save Nattie herself, and she wasn’t particularly keen on letting the kids tell her what she couldn’t do. Although, maybe the news of some big fancy job might be enough to get her to cut back a fair bit for a while, she thought to herself as she immediately finished downing another pint glass - only her second today, mind you! Gotta be on her best behaviour for the crownsfolk, after all! ”Oi, question. Who th’hell are those folk tha’ pretty boy over there’s talkin’ bout? They some kinda big shots ‘round ‘ere or somethin’?” Being from Hecatia had its’ drawbacks for doing well in the group after all, it seemed.
  2. Well, Nyx couldn’t say she didn’t try. Still, she did have to admit that it stung just a little bit that somehow her attempts to draw the kid out of her shell only led to her going further in. And somehow taking a couple of the other prickly kids with her, at that! It was times like this that made Nyx wonder if she was really right for this group; after all, she didn’t seem to mesh well with anyone except ‘Gean. Then again, the same was true of most of the others, who seemed wholly disinterested in everyone else entirely - at least Nyx was making the effort! “Ah, hell. Ye’d think that some’o these kids’d learn that the best way to be on a battlefield is t’be fightin’ ‘longside yer mates.” Nyx grumbled to Aegean as she staggered and stumbled back to the table on shaky legs - huh, that didn’t happen much, especially with her being fairly tame with the drink today. Maybe she needed a nap after she was done here. “An’ ye’d think it’d be real easy t’make friends when ye practically all live together, ay? N’yet half of these folk want nothin’ t’do wit any o’us! Makes no damn sense t’me… why ye even here then if ye want nothin’ t’do wit th’rest o’the troops?” Ah, now she’s rambling. Oh well, such is the way of things.
  3. Aw, that’s adorable! Lil’ Rennie thought that would deter Nyx from talking to her. If she’s really a Silvavolke, she’d’ve at least heard of the former Envious Empress, and of her tenacity. Hell, she even stared down death itself before, and death didn’t want her! “Maybe, but I like ye, so I’m gonna help ye come outta yer shell a wee bit. Prolly not gonna do much good wwith the big sis thing, though; mosta the lads I’d get the juicy sorta info from are lookin’ t’dodge ‘er, not find ‘er.” Then again, the head of a Silvavolke would probably fetch a pretty penny on the black market back home… but, no. That ain’t her racket anymore. “N’quit thinkin’ I’m gonna fold ye like a pretzel every time I come near ye. M’an ex-con, now, so I got no beef with yer sis or anyone else ye know. We’re partners now, you n’ I! N’ye can call me Nyx, for starters.” Maybe she would also leave out that she might have met her big sister years ago and thought she was hot. Mostly because that might’ve just been a tree with a particularly thick trunk. Huh, maybe ‘Gean and Nattie were onto something about her drinking less after all.
  4. Satisfied that Aegean was feeling better now, sort of, maybe, Nyx had an important decision to make. Did she put down the bottle and be a proper good influence on the younger folks in the troop? Or did she keep drinking and make an effort to cause problems on purpose? Naturally, Nyx chose to cause problems on purpose, as she usually does. The unfortunate recipient of said problems was the little bundle of rags hiding in the back, even with Nyx fully aware that she freaked out at the mere sight of her. That was part of the fun, though; scaring the piss out of the kids in the group was one of her favourite pastimes! Sure, Nattie would be a little bit pissed about it, but Nyx knew she’d get over it. She always did, after all! “Boo.” Nyx whispered to the little ragamuffin in the back, at least having some tact and keeping it down. After all, she was only a bottle and a half in today - pretty restrained of her, if you asked her! “Y’gotta quit yer bundlin’ up like that, kid, or we’re gonna start t’think yer an enemy healer cuz we don’t recognize ye.” Oh, Nyx; always so considerate of others’ feelings. “‘Sides, how’re ye gonna snag yerself a fine lad or lass if they can’t see how cute y’are under all them rags, ay Rennie?”
  5. Nyx, admittedly, was trying to listen intently to the boss’s report - much more than she usually would! Not that it really registered much after a time; upon hearing the word “pirates” fall from Nattie’s lips for what felt like the hundredth time in the last few days she unconsciously tuned out and made the executive decision that her trusty bottle was more exciting to study at the moment. Look at the way the booze sloshed around in the bottom, but she never spilled a drop…! Technology is amazing. Though tuning out she was, Nyx did register the increased worry on Aegean’s face - and considering that she actually liked the kid, that concern snapped Nyx out of her boozy haze, if only for a moment, to place a comforting hand on Aegean’s shoulder. Then she took another swig and the moment was gone - just as everyone in the group had gotten used to. “Chill out, Frosty! Them lads’ll come runnin’ wherever they hear th’clinkin of coin. N’if th’boats ain’t gonna start sail in’ again, they’ll come ‘ere for a scrap. I say we hunker down n’whoop their asses if they try’n dock, catch ‘em by surprise.” Another swig, mostly because that was a lot more words than she’d have liked to blurt out with no prior consideration. “‘Sides, then we can loot ‘em fer their supplies. Betcha they got plenty’a weapons n’ale fer us to help ourselves ta, as a lil’ bonus, eh Nattie-poo~?”
  6. i dont recognize a single one of you young'uns
  8. no they don’t there is no dessert in ba sing se
  9. i-it’s not like you WANT it to be anime, b-b-baka
  10. WELL THANKS FOR INFORMING ME OF THIS I GUESS 1. constantly depressed and by extension probably lowkey grumpy all the time 2. best is that i will literally fight everyone for my friends, worst is probably that i will fight everyone for my friends and that includes my friends also that i want to die near-constantly 3. don’t you mean wrath it’s probably wrath tbh 4. okay this is gonna sound ridiculous but i watched sonic underground with a vengeance as a child, alongside whatever came on tv for cartoons at the time as for video games i was raised on platformers but that’s obviously changed 5. no 1. the health care, the fact that this is the only place i’ve ever lived, and the fact that our government isn’t ass-backwards all the time 2. bundle up like crazy and never go outside more than i have to in the winter 3. overall, probably The World Ends With You 4. probably when i first got into university, shame that my depression got the better of me 5. too many to list off while i’m on my phone 1. i’m gonna have to come back to this 2. sins is wrath, and idr the seven virtues enough (probably whatever loyalty falls under) 3. i honestly think i was just browsing a website looking for games and i stumbled on FE and thought it looked like it’d be worth a try that and, as i will shamefully admit, i recognized the series through smash 4. i was looking stuff up for one of the games and i just said “fuck it” and joined the forums 5. it used to be greek, now i’m not sure. probably still greek though
  11. xenoblade 2 but everyone is a penguin instead of human or whatever xenootblade 2
  12. granted, but now the pain is in your right shoulder instead i wish i had a dollar
  13. fe4 thread died as it lived uh idk where i was going with this one tbh
  14. just ceiling just ceiling just ceiling
  15. oh so we’re doing this now this is not a christmas movie this is the christmas movie
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