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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. A lot of things could actually damage you in ALttP to the point where potions are actually helpful. ALttP is also not a game where three hearts are being dropped in every single bush you slash, as well as not a game where it takes no effort to deal damage to bosses.

    I'm aware, was saying like those are the least of one's worries.

    Yeah. OoT was a pretty easy game and I never was too thrilled about that, but here's why Twilight Princess fails in difficulty...


    The only thing challenging about TP are some of its puzzles, which I admit, but also there wasn't much creativity in some puzzles either, especially repeat Hookshot puzzles and block pushing puzzles.


  2. That is true, though I did manage to clear the desert chapter without Astoria ever showing up. Are you sure it's possible without wasting turns?

    Also, you don't HAVE to use the Hammerne just to use it. Efficiency is better weighed on how well units are using more mundane weapons and how well you can conserve your better weapons. The less you have to use the Hammerne staff, the better off you are.

    Lemme guess, used the rescue staff?

    Don't HAVE to, but the legend weapons come with an extra benefit, that being gaining double exp. It's better to use mundane weapons, it's true, but only when unecessary....ahhh, now I see the point. Parthia is better used due to the flying dragons, Miracle you're still double shotting. But still, not everyone has dragonslayers, and double exp dragons is just plain juicy. Unless I forgot they sell them at the Kahdain market.

  3. I never had a problem not having the Miracle Sword early on. You likely can get by just fine without it, and I think it's worth it to wait, not because of Astoria himself, but because then you won't have to go out of your way to get a weapon that is overkill for that point in the game especially if you'll save turns not bothering.

    You can indeed get by fine without it, but you can go through even better with it that early. Lots of dragons on the horizon. It gives a swordsman a good chance at killing a dragon and getting buttloads of exp with it. Can be tossed around, so the experience can be well spread. It isn't overkill, considering in the dragon chapters you'll either be using magic or dragonslayers to kill them. Having another option that gives nice benefits is a clear good. You get it for free too. If anything, the time you do recruit him is when it's overkill.

    Not to mention you don't exactly have to far out of your way to get it. I brought up how, Marty clarified.

    Add-on: Good point, but it's STILL recruiting her.

    Laela...Last two points, what the hell else will I use the repair staff on other than an uber weapon I can get early that gives me hax exp? Astram's not worth getting the miracle blade later. By the time Sheema shows up, no one gives a damn about the power ring she DROPS when killed.

    The arena argument is hilarious...She CAN do it, but she needs the low bets AND pure water? Why not throw stat-ups at her? You are thinking of giving her stat-ups just to have her fight in the arena? Before you say why not throw stat ups at her, I'll throw them at Doga which he puts to better use due to having better stats by then.

  4. rly

    At least recruiting Doga doesn't blow a ton of potential EXP.

    In fact, we should have a new tier: "Fucks you over and totally not worth it tier." Sheema and Samson aren't worth recruiting. Chiki is a waste of 18k in a game where funding is tight.

    Chiki is worth recruiting just to sell that sucker of a dragonstone. We aren't using her, but we are recruiting her. Waiting later to recruit Astram deprives you of an awesome sword that's perfectly usable in exchange for a mediocre sword unit in a game choked with sword units, many being MUCH better than he. Samson can't even say that,he just gives you another silver sword at the cost of making a chapter go by jaggedly and not being great. With this in mind, Sheema is the absolute worst character in the game. Worse than Roshe, yes. At least Roshe's weapon comes with no strings attached.

  5. Speaking of Doga, him>Samson. Being useful earlygame to help slaughter dragon riders>Being redundant. Let's also remember that recruiting him means you need to recruit Sheema, who's recruiting deprives you of easy exp till after recruitment. Why not just kill the gra soldiers, kill Sheema and kill Samson for even more exp? Astram isn't exactly better than the miracle sword he carries either and considering how easy it is to kill him in the desert......

    He ain't great, but he's better than these repeats.

  6. I clearly remember those crabs in aLttP. You could encounter one freshly after coming out of the church ( you'd need to go pretty far but you can still go there ) and they'd take 2 hearts each hit. You probably only had 4 at that point.

