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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. So out of the contested 7 (my term of the 7 brawl characters alot of people seem to think beyond a doubt are cut)

    Sonic, Toon Link and Lucario have been confirmed. Good signs for the other four. Them being Ike, Snake, Lucas and Wolf

    I wouldn't really say it's good signs for the other 4 considering Sakurai confirmed there were cuts and if it's not Toon Link or Lucario, the others are in an even more questionable position. Out of those 7 however, I only really cared for Sonic and Snake, the others are highly expendable. Although to be honest, I don't think there'll be many cuts. 2-5 at most. I hope it's one of the remaining four, except Snake given he wasn't involved in the PlayStation All-Stars and was the introductory character for the third-party characters.

    Out of the remaining, I guess I like Ike the most, only for his playstyle. Whilst Lucas and Wolf are indeed different from Ness/Fox/Falco, I really wouldn't mind if they were removed. I don't think Lucas will be however, Wolf I would gladly have replaced for Crystal.

  2. Haha lol, no. I seem to recall Sakurai saying he wanted to focus on balancing the game more.

    I was clearly being sarcastic... In all seriousness, Ike shouldn't be a priority for buffs, but he should definitely get some. Pretty sad how Marth is better than him in a variety of aspects, not that I mind LOL.

    Going back to mains for a moment. I'm going to try (again) to main Sonic my favorite video game character of all time. Will I be successful? Who knows. I don't even know who my mains will be in this game, I like playing as quite a few smash characters in the various games.

    I personally main Ice Climbers and will be going on to Sonic in the Wii U/3DS game, so good luck to you man!
    I might also try Snake if he returns, seen some pretty insane stuff with him.
  3. Speaking of tiers, if Ike is sticking around, he'll need a little revamping as well because he was also in the lower tiers in Brawl (though higher up than Link lol). Ike would've probably been better had Sakurai not chosen to scrap Ragnell's projecitle attack. Bring it in this time, that sword isn't really Ragnell without the awesome shockwave attack! Just dumb it down some like Aether was. xP

    As for Link, I think his recovery needs improved, his arrows should be a bit stronger, and add the Skyward Strike to his arsenal of attacks. :D

    Sorry, Sakurai is too busy putting all the good attributes in Marth making him a much more superior character than the other swordsmen bar Metaknight. Yet people still play Ike more. I agree though, Ike needs some minor buffs however, I'd rather much see Link, Zelda or Jigglypuff buffs.

  4. Actually, it was revealed after awhile, and it turned out that the Wii sold more than twice the numbers that the Xbox360 and PS3 had COMBINED. The PS3 had failed the most out of the three. One of the reasons was that the Wii opened more to the casual market as well as the hardcore and brought in non-gamers. It also had a nice library of third party titles and a better variety of genres. I can never go to a store that sells video games and not find at least half of the 360 and PS3's libraries to be something to do with shooting, blood, and gore.

    And if I want a shooter, I can still go to the Wii, because Medal of Honor: Vanguard was released for it.

    If that's the case, it's pretty obvious the Wii and Wii U are on completely different starts. :)

    Funnily, it seems the roles are reversed with Wii U being the least sold and I'm not sure who won between XBox One and PS4, regardless it doesn't matter too much.

    As for the adventure mode, the stage looks pretty grim. I enjoyed the Melee's vibrant adventure mode, looking forward to it either way.

  5. And people said the same thing about the Wii during its beginnings, that it was a failure and such. But it wound up totally destroying the competition, didn't it? Watch the Wii U do the same, eventually. Especially since it's the cheapest, as usual.

    I think the Wii U version will sell the most, because as stated before, I don't think many people are just going to ditch the classic Smash experience. And playing on the big screen with friends would certainly be more fun!

    I actually can't recall Wii's sales, however it was definitely not something stated by Nintendo (of which in this case, it is). With that said, I totally agree the Wii U will provide the better, more fun and enjoyable experience. I'd much prefer to play it on the Wii U, however I'm going to settle with the 3DS. I'm interested to see if the majority do, or actually buy a Wii U for Smash.

  6. Small alert guys: Don't do your placements....just don't do them yet.

    In OCE, hilariously all challenger and diamond-level players got placed in Plat #1 at first. Including my friend, who was challenger. Of course, high LP gains and all, so climbing isn't too annoying for him.

  7. lasers everywhere, i don't think he will have bad ratios. Without any gapclosers, he's gonna disrupt and damage things all day.

    He has an 80% slow and a spell that brings the enemy closer to him, lol. If he does a lot of damage, it'll be the Annie complaints all over again. Although actually, I'm in full support of that.

  8. fukken lasers, awesome

    new AP mid for you all

    shame i prefer AD champs.

    And to me, this looks real considering the tooltips and images. It's about time something new is at least revealed since Yasuo was released nearly 5 weeks ago.

    He might and hopefully does have bad ratios if he's meant to be a support. Although given how offensive-oriented his kit is...

    Anyway looking forward to seeing him!

  9. The bots in Dominion are actually pretty hilarious. Whenever I duo with my friend to do some Dominion games, we're always paired up with bots against bots. It sadly happens in PvP Dominion too of which the winner is determined by whether or not which side has more bots or not. Given, this is under level 20.

