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Duke of Dozel

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Posts posted by Duke of Dozel

  1. Why make Effie a general? She's fast enough not to get doubled by most enemies, so defensive formation is unnecessary. Plus, as a Great Knight she'll learn Elbow Room and Shelter (open assault and rescue) since she's married to Silas.

    More STR to make up for not having Berserker Harold for a husband? Why have speed when you one shot everything anyway? But even then, Great Knight is much more efficient. Plus 1 movement + Horse is much better, and once again, beast weapons arent as apparent.

  2. Charlotte works best with certain setups:

    Benny!Charlotte - He patches her weak defenses and gives her a bit more skill. It'll definitely help her go out in the front lines of physial enemies more often. Benny's personal also helps her hit rate.

    Arthur!Charlotte - Gives skill in his pair ups and can patch her defense, as well as give her movement as a Great Knight.

    Laslow!Charlotte - He provides skill and more speed for early game pair up as a merc and since he isn't very outstanding, he can take a back seat to her when needed.

    Keaton!Charlotte - Keaton is basically Rinkah's pair up without speed. He can build up bulk and STR for a solid berserker.

    Otherwise shes more efficient as pair up fodder.

  3. Hi guys! First off, I'm working on my five-person team for internet battles right now, and I would like some advice. This is what I have so far:

    Effie!VelourXCorrin- +HP/-Lck with Spellcaster

    On the team- Kana, Dark Blood (Dark Blood is a bad class to utilize Kana if you're going for optimal. She will have one of the highest possible STR mods in the game, take advatage of it), with Galeforce (I wouldn't recommend it since you'll want to pair up for online), Warp, Copycat, Aggressor, and Breaking Sky. A+ with Midori, marry Shinonome (No, marry Hisame for Line of Death)


    On the team- Shinonome, Holy Lancer, with Deadly Breath, Breaking Sky, Copycat, Galeforce, and lancefaire (You don't want another proc other than Breaking Sky for it's reliablility if you're going physical. stay with lance faire, and try to have Ryoma pass down snake venom from A+ Saizo)


    On the team- Midori, Strategist , with Battle Command, Servant's Joy (Nope), Copycat, Galeforce (Nope) and Warp

    I don't know about the other two- I was thinking maybe (White Blood) Corrin and A+ with one of his brothers (Corrin can't A+ anyone, but on A rank, he can reclass into their classes.) for their unique weapons. (Sorry, I dont understand what you meant by that) (My Corrin doesn't have the best stats, but a 16 mt sword should make up for it?) (You'll want a forged brave sword over Yato, but always keep it on you)

    And second, I'd like someone to look over my planned pairings for my first three runs, to see if I've made any huge mistakes


    Xander/Corrin (+luck/-Def, with Dark Mage) (Bad class to utilize in pair up and you'll have wonky growths as a mage with that asset/flaw. Xander doesnt want a magic wife)


    Odin/Selena (Bad magic and STR for Ophelia, try else where)


    Niles/Beruka (Pretty bad, try elsewhere)

    Benny/Elise (Only if you plan on using Elise forever and dont want her to get hurt. Otherwise, don't bother)



    Arthur/Pieri (Shares classes, basically makes Lutz a lucky Arthur with Wyvern)



    aaand bench Mozume.


    Kaden/Corrin (+str/-def with Wyvern Rider) (Kinu is not gonna like that drop in DEF, but great for an offensive build)



    Sakura/Subaki (Same classes, Sakura is wanted elsewhere)


    Kaze/Orochi (Only good if you plan on minimaxing)




    And either Hinata/Setsuna and Jakob/Azura or Hinata/Azura and Jakob/Setsuna. (First one)

    And bench Rinkah (she makes too good of a pair up wife to leave single)


    Azura/Corrin (+str/-res with Lancer)



    Takumi/Oboro (Takumi gets nothing, but if you're willing to live with it, sure)



    Silas/Orochi (Terrible, try elsewhere or not at all since Orochi's got very picky husband preferences)



    Odin/Kagero (Terrible, try elsewhere)



    Subaki/Nyx (Only for minimaxing, but great since Bowbreaker through dark mage)

    Jakob/Felicia (Pretty ehh)





    Effie/Hayato (Pretty bad, try elsewhere)

    ...and since I want to marry Azura, I'll unfortunately have to bench a father. I chose to bench Arthur, since I'm not really attached to him or his son.