    Now Darknuts take more or less a heart/a heart and a half, near endgame. Most bosses also only deal a quarter/half a heart of damage. Even Volvagia back in OoT had attacks that dealt several hearts of damage if you got hit by them. I think his fire breath alone was 4.

    We do get more experienced but the games are also easier. Kinda why I almost only play hacks now.

    The crabs? You mean those things running around under bushes? Just avoid them. Volvagia is a pushover too, OoT alone is a joke in difficulty. Majora's Mask Gyorg? Now we're talking difficulty. Hell, Odolwa was pretty badass for a first boss.

  7. Ryan worthy? Pfeh! What is worthy? Using it endgame? Kashim and Gordin aren't bad endgame. They're pretty good actually by then. George comes with it, can use it, and is pretty badass for a good while. They're more worthy for putting it to better use.

    Stop bringing up luck too, seriously. Luck is probably the most pointless stat in FE3. Having bad luck is no loss. ESPECIALLY for archers. That and the fact you're trying to argue RYAN above Kashim with nothing but LUCK is hilarious. Giggleworthy. The fact you even think he needs goddess statues is hilarious. Goddess Statues might as well be money.

    Great thing about mages is there aren't many of them and Kashim has mad strength. He could one shot them with Iron.

    I can't believe you're saying Sheema's better than Doga. Doga will actually have speed by the time she shows up, he's pretty awesome at the beginning to help lure those painful dragon knight and has actual stuff to do, and he'll absolutely stomp her till the end. Whoop dee doo, give her the star orb. Nevermind she'll get her ass kicked in the arena and lose you money, but for her to level up fast enough, you'll have to wait until she gets the Gradius (which she has to wait for anyways, AND it comes pretty damn late). So...We're giving her the orbs for slowly leveling up...The freaking Gradius when you no longer have the orbs...all to make her usable? Here's the problem...Doga can do the same thing without sucking as hard AND has been useful for longer. Sheema sucks. The end.

    The rescue staff is meant for making chapters easier (like the defending the twins chapter), faster (like getting Marth from Minerva's house to the castle), and rescuing good units in real danger. Hell, she's the main reason you can get the Miracle Blade early and safely no less.

  8. o snap, the only time where wlvl is ever an issue?

    but meh, even if he can't, it's not like anybody else cares about manuals, so nobody's going to miss it if he gets one

    Good point. But if nobody else cares, why not sell it when I can just use someone who can use it without a manual? It's a funny thought though...Reading a manual to use the legendary weapon Parthia...

    WHY do people keep thinking this is a valid point?

    Seriously, why?

    I swear, people will do anything to nitpick at superior characters not being better than blatantly inferior ones.

    but seriously, take it from somebody who's actually tried, using Ryan is more trouble than it's worth.

    also, arguing arena abuse=fail. And no matter how you sugarcoat it Sheema still doesn't get to kill all the Gra soldiers because it's blatant favoritism.

    Luck's only a problem if their is someone who does the job just as well, but doesn't have to deal with off chances. Otherwise, it isn't. It is indeed pretty weak. Pointless with archers.

    Agreed on Sheema. Even with the gra soldier favoritism, she doesn't magically become amazing.

  9. Why is Ryan in low tier. He joins at the start of the game, and has good growths to keep him sharp throughout the game. What the heck, he is like the best bow unit in the game. Kashim has a high chance at getting critted, and that Gordon growths are too low to make him any good without levelling him with the Star Orb. As for Warren, I won't mention him. He's probably the crappiest unit in the game next to Alan.

    Ryan starts significantly worse than Gordin, Doesn't end up significantly better for a good while, doesn't double for a long while (which Gordin can do with iron with one measly point in speed), is helpless compared to Gordin's nice starting defense. Kashim's bad luck doesn't matter, due to being an archer, he shouldn't be attacked in the first place. His offense also happens to spank BOTH of these guys. George also joins at a time reasonable for him to be pretty badass for a while. Ryan sucks until much later and is redundant. He's only better than Warren since he's meh and never improves. [/s] .

    She will need an Angel Clothes to get her enough Hp though.

    Minerva? Her HP is fine...and did Defense suddenly stop mattering?

    Better use Repair Staff uses then. Because you won't get another one of these tomes until Chapter 19, and that you will get another Repair Staff in the Final Chapter.

