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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. and with 7+/11 of his predicted newcomers confirmed, there's not much left to be sceptical over.

    Now you're being a bit too ridiculous. There is still quite a lot to be sceptical over, you and a few others are denying the evidence against him as 'Oh, Sakurai could change his mind about the DLC!' Which isn't actually a valid rebuttal, at least not if you don't consider Wii Fit being a lucky guess. The only outlandish guess right now was Wii Fit Trainer, otherwise quite a lot of people would've had 5+/11 newcomers predicted. His current prediction rate is simply above average.

  2. It was before the event. Check the timestamp on the post. 10:09 AM CST, while the event was at 11 AM CST.

    He also said there "has been." Could have been in the past.

    Sakurai said he had no plans for DLC early on in development IIRC, but that could easily have changed.

    He also got Mii Fighter's name right. That adds to his cred.

    Thank you for the clarification, I'm still sceptical however, but that's mainly because of Chorus Men.

  3. I'm not sure how well Nintendo can go, there's still the certain bias against Wii U, although from what I've seen it's not as bad as X-Box One (which has also died down a bit). I'm also partly in that category as despite that the fact I'm interested in the Wii U titles, I probably will never get one. Although given how much cheaper it is, it might be the better option...

  4. We're disappointed a character isn't aesthetically pleasing anymore. Nothing "shallow" about that, really.

    Err... No, it is definitely a shallow thing to say. I agree it's completely human nature, but Ana's original statement was shallow, as was your own post trying to justify your dislike for him being 'fat and ugly'. With that said, I also fall under the same category and dislike some character designs for being unattractive, regardless of how nice they are (ie. Gonzales, anything else like Quasimodo). It is definitely shallow, but should you feel bad for it? Well... that's relative to the person, in my personal opinion, you shouldn't. It's not like you'd go up to them in real life and shout 'Hey! You're ugly!'

    With that said, not buying a game is a little on the extreme side, but hey, I'm not going to dictate how other people should make decisions.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, I have similar feelings about Swampert's Mega Evolution! I dislike its design, but I'll still be using him!

  5. There'll probably be left over versions on Twitch/Youtube, just ask someone to PM you the direct Twitch/Youtube link without spoilers. (There could be spoilers in the suggested videos section of youtube though).

    I was also under the same case for the Smash Bros E3, which I actually did get spoiled for since I didn't save a link to the stream and had to go through the main site to get the link, of which had already updated all the returning/new characters revealed in the event.

  6. Is there even news on there being a 3DS demo at E3? I know the Wii U version is, but I haven't heard/seen anything about a 3DS demo; not that I'm saying that's a reason the list isn't true, but rather I just generally don't know.

  7. Is there a source (picture, website, etc)?

    I'd like to see that first before judging it. Eitehr way, the line-up seems more believable from the titles alone, but there's no other indication of it being real.

  8. So, a recent trend I have noticed with a lot of different series is that people are becoming disappointed with the most recent games of a lot of different series, or that trend has had happened in the past games that pertain to the series . With that said, we are looking at popular (or rather, vocal) fan opinion..

    With a number of series having their second, third, fourth (and so on) instalments released for their series, what are people's opinion on sequels being worse than the original? In the case of a number of games, some from the top of my head being Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Star Fox Adventure, Metroid: Other M, Final Fantasy 13, Soul Calibur 5, Fire Emblem 13: Awakening and many more, what is the general consensus of sequels not living up to their predecessor? In more extreme cases such as Sticker Star, people have abandoned the series in question and in relation to the lesser extreme, people are disappointed in Awakening's direction and if it becomes the 'norm' of the Fire Emblem franchise, people have expressed that they'll drop the series.

    Heck, even games like Super Smash Bros Brawl have its own controversy as some fans found Melee to be superior.

    Of course, this is by no means statistical and is purely conjecture. I'd just like to see other peoples opinions on the matter.

  9. People underestimate the bias they pertain when they watch something first and then hear the dubs later. For example, one who watches an anime or plays a game in Japanese first will prefer that the second time they watch something in a different manner. I've also noticed this with people preferring manga over anime for a series.

    Of course, this is from my own observation, I'd like to see an actual study on this.

    Either way, some of the opinions here are cringeworthy and are over-generalizing English dubs in a very personal manner. To say English voice actors in general don't pertain particular tones, convey emotions or are just bad in general is terribly misinformed and spoken from personal bias rather than experience.

    I don't watch Dragonball. Childrens' anime are more tolerable because they don't get as serious. Not as much mood to ruin with bad acting.

    Ehm, Dragonball is a 'shounen' as like Attack on Titan, D.Gray-Man, Fullmetal Alchemist and Durarara!! all of which deal with serious moments (Dragonball does as well, however death in Dragonball is elevated by the fact that they can; or rather almost always are revived by the Dragonballs).

