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Posts posted by BravuraLevi

  1. May I Join?


    class:(black)War Monk

    Birthday: 23/6

    Weapons: Brave axe, silver axe, bolt axe, physic, mend

    Skills: Renwal, Axefaire, Sol, Wrath, Swordbreaker. (all but swordbreaker are related to character, not optimisation.)

    Personality: Samson, as a man of the cloth, is quite calm. However, he can be gruff, especially if something is unfair, and get angry (wrath). But by the next day, he is usually calm again (sol, Renewal). Also I gave him Axefaire because his name based off a guy in the bible with super strength.

    Bio: A boy who was raised by A mercenary group. While growing, he saw the numbers of people dyeing due to lack of healers. As A mercenary, he tried multiple different classes, learning their abilities, but never satisfied ,as people where still dyeing all around him. Eventually, one day, out on a mission out in Plegia, his parents bot died ,defending their country.He was taken in by the clergy, who were worshiping Grima. Unfortunately,all his fellow clergymen banished him when they found his amulet of Naga. Going to Ylisse, he was scorned for being raised by the ex-grimleal, leaving the churches to close their doors to him. eventually, he was left to Chon'sin where he met a new best friend and mentor, as well as tiki herself. his whole monastery, and Tiki were killed, and the Mila tree burned by the Anna's causing him to flee to Ylisse.

  2. May I Join?


    class:War Monk

    Weapons: Brave axe, silver axe, bolt axe, physic, mend

    Skills: Renwal, Axefaire, Sol, Wrath, Swordbreaker. (all but swordbreaker are related to character, not optimisation.)

    Personality: Samson, as a man of the cloth, is quite calm. However, he can be gruff, especially if something is unfair, and get angry (wrath). But by the next day, he is ususally calm again (sol, Renewal). Also I gave him Axefaire because his name based off a guy in the bible with super strength

  3. Awakening DOES have areas of grey morality.For instance, when Emmeryn is about to die, you have to choose to tell Chrom, your best friend, whether or not, whether or not Emmeryn (his sister.)should be given up. Of course,it reaches the same conclusion, but it's still grey. in the very next chapter, Mustafa and his men don't want to fight, the only reason he fights is so Gangrel doesn't murder his family, and the soldiers fight for him, because he's a good man. The Plegians were likely also misguided, as they leave when they see/hear of Emmeryn's death.Next, in flames on the blue, I think people are forgetting this is a game where burning people (with fire magic) is a normal thing. It was less honorable then straight up fighting them, but there's a difference between fighting and suicide. In the end, it turned out in 'killing' Gangrel and Walhart, he helped Validar, the death of the former caused confusion, which was the only reason villagers (NORMAL villagers in Plegia) joined the Grimleal, showing that they were not all evil,just misguided. Walhart was full on trying to attain peace, and stop Grima. Also Henry and Ricken's supports.

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