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Duke of Dozel

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Posts posted by Duke of Dozel

  1. Who are generally considered the best/popular candidates for the DLC classes (Great Lord, Lodestar, Grandmaster, Dark Falcon, Dread Fighter)?

    Kids are up to you

    Dread Fighter:

    Nohr - Silas, Kaze, Camilla, Xander, Charlotte

    Hoshido - Saizou, Kaze, Kagerou, Ryoma, Asama (mainly to get him out of a magic class asap, but that's just preferance.)

    Dark Falcon:

    Hoshido - Sakura, Yomi, Orochi, Subaki, Oboro, Hinoka, Azura

    Nohr - Leo, Nyx, Odin, Elise


    Hoshido - Ryoma, Silas, Asama

    Nohr - Xander, Silas, Lazwald

    Great Lord:

    Hoshido - Hana, Hinoka, Oboro, Kagerou, Azura

    Nohr - Selena, Effie, Camilla


    Hoshido: Yomi, Saizou

    Nohr: Leo, Odin, Lazwald (for rallying purposes)


    Hoshido: Orochi, Sakura, Azura

    Nohr: Nyx, Elise

    Not too sure about the Ballista class, though I hear Takumi and Benoit work it pretty well.

    Any time I said Azura, it applies to both routes.

  2. The main gripe is that even though Leon can cap speed even as a dark knight, his speed cap is unbelievably terrible at 25. That means he has to rely on a fast support (Maid Felicia/Adventurer Nyx) to be competent by late to end game. But if you like bulk enough, he's still pretty fantastic most of the Nohr route.

  3. I've never had a decent child that I've felt compelled to make a permanent part of my army on any of my runs. Is it because I keep marrying Felicia and Jakob most of the time?

    Yes. Growthwise at least.

    Also Shinonome, Matoi, and Hisame usually make the best units to have in your main army childwise

  4. There are some rumors percolating around 4chan that review copies are saying:

    skinship removed

    corrin thigh coverage

    bathhouse removed

    some clothing/outfit changes

    But they're all pretty unsubstantiated.

    Don't believe everything you see, especially on 4chan. The IGN footage already confirmed hot springs and female Kamui still has the thigh. It's even in the cover art.

    The rest is still unknown but the rumors have been debunked long ago.

  5. I assume you're advising +SPD from a postgame Kanna perspective? What of an in-game perspective? SPD is a good stat and all, but between Yato's +1 when equipped katana bonus, its +2 (later +4) legendary weapon effect for just having it in your inventory, Swallow Strike (because if you go Cavalier you have had time to build up a lance rank for a while and to then switch to Pegasus to pick it up without being at E-rank, and any rank you gain carries back over to the Cavalier line), and a Pegasus (or Samurai or Lance Fighter) speed bonus.

    Just Yato equip + Yato inventory + Swallow Strike + default Pegasus class bonus is already worth +13 speed. One more for +14 if you have Defender. Do you really need that much SPD? Would you want STR more?

    As long as you have 30 speed, you don't have to worry about most enemies, especially in Hoshido. I'm sure with Hinoka as her mom of the two options, hitting 30 speed should be pretty easy for Matoi to do. Speed is always gonna be something you invest in towards your children, in this case it's Kanna. Her only stat not greatly affected by mods is speed. It's more of an end game kinda go, but the only assets that affect it is magic, speed and resistance, two of which aren't that great for Kamui either, especially with a cavalier secondary.

  6. If you marry a lance fighter!Matoi, then the only thing her and Kanna want is +SPD/Cav. Their aren't many versatile lance classes, and Paladin is easily the most balanced of them all. However, Matoi will want to stay a Lance Fighter unless you really want to put emphasis on her high defense. Kanna just wants speed, and she'll be complete.

  7. Xander joins with the highest defense base in the game. The only character who can come close is an instant promoted Benoit.

    You have Nyx, Aqua, Mozume, Odin, Charlotte, and potentially Felicia who want Elise's bonus infinitely more. Not to mention having Elise right next to Xander will obviously result in the AI going after her and not him.

    Excessive use of Xander that early would just steal EXP from some units who want it more. Use him as a distraction and have your units close in. And if someone is especially hard, thats why he's there!

  8. Corrin x Saizou: Saizou could want a few things, but he's solid as is. Maybe a more reliable proc? You don't have to worry about being a magical Corrin since Grey actually has a higher magic base growth than STR.

    Orochi x Hinata - Terrible. Hisame is doomed not only having slow parents, but a magic mom at that. Nice skill, and breaking sky can help with damage, but that's as good as it gets.

