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Duke of Dozel

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Posts posted by Duke of Dozel

  1. I didn't thought about SakuraxHayato lol.

    I have serious problem with Orochi, her Mag mod is creazy but her speed is just cruel.

    Yeah, i think your pairings are better in general, at least you had more likely better plan for it~

    Tell me one thing, honestly, for who would Orochi make at least fine mother?

    in Revelations,

    Orochi!Ophelia , Orochi A+ Rinkah, pass down Ogre Strike for crit shenanigans Ophelia :v

    Yeah, what he said. Slow Ophelia, but unstoppable powerhouse critmachine. Give her speedwings or Defensive Formation nd you're set.

    Hayato and Saizo are probably her best choices, but both like Sakura WAAAAY more. She's almost like Belka in that no one really wants her.

    However, Saizo's son can totally be physical, and he would like more speed, not less. Hayato is the safer option if you're gonna pair her.

  2. Training Benny is normal mode is a piece of cake. He can get defensive formation early enough if you plan on using him. On Hard, his problem starts to show a lot, but he's still more viable with Charlotte backing him up. In Lunatic, the game just hates him, and he'll want to be instapromoted for any chance.

    Effie > Benny because she's a far better combat unit. But Benny isnt a slouch himself. But I would invest in choosing lancer for your secondary before marrying him. Lancefaire and breaking sky insures him a OHKO when used regularly on most enemies.

  3. Ryoma was too calm in the original. To a fault. I guess to preserve his nobility or whatever, but he only let his anger get the better of him during chapter 24-25 when...

    you say that Takumi died?

    Also him being more violent in general makes sense since Corrin doesnt have a bond with Hoshido anyway.

  4. Azura x Takumi - quick supprt for Takumi if he lacks speed, bow faire and P Victory for GKW Shigure

    Rinkah X Ryoma - your choice, optimizes Ryoma with his best pair up wife.

    Hinoka X Kaden - your choice

    Felicia x Kaze - kunai class swap, helps Midoriko become a mixed fighter, safe.

    Hana X Saizo - your choice

    subaki x Oboro - Probably his best pairing, lancer class is all he wants, Caeldori loves it, Oboro gets pegasus if you need a flier with already high lance rank

    Silas x Mozu - Easy to do, nice lance based class for mozume, very balanced Sophie.

    Azama x Setsuna - easy to do, gives archer class to Mitama for bowfaire and easy bow training, good mods.

    Hayato x Sakura - Better than Orochi by a mile, Gives Sakura a nice magic and speed pair up, Magic and support based Rhatja

    Kagero x Jakob - Ninja for speed boost and Kunai faire, ups Deere's preferred STR tremendously, great pair up.

  5. Dark Flier isnt bad at all. It's actually pretty damn broken in the same way GKW is considered OP in PvP, It's a purely offensive class, which means if you want to maximize it's versatility, marry a great knight Jakob and slap him on you forever. Keep him a Butler if you care more for damage potential. If you have the special edition, you will have 2 free Ebon Wings, as well as 2 Dread Fighters. Keep in mind that none of them are gender locked now and you can mix and match any and all you want.

    Galeforce works well when you don't need pair up and you're confident in your damage output to just clear a map. Copycat really makes it fun.

  6. Best all around build for Hoshido would be a +MAG/LUK cavalier. It let's early game dragon damage much more cosistent, and once you go paladin, you gain a huge surge of luck growth to compensate, as well as solid growths everywhere else. Statues can fix - STR if it really bugs you that much, and shockstick use is best in your hands.

    Back to dragons, I feel it's mainly there as a crutch or for niche builds, such as a +MAG/DefensiveFormation/Pavise and Dark Yato for max tanking. Of course, that's just for people who want a solid choke point while aiming for the generally lower defensive stat of enemies AKA res. It takes investment to make useful, so keep that in mind.

  7. The thing about Charlotte is that she's even better just sticking to her husband as a S rank berserker. Xander will be completely fixed outside of resistance and will make Hard mode much less of a challenge. Dont worry about her stats. As for Felicia, she won't have issues hitting enemies for a while, especially since the explosive shuriken comes in like, chapter 12. Plus she'll be supporting MU the whole way so it doesn't matter too much.

    MMU (+Spd, -Lck) (Dark Blood) (Spellcaster/Ninja sub, can't decide)/ Felicia (Maid) Ninja, +STR

    Odin (Sorcerer)/ Elise (Strategist)

    Silas (Great Knight)/ Selena (Bow Knight) Either works really well in pairing up, but I'd say Silas still wants her stat bonues +1 movement more

    Lazlo (Hero)/ Azura (Singer) Make them pairing up situational as Azura will be refreshing units more than fixing Laslow's speed. But either way works very well.

    Xander (Paladin)/ Charlotte (Berserker)

    Camilla (Wyvern Lord)/ Flannel (Garou)

    Kaze (Elite Ninja)/ Mozume (Holy Bowman)

    Leo (Dark Knight) - Pair with Nyx and make her an adventurer if possible. Staying as a Dark Knight will harm his doubling ability later on, and going sorcerer will harm his defense and hit rate.

    Ike Amiibo (Vanguard, filler unit) Has all he needs to fill up. Might want to give him another DLC class to compensate tho.

  8. Conquest
    Peri!Deere: Not too good. Joker gets nothing from it, Peri gets troubador, which she won't need outside of resistance tanking, which she's good at by default. Deere gets balanced growths and such, but he doesn't utilize the dark mage line well outside of Dark Knight and life taker.

    Camilla!Lutz: Not hard to do, but is the worst possible luck based pairing in the game. Everywhere else, Lutz excels in, and Camilla gets the fighter line which is fantastic, while Harold gets wyverns that carry his axe rank. Thanks to the dark mage line, Lutz also has bowbreaker access, making him a monster flier with little to fear.