    Using Repair on Thoron? Are you nuts? Nevermind Partia and the Miracle Blade, let's repair the almighty...Thoron spell?

    Yeah, and that there is no way that you can level her up without having her smack around her soldiers, or by using the arena in Chapter 19. She also is better than Doga (Draug).

    Since when is she better than Draug? Draug can actually be useful for some time.

    For one. You don't really have to worry aboutr the Hammerine Staff, because it's very likely that the computer AI won't control the Thieves to the village. As for the Rescue Staff, don't use it. You will need it to save (probably Feena), but it is possible to save her without it. And that you will need it to save Est and Medeia.

    ??? What are you smoking? The Hammerne house is like what the thieves go after immediately. Don't use the rescue staff? To save Feena (who needs no rescuing since Nabarl basically does everything), Est and MEDEIA no less? Those are like..the last things I'd use the rescue staff on. I could make defending the twins easier by rescuing marth and the chapter goes faster, I could make Khadain so much easier. Nevermind units that don't need "rescuing" / units I wouldn't blink about losing.

    I fell for a trap, didn't I?

  10. Nah. Once he can double with steel he's fine. The bowgun is to make him fail less than usual and is also there as a backup if steel double still won't kill.

    and, er, wait, I forgot. In FE1 it was if AS>Enemy AS, you double, not three, so Gordin REALLY won't have any trouble.

    Kashim isn't a slowpoke either till late. He's tons stronger too. Gordin does the same with steel what Kashim does with a bowgun. Gordin's only better early on for a small bit, and a small bit after promotion. Kashim's pretty smooth throughout.

    Gordin's only advantage is Parthia, even though he has balls strength anyways. Kashim's fine with silver. If he can't use it, no one else really needs the manual.

    In the end though, I suppose it's opinion. I just don't like Gordin.

  11. Forgot weapons don't dissapear after breaking (sans tomes and staves). Either way, that just gives you more uses. Thanks NG.

    Forgot about Castor, but does he even have the weapon level to use it for a while? Gordin might, George automatically can use it. Again, I wanna stress it one shots flying dragons and in exchange gives youa free level up. Those things are annoying. Partia+Excalibur+Everyone else on your team = flying dragons never being a problem.

    As for Astram...Desert chapter. I've just done this. Marth went for Minerva. Walked Marth from there to the castle. With how fast your army is moving, they should be at the castle by now. Astram takes a while to reach you. Optimally, you have a turn to take him out. Not like you DON'T have people who can just pick him off. Aura, Partia, other ranged methods, people to go in for the finishing blow. You can literally kill Astram, then have Marth take the throne right after. Throw in Feena, and he's assured to die. Great thing about this chapter is splitting up. Some guys go left, others go north. Astram's force will split up then. He won't exactly be well defended.

    Astram is hilariously easy to kill.

    Only way I will possibly be convinced otherwise is if someone argues getting Astram is better than getting the miracle blade early and the experience he gives when you kill him. Nevermind the fact he's completely redundant when he shows up.

    It's best to kill him in the desert because in the first chapter he appears, there's a crapload of stuff happening and he has TONS of backup that your guys are not prepared to deal with. Bridge chapter's a no no due to limited attack room and again, his major amount of backup. Killing him there would take a bit of luck. Desert chapter, he easily isolates himself at a point where Marth is safely able to take the castle if things go wrong. If you can get it earlier, then congrats. But it's easiest in the desert.

  12. That, too, but to be fair Est didn't really get nerfed statistically, just in the sense she no longer has Miracle Sword and Star Orb, who nobody else really needs or wants at this point in the game since Miracle Sword is just overkill and most characters are close to capping out already if they're not already there.

    Good point.

    I don't think anybody outside of Alan and Samson got the shaft. At least nobody as badly as them.

    It was more indirect with the rest of them. Simply everyone got better growths and stat caps being unique to class made awesome people even more awesome. Prepromotes on the other hand seem more the same. They got nerfed when everyone else got buffed

    It's moreso that bows were light as a feather meaning Gordin could double right away, and he needed three AS rather than four to double, and he didn't even need that much speed to double in the first place, but yes, the Killer Bow Bowgun definitely helped him suck a lot less. FE1 Gordin was an absolute killing machine. Really, move and kinda meh durability were his only issues, and the fact that he still paled in comparison to guys like Abel, Cain, and Ogma. Just not as badly as the other two games that chronicle Marth's first adventure. Hell, Gordin was top of high on the FE1 tier, IIRC.