  10. So with the temporary 1v1 out, any discussion? I've found a lot of people underestimating Katarina, despite her being known for having a "horrible laning" (although, I don't know if this is still the case). As of yet, I haven't lost to anyone as Katarina, given I've only done 3-4 games with her. Sadly, the amount of ADCs in the Showdown is annoying, although I play Akali and generally beat em, it's like I can't go in a game without being against an ADC or some long-range mage such as Ziggs or Lux.

  11. Secondly, having opinion does not make you free from criticism of said opinion. Especially when there is no explanation why you feel a certain way. There are people that either identify with the character, the games they're from, they're movesets, or some combination of any of those factors. So it's well within their rights to criticize your opinion.

    Exactly my point, you can dislike the fact I don't think their worthy of character slots and I don't mind. Funny as you should mention, as I did lament Game and Watch's appearance in melee (although have accepted it) and double so for R.O.B in Brawl. If you think the problem was criticizing the opinion, you need to reread the post as the problem lies in people getting offended over either post, which is ridiculous and extreme over-reacting.

  12. If you had just said "I don't like that she's included," I don't think you'd have gotten such a response. You said "she's a waste of a slot." With that attitude, you're bound to get bad reactions from people who wanted to see her in the game.

    All about word choice.

    Eh, I think Rosalina's a wasted slot too and I'm going to always think that, because that's my opinion regardless of how much I like her fighting style (which from the trailer, looks bloody great). Similarly, I feel the same about Toon Link rehashing older Link and Wii Fit Trainer. Personally, if someone gets offended over the original post, I think the problem lies within them. Likewise, getting offended about someone being offended over your opinion is of course a silly thing to be offended about.

  13. Yawn, OCE servers... Was winning a ranked game, only to have everyone in the game complaining about random lags and then proceeding to watch everyone including I get disconnected and when I try and log in, the game is neither in my match history or the ability to be reconnected to.

    I want my IP and LP. :[

  14. Your article has a lot to say. I read like no one's business, and I got bored right around 1C. I think that runes and their pricing scheme could use some improvement. . .but do you think you can express yourself in, say, two-thirds of the words you're currently using?

    However, I also think that in terms of champions/IP, Riot could do a better job of rotating people. For example, I remember seeing Rengar free twice in a row (and he's one of those guys who I don't intend on buying if I can help it). . .and poor Yorick is on a longer drought than Draven used to be. While it's not perfect, it'll give the new players a chance to experiment with more characters, which in turn means that if they're the type to buy champions with IP, it'll (hopefully) be a more informed purchase!

    If anything should be mentioned, it's Ashe being free so many times. I remember when I first joined around Zac's release, she was free and the week later, she was still free. I thought she was actually a permanently free champion at first. Funny should I mention since she's also on the rotation right now.

  15. Ah yes CC. I was just curious since Slippy didn't say much about the comp of his team :<

    It came to the point where basically me, Nasus and Vayne were the deciders. I could shut down the rest of his team (Graves, Elise, Rumble and Nunu). Since I was actually more fed than Vayne (however to a Nasus, I done way less damage funnily enough) he kept focusing me, which resulted in him getting chunked down by Vayne. The next time he focused Vayne, I could clean up Nasus barely from the damage Vayne dealt.

    Though man, Guardian Angel on Nasus was painful haha. Here's the game from the Nasus's perspective.


  16. I think I'm done... playing ever...

    Just carried a game against a Nasus with over 1,000 stacks. This was definitely the most painful and excruciating game ever. For those curious my score was 24-11-16 and the Nasus's score was 26-8-16. Sadly, I can't take all the credit as our Vayne was the one who put a stop to him at 16-8-8. It worries me that if I didn't let Vayne get kills when ganking bot, the game definitely would've been a loss.

    The game went over an hour... so painful, haha. Yeah, it was ranked.

    Man, the sad thing is that our top who fed the Nasus and Vayne wanted to surrender. People give up too easily!

  17. baby-shocked-gif.gif


    I didn't like A link to the past either, but this game is amazing

    That definitely gives me hope! For one, the sages in this game aren't that of generic recoloured Maidens, of which A Link to the Past was. I want to support Zelda in general as it has a lot of deeper things behind the series, Despite my hype for the Wii U Zelda, I don't have a Wii U, thus leaving me with Between Worlds which I know is praised, but I also recognize that there's a lot of nostalgia with it and Link to the Past, so it's nice hearing opinions of those who haven't played or didn't like A Link to the Past. Thanks!

  18. How do you build an annie support? I am lost as i have no general idea of how annie wants to build in general. I have heard RoA is a good first item for her (of course this is when she is mid but maybe it translates over to support), but i always feel like getting it 20 minutes into the games is a bit of a waste ( I get frost queen's claim and boots or some other thing first).

    Also Udyr is freaking awesome. He got me out of a 6 game losing streak.

    I always build Annie as a second AP Carry, buying 3 wards + a vision ward whenever I need, which isn't a lot as there should always be 3-4 trinkets out on the map. Spellthief's Edge fits her so well with her immense auto attack range (which you already do) and as such, I find carrying with Annie much easier, even with mid or top losing out. Of course, which AP items to build depend on the enemies team comp, how your laning went (whether you got a lot of assists/kills) and such.

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