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Posts posted by BravuraLevi

  1. Ace: "It's been a while since I last heard anyone playing the harp. Harp music I find is very soothing."

    Alicia: "I've never heard harp music before."

    Ace: "What? You'll have to listen to some sometime, Sis."

    "It's, been a while since I played in front of people though..."

    "Greetings, Ms.Alicia and Ace."

    "Hello Nathaniel"

  2. Ace: "Everyone has stuff they don't want anyone else to know about them. That's why people keep secrets."

    Alicia: "I wonder who else is above decks?"

    "Most of them aren't secrets, they're just little tidbits. Things like, for instance, my instrument of choice is the harp."

  3. Ace: "...........There's that feeling again."

    Alicia: "Ace.......did you hear that?"

    Ace: "Faintly, but yeah. From below us..."

    Alicia: "Perhaps we both should get some fresh air. Let's go above deck."

    Ace: "Sounds good, we both need to socialize."

    "Miss Ace? Miss Alicia? Is that you?"

  4. Nathaniel wrapped a scarf around his neck and stepped onto the deck, humming an old sea-shanty under his breath. "I feel like something bad is going to happen...! Well, whatever it is, it can't be that bad." He leaned against the side of the ship and carefully shuffled a deck of cards.

    "...Nathaniel? What are you doing?"

  5. Ace then had a thought, "Going along with your reasoning, Klotho would have gone through these woods if she didn't drown herself. Probably kept on walking until her legs gave out... Question is where did she collapse at?"

    "If I may? Judging from the state of her legs, she probably collapsed around the 1 kilometer mark.

  6. Ah, okay. Cause I'm pretty sure I'm three hours behind you as well. I always miss Dusk and Glaedyr, cause I know they live in Europe. I can try that tomorrow or something, if I'm not busy. Plus I don't have school tomorrow.

    Whoops I thought we were doing video stuff. We're only chatting? That was basically the thing that was keeping me away yeah...and I don't have a skype.

    Thank goodness, cause I just can't...talk to people and see them. I'm way too shy. D:

    So that means it's midnight where you live?! Omigosh, I don't want to keep you up to make a skirmish! I'll just come on during the afternoon instead. I saw; Yuffie's from Ireland, and Dusk & Glaedyr are from England, right?

    Myself and Wizard are also in the UK. Also, Dusko's from Wales and glaedyr could be in Wales, England, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, as could wizard.I'm definitely English though.

  7. Hearing a scream, Yuffie rushed from the clinic in search of the source. He ran out, straight into the arms of a Risen. "Eughhhh!"

    He recoiled, and using his stave, struck the Risen in the head, and attempted to stab it with his stave. Failing miserably, he reached into his satchel, and pulled out Florence, incinerating the Risen. Seeing Dusk carrying Kat in his periphery vision, he made his way over to them. "What happened?" He could see Kat was wounded, and he immediately began using his Mend Stave on her.

    "I have no- look out!" Samson pulled out his bolt axe, electrocuting a risen behind Yuffie.

  8. "She needs a healer. Now. Go, I'll make you a path if you carry her." Sorin cut one across it's trachea before clashing with another. He pushed it into one more before he remembered that all Risen need is the remains of a body. Where they are staying at the port was built recently, after the Shepherds took it. No telling how many body this was built on top of.

    "Did someone say healer?" Samson backhanded a risen, before halving it.

  9. Nathaniel's eyes half-opened, and he smiled faintly. "Good to see you all..." He looked at Glaedyr. "Ah, there you are... Make sure that... That..." He half-rose, suddenly. "THAT BLOODY HURTS, MOTHER OF NAGA!" He then passed out again. The bleeding had stopped.

    "Don't say her name in vai-" Nathaniel had passed back out "..."*Sighs* "He should be fine."

  10. "It's not your fault... It's...whatever was in that book..." She smiles weakly. "I'll try my best, but I don't know how..."

    "Is it working? IsitworkingIsitworkingIsitworking? Quickly!" She holds Nathaniel's hand as Samson heals him. [Come on Nathaniel...Wake up!]

    "I'm trying my best!" Samson began powering up for another blast of healing energy.

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