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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. I'm sorry, I don't see at all Lucina, Chrom or Avatar (why is the latter even included? His fan base is much more inferior to the other two and though unique, is basically a self-insert character) replacing Ike. Ike offers a lot more than Chrom or Lucina EVER could to the Smash series, which as Sakurai said, is a factor he considers. The fact that neither offer anything unique to their fighting styles or heck, even their weapons is just painful. Both are pretty uninspired lords, with Lucina's biggest appeal being a light female sword user (something not playable in Smash Bros) but really, even then it's just not enough. Eirika, one of the least original lords fighting style wise could pull that off in a way more unique way than Lucina, using a jumpy, quick fencing style.

    One could argue that since Ike was only chosen since he was the most recent lord in the Fire Emblem series, it's reasonable to think the same will happen to Chrom/Lucina and that is... completely true. I am fine with them having the new spot (hopefully not permanently), but replacing Ike? Yeah, sorry. I don't even like Ike and I don't think that's even a possibility.

  2. Judging by the sales of the games that people complain are lacking innovation, most people don't agree with you.

    Which I did specifically say, making his point entirely moot. The people wanting innovation are the minority, meaning the video has no point. He's complaining about a section of the communities opinion, basically.

    Also, just because an innovative series didn't sell as well as the linear ones doesn't justify the claim that us, the community, are killing video games.

    Because they're for relatively new consoles, the Wii U in particular having a minuscule user base?

    This is true, but you can still use the sales statistics relative to the console statistics to understand whether that game was a success to the console. The Gamecube also wasn't considered a commercial success, failing to reclaim the market share loss, so why wasn't that console excluded, whilst the 3DS was? Pretty flawed, in my opinion.

    How would he take that into account?

    It's something he should mention at least, as it seems to be a large factor considering all the top games sales he listed were actually multiplayer. Similarly he compares Ocarina of Time to Mario Party 8, when one is multiplayer and the other isn't. That's a pretty big difference.

    The point is that both of those games are produced by Nintendo, and when they make more money with a cheap sequel like Mario Party 8 over a new Zelda game, can you really blame them for doing so?

    Yes, they're not the same series. You can compare one series with another, but the fan bases of said are completely different. You can't make an accurate statement of two games of completely different genre and intentions.

    Said people tend to blame the industry for the lack of innovation, when the problem is with the consumers.

    Only a minority of the consumers do that and really, there's nothing wrong with that. If he's trying to prove that the complaints at the lack of innovation are killing the industry, then he proved his point because that's not the problem at all. His general claim however is that we're killing the industry and Nintendo, which is absolutely ridiculous. Nintendo's decision to innovate the Wii U was theirs and theirs alone, likely because of the commercial success of the Wii. Nintendo's situation is completely and utterly their own fault.

  3. I think I used the wrong wording, I mean everyone has a chance. Of course, I do respect the Chrom and Lucina supporters, and if one of 'em win, enjoy playing them. I am interested to see if Westerners (majority Chrom supporters) vs Japan (majority Lucina supporters) win though.

    Speaking of Castle Siege, we've got Arena Ferox for the 3DS, but I don't really see Castle Siege returning (unless as a 'Brawl Stage' like how Brawl had 'Melee Stages') on either 3DS or Wii U. Think they'll take a notable area from Radiant Dawn or create another stage that is simply Fire Emblem-inspired? I see the same thing happening for Ice Climbers.

  4. Ugh, Gaming Theory. Such a poor Youtube channel that people begin to believe 'theory' as 'canon', despite the fact that you can make a theory about anything. This video goes in line with a lot of others including the video about Final Fantasy being anti-Christian and the video about Mario being communist.