  10. We've already seen the boomerang before in the previous Direct, of course it's the same boomerang shown back then (a blue boomerang with a white stripe). As Kon pointed out, is in the new Mario Kart 8 and 3D Land. I don't see why this is even an argument, lol.

    Edit: Also the boomerang itself in its simple design has dated to a lot older games, but with a different colour scheme. Seems Nintendo is using the blue one for its more recent consistency.

  11. For awhile now I've wanted to help out a few hacks with their original premise, concepts and the like, however as recent hacks have shown, it's something gradually improving. So I'll try help you out by giving my perspective on things.

    It's nice to see some new hacks around and yours definitely looks promising. The plot is definitely better with original characters over reusing the same world (with a few exceptions), so I completely support your idea there. Don't worry if things come off as generic or unoriginal, they're things you can work on over time. I'll post a bit and see what critique you can work with.

    The idea of having five generals hold the most power to the Nemlyis is a fine idea and can be expanded on quite a lot. As for the generals themselves:

    - Metztli: Not much to say about her, she fulfils a role that’ll offer her a lot of character development.

    - Cid: This guys role is a bit hard to understand. I assume you mean he deals with sending out army raids? It seems you're setting him up as the one who has the strongest, unified army to deal swift, yet powerful attacks.

    - Hilda & Imon: These two are a little strange for me. I think you should further explain these two's role and maybe change a few things up. Hilda deals with diplomatic affairs of the country and I think espionage, deceivery and going on solo missions would better suit her role to obtain evidence that may help her in diplomatic business. On the other hand, Imon is the one who actually specializes in the things I just listed, when I think Hilda's speciality involving tactical warfare would better suit him, as 'tactical ambush' is simply a tactic used in warfare.

    - Arulle: I think her role is fine and you should keep it that way, it makes sense although I think it should be expanded upon, as I'll state below.

    As for the descriptions themselves (as I assume they'll be the ones used to introduce the characters formally within the prologue), they could use some work. Some of the descriptions seem superficial and lacking any importance to Nation's defence and thus might need to be reworked slightly. As someone mentioned before, having a general specialize in slaughtering is a strange title, but I like the premise behind her role.
    Instead of "a female general that specialize in unbiased slaughtering", I'd work it into something like:
    "a female general that specializes in eliminating specific requests, potential threats and rebellious factions without bias nor fear of repercussion".
  12. I have my money on FE14 being a remake, although I'd prefer a new continent entirely and then have a remake of FE2/4/7 come afterwards.

    With that said, the next remake game I wouldn't mind being the new Smash Bros rep, although it probably won't be Cellicia(sp?) like a small minority have suggested, as cool as she'd be.

  13. I know that though. I was wondering if Resetti would be brought back even though we already have a confirmed assist from Animal Crossing. Sorry if the wording was confusing or something. :<

    Sakurai said he wanted more Assist Trophies in the Direct, so I'm sure the only Assist Trophies getting dropped would be the ones promoted to playable character (in this case, only Little Mac). However, if I recall some Pokemon were dropped from Melee to Brawl, so it's still a possibility.

  14. if link beats cloud in a death match, there's no question he beats ike lol

    he's quicker, dare I say more experienced in fighting larger brutish foes, has much better equipment(cough a sheild)

    even if this is child link vs young ike, I'm still giving it to link

    Whilst I assume you're semi-joking, I'll have you know that Death Battle has Zelda lose to Princess Peach and Tails kill Luigi with a move from Sonic Battle. They don't distinguish between canonity and often put in factors that should never be included in a fight. The fights are often sloppy as well (eg. introducing Sonic and his inability to swim, including it in the fight, but having him out of the water the next scene, making that weakness evident but entirely pointless to the fight), although some look cool, I guess.

  15. Link has that trifoce though, which Ike doesn't. That, and the Master Sword, which is said to be the bane of all evil.

    Also, no one ever said Ike would just sit there and take a hit. No one's dumb enough to actually do that. Just saying, with Ganon's strength AND magic together, Ike's at a disadvantage. Not to meantion he has nothing to use for defense, like Link does with his shield. There's a difference between possible and probable

    I don't know what you're trying to say, I honestly don't think we should account for Link using Zelda/Ganon's respective powers of the Tri-Force because of how such an unfair slaughter it'd be against Ike (I have yet to play Skyward Sword, so I can't say it in a 'canon' sense, but rather a 'fair' sense). Regardless, I think Link still outclasses Ike in a lot of different areas even with only the Triforce of Courage and his weapon arsenal across each game.

    Also, why are you arguing against me when I am clearly saying Link would beat Ike?

  16. Some of you are grossly overestimating Ike. Sure, he beat Dheginsea, but did he do it alone?

    Also I don't know how one can make the argument Ike would beat Link, but not Ganondorf, of whom Link has vanquished many times. Regardless of Ganondorf being physically stronger than Link and even holding magical powers Link can't compare to, Link still triumphed over him.

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