    Corrin!Ophelia & Odin!Kanna: +Mag Corrin or bust. Great all around, and benefits most with spellcaster as our secondary to pass down tomefaire/breaking sky. Requires grinding, but Odin joins early and it's an easy ship. Kanna is in the same boat, but he has a better option of being a mixed mage fighter.

    Effie!Midoriko: Pretty fantastic. Midoriko wants a strong and fast mom if she's going physical. Knight line gives her Luna as a proc, and Kaze's pair up can help Effie's low base speed. Neither one really care about class swapping though.

    Charlotte!Nina: I wouldn't want to use Charlotte's STR to fix her up, but it makes Nina a glass cannon. Niles gets a wife that completely kills his low strength problem, but he'll always be quick which means his speed boost isnt as appreciated. Also he gets fighter from Harold, and Charlotte doesn't like the outlaw line.

    Selena!Soliel: About as safe as they come. Basically makes a flawless version of Laslow with pegasus access, although swallow strike alone helps if Laslow has some speed issues. Luna does get copycat though. Easy to do, only a few chapters apart.

    Nyx!Sophie: Better stats, but worse pair ups because of classes. Sophie just doesnt want a magic mom. Make Nyx an adventurer and have her support him throughout.

    Leo!Shigure & Azura!Foleo: Both will be great staff bots, and Azura's speed really helps. Bowbreaker means Shigure can stay a falcon, and Foleo is almost unscrewable. Although I wouldn't recommend it because Azura is desired elsewhere.

    Mozu!Siegbert: Solid kid, and Mozume gets a good class she can use lances in, but Xander doesn't get much, as he really doesn't want to grind through the bowman class.

    Beruka!Velour: Pair for spares. Velour is always great, and she has fighter+wyvern access, which is always great. Not that great otherwise. Might want to stick to Wolfskin or Berserker. Flannel gets a great support wife though.

    Elise!Ingis: Good for protecting Elise through pair up, and that's literally it. There is nothing else I could really recommend. It's utter shit for Ignis.

    I only just thought about this but... won't fliers have Open Assault active 100% of the time since they ignore terrain?

    Someone pls confirm this

  9. Sorryforstealingyourtemplateimlazy

    Also feel free to keep any pairs you like, it's your run. Just trying to be practical.

    Sakura!Caeldori: Join at the same time, and have a fast support, which is as good as it gets there. Sakura gets nothing out of it, but Caeldori loves the balanced growths and solid enough mods. Passing down renewal will help her tremendously. Outside of that, nothing really groundbreaking, and Sakura is better else where.

    Kagero!Grey: Kagero joins a few chapters away but no big deal. Passes Grey with lovely growths outside of magic. Gives him basara access which is a class he'll want. Also have quick supports so it's pretty great. Saizo gets magic classes from her which utilizes his huge magic growth.

    Mozu!Mitama: Outside of aptitude, not great. With Azama being a priest, he suffers from relying on Mozu to gain it through fighting, and that means training her with a pretty bad pair up. She gives Azama bowman which is nice, and Mitama gets nice mods and aptitude, but she has a bit of collision with villager/herb merchant both having Great Merchant as a promotion.

    Setsuna!Rhajat: Nothing to really gain out of it since Setsuna doesn't like magic/spd pair ups and she isn't very helpful to Rhajat's magic.The bowman class gives plenty of damage dealing skills she would like, but that's all I can think will be beneficial.

    Kaze!Shigure & Azura!Midoriko: Great in everything outside of damage procs and Azura/Kaze both being speed pair ups. Both join together and very early, making this a very safe pair.

    Hana!Hisame: The pairing itself is beneficial for either Hana or Hinata. Hinata was a quick wife, and Hana wants someone who can protect her. Shura access gives her Ogre Strike and Priest gives Hinata renewal. They join only a chapter away, so it's pretty solid timewise as well. Hisame gets priest as a tree, which he'll really only want to go towards for renewal, however. He'll basically be a hybrid swordmaster with no real weaknesses.

    Corrin!Kisaragi & Takumi!Kanna: Depends on your avatar, can be very good to pointless. Thankfully, Takumi's personal works great with Kamui who will no doubt be higher leveled in comparison.

    Orochi!Sophie: Just no. The best part about this pair is a speed pair up from Exorcist and early join time, as wellas Basara access.That's it.

    Rinkah!Kinu: Rinkah is probably Hoshido's best physical wife pairup. So of course she will be good no matter what. Nishiki tends to be really quick though, so her speed can be a bit redundant. The Oni Savage line helps Kina's offense, and her defense can also help out quite well. However, Kinu will have the worst possible skill mods in the game. Keep that in mind. Rinkah doesn't get much from spellcaster outside of breaking sky.

    Oboro!Shino: Almost no flaws at all. Great pair up, great stats, Line of Death/Extravagence, the list goes on. Easily one of shino's best mothers, Ryoma loves it as well, Oboro loves it.... I really can't think of why you'd not do this outside of Oboro being in high demand and that Ryoma joins kinda late for her.

  10. To be fair, it's not the artist's fault, the lack of pants the Art Director's fault.

    Here's a picture of Camilla by the original artist, Kozaki, without the Art Director.


    Is there any proof of this? Because that's just a doodle he did of her. That's like saying Peri should be wearing a chef hat but the art director said not to.

  11. Sakura wants to support him through pegasus or great knight. Xander's base speed as a trueblade is more than enough to last, and Seigfried kills off any durability issues he would have had. What Sakura wants to do for him as pair up support is change out of her base to something more reasonable. Going Sky Knight or Falcon makes any speed issue he might have non existant, and great knight ups his STR and DEF to be a safer frontline fighter. Both up his movement, something he wants now that he has no horse.

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