    Blaming the consumers is ridiculous and it was painful watching him over-generalize the gaming community because of that. I - as an avid gamer, do want innovation. With that said however, it's not like I'll like every sequel that tries to innovate a series. For one, I absolutely hate Sticker Star for removing so many fun aspects of the Paper Mario series, basically redefining it. You can be innovative without throwing away everything you've already worked on to this point. I still respect Sticker Star for it's efforts and it does of course, have its own perks.
    Whilst the sales aren't dropping for any game, it's obvious the gaming community is obviously expanding and will continue to do so. Similarly, I'm certain the complaints for innovation and originality will also increase. I also find it humourous that he includes a chart to show that the lack of innovation is 'not' affecting the gaming industry and then proceeds to later reference a Mario-series sales chart which contradicts what he's saying (which he actually admits), then proceeding to exclude the 3DS/Wii U games to help support what he's saying. Whilst he's right in the sense of excluding them does support his argument... why exclude them? There's no reasonable justification for doing so.
    Also he's not taking into account the multiplayer aspect at all, which is likely a very big factor to a games sales.
    Watching the video as highly irking, he makes a point about Mario Party 8 - a 'linear' game is beating Ocarina of Time, a - 'innovative' game to help support the point linear is more popular than innovation, despite them both being completely different series with completley different audiences. Cause you know, Legend of Zelda is a multiplayer family game!
    He makes some good points at times, but with all his evidence, he rounds it out to address the issue of Nintendo's status, even though at the start, he clearly makes the point us 'gamers are killing video games', which at the end, he doesn't address at all. There is no proof the Wii U was designed because of the cries of innovation, I just don't know how to reply to his overall argument.
    It's very poorly written in that sense, as his statement and conclusion address completely different things.

    But sales figures don't lie, so I suppose it isn't too surprising that companies are releasing the same stuff every year. I mean, why reinvent the wheel if you already have one already working?

    I don't mean to be rude as you're a fan of the series, but the whole video makes no sense. He's complaining about gamers wanting innovation, despite not offering statistics on whether those people are the majority or minority. Obviously, they're the minority from the statistics shown, so why is he complaining at all? He's basically complaining about ALL gamers because of the desires of a SECTION of the community. It's like blaming the government for a lobby groups opinion.

  5. I don't think Stage Builder would be this advanced, taking patterns from each stage to cleverly craft a new stage altogether using elements from each stage. Even if Wii U-only, I do hope it returns and is more advanced than in Brawl!

    Um, dude? Nester is fake, and while Chrom has a good chance, I think that was a fake picture.

    Given how critical I am and how I completely advocate AGAINST Chrom, I thought it would've been obvious I was joking, sorry.
    I don't see Chrom having a good chance though, but it's been discussed to death.
  6. Can you name a more reasonable time to reveal Ike or Chrom? xP

    Besides, if everyone doubts that both of them will show up, it'll only surprise us if they actually do, no?

    I'd rather they aren't revealed and we find out at the games release. Especially in regards to the newcomer, it's more exciting that way. But my train of thought could be related to the fact I'm betting for no Fire Emblem newcomer.

    Similarly, Issac, Paultena, Krystal and heck, even Dixie (who I'm hoping not for) offer all these possibilities with their play styles which isn't the case for Chrom or Lucina, to whichever (or neither) wins this 'war'.

    But hey, it's just a theory. A Game Theory!

    I don't think the quote works, your post actually seems plausible and is well-structured. Unlike any of their theories since ever.

  7. Link and Toon Link? They're both fairly heavy (though Link's recovery sux, but so does Ike's). I'm somewhat tired of people saying "character's playstyle will be unique." I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard for Sakurai to make a character have a unique style if he wanted to. Heck, look at what Project M did to Roy. They changed him from up close and personal inferior Marth clone to something...well, different. Project M may not the best example, but I hope it gives off the message well enough.

    I think Sakurai's doing a great job creating unique fighting styles, Rosalina and Villager look great and nothing we've seen before, Megaman and Little Mac are also unique with some aspects of their moveset. The only one out of the newcomers that we've yet to see offer any innovation to their gameplay is Wii Fit Trainer, who for all we know might have something that defines her from other characters in Smash Bros and other fighting games. At least compared to Smash Bros 64/Melee, the newcomers are a lot more innovative.

  8. Re: Pixiv, Julia blows away every single other Jugdral character by a significant margin, including all the characters that get commonly cited as popular like Ayra and Finn. Ayra and Finn and Seliph and Ced are all plenty popular if you go by art stats, but Julia appears to be the star.

    ETA: And I do mean Fire Emblem's Julia specifically and not an aggregate of all characters on Pixiv named "Julia" or "Yulia."

    That's pretty interesting, whilst not to be taken too seriously as I said, it's still something that can be looked into. I haven't seen the stats for FE4/5 characters as I never completed the games, but if they have a lot of support already, who knows what'll happen when FE4/5 ever gets a remake.

