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Posts posted by BravuraLevi

  1. Crizix's HP: 39 + 31 = 63 (Max)

    "I see...Now that I think about it, I haven't seen many Valkyries either..." Her eyes widened as an arrow hit him. "Are you all right?!"

    (Good night!)

    "It's fine' it's just an arrow sho-" Samson promptly fell asleep' only to stand back up a while later. However, he was still fast asleep. He was sleep walking' while being tormented by bad dreams. "Huh? Who are you people?get away from me!" He promptly kicked the zombie which had attacked Crizix.

    (This should be interesting.)

  2. (To be honest, I completely forgot I had HealTouch.

    Great, yet another ship for me... xD)

    (You could ask someone to add me to your list of possible supports if you'd like.)

    "An...endangered species...?" What an odd thing to say...Is he saying he's not really 'human'?

    (Oh...These numbers feel a bit random...)

    (I might ask kat when I can be bothered. Also, blame intelligent systems for the numbers, I don't understand either) " By endangered species, I mean the number of us is dwindling..." An arrow flew into the flesh of his left arm. "But, let's not get distracted." He removed the arrow and covered the wound.

    Samson 71/80

    Edit: it's off to slumber for me. Ciao!

  3. (so then Ace's HP would now be 79. Thanks for the formula Bravura, but Crizix has healtouch, making it 40)

    (Samson x Crizix. Calling it now! xD)

    (D'oh!... And I would say that's a thing... But they don't support.)

    Samson: *to Crizix* It's fine I'm part of... An endangered species, if you could call it that...

    (And physic has the same modifier as fortify, 8)

  4. "Many thanks, Samson." Crizix said, surprised. This was convenient; she didn't realize that he could use staffs...

    (Oh, I'll try to remember that for future reference. ^^;)

    Samson smirked at her surprise "Didn't know about my staves, did you? Well, I'm a war monk, after all"

    (With mend, the staff bonus turns from 8 to 11)

  5. That last attack hurt, but Crizix was still standing. Really, she should retaliate, but a quick scan of the battlefield showed her that all her allies could use some healing. She brought out the new Fortify and channeled her energy through it. Since this was the first time she was actually using it, she wasn't sure how effective it'd be, but something is better than nothing, right?

    Crizix's HP: 63 - 24 = 39

    Samson was unharmed, but could see Crizix was struggling,so he used his mend stave on her, restoring 31 HP.
  6. So the dead Dreamer was resurrected as a zombie...Crizix never noticed him when he was alive, but she still felt a pang of sadness...though she probably had an advantage right now over those who did know him. After a long moment, she decided that she should attack the Dreamer zombie first. She quickly flipped her Rexcalibur tome open and fired at the one called "Duck".

    "Hey! Crizix! Let me lend a hand... Both hands!" *pairs up*
  7. Falchion's effectiveness and Ace's fire caused the dragon to wince, yet it still stood firm. The man that just slashed it was nothing, just something it wanted to kill. That's all it knew, after all. Its swipe was as fast as light, gashing at Marth's body before he could even react. The other humans didn't seem to be doing much, so it decided on taking the advantage and galloped at Samson, Crizix and Dan, wanting to crush and gnaw at their lifeless bodies

    The dragon bit into his arm "Nngh!" Struggling, he drove his brave axe at the beasts skull.
  8. "Oh! T-Thank you, sir...Well, the Dracozombie is the one spewing out this gas, but...that's King Marth's battle...I think...we should focus on the rest of the Risen." She fired a Rexcalibur in the direction where the arrow came from.

    "Well, there are no enemies left... What do you propose we do now? I don't think inhaling more smog and just talking will do much..."
  9. Crizix looked around and saw a...corpse? She walked over to it and poked it. It was warm...Was this guy one of the Azure Dreamers? She...She completely missed him...? Wait, then...does that mean that she...had...failed...? She bit back the tears that were welling up in her eyes, and searched for anyone that may need healing still.

    (Bye to those who left!)

    "Mrs crizix, look out!" He blocked an arrow with his axe."There are still enemies left, and we must find the source of this gas!"
  10. Horrified, Glaedyr turned to face Samson again. "...D-dead?!" She shook her head in disbelief. [it...It can't be...] Focusing on her new task at hand, she attempted to support Nathaniel's weight, and tried to help him move closer to Samson.

    (What on earth is happening? Could this be some sort of heart condition?)"I would recommend getting him to safety for now..." He He returned fire from the warriors barrage by zapping him with his bolt axe.
  11. Duck coughed up more blood. He could feel something... something like a healing spell... but nothing was working. "So... rin.... Po...ly... D... Dusk... Ta... Tate..." Duck closed his eyes and spoke no more.

    (In other words, good bye, RPers!)

    (No....) "He's dead glaedyr. Now try not to inhale this gas and get Nathaniel." (This can't be happening... Not again...)
  12. "Damn... what now?" He tried to get up but fell back down. "Where... am I, again?" He coughed up blood, and fell over face first.

    Samson, deciding to finish his fight, grabbed his axe, jumped, and turned around, sinking his axe into his foes skull.sheathing his weapons, he walked over to Duck.
  13. Glaedyr jumped as she saw Nathaniel suddenly falter beside her. [What's up with him?!] She felt panic and concern rising inside her, and pushed in front of him to slash at the risen he had just attacked, trying to guard him from any oncoming attacks. She gave a fleeting glance over her shoulder to check on him. "Nathaniel... What's wrong?!" She said between the swipes of her sword. Glaedyr began to panic even more as she saw Duck get attacked too. [Gah! What do I do?] "Duck!" She promptly finished off the risen she had just attacked, and span round to try and help the others. Though all she had left was half a vulnerary... "Somebody help!"

    (This could be bad, time to help) he turned around, dropping his weapon and using catharsis, taking an axe to the back as he did so.
  14. Nathaniel felt a strange sensation rise from his stomach as he fought the risen swordsman. "True excitement, the danger of death as we battle is like such-" He suddenly felt a sharp pain around his heart. A familiar pain. "Why now?! Of all the times... Oh dear..." Nathaniel shivered violently and frantically slashed at his opponent. With his free hand, he was clutching at his heart, wincing in pain.

    " Nathaniel? You OK?" (No... When I'm finished with this one, I'll go check) Leaping backwards, he activated his bolt axe, electrifying his foe.
  15. She turned to DodgeDusk, a little startled. "Mmm...You're right, but that won't stop me from worrying...Well, I should really get to some other part of the battle -"

    Before she could finish, an unfamiliar voice yelled at her. "W-What?" She spun around wildly until she spotted that person called Alicia with a serious leg injury. There was no way she'd get there in a timely fashion, especially without Luna, so she used her Physic Staff.

    "A simple physic won't cut it... But it will have to suffice for now..." He ran at a warrior, faking him out and rolling past him.
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