    He seemed a bit reliant on the thing though. Kashim isn't spectacular endgame, but endgame isn't hard to begin with. Kashim's pretty much insane the rest of the game without cost. Gordin is reliant on that bowgun till he promotes. Surprisingly, I'd rather use him in FE3 than in FE1. Something about Gordin always irks me...

  13. Gameplay-wise AND story-wise, part 3 was just stupid. I'd gladly have taken the DB and CRK having more time and plot relevence, since it isn't like the GM needed to actually train to be better than them. Words cannot describe how much I hate the greil mercs in this game. They could have developed the dawn brigade characters, they could have done more with Michaiha as stated (I mean seriously, how amazing would it have been if it turns out she had been lying about her powers the whole time?). They could have made the CRK part relevant. Anyone else feel like there was no point in part 2? Could have never happened, nothing about the story would have been changed. Great part, but it seemed completely irrelevant. They could have joined forces to fight Begnion, with Greil Mercs helping Begnion because they're mercs who were hired (and we all know the reason). But NO, Greil mercs just HAVE to show up and be superheroes, not only basically saving the day without much cause, but making everyone else before them completely irrelevant. Without them in part 3 and part 3 split evenly for the CRK and DB, most of the DB could have been usable now and the CRK could have had a point in existing while the greil mercs still have killfaces.

    Not to mention all of part 4 was basically the equivelant of the end of a power rangers episode where the baddies get theirs in the end. *spoilers* Even Izuka. You'd figure he'd have more behind him than "I was working for Begnion all along, mwahahahahaha!". Then the whole dark god being not evil (effectively killing the tension of not just all of part 3, but of the entire PoR story) and saving the world from the goddess of the main church who turned out to be bad was cop-out. If there's any reason to weep for Sephiran, it would be of the raping of any chance of him being an interesting character. *end spoiler* Basically, the DB and new characters could have been more developed, but instead they just throw the power rangers greil mercs, who I think most wanted to move on from a long time ago, at us.

    As long winded as this is, I wish to be funny. So here is a summary of the story by part. OBVIOUS SPOILERS, if badly told.

    Part 1: What Could Have Been Great Build-Up

    Michaiah: Uh-oh, bandits!

    Eddie: I'm here to help!

    Leonardo: I am also here as well.

    Bandits: WARGH! *dies*

    Michaiah: That was close!

    Eddie and Leonardo: Yep.

    Jarod: CURSES! *stabs subordinate* Foiled again!

    Michaiah: When will Nolan and Sothe arrive?

    Eddie and Leonardo: Dunno.

    Nolan: I'm here.

    Michaiah: SOTHE! *spanks his ass* where've you been, bitch!?

    Nolan: -_-;;

    Sothe: *yipes at the sudden bad touch* Uh...just...scouting for another hideout...

    Michaiah: *tugs his leash to choke him* You get back when I say you get back! Goddess help you if you're late again...

    The other three: o0;;

    Michaiah: They found us!

    Everyone else: RUN!

    Michaiah: Wait, haven't shown off my hax jesus skills! *heals kid*

    Townsfolk: Like, whoa!

    Guards: Moldy onions!

    Laura: Hey, could you guys help me get medicine to my church?

    Sothe: But we're kinda on the run here, we really shouldn't be-

    Michaiah: WE'RE HELPING HER! *mind scrambling banshee screams*

    Sothe: GODS, fine, we'll help, just make it stop! T.T

    Nolan: I count my blessings every day that I have some hint of personality, still rock, and don't have to deal with that. Life is good.

    Jarod: Let them pass!

    Guards: They'll kill us!

    Jarod: I don't care because I'm bad! Now let them pass...*curls snidely whiplash mustache they might as well of given him* They're falling right into my trap, nyahahahahahah!

    DB: *pass through without trouble*

    Jarod: HAH! My trap has sprung! Now go to jail! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Michaiah: *goes to jail*

    Illyana: Hungry...for...script...that...doesn't make me comedy relief...