  9. Should I note that though it's not accurate, Katria beats Tharja (by almost 100) and Soren beats Owain (by almost 200) fan art-wise on Pixiv. I repeat however, this is not an accurate by any means of measure as there are group pictures featuring them, fanart by the same artist and sometimes an anime character that may share their name, although regardless a majority of the fanart under their name is them.

  10. There's no point referencing the Fire Emblem: Awakening poll as a comparison to other Fire Emblem games as those numbers are only relative to characters that appear in Awakening. Yes, Tharja and Owain are the most popular characters exclusively to Awakening. I'd be interested in seeing a side character poll of all Fire Emblem games, however there are just so many options.

    Directly answering your question however and taking into account both English and Japanese audience (the latter being harder to fully understand for most of us) I'd say...

    Soren is probably the leading male, I'd say. I'm pretty sure Camus/Sirius is also popular with both audiences as well, but given that Fire Emblem: Mystery of the New Emblem didn't get an official release, a lot of people missed out on the game, despite there being a great fan translation.

    Tharja, of course doesn't come close to the most iconic side character in Fire Emblem, Katria, having insane support and popularity from the Japanese audience and is well-liked by most people I've seen in the English side too. Either way, the pegasus trio is something that'll always continue in Fire Emblem and Katria being the most popular of the original pegasus trio/sisters, her popularity probably won't shake, whilst Tharja's will be overshadowed by future characters.

    There's one thing I must say however, Owain and Tharja are popular now, but we can't say for sure . I mean, in the past, I remember there being quite large fanbases for Stefan, Ninian, Ranulf, etc and thogh I'm sure the fans of those characters still like them, it doesn't change the fact that the more recent characters are overshadowing them simply for being more recent. When the next new Fire Emblem game comes out, I'm certain both fans and haters will get over the Owain and Tharja hype and begin liking some side characters from the more recent game, just like it's happened in the past.

    I thought side-char supposed to be NPC, then Cervantes comes to mind.

    NPC-wise it'd probably be Ishtar or Selena, tbh.

  11. So apparently Kojima said something with regard to Snake in SSB4 during a recent interview.


    (it's somewhere after the 29 minute mark)

    He apparently said something along the lines of "I have no problems with Snake being in the game, but I don't know if he's in or not."

    I'd advise against inferring too much from this. If Snake is in the game, he's likely under an NDA concerning any details that haven't been revealed. If not, then he probably wouldn't want to ruin the surprise factor Sakurai is trying to keep with this game.

    To be fair, if Snake is in the game, I think Kojima would be obliged by a contract to not leak Snake being a part of the new Smash Bros. I'd find it VERY odd if he really didn't know whether Snake was in Smash Bros or not, regardless that Konami isn't working on the game, the actual creators not knowing whether their own characters are in the game or not? I'm not buying it. At the same time, he might really not know, either way no confirmation since if he definitely wasn't in the game, I'm sure he'd say so.

    Here's to hoping!

  12. 50 characters seems like a good amount for the game. Rather than characters though, I'm worried for all the cool features that Brawl included, Subspace Emissary aside which we know is not returning, I hope things such as Stage Creator, Events, the challenges and all the other cool things Brawl allowed you to unlock.

    Out of the two, Yoshi's significantly more likely. Let's not grasp at straws, shall we?

    Nah, I'm pretty sure Ike'll be revealed before Yoshi. Yoshi's definitely slated for September. 65 million years ago, around September dinosaurs became officially extinct and well, we all know what Yoshi is. I'mma just sayin'. ObamaworksforIlluminati.

  13. You make some great points here and I wholeheartedly agree as far as silliness of FE13 is concerned. I've never played FE12, thus can't really comment on it. We seem to agree, however, that good characterization is a good way to enhance the series. Some of the death scenes are laughable even when its clear they shouldn't be and I could do without Olivia constantly talking about her dancing (even when the MU "dies", she's saddened that he/she won't get to see her dance anymore). The MU's sacrifice could've been handled a lot better. I would've made the death permanent. It's a big mistake to have a character killed off and resurrected if it doesn't come at a cost or at least a reasonable explanation. Here, we get neither. The MU just comes back at the end and everything is peachy.