    Rinkah x Jakob - Rinkah is a nice choice for someone like Jakob who doesn't care who his wife is. He gets a great supportive wife and a physical class, and their mods don't class too much.

    Hana x Kaze - Solid enough. except that Kaze gets nothing out of it class wise. He's also already fast so pair up is redundant. Helps their daughter become stronger at least.

    Kagerou x Ryoma - Great pair ups and a safe option for Kagerou's mods. Shinonome will have the highest strength growth possible out of the Hoshido children. Allows Ryoma to buddy Cyrus instead of Saizou.

    Felicia x Takumi - Not good. Once again, magic isn't great for them, and kills their son's STR. Takumi doesn't need anything from the troubador class. Felicia can pick up some damaging skills.

    Setsuna x Silas - Quick and sturdy. Works well if nobody else wants her speed. Both Silas and Sophie could make great archers.

    Hinoka x Nishiki - Well rounded outside of defense, and gives great resistance. This is only really hindered by Nishiki giving her spellcaster.

    Azura x Asama - Sounds really solid, actually. I'm surprised I never heard about it.

    Sakura x Subaki - Nothing spectacular, and Sakura gets nothing from it. Not terrible, but Sakura is wanted elsewhere and Subaki wants a wife who can help with his speed/str or a lance fighter.

    Mozu x Tsukiyomi - Despite what it seems, Syalla isn't cut out for a physical mom, however you could do worse. If doing an invisible kingdom playthrough, Yomi has access to the samurai line, which can give Syalla the deadly Line of Death/Extravagence combo. Even if it's not possible, Aptitude still helps this pairing out in the long run. Should work if you know what you're doing.

  9. 1, as my main pairing for invisible i wanted to go Rinka/Saizou and Kagerou/Kaze, wouldn't this be better for everyone if i would swap wifes in those pairs? For both parents and children sake of course.

    Swap if that's the only options. Saizou will get Kagerou's magic classes where he can make use of his 45% magic growth and be more devastating with the explosive shuriken. It's not the best, but he'll get much more out of it then Kaze would. Kagerou still gets the samurai tree so all's good. Plus, chances are Kaze will be doing most of the fighting with Rinka as a pair up early on.

    2. Elise!Shinonome will suffer much from -def modifier from his parents? I wanted to do magic shinonome however i'm little scared about his -4(!) def mod.

    Since this is clearly not an optimal pairing, dont worry about the mods. Stat boosting, pair ups and classes matter much more. Basara will be his preferred anyway.

    3. Talking about Elise, it's worth to reclass her for weapon master (to better support for Ryoma) and do her Levin sword, shirai nagitana and bolt axe fighter? I mean Levin and nagitana can't crit and use skills so i wonder if it's right way to go. However Bolt axe can hit skills, this is a way to optymalize at least a little Elise/Ryoma pair?

    She will have E rank in everything and just wouldn't help that much. Just be a Maid or Wyvern Lord.

  10. They learned from Morgan to nerf your kids. Dragonstones suck so having a personal built around it, is pretty lame. Even if dragonstones were good, 10% HP recovery still wouldn't be worth it. So basically Kanna is a lot like Deere in not having a contributing personal.

    When you have kids like Velour and Grey (50% base magic growth haha) then it gets absurd. Kanna's highest base growth is speed and luck at 45%, which isn't mindblowing that everything is lower than that, especially DEF/RES. Kanna also starts in a class that is just evil to their bases. But that isn't to say they are terrible. They make the best wife/husband out of all the children thanks to optional classes on your part.

