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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. You said "not exactly having problems", though. Samson, Astria, Arran etc are having HUGE problems. Arran can't even say he has a decent endgame since 14 AS is suck [Lena's is better roffle]

    Ok ok, so bottom tier's having problems. I didn't notice they gave Aran and Samson freaking 10 extra levels...

    ...Why did they do that?

  2. It seemed to have a habit of you missing a lot when hit is high, while low hit enemies often hit with no struggle. Not to mention you can rarely hit if you have at least half hit. (this is going by what I went through, others may get something different)

    As for level ups, the low growths don't help the already mean RNG. The only one that gets nice level ups are Est and Katua. Alm has it better than most, too.

    You and me both man. Sad part is, this happens to me all teh time in FE1 too. I've missed at what appeared to be full bar accuracy. Never before had I wanted to punch the computer so hard...

  3. Tomas is the Archer, I think you're thinking of Dolph.

    *facepalm* Must have scrambled the levels. Now I just feel dumb.

    Well don't mind me, I'll just lurk around here then. But, mind if I drop in every now and then to the lists just to drop a suggestion or two/ask questions? I'll try to be brief next time.

  4. Tomas only needs like two levels before the minimum promotion level and can pretty much become at least semi-competent (compared to Est) from there.

    Really? I recall him being a lot lower leveled...damn memory again. Or did they raise his level up in this?

    Well yeah, that pretty much screws Est over. Forget I said anything.

  5. sadly enough, yes

    Some people always think weak start=strong finish for whatever reason.

    No even thinking ahead? Just fans? Despite the fact she isn't even allowed to be good due to her class and...unfortunate bases? No personality on top of it other than girl from country, a role Nephanee already fills and plays 10 times better?

    ...Show me these people because I don't believe you. I'd expect a Beowulf alliance before Meg.

    To keep on topic, druids rock, but the ones they give you suck. I vote Niime because you don't have to train her to use her.

  6. Much more than you think? Did you even look at who's in bottom? Gordin and Norne have godawful earlygames, Astram dies in two hits and his str sucks so bad that he struggles to kill stuff, Samson's doing even worse, Arran sucks at first and stays crappy, Midia is just plain lol, and Tomas? Let's not go there.

    They're still usable, just bad. If they were killed in like 1 shot, THEN they'd be unusable. They just aren't as good as everyone above them and not by a longshot. Only exceptions I could make are Tomas and obviously Est. Tickling the enemy's just as bad as dying in one hit. They're so bad, they should feel bad. Looking at his averages, Tomas didn't even suck this bad back then. He went from horrid to nowhere near a single cap bad.

    In harder modes, I could see your point. I am certainly exagerating...and ok, maybe a bit much. But still.

    Lol, gonna argue Est above Tomas. She comes late at an incredibly bad level with bad bad stats at the time, but at least has a slayer weapon and at least grows into something less bad if trained. More than Tomas can say, he can't grow to be good at anything ever. Thomas fails, but Est fails for less time and can actually become something resembling a unit. Even with arena abuse, Thomas sucks....It's terrible how bad they made the brother of Zagaro.

    I really need to stop doing this x.x I need to remember I haven't even played the game yet, just FE1. At least I know how the chapters flow...

  7. Only time I could see his luck being an issue is when being argued against his nextdoor neighbor Paula. Otherwise yeah, his luck's a non-issue.

    People like Meg? At least Est could be good in one of the games she's been in, thanks to Miracle Sword+Star and Light Orbs+Arenas in FE1 let you chose your weapon+her having nothing better to do for a whole chapter. Meg...she never has a time of being even remotely usable....She has fans? If I remember correctly, her class even stops her from being usable later.

  8. How does it treat me? Like a total whore. I can't even take chances with 80%. If the enemy has even 30%, I know I'll get hit. I've played through RD 5 times, each time using Naesala as soon as I can. I've seen him activate only one skill, that being Adept. Ain't that a bitch?

    I can't even play FE5 because of this...

    Leveling? Don't get me started...Ever had an FE7 Bartre with 16 strength at 20/20? My armor knights never grow defense, anything with a sword refuses to grow a single point of strength and defense, mages never grow any speed outside of Asvel, anything on a horse for me seems to only like growing luck and skill...and worst of all, my Lord characters fail to grow ANYTHING. They never get more than 1 or 2 stats each level up.

    And whenever I FINALLY get a series of good level ups, either someone I planned to have dodge a couple shots (since 12% isn't likely to hit 5 times in a fucking row) gets killed because he or she just refused to dodge, someone gets crit killed on one of those damn 1 percents, or some other royal bullshit that shouldn't have happened but did because the RNG absolutely hates me for some reason.

  9. Just look at the front page.

    Clint Eastwood, Top, High, Upper Mid, Lower Mid, Low, Bottom, and Fail.

    I just meant upper mid, mid and lower mid. I'm aware what it means, but new guys might not. Same general area of usefulness, just either a bit goes their way, are plain vanilla or have a bit against them right? The others are indeed rather spelled out (and i facepalm myself for having missed it.). Besides, tier lists could be misleading. From what I hear, NM is a cakewalk where even bottom tier isn't exactly having problems while in Merciless, units are placed based on something rather than if they're good throughout. Jagen sucks, but I see he's pretty high up.