    I agree, I think the problem with Nintendo is they're afraid to handle more mature things, which explains the tropes that seem like they come from a rather generic anime. One thing that springs to mind is the conversation between Libra and Gaius - a support finally acknowledging that despite the people their killing are enemies, they're still human. This is an extremely serious conversation and I can understand why they'd want to 'fluffen' it, so to speak, but when Libra asks Gaius to pray with him, Gaius prays for candy? That ruined the entire conversation and chance of development for either. I also completely agree with the final ending, it would've been a great choice in the end, but you already explained the problems.

    That said, as far as the principle of making characters a little more than meaningless faces with one or two lines of dialogue, FE13 went in the right direction. The support conversations are one the best features in the series and I for one would like to see them further expounded upon. Maybe not to the extent of a Bioware game, but as a mechanism for fleshing out characters and giving us greater reason to keep them alive.

    I might have come off as unclear with my original post, but I do agree that even though their tropes, they do feel more like 'characters' compared to say an extremely large amount of characters in pretty much every other Fire Emblem game. In that aspect, the Awakening characters definitely showed improvements about being individual. I mean really, previously it was either about the characters stats or their looks as personality wise, they were non-existent. In that sense you explained, I'm glad they fleshed out characters more, however it just feels there's so many things to complain about them with what they fleshed out.

    Assigning a single trope and making that character entirely abide and stick with that trope as their entire character is just such poor writing... Which is why I liked Fire Emblem 12's conversations, the characters weren't that developed, but they still had meaningful conversations pertaining to themselves with the My Unit. Similarly, the character development in Tear Ring Saga, where a lot of the characters were VERY fleshed out and had gameplay attributes unique to them. One such example is Raquiel, a promoted archer who had made a vow not to kill after participating in previous wars. Gameplay wise, she would never bring enemy units under 1HP despite being insanely stronger, however if you'd want to use her, there was a character related to her that initiated an event later on where he would get killed by an enemy unit in front of her, causing her to break her vow to not kill anyone and then proceed to work like any other unit. This is great development for a game that basically copies Fire Emblem gameplay to a very large extent. This coming from a game that didn't have support conversations.

    To OP: Do you realize just how LITTLE game developers actually spend on writers and storytelling? And do you also have any idea of just how difficult storytelling in a video game is? Awakening is a text-heavy game, true, but I can almost guarantee that, from a development perspective, writers are considered some of the least important people on the team, even though they have some of the hardest jobs.

    I enjoyed reading your perspective and opinion on Awakening's issues of character development and storytelling, as I do completely agree with you that a majority of video game developers don't spend as much time on storytelling as much as say, gameplay which makes perfect sense. Difficult? Well, it's their job and if Nintendo's not hiring experienced writers, well they're to blame... But anyhow, whether it's difficult or not something they didn't focus on is no excuse at all for the poor results presented. They are factors for us to help understand and accept the bad writing, but that doesn't change the fact the writing should be criticized heavily. It's not like the game is bad for having terrible writing in regards to character and story, as it makes up for it with gameplay and the like.

    "He's a thief who likes sweets" or "She's clumsy and kind but also a little ditzy" or "She just wants to be normal and has an unrequited crush on her commander" isn't very specific, but it's also damned hard to build a character when that's all you have to go off of. And when you are literally trying to save a franchise from extinction, you can't afford to give ANYONE on your development team a lot of leeway to play around with anything that could be considered risky.

    To be fair, I can see this being the case, but if the composer described their character as 'clumsy' and then 'a little ditzy', I'd probably fire them haha. This is a valid point though, the franchise wasn't in the best state thanks to the Tellius series, so they created characters to be as tropey as possible as it appeals to a pretty wide general audience and definitely the 'anime fanatics'.

    I don't think you understand exactly what demanding "better storytelling" of the developers entails. It means you're demanding a staff that is already under an insane amount of duress to dedicate time, money, programming, and other resources that they might not necessarily have. It doesn't matter if a writer has a great idea for a funny/cute/heartwarming/whatever support between secondary characters K and P, because it's not feasible for the team to go back and dedicate the time to go back into the code and mess with it and go through the whole process of making sure that, by trying to go back and edit in another support, they didn't just accidentally nuke the game or add in a bug that wasn't there before. This is especially true if there's not a lot of time left before development ends, which - as you recall I said earlier - there usually isn't by the time writers get brought on board.