  11. I took these Revelations pairings from a youtuber named Kouli30;
    1. Harold/Arthur and Kagerou - Works, Harold gets quick support, kagerou gets the fighter line to abuse her high STR, Lutz gets deadly breath/snake venom naturally. 0 speed tho and doesn't help much in anything that isnt res.
    2. Marx/Xander and Mozume - If Charlotte is taken, it's a safer option. Extravagance, Line of Death, and Aptitude really help, and her mods patches his only weakspots outside of Res. If you actually used Mozume as a villager, she can keep her lance rank with the cavalier path.
    3. Odin and Elise - Since Elise can't marry her brother and her other best minimax couples are taken (Kaze and Zero), she's pretty much stuck to marry Odin. Very mage like daughter with rally skills and myrmidon skills by default.
    4. Cyrus/Silas and Camilla - Safe and strong, but I think it's wasting Camilla's potential as one of Nohr's better moms. Cyrus can be paired with almost anyone and still have a decent daughter.
    5. Leon and Sakura - Good enough to keep. Lack of procs hurt a little and doesn't have any jaw dropping mods outside of magic and resistance.
    6. Ryouma and Setsuna - Very good mod wise, and this can give Setsuna astra and line of death to be even deadlier from afar. The only problem is sharing GKW from the pegasus and bowman class. Lots of damage aid as well, and Ryoma can buddy Cyrus instead of Takumi.
    7. Takumi and Oboro - The real downside to this is that Takumi already has lance fighter for a class. Also 0 speed mod can hurt some more extreme PvPs online. However, still rather solid everywhere else. Kisaragi can get extravagance for long distance fun mixed in with Victory for lots of damage using a Yumi.
    8. Flannel and Charlotte - Class overlap makes this pair a bit less desirable, especially with Elfie able to give just as much STR and almost identical mods. Otherwise, Velour becomes an absolute powerhouse and her only issue being beast weapons and magic, which both Effie and Char both can provide.
    9. Benoit and Rinkah - Pair of spares. Sure you'll get a tanky Ignis with Shura skills and only a -1 speed mod, but there isnt much else to say about it. Benoit should be defending his wife, or Rinkah should be providing her husband heavy power and defense.
    10. Zero and Felicia - Solid enough. Eponine gets a solid magic mod to compensate for her dad's low STR when capped. When minimaxing, always pair Zero with magic. Otherwise, dont bother. Very high utility and very quick Strategist when needed.
    11. Nishiki and Hana - Very quick and very strong, while Nishiki gets the good skills of the myrmidon, Hana gets breaking sky from spellcaster. Their daughter will be a massive glass cannon, so keep that in mind.
    12. Lazward and Luna - Meh. The best part is no negative mods, but nothing exceptional either. Lazwald would like swallow strike and that's about it. Luna doesn't get anything she would really like outside of maybe copycat. Not bad, in general though.
    13. Asama and Effie - Great mod wise, Asama can keep his lance rank once he's promoted with her classes, Effie can get renewal. Pass down battle command to Hitama.
    14. Hinata and Pieri - Pair for spares. Nothing jaw dropping outside of RES and STR, but it's good enough to get a use out of it. He can support her as a Shura, and Hisame can just marry someone for better skills/classes if need be.
    15. Jakob and Azura - Safe and mods work great together. Azura gets rally skills, and their kids are almost identical in everyway outside of starting class, ranks and growths.
    16. Tsubaki and Hinoka - Good enough, you can read the previous posts above about that.
    17. Saizou and Belka - Bad. There are very few pairings where Belka doesn't butcher children. This just makes Grey a slower, more skilled Saizou with access to Deadly Breath/Snake Venom combo. However, Saizou can provide a good support for her as an Elite Ninja.
    18. Tsukuyomi and Nyx - Magic powerhouse and very fragile. Shara should stay a witch if possible. A lot like Elise!Ophelia except faster.
    19. Kaze and Orochi - Eh, this one is iffy. Breaking sky is great for Kaze, and Orochi would LOVE a speed pair up. However, it's often a good idea to maximize Midoriko's speed potential if possible. Still solid, but breaking sky sucks on magic so keep that in mind.
    20. Corrin(+Str, -Def/Secondary class: Ninja) and Charlotte!Velour - 11 STR Kanna is lovely, but this is a pure glass cannon one at that. Skills are irrelevant, generally as Corrin can give her anything. Just imagine a 38 STR ninja. It's scary.
    Are these good for min-maxing? Or should I switch someone? Switch a few for sure.
  12. Pairings like Hinata/Kagerou are recommended because of everything they offer outside of mods. Hisame will be extremely strong and quick thanks to her growths, but once he caps he'll be just as slow and skilled as Hinata. Not great in PVP or capping.

    In my opinion, as a generalization, unless the mods are extremely apparent (Rinka has -2 skill despite having one of the highest skill growths of the females), mods shouldn't be considered as much this time around. Growths, classes and pair up bonuses matter much more.

  13. As far as growths are concerned, Aqua!Shino makes for a beast child unit. However, Shino is pretty great by default and Aqua is wanted elsewhere more. Plus her pegasus class clashes with Ryoma's and thus he gets nothing out of it. -4 defense mod for Shino is also pretty sad. However, since he's a lance fighter by default which lets him switch to pegasus very easy without a weapon rank loss (and also helps because he doesn't get it from his dad.) Either way, you could do better.

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