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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. I hope the FE14's gameplay isn't like Awakening, not that I disliked Awakening's gameplay, but rather would see something more in line with the original series, with a bit of innovation added. Awakening's fine, but other than 'FE4: Remake', I don't want the marriage system returning, for example.

    As for artist, I don't want the artist from FE9/10 to come back, they done an amazing job and created some really great character designs for even unimportant characters. With that said, the same artist was used for 2 games in a row (I think they also reused an artist to do FE4/5?), which is fine, but I'd rather see something fresh instead. For FE14, I hope the hire a new artist or go with the popular Miwa Shirou who done Lyn's DLC for Awakening. I'm fine if they use a DLC artist as long as they haven't already done the art for any of the main games.

  2. I was on a huge win streak, hit promos to gold and then watch as the dc'd Tryn comes back level 1 versus our level 5 Riven and cry as Riven loses lane...

    I hate blaming others and won't, but it was very disheartening. :(

    Always next time though!

  3. If you looked at the Smash Bros Miiverse, they've had Mega Charizard X listed as his final smash for quite a while. Same thing with Greninja and Lucario. All posted after their last Direct video. And they have some others posted too. They actually show quite a bit of some move sets.

    On another note, trophy looks nice today. I like the little details, like the dirt all over trophy base.

    Smash Bros Miiverse is a fansite.

  4. There is a "chance" for pretty much every game in the existence of ever to get a sequel. The possibility of a 4th GS does not help Isaac at all.

    Not to mention that Isaac may or may not be a main character in that next game.

    That doesn't really chance anything, if it's Nintendo and has a chance for a sequel (which is wrong, as you didn't take into consideration companies going bankrupt, thus making the chance of sequels impossible unless they sold the series to another company), there's entirely a chance to them being in the next Smash Bros, which is what I was saying.

    I find it pretty funny however that people are doubting Issac and accepting Chorus Men from the Gematsu Leak, despite the former having way more chance and representation globally than Chrous Men have and might ever have.

  5. Uh


    With Dark Dawn's mediocre sales and reception, I think that a 4th GS is not incredibly likely. I mean yeah it's possible that they'd make a 4th one, but it's also possible that Capcom would make Megaman ZX3. ;_;

    I never made a definite statement for there to be a source. I said there may very well be a fourth game, in other words, a chance. I don't know if there'll be a fourth game, but there's still the chance of it.

  6. Or they could just write a better story; there's no reason to do something that makes no gameplay sense just for a slightly more varied story.

    I think the hate mechanic of certain characters getting stat penalties near each other is really cool actually. It would make for an interesting and realistic gameplay addition.

    I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but there are a lot of things that doesn't make sense logically in Fire Emblem's game play. Having a support where two people hate each other and still obtain the support bonuses is absolutely fine, because that's how supports work. Just because two people hate each other or like each other doesn't mean their ability to work will improve or diminish.

    I could argue that a character (outgoing and passionate) who's in the presence of the other person (lazy and rude) they hate could make them try even harder to do their best in this particular battle because of their conflicting ideals.

    Realistically, I doubt having your wife riding a pegasi on the battlefield able to be shot by a ballista at any moment would make you fight better, lol.

  7. Personally, I hate Awakening's characters for on reason. All of them basically boil down to:

    If you like the archetype, you'll like the character.

    Other than that one archetype, they offer very little as a character, if anything at all. Honestly, I'd say it's impossible to classify any of the characters more than being that particular archetype. All of which I've seen before, with the exception of Owain, who is basically a reference machine anyway. People say to just sit back and enjoy the archetypes interact, but honestly, this is unacceptable.

    Very few have remarkable motivations or deep stories, and whenever they do try, it's poorly contrived. One example being Lon'qu, a silent, cool character who developed a fear towards women as he was unable to protect Ke'ri. None of the supports are mentionable at dealing with this issue and in fact, the issue is pretty ridiculous. Gaining a phobia to all women for being unable to protect one honestly doesn't sound logical at all and actually makes Ke'ri seem like a poor plot device to give Lon'qu depth. Similarly, they could've done good things with Anna's unhealthy addiction to money, Kellam's issues with being ignored, Tharja being self-conscious of her terrible personality and Nowi's fear for outliving everyone around her. You can't say that there just isn't the material to go in depth and have good writing, because that's completely false. They chose not to, rather that they couldn't.

    In my opinion, the second generation characters are the worst offenders of bad writing and poor development. They've actually got a good, apocalyptic world to help shape who they are, with their parents dying and help shape them all out to be good characters. In actuality however, this is not the case. None of their personalities seem to revolve around the events of which happened in the future and rather, the events in the future with Grima's rule seem like an add-on to the gags they provide.

    People often argue for a character they like, but please understand that liking something and admitting its flaws are completely different things. Owain for example, is one of the poorest characters in the series, but is well-liked for his Fire Emblem references, gags and 'being hot'. Even if you like his character for all three of those reasons, which is completely fine, that would make his character enjoyable, not well-written.

    except your not, because i'm that guy who tells others "stop overanlyzing SAO, its an average anime with a gary stu protag and a idiot plot for the second half of it with a forced love triangle that undermines the romance in the first half" for example.

    I honestly disagree. The most interesting thing about Sword Art Online is the over analysing reviews it got. Seeing all the flaws listed one after the other, plot holes, bad characterization, poorly written romance, all of it helps you appreciate good writing.

  8. How about introduce a my unit that goes against the main protagonist (or gives you the option to)? A My Unit that can make choices that influence the story and show development from the two opposing sides could be interesting, or just generally a My Unit with such a terribly bland personality? Also make the choices actually have meaning, not FE13 lol.

  9. The Chrom voice actor not being contacted is old news. I don't know why people are still asking the voice actor the same question over and over, having him say the exact same thing. Chrom was never a shoe-in and if Sakurai/Intelligence System has ever seen the fan's opinion on Awakening, it'd be the Japanese and their love spam for Lucina. Regardless of our audience being bigger, the Japanese have just as much say (if not, more) on the game. But as people said, popularity doesn't mean everything and I still stand by that neither offer anything new to the Smash Bros universe, especially so compared to other lords and even side characters.

  10. Man, people look into the strangest stuff for Smash Bros. Anyhow, I don't think it means anything, but I don't understand completely how google obtains its search results. I don't think the original poster of the Smash Bros thread does either, actually.

  11. I am almost certain Avatar will reappear if Fire Emblem 4 ever gets a remake, the only question is whether they're killed later on or not. Similarly, if Fire Emblem 7 gets a remake, I wouldn't be surprised if Tactician becomes playable. With that note however, I'm not sure whether pair up will return, although I think most people don't want it to?

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