    I'm sorry, but if the writers come in at the last second to write out a story that has only a base , then there's a really big problem both time management wise and communication wise. I honestly don't think the way you described it is the case for Awakening, a majority of characters are actually taken from extremely overused archetypes predominantly popular archetypes used in anime and manga. I think it was entirely intended for them to make the characters as tropey as possible as simply, that's what's popular with Japanese audience - however that's just a personal assumption. I mean really, the two most popular females are Severa and Tharja, speaking for themselves. Similarly, Chrom the epitome of blandness and Gaius the one-track candy king are the most popular guys. Either way, we can't say for sure on either case as they have not released any statements about time management - I think.

    Of course, I do agree that time constraints are always a problem, just look at how badly they butchered Soul Calibur 5. But even then, is it really an excuse? Delay the game if you're missing out on a lot of the story. The way Fire Emblem Awakening done its supports pretty much gave it more free reign to develop characters more but instead tried to be more humorous and thus appeal to more casual players, which was definitely one of it and FE12's intentions.

  14. I personally like the waifu stuff as I feel it makes the character a little more interesting. In Shadow Dragon, I couldn't care less about most of the cast they only had a few lines of dialogue in the entire game. I'd line to see something akin to this expounded upon. What I'm really looking for is not the ability to get it on with any female unit, but actual character development, which FE games have always lacked to a great degree.

    I respect your opinion but vehemently disagree with how Awakening went about things, but I also think it's an interesting discussion and something Fire Emblem as a whole (all games, really) need to improve on. Whilst I agree some of the characterization in Shadow Dragon was bad and thus you couldn't care for most of the cast, it's not a fair comparison as really, one has supports and the other doesn't. For me, Fire Emblem 12: Mystery of the Emblem is a much more even comparison.

    I just can't take Fire Emblem Awakening's characters seriously as Gaius lays dying, worrying that he won't eat anymore sweets or Owain dying and blaming it on the fact he didn't give his weapon a cool enough name. Given there are instances of character development, don't get me wrong. It's just Awakening's characters are so disgustingly gimmicky and though people argue that it's been like this for every Fire Emblem, Awakening goes above and beyond to make characters as tropey as possible. Donnel's country gimmick, Severa being a tsundere, Tharja a yandere, Maribelle's condescending pride, Gaius's lolly addiction, Anna one-track mind on money, Nowi... well... Nowi. It's not like these characters don't get character development (although, let's be real like all of Fire Emblem games, some don't), we don't even get to see why they are who they are. Why is Anna addicted to money and Gaius sweets?

    I completely agree that character development would be good - it's sad how Tear Ring Saga just demolishes Fire Emblem in this regard, so it's definitely not the way Fire Emblem presents it's story. But if we compare Awakening to Fire Emblem 12 and it's 'trope' characters, Norne the clutzy childhood friend of MU is someone who respects him and is hinted to like him. We see her motivation to join the army, to get stronger. Fire Emblem 12 digs into the deeper issues as well, Linde relating to the MU as they're both parent-less, Katarina's relationship with Kleine and her future away from the orphanage, Katria getting over her feelings, Arran's eventual death and heck, even Wrys's ideology about healing others and looking after children at the monastery.

    Maybe Awakening could hit hard-hitting issues regarding or relating to the character, however Anna's unhealthy addiction to money won't be solved today, as the main thing the developers were focusing on with the My Unit talking to her is how they're going to do 4 conversations that ultimately end up with them marrying each other. With the introduction of My Unit, I think the conversations with the characters and My Unit are the most important, as it's meant to put you in the position of talking to the character directly and understanding them, Fire Emblem 12 at least succeeded in this to some extent, unlike Awakening. People have already mentioned in the past as other issues such as Coredelia's continual moping about Chrom despite being possibly married to someone else by the time. That's character regression if anything.

    I also apologize as I haven't seen all supports in Awakening or Mystery of the New Emblem, so I may have missed out on things, etcetera.

  15. Here's a question: how much do you think any difficulty mode, be it Hard or Lunatic+, affected the games sales? How about the skill system? How about the waifu system?

    I think it's pretty obvious of which audience the 'waifu system' was intended to appeal towards, whether it affected the games sales from what it'd be without, who knows. I'd assume it affected the sales positively though. However, if the next Fire Emblem game comes with the same 'waifu system' with characters who seem like they're taken from some bad eroge with much worse development, I'm interested to see if the sales retain their strength.

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