    Then again, I'm sure they'd just ask and others would explain...I'm sorry, I'm a bit off today. Haven't been sleeping well this week, I'm a bit out of it.

  10. I wouldn't mind, as long as they made her normal like Link has been throughout the series (AKA, silent, green tunic and hat with the white leggings, boots and gauntlets, and is good with the sword and bow. Nothing stupid, like being overtly cute and typical.).

    Wouldn't mind a game that didn't star an incarnation of the hero of time either. Like a mage (admit it, it would be cool. instead of a bow and magic arrows with various equipments, you just had magic spells. Like a spell where you switched places with an object. There WAS that one version of the hookshot in Oracle of Ages.) or something.

    Either way, these characters would have to be hard-asses in some way. Hell, remember the band of warriors from TP? Even the dorky guy had guts. More guts than the guards at least because he at least had the guts to STEP OUTSIDE THE CITY. For knights, you'd expect a lot more out of them, wouldn't you? XD

  11. i never did edit the revised bottom tier, did I

    I'll do it now

    tiers also re-named. Hopefully this is going to prevent any more "LOL LENA MID TIER LENA TOO LOW LOL" blasphemy.

    How so? Like God, Great, Good, Usable, Troublesome, Bad and Useless? Would be more clear, because for any new guy, the upper-mid-lower can be a bit misleading.

    PS. Look at all the craziness that happened while you were away! XD

  12. I would LOVE an FE3 Book 2 remake. Maybe they could throw in more secret treasure (seeing the new page, they were pretty damn sneaky about it. Would never have cared to dream to look in front of the cave in the Nabarl chapter) and characters (come on, an axe guy would be nice, considering how many silver axes the game throws at you). Class change would be unnecessary, since so few in that game are considerably bad (with the exception of a couple the latecomers and Ryan+Warren).

    FE6 ain't good, but it ain't bad either. It's more the middle ground really. FE7 was basically the same thing, but refined. I don't know why it gets bashed so bad. If you like FE1 and 3 well enough, FE6 isn't bad at all. FE4 on the other hand...Great story, just...not exactly the most fun thing in the world. Did cool stuff, but like stated, was a bit empty. If they filled in space with more enemies to give a reason for even putting in foot soldiers, I would LOVE a remake of FE4. Would give a reason to even HAVE a castle to defend (ya know, aside from Lenster castle). It wasn't bad per say, just didn't have much to do. But, if they remade it, they could have the original as like a normal mode and the one with more enemies/tougher enemies could be a hard mode. Imagine FE4 merciless mode.

    Personally, I'd like to see them refine FE2. Only problem with that game was experience gain was too damn slow and forced grinding (unless you played Bearably Playable Easy mode.). Make Easy mode the same and make Normal mode have tougher enemies rather than just kill experience gain. If they did that, I'd buy it.

    As for Fire Emblem BS....No clue what that is, what is Fire Emblem BS?

  13. Damn, never would have thought to look in front of the fire dragon's cave in chapter 7! Sneaky bastards...

    Man, it's be cool if they added stuff like this to other FEs. Worked out well in RD actually, but it was so cool in FE3. If there's one thing I love about RPGs, it's treasure hunting.

    PS. You think there might be more hidden treasures in FE3, or have people hacked into the game to check? Would be weird if there was a treasure in the spot where HE stands in the Soulful Bridge chapter.

    Thanks by the way, you got a great sight here. Just wanted to say, due to being new here.

  14. The problem lies in more that FEDS is more biased towards early game units than anything. Merric just happens to be part of that lineup.

    If I had my own FE game, the main character would be balanced like Marth, all of his cronies and other early game characters would have mediocre growths, mid-game characters would actually be worth using over these, and the all powerful, omnipotent characters don't come towards the later third of the game.

    EDIT: Thinking about it now, FE4 Generation 1 is kind of set up this way, except for that whole SIGURD thing and all.

    Sounds nice, but FE4 was more equipment based. Lex starts a weakener, gets the brave ax to be a killer/weakener, then he had the option of the pursuit ring as Tiltyu just had wrath and the only others who want it are fail like Noish and Arden.

    Dammit, need to not go on a rant this time...But to the point, FE4...Main problem was if you didn't have a horse in that game or weren't Levin, you weren't doing much. Even at the starting chapter, Azel isn't doing much. That and FE4 just gave you a crapload of units to use at the start. If it were like that with say...an army the size of the one you start with in FE6, I'd agree, but FE4 it didn't matter because of the crapload of horse guys with canto you had from first chapter.

    And of course..lol, Sigurd.

  15. I know Lou is better, but I just can't STAND using him. I have horrid luck with him, he never grows ANY magic for me. Even with supports and Elfire, he just tickles people and it pisses me off.

    Lillina however I'm lucky with because she grows plenty of speed. Gonzales and Cecilia give her defense she needs with a nice offense boost, given my lucky speed with her and her naturally amazing luck, and she annihilates. Lou might be more useful, but Lillina I find MUCH more satisfactory.

  16. I'm actually glad they're thinking of FE6. Finally, the cliffhanger can be absolved to the normal guys who played FE7 and didn't immediately start importing/pirate the rest of the series. Know what would be cool? If it read the GBA slot for FE7 to check which women had which A support with males, and based their children's stats AND affinities based on it, ala FE4's pairing. Sain/Rebecca sounds awesome for Wolt.

    Sadly, Rath is stuck with Lyn.

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