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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. 35 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

    Also why do people hate Kagero?  The Ninja who likes to draw?  So why is she there over Oboro and such?  Well cause of how she looks.  People who haven't played Fates see a 10/10 beauty.  Don't want to be mean but I don't think Oboro's looks are why she is popular, you need to know her personality and who she is to be interested. 

    The problem is... this isn't unique to Kagero. There are attractive, "busty" females in almost every Fire Emblem game. You've got Orochi, Vaida, Lucia, Charlotte, Sonya, Mathilda, Sonia and so on...

    She really doesn't deserve two alts, let alone in the span of a single year.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

    I think the problem there is that most of the armors not in FEH are pretty unpopular (including Tauroneo sadly) and that makes IS apprehensive of adding any of them. So instead, they package more known and popular commodities as armors so they can have shit tons of money the best of both worlds.

    You're correct, but I hate this trend and makes me not want to use armours whatsoever. 

    Most of my favourite armours aren't in the game yet and they're definitely not getting broken skills like the Fighter line. It'd look extremely out of place for characters like Valbur, Meg or Brom to be repping high-tier fodder, but I guess that didn't stop Karla.

  3. Kagero?? Literally one of the worst choices they could have made, with Camilla being the only worse option. Whilst people are beckoning for a good Leo, Oboro and so on... Really Fates is so over-exposed at this point that if they missed their opportunity by now, then that's just how it is. I don't mind Niles, but his popularity has clearly diminished compared to the Fates polls that it seems strange to choose him over other popular male characters. 

    With that said, Myrrh and especially Mia save the banner. Mia looks legendary, and it's her Radiant Dawn version to boot. Definitely gunning for her, although won't buy orbs since I've been unhappy with how IS and their treatment of the game.

    I'm more excited for armour Fae (preferably not Nowi...) to come in Christmas assuming the dragon armour trainee trend continues. Fae deserves an alt for sure.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I believe Elincia is the first character I think about flying healers. Also, Ylgr could be a flying unit, but from non-original characters, Elincia is my pick.

    Well considering Tiki got a Legendary Hero, Elincia's definitely a possibility (I understand there's a difference between series mascot and secondary lord, but I digress). I doubt she'll get it within the first 16 Legendary Heroes though. Maybe the Book 3 batch if they continue?

  5. Seems counter-intuitive to what the Blessing System was meant to promote. I think the system was meant to promote using a diverse range of units, not switching your Reinhardt and dancers blessing to cheese each of the Blessing Maps. Similarly, you could just put all 4 blessings on your core arena team and get a ridiculous boost in scoring for 'free'.

  6. 1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

    If there was one, would Fjorm get pulled out of the Arena hero rotation and out of BHB quests I wonder? Or would they leave her and dilute the utility of the Askr trio even more?

    What would people prefer?

    God, no! Fjorm makes arena F2P friendly and tolerable since all she needs is a QR seal to perform. I don't think blaming her for Shareena's lack of... ability is necessarily fair.

    As of right now, Fjorm is part of the main cast now and should keep her current position. Fjorm needs some development in Book 3 and should stay as a member of the main cast until she either dies (if she dies). Shareena needs the development too, of course. They really need to learn from Book II and apply what they learned in Book III.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


    True, I could at least login for the daily stuff. I'll do that. And I am still interested in who'll be on the Halloween banner, at least. And yeah, PoR/RD is still due for a new banner as well.

    Not just those, but the new garden maps and some infernal maps and sometimes AA too.

    There's nothing wrong with taking a break or so until the next FEH channel or banner regains your interest. I imagine they'll be saving their "big guns" for the next anniversary. Although really, the recent changes to Arena, the steady powercreep and so on has frustrated a lot of people. I think they need to do something in-between then to keep player interest.

    As for the Garden maps, I've only been doing the ones with the orbs tbh... Are you struggling to have enough units with a specific blessing? There are a few things you could do such as make specific counters for AA/Garden maps, ignoring the "season bonus" during AA, etc. But, if you're not interested in a lot of the 3* units for specific counters (eg. I raised a Sully awhile back for her Swordbreaker/Sapphire Lance), you could wait till more 3 or 4*s are added... If they're ever added. I'm still holding out hope...

    I really want to raise some 3* or 4* units that'd never have the chance to get into the game normally like Gatrie or Marcia...

  8. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I'm quitting FE Heroes. I've quit a couple times before and later came back, but this time, I think I'm through for good. No point in going on when all I seem to be able to do in the game anymore is just level up units since IS insists on making everything else unnecessarily difficult and near impossible to beat. Videos have not worked for me.

    Ow. Sad/disappointed to see you go if you go through with it since it's been enjoyable talking to you about particular FE topics. But, I completely understand and at the very least, maybe taking a break would be good since the game has been monotonous. I empathize with your position since I was in a similar one awhile ago and had to take a break because I was getting frustrated with the game and certain decisions they were making. 

    If I may suggest, if it's not too much of a chore, you could just try logging in for the daily orbs (so you don't miss too much) and wait for the next PoR/RD banner and see where to go from there. IIRC, you did want Ranulf who should be one of the earlier Laguz releases if Laguz are ever announced. For me personally, TT and GC are when FEH gets most of my time/interest (as one of the few people that actually like GC). When they're not up, I tend to just log in for the dailies and whatever 

    If it's the new Abyssal maps that are frustrating you... Honestly, I'd just skip them. They're going to keep repeating in the future (and I imagine we might get future upgrades such as "Skill Refinery" to help neutralize the ridiculous over-inflated stats). I've had to skip most of them, they're too frustrating.

  9. 2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    Yiiiiikes; I hope I get her before then. x_x Igh, do I spend orbs on colorless this banner or just try for her next month...? Seems a bit risky either way...

    This month isn't worth it, Jaffar will pity break you in the future and Maribelle is nice but overshadowed by Veronica. Wait till Veronica hits a LHB, IMO. She'll definitely be featured a few times, maybe even with FRobin.

    12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Based on what we currently know:

    October will be red water.
    November will be colorless water.
    December will be green or colorless wind.
    January will be wind.
    February will be fire.

    Elements are subject to change, but these are based off of the current elemental season schedule found in the game data.

    Definitely betting on Roy being February. 

    I really hope Micaiah is for November, but not sure water is best fit for her.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    why would IS shoot themself into the foot by promoting another Gatcha game? Companys within companys still are competitiv to each other because each of them want to deliver the better results then the other.

    Collaborating or "advertising" other gacha games is pretty common since it's a two-way deal.

    FFBE held a Star Ocean collaboration when the Star Ocean gacha got released. In response, Star Ocean will have an FFBE collaboration later down the line.

  11. 1 minute ago, Florete said:

    Next month is red. November is (probably) colorless.

    Oh... That's right. Well I really hope it's Micaiah for November then, I might even consider saving up for her, especially if Veronica's sharing the spot with her. 

    I guess Roy's coming next? I know people have been predicting Yglr/Hrid, but people have been predicting FEH OCs for the past few months now and we haven't got any. Might not happen until Book III?

  12. 27 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Ctrl + F "Tiki."

    The only results are a mention of something unrelated, not a prediction.

    We failed this month.

    Whilst I would prefer some other lords get their due...

    Tiki is a pleasant surprise in the sense that she completely blindsided everyone. Hopefully Micaiah's on staff for next month.

  13. I finished the first one and absolutely loved it, but the second one was a pretty big disappointment for me. 

    I loved the portrait ghosts and removing them was a big downside (kind of like Paper Mario removing partners, I could never see the game in the same way). I really need an interconnected story with all the bosses that piece together for an overarching narrative. 

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