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Posts posted by Nackar

  1. I think I'd like Gaiden remade, simply because it differs so much from the other Fire Emblem games. They'd have to put a lot more effort in character development, though, as well as making the story(telling) more interesting. Also, I don't just want the graphics updated, I want them to be good. Maybe even great.

    Aside from that, perhaps expand on the overworld map features, such as walking around in towns, prominent in most other RPGs.

    Although with the amount of changes I have in my head, they might as well make an entirely new game. Of course, I'd rather have that than a remake, but if I can get both I'm not one to complain.

  2. Even though it was released in Europe, it feels like I got the only copy in the whole of south England. There were no copies in any of the large stores in London (at least not on the shelves, it was way too busy to find staff).

    The copy I did find, I had to make a big fuss about until they went to the back and got the one copy in the store.

    It almost seems like NoE or Game/HMV group and other major retailers want it to fail.

    I don't know what it was like in other parts of Europe, but I hope it was at least available there. :s

    Well, I've seen no problems in terms of availability here. Even some large retailers had it up for sale, and those usually only sell casual games.

  3. How odd, where can you pick the language? Mine just jumped to English automatically. Also, I doubt the 'D' stands for Dutch. They never translate non-kid's games into Dutch, so it's most likely Deutsch, which is German for ... well ... German.

    I love how the names are almost the same ... but not quite. Daurg for Doga, Wrys for Riff, Castor for Kashim, Barts is Barst, Maji and Saji are Cord and Bord (don't know who's who). There are more, but I'll leave some for Vincent. Some names really made me laugh, XD. I don't hate them though, it's just funny knowing how some fanboys are going to cry over the new names.

  4. love you fag <3

    Wait, what? You must be mistaken. I am not gay. I have never seen you before.

    also i love you too

    They're the best J-Rock band ever. I also like Tetsu as well. But yeah, it's good to meet someone who's into L'Arc~en~ciel.

    I adore Tetsu. I love the melodic basslines he makes and how he has like 120 bass guitars, XD. His solo work is pretty cool also. But I guess we shouldn't discuss that here, XD.

  5. Is your avatar Hyde from L'Arc~en~ciel?!

    It is very much so! I've known about them for ages, but only heared some music from them about a month ago. Now I'm addicted, XD.

  6. Personally, I love this art style. I agree the details on Marth's clothing are a bit overdone, but I like the way it turned out on other characters.

    Since I've never really "bonded" with the original game's characters, I can't say that I mind some of them looking differently either.

  7. So yeah, I'm from FESS. Apparently I'd already joined this place a long time ago, but I don't think I've ever posted. When FESS died I said I wouldn't join this place, because I didn't feel like integrating all over.

    But, well, I just love Fire Emblem too much, XD. I'm hoping to have a good time and all that~

    I've also joined several of the earlier versions of SF, back when there were like 19 members in all, so someone might know me from back then. I doubt it though.

  8. Inferior to the others due to not flying and not having Canto, definitely. But the fact that he's a Heron alone makes him better than bad. And the fact he can chant for four people at once.

    It's just the missing Canto that ruins it for him most of all. He can't chant and return to safety.

  9. Personally, I think the animations for skills have improved immensely for this game. Astra was so incredibly fast that you didn't know what the heck was going on, and all the movements seemed unnaturally quick and inhuman. Characters are still able to defy the laws of gravity in this one, but it all goes smoother and actually looks like something a human could be able to do. With some rope and a crane.

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