    Michaiah: They didn't have to bust me up before throwing me in a prison...

    Kurt: *passes blunt* This olivi grass will take your mind off it...*coughs a lungful of smoke* Just don't exhale.

    Sothe: My name's Sothe, I'm here to rescue you!...Are you high?

    Michaiah: High as a kite. I think that chick there has the munchies.

    Aimee: Nah, she's always like that.

    Kurt: *giggling* I'm so fucking baked...

    Nolan: Brought the boys to help bust you out.

    Eddie and Leo: Hi.

    Laura: I'm here too!

    Michaiah: How the hell did all of you get this far without being caught by the guards?

    Guard: !

    *alarm goes off, guards swarm in, radar gets jammed*

    Boss of the chapter: This wing sword is the greatest weapon in the world...

    *Sothe steals the discipline skill, Michaiah drops a nuke on him*

    Boss: *melts like he's seen the ark of the covenant*

    Laura: ARAN! *glomps*

    Aran: Hi.

    Sothe: That was easy.

    Michaiah: *reading the discipline manual* Yes it was. *thinking* Yeah, that looks fun...Sothe won't be walking right for weeks!

    Nolan: Where do we go now?

    Michaiah: The desert!

    Sothe: The desert!?! Are you insane!? It's called the desert of DEATH! No one has returned! EVER! It's suicide!

    Michaiah: *gives him a dark look* We don't...want...to bring back the duct tape again...

    Sothe: Ok, we go ;;>>

    Nolan: Such a bitch, the both of them...Fucking desert.

    Everyone else: *don't object at all*

    Caravan: *follows them into a place with no business prospects whatsoever*

    Eddie: Nolan, why do we suck?

    Leonardo: I would also like to know as well.

    Nolan: Well an apple a day keeps- Oh who am I kidding? Fuck you two, that's why.

    Eddie: I can be good! Just let me try!

    Nolan: No! It's too dangerous!

    Leonardo: I can also be good as well.

    Nolan: ....HAAAAAAhahahahahahaaaaa! Don't kid yourself.

    Leonardo: ...

    Nolan: Now you two do whatever it is when I make you not work because I do both your jobs better at the same time.

    Eddie and Leo: ...*start making out furiously*

    Sothe: Who the hell are you?

    Aran: Aran.

    Sothe: ...Ok.

    Michaiah: I hear something! Or someone...

    Sothe: They followed us?!

    Meg: Howdy!

    Michaiah: AHH!! Kill it with fire!

    Sothe: Michaiah, that's rude...

    Meg: I'm looking for someone, can I tag along with-

    Michaiah: *smacks her, steals her equipment and fortune* NO FATTIES!

    Meg: T.T

    Sothe: What the fuck Michaiah! We dont steal!

    Michaiah: Says the thief with a small dick...

    Sothe: *shuts the fuck up*

    Michaiah: Birdie hears noise!

    Sothe: We shouldn't be running off every which way, we're in a dangerous situation!

    Michaiah: We're following birdy.

    Sothe: Ok.

    Laguz bandits: WE'RE BADASS! ROAR!

    The bosses: *stereotypical music plays* We are Si-A-mee-eese, if you plee-eease-

    Michaiah: Everyone, be on defense!

    Sothe, Nolan and Aran: Ya think?

    Illyana: I'll fry 'em from a distance! *thinking* mmmm, fried tiger meat. *drools like homer simpson*

    Leonardo: I'll also attack form a distance as well.

    Eddie: I'll...help?

    Nolan: You two aren't doing shit!

    Eddie and Leo: *boihug and cry in self-pity*

    *steals treasure from thieves*

    Laguz bandits: WE'RE DEADZORS, ROAR!

    Michaiah: Birdy, where are you!?

    Sothe: I think it went off to find an actual friend, since you clearly aren't one...


    Sothe: T.T Maybe I will!

    Nailah: This thing your bird?

    Volug and Raphael: *passed out around her*

    Sothe: Who are you?

    Nailah: The only cool person in the entire part 1 besides him. *points at Volug*

    Volug: *passed out, but panting like a dog*

    Michaiah: We heard singing.

