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Duke of Dozel

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Posts posted by Duke of Dozel

  1. Speaking of Hakagure for a name--this came up in a meta one of the people I follow wrote on Ryoma and his relationship with death and the samurai code, but he's the dude who wrote a book on bushido, and I'm sure that's the reference. Actually pretty cool references here.

    Would you argue that makes him the preferable wielder of the blade?

    Blazing Yato cracked me up when I first saw it.

  2. I second the question as to why people think CorrinxAzura is canon. It's not nearly as in your face as, say, Chrom/Sumia. For most of each path, it's just her and you talking a lot since you're the lead and she joins no matter what who is in similar shoes as you. While their supports are great, as far as ive seen, there's enough platonic tension to shrug off intimacy.

    Laslow/Azura/Peri (I really REALLY hate how much I like his support with Peri....but I do.)

    Xander/Charlotte (Personal favorite that got butchered a little by the localization that made it complete.)

    Hinata/Most everyone (Tho a few like Azura were terrible.)

    I second Dwyer/Rhajat.

    Saizo/Sakura (Adorable)

    and a few more. I have guilty pleasures like CorrinxRoyal but tbh most of Corrin's supports aren't worth mentioning since just like Robin, most of them are dedicated to learning more about the characters they support with.

    I don't like breaking the game's molds and doing crack/gay ships that weren't given to me already. Out of the two gay ships we do have, Niles' is clearly better.

  3. Dragonstones suck. They require special set ups to be even remotely viable and is magic based, cant double, lower stats on use and 1 range. Kana having a personal skill dedicated entirely to it is very bad, especially since they have the ability to have any class to reclass too and have the highest mods.

    Izana's is very bad too. Even from a situational standpoint, I dont see it being useful. It also means he will be doing -2 damage no matter what compared to the other magic users.

    As stated before, nowadays almost no one goes to online castles to fight. Dwyer's is therefore very pointless.

    Keaton's is also not good. Who cares about random ingredients that might not even be what you need?

    As for people hating on Arthur's personal, having Percy fight next to him fixes his crit evade. And if you have DLC, Veteran's Intuition works just fine.

  4. Not sure about Takumi.

    Hinata grew up as a friend of Takumi and served in a family of samurai so it's easy to assume how that pairing went about. The game doesn't give anything concrete as far as I've seen. Same with Oboro, she just trains to be a lancer and joins his group. All we know is she was a retainer earlier than Hinata.

    No, I'm sure Hinoka picked Azama and Setsuna. I know for certain they mention her seeking out Azama in their support together. Not sure about Setsuna, though, I think it was mentioned in either Saizou x Setsuna or Hinoka x Setsuna or something.

    Setsuna explains in her support with Niles that Setsuna is a royal with close connections to Hoshido. Hinoka saw her practice archery, and made her a retainer. She kept her around for her listening skills.

  5. They're either a long-distance relationship, or the epilogue lied and the big brothers stepped down to let someone else take the throne while they live in Valla with their wife.

    "The two spent the rest of their live together, Corrin ruling as the wise Queen of Valla. Xander, her beloved husband, was crowned King of Nohr. Together, they united Nohr and Valla."

    I can only imagine Ryoma's the same

  6. I want a +7 spd kid. Which route should I go with?

    KazexSetsuna (Merchant, Sniper, Ninja) -1 STR 1 MAG, 4 SKL, 7 SPD, -2 LUK, -1 DEF, 1 RES

    KazexAzura (Pegasus, Merchant, Ninja) -1 STR, 1 MAG, 4 SKL, 7 SPD, -1 LUK, -3 DEF, 2 RES Also comes with another +7 Kid

    AzuraxNiles (Outlaw, Pegasus, Dark mage) -1 STR, 1 MAG, 1 SKL, 7 SPD, 1 LUK, -2 DEF, 2 RES Also comes with another +7 Kid

    NilesxSetsuna (Outlaw, Sniper, Dark mage) -1 STR, 1 MAG, 1 SKL, 7 SPD, 0 LUK, 0 DEF, 1 RES

  7. Train Odin as a samurai/swordmaster up to level 10, then reclass to sorcerer. to level 16. Reclass to Dark Knight for the final levels and if you have DLC, make his main class Grandmaster. He has nothing he really wants from the Marriage Seal except maybe tomebreaker.

    Elise doesnt have a class that helps her skill out at all with this pair so she's hit or miss. Sorcerer gets +5 hit but it's hard to notice. Ophelia does what Elise could do as a Sorcerer better, and Dark Knight only helps her bulk out. She should stay as a supporter like she's meant to, or perhaps go Priestess from A+ Sakura.

  8. Corrin isn't a manakete. They are never referred to as such and they clearly age like normal humans, which is why they are the middle child for both kingdoms. More or less meant to be just part dragon.

    Hell, outside of the fact that they have pointy ears and can transform, Corrin is pretty much human in all other categories.

  9. Key to making Azura a great fighter even as a dancer:

    1. Reclass. She's gonna want to train in classes for skills and the likes, and to increase her HP/DEF growth if possible since every other growth is great. She's one of the best users of galeforce since she'll rarely be pairing up with people.

    2. Forged Guard Naginata/Beast Killer. One for frontline fights and the other for better killing potential. Killer lances can work, if you can live with -10 avoid. Stay away from Blessed Lances outside of Aesthetics.

    3. Slap ALL of your Seraph Robes and Dracoshields on her. She puts them to best use as a tanky dancer is priceless. Boots also go to her.

  10. Oboro is better from an optimal standpoint mainly because she's got better skill options in supports and +1 in skl and def mods. She isn't his most optimal wife from a final level standpoint and more from an efficiency one, but still one of his bests.

    Orochi is stuck with Hayato or Selkie forever, unless you want to do KazexOrochi, one of the only guys who can survive her speed on mods and he has a -1 str midori by default. But Kaze might want Azura for +7 speed instead. Really, someone is gonna have to marry her regardless for all the kids. Saizo and her are doomed with a 32 speed cap Asugi as a ninja.

    Takumi just wants speed for their son. Mozu, Hana, etc. are all good.

    Felicia is better off with Hayato or Saizo, same with Sakura. Hinata likes Hana and Setsuna most.

    Azama likes Kagero or anyone who doesn't hurt his mods too much and provides a decent reclass. Shiro likes Kagero as a mom for STR and seals, and Ryoma likes the pair up bonuses including the added movement.

  11. For some reason, there was a 5 month gap since their last DLC.

    Conversations for every possible ship is a big deal on it's own, especially if they want to make it work. Kozaki is a busy guy so I also am sure they had to wait for him to come around. Plus other projects and other DLC no doubt took up the time.

    I swear, Shura better have supports with characters, like Saizo.

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