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Posts posted by BravuraLevi

  1. Looking ahead the coast appeared to be clear.... for now that is. All right then With one hand on Falchion's hilt, I walked over to the entrance, which seemed to be unguarded

    "Don't let your guard down Marth..."

    (...You guys got married? o.o)

    (As did Poly and Ace's sister, Alicia)
  2. Marth managed to catch up to Dusk, who had a head start over the rest of us. Don't think that you can just sneak off on me like that. I said that I would accompany you after all

    "say though.. Where did Marth and Dusk go? ...Guess it's just us three..."
  3. "You're right, and yes, I've been training with tomes. I'm a lot better now. Also, I found a Fortify, although I lost my Rescue..."

    Crizix giggled a little bit. "I'll do my best!"

    Then she turned to the unfamiliar face. "Hello, sir...Uhm..."

    "excuse me, but who are you? I'm Samson. That's Nathaniel"
  4. I see. Dragonstones are quite the rarity actually. And I'm just coming back from a mission and need to report the situation. As soon as I do that, you have my assistance Weaver

    *turning my attention to Samson* His son? And who would that be?

    "Nathaniel... Wizard is what he prefers to be called though."
  5. "Hmm... Ace was the tactician for the Shepherds in some other realm..." Dusk thought for a couple of long moments, still unsure on what to do. Eventually, he decided to trust Ace's judgement and allowed him in. Turning to face Draco, his voice went sharp and commanding. "... Fine, you're free to stay. But if you try anything funny, you won't be waking up in the morning, do you understand me?"

    Dusk, what's- Samson decided he would ask him later, and turned to draco. "i think you said you needed help?"
  6. He was startled. He quickly threw his hands up and dropped whatever weapons he had. "I-I'm not here to cause trouble! I lost my home and families from the Risen, so I hid out in a bunker for a few years! I, gradually ate up the supply, and I started to run low, so I took the last of it and left! I... I saw this camp from the distance and limped over. I thought I could get help, but... I decided against it. I just camped out by the gate and watched for Risen. I'm not here to hurt you guys or cause trouble, or... whatever."

    (By the way, my internet is crap so sometimes it accidantly double posts. Sorry if that happens.)

    Samson groggily stumbled from the darkness "who said they needed help?"
  7. Actually, skills are used to decide reclass possibilities, so please try to not choose from more than three trees (well, four, but one reclass is automatically tactician).

    Hold the phone... I need to change one of Samson's skills then. (He has skills from 4 different trees-merc (sol) barbarian(counter, axefaire) wyvern rider (sword breaker) and priest... Will probably change sol to ignis/despoil or sword breaker to patience/ armsthrist

    Edit: aaand I double posted :(

  8. "Honestly, I don't remember much about it besides the basics. Marth left for self-discovery and Mila bargained the restoration of the out realm gates in exchange for us destroying the annas and… yeah, that's it."

    "Ah. All right. Fair enough..." Samson made a small bow, before turning to leave

  9. "Such. Also watch out when you travel from here. The road to the Mila Tree is very... Dangerous."*leaves*

    "The mila tree? wasn't that burned down?... Actually, miss Kat, you never told us what happened at the end of that mount prism mission... "

  10. Light: I think sharing with comrades is something that should be embraced. If not, you'll keep it bottled up and that guilt will build until it affects you not physically but mentally as well.

    "I don't think insulting comrades is something to be embraced... and i'm literally fine. This fuss is unneccesary, truly. Besides, did you have something else to tell us?"

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