    Nailah: Yeah, Raphael never got double teamed before and it turns out he doesn't take it too well in the backside. Damn virgin.

    Volug: *grins in his sleep*

    Everyone: o0;;

    Nailah: Fucking prudes.

    Raphael: *wakes up* Don't mind me, I'm a plot device...*shivers* ohh goddess it's wonderful...*passes out*

    Nailah: See what I mean?


    Volug: *licking at Nailah's feet, since she doesn't have boots*

    Sothe: ...Can you make him stop doing that?

    Nailah: Make me. Pfeh! That's funny, you making ME. You couldn't even make him stop yourself.

    Sothe: Do you have to talk down to me like that?

    Nailah: Bitches should be treated like such. *scritches behind Volug's ear* They're much happier when they know their place...*looks Sothe, head to toe, grinning* course, ya gotta break them in first...

    Volug: *tail wags* X3

    Sothe: o0;;

    Nailah: Anyways, gonna let him be with you. I got other things to do. Found some mad tail back in town.

    Sothe: ...Thanks?

    Volug: *whimpers, clinging to Nailah:

    Nailah: Awww, poor boy...*pets* I'll be back. Be a good boy for them and I'll use the clamps next time.

    Volug: *tail wags strongly* OuO

    Sothe: ...I'm gonna be sick.

    *cash gets thrown at them*

    Sothe: Hey, aren't those Zihark, Jill and Tauroneo?

    Michaiah: Who?

    Tauroneo: YAAAH! Babies! You are all BABIES!

    Jill: Maggots!

    Zihark: BONK!

    Sothe: Nice to see you again!

    Zihark: We're protecting the prince of Daien!

    Sothe: Prince!?! Finally, someone we can get behind!

    Michaiah: He's unimportant, let's just continue without him.

    Sothe: FUCK you! We're meeting him.

    Pelleas: Hi.

    Izuka: Prince! There are people here! You do nothing, I'll talk to them.

    Amelda: My baby boy, finally, I see you again, mweheheheh! *giggling ina clearly psychotic fashion*

    Michaiah: Told you.

    Sothe: Right, let's go. Come on guys.

    Tauroneo: Daaaahh, dah dah dah dah dah, come sing with me!

    Eddie, Leo, Illyana, Aran: Finally, we get to stick it to Begnion!

    Zihark, Tauroneo and Jill: Hi, we're your replacements.

    Eddie, Leo, Illyana, Aran: ...T.T

    Zihark: Aran, you're cool. Come on.

    Aran: ^^

    Tauroneo: We make good team!

    Fiona: Knights! Continue on! I'll fight them off!

    Knights: Are you retarded? We're better than you and we have people rescued!

    Fiona: Oh right. Ok.

    Michaiah: Who are you?

    Fiona: Fiona.

    Sothe: ...*takes equipment and skills* You're bad and you should feel bad.

    Zihark, Nolan, Tauroneo and Volug: *proceed to slaughter everyone*

    Sothe: Sweet! Paragon!

    Zihark: *takes it from him* HA! You wish.

    Sothe: T.T...

    Izuka: Let's rescue the prisoners! Poison the water supply!

    Sothe: Yeah, let's kill puppies and skin them while we're at it. Then, we can tie helpless women to railroad tracks. Jackass.

    Izuka: No one listens to me!


    Sothe: Let's save the prisoners!

    Tormod: Hai guys, what's going on in here?

    Muarim: Wtfpwn!

    Vika: *smoking olivi grass* Don't mind me, I'm on my way to page 10, hur hur hur.

    *prisoners rescued quest completed*

    Sothe: We got news they're executing prisoners in a swamp!

    Izuka: Fuck 'em!

    Sothe: for once I agree, this is an obvious trap.

    Michaiah: Let's go save them! Tra la la! *skips off*

    Sothe: *slits wrists*

    Michaiah: We'll rescue you prisoners!

    Rafael: It's a trap!

    *soldiers appear*

    Sothe: WHAT did I tell you!?!

    Muarim: Lol, noobs.

    Nailah: Oh for fucks sakes, you people are PITIFUL! Come on Volug, let's show these bitches how it's done.