    I know some of the 3rd route pairings aren't the best, but I don't want to do repeat pairings, since I'll be filling in the support log...eventually.

    Man, I am not used to these names. And dropping the u's on the ou names... I feel dirty.

    This is just from an optimal standpoint. Replies are in Bold.

  4. Skills like Line of Death, Extravagence, Elbow Room, etc. Arent affected by Dragonskin so they can be added to might.

    I think the damage from Dragonskin rounds down? Should be 17x2 dmg if Xander has A swords, though.

    I keep forgetting this is a thing haha

    Also Xander could also get Agressor should you train him under Dread Fighter for a bit. If you try hard enough, Im sure it's possible for him to ORKO. But in the end, Im speaking from a practical standpoint, and in a practical run, you generally can't afford reclasses.

  5. Paladin Xander caps STR at 33 + 8 from Berserker Charlotte S rank + 11 Might + 2 from personal skill + Elbow Room = 57 ATK.

    He averages at 22 Speed so lets say you slapped a speed wing + 5 from Berserker Charlotte S rank = 29 + 2 tonic + 2 lunch + Special dance = 36 speed, enough to double.

    Nohr Lunatic final boss has 26 DEF + Dragonskin. 57 - 26 = 31 damage /2 = 17 damage x 2 (with A rank sword)

    Nohr Lunatic final boss has 75 HP, meaning at minimum, Xander will only lower it to 41 at least.

    The only way I can see him ORKOing the final boss is with rallies, a brave sword and a Luna crit.

  6. Kagero has classes that uses tomes as a reclass and Master Ninja has swords, so it all depends on which you train in first. Oboro is kinda stuck, sadly, as she loses lances and a 30% magic growth just isnt good enough to justify Oni Chieftain for a nongrind run. She's better off going for Blacksmith.

  7. Top Tier: Corrin, Camilla, Effie, Aqua

    High Tier: Xander, Leo, Felicia/Jakob (whoever joins first), Kaze, Silas, Niles, Elise, Keaton, Laslow

    Mid Tier: Selena, Shura, Beruka, Peri, Benny, Gunter

    Low Tier: Charlotte, Felicia/Jakob(whoever joins at chapter 16), Odin, Nyx

    Bottom Tier: Mozu

    My take on it

  8. Idk I haven't had any speed issues with Saizo personally. He's literally a lunch away from reasonable doubling in his join chapter, and that 50% speed growth will kick in. The only reason I think Kaze is any better is based on a few easy chapters for early grinding and Rinka pair up grinding. Setsuna/Orochi/Hana/Kagero also kill off any speed issues Saizo might have.

  9. A list I agree on completely.

    Btw, I remember Shephen saying something that you'll want to train Niles to get pass because the Macbeth chapter is a bitch on lunatic Nohr. But how would a Child Sealed Nina fare? I'd assume she might want Nyx/Elise for the magic bow for maximum practicality?

  10. If someone comes out with an ARCode (or a hack/mod) that allowed an imported child to support, would that make the lesbian/gay options better?

    It would make it up to par with any other pairing. But seeing how no one has made legit gay ships with kids in Awakening by this point, I don't see it likely doing the same in Fates. If you want kids, go with someone else. If you are willing to sacrifice, Zero/Rhatja is all yours.

  11. I don't believe in tiers, generally. Especially ones that are based "on the basis of potential and investment". That's like saying Nino is the best mage just because she has the general higher stats when compared to the other mages. In Nohr, grinding isn't even a thing. The best we get is optional DLC and several castle defense maps. Units like Camilla, Leo, Xander, Flannel and Shura are high tiered because they come great from the get go, and their growths are good enough to keep them going by end game. Even Gunter is pretty great when you get him.

  12. By two versions do you mean birthright and conquest? Or can i also get them if i only get birtright and revelation?

    If i get the DlC can i get as many as i want?

    And can any character use them?

    Thx for the answers!

    Yep Yep and Yepperino

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