    Volug: *humps leg*

    Nailah: No no, fighting! We're fighting! ...We'll take care of that later.

    Raphael: *licks*

    Volug: *licks*

    Michaiah: There's so much she can teach us...

    Sothe: No there isn't!

    *prisoners rescued, gain 10 points*

    Pelleas: You guys are the greatest! *everyone ignoring him, the meal more important* Uh...Hello?

    Michaiah: Everyone's asleep. I wonder why, as I look up at the NIGHT sky.

    Jarod: We drugged them! Now prepare to die!

    Black Knight: *appears with plot device powder* Any smart villain would have just poisoned them and be done with it.

    Jarod: Dammit! Why didn't I think of that!?

    Black Knight: Because you fail. *Eclipse'd*

    Jarod: ...I'm alive?

    Jarod's anonymous friend: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

    Senator Hitler looking guy: Quell the rebellion now, or the people who don't already like us in begnion will not like us in begnion!

    Jarod: Yeah, why didn't I think of that? You're a fucking genius senator. *grumbles*

    Michaiah: We're here to stop you!


    Michaiah: We're the hope of the people-

    Jarod: WHO DON'T LIKE YOU! I'm two steps away from being a dudley do-right villain and I have 3 authority stars! I am somehow more liked than you will EVER be!

    Michaiah: *shuts the fuck up*

    Black Knight: I will go and-

    Nailah: Too late.

    Jarod: HOW DID YOU-

    Nailah: *Savage rape*


    Michaiah: We saved Daien!

    Pelleas: And I am finally king!

    Everyone in Daien: WHATEVER! *continues living anyways*

    End part 1.

    Soon to come...

    Part 2: Cool, but Pointless

    tl;dr, I'm not funny

  14. I think Vaida could be good looking if she had not devoted her life to battle. With out scars and with hair, she would be decent enough.

    *points to posted pic above* She has decent hair, and the scar isn't that bad. Her in-game portrait is horrible in comparison, but that could be said of most Elibe characters.

    Her fierceness are half the reason for top! You are all pansies!

  15. Who knows?

    Why did they give Zagaro such outrageous growth rates?

    Why did they make CAPTAIN GORDIN DEFENDER OF EARTH suck even worse?

    Why did they knock Ogma down a notch but leave the cavs alone, so Ogma has worse stats and less move than the cavs, not to mention he joins significantly later? He should have at least been able to compete with them.

    You could tack on why they used the bad version of Roshe and why Est grows to be worse than her earlier joining sisters while we're at it.

    Funny thing is, I was hoping the prepromotes would get a buff, and they gave all but like...2 of them a nerf. Wouldn't you know it, the two who got buffed were the two arch knights of Akenia. I didn't expect THIS though. With their join time and those growths...doesn't take a rocket scientist to see they're awesome. The other prepromotes cry in their sleep in comparison...At least Minerva's usable.

    Wouldn't Gordin's reason for sucking be the lack of bowguns? Back then, he wasn't doing a damn thing without it either. I say it was because all the good was destroyed by Laharl, king of awesome.

  16. Not to mention killing Samson's no big loss either. In fact, I'd no problem offing Astram for the Miracle Sword early in the desert. Even with having Marth go straight to Minerva's hiding place and then going straight to the castle, Astram will get close enough to get picked off by whatever means necessary.

    Brought it up in the FEP boards and was asked what was the point. Well...A. Means you get the legend weapons early enough for the exp, and B. What the hell else are you gonna use the hammerne staff for? You get them all early, why not? 5 is plenty uses. Use it till you break it, be careful with using the legendary weapons then until the star and light orbs, then abuse the hell out of them as normal. The staff has 5 uses, one can go to Aura or Reziah. That gives 2 uses for both. I forget how many uses the sword has, but I think Partia has either 19 or 21 uses. Repair twice, under optimal conditions (getting it down to 1 before repairing), that's 55-61 uses.

    But until then, it basically means either George or Gordon should skyrocket. One shotting flying dragons and getting a free level up? Yes please! It's more important for the bow users due to...well...there not exactly being competition for it. Miracle Blade has a CRAPLOAD of people who can use it. Not to mention flying dragons are just incredibly fucking annoying.

    If there's a good reason not to, I'd like to hear it.

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