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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. *Teleports*

    You not gonna rape me this time!


    I am a tactician after all.

    Finally can take out my frustration! *shoots Aida while she's still in topic* WHY DOESN'T SNOW_STORM LOVE MEEEE!?! *sobs madly*

    But good sire, I don't wanna rape ya. Please turn around, drop your weapons....and be quick to leave. ^^

    *turns around, drops weapon, but does not leave* But I am alone and sad and confused....

  2. *dodges*

    Why so obvious?

    This is why. *shoots you while your back is turned*

    Oh, so you want to get penised...ok...turn around, pretty boy. XD

    Jk, I dont do that kinda thing. Its too low for me.

    Low? It's rather fun. You got it backwards, boi...speaking of back *checks yours out* not a bad backside either, MWOAWR! Now drop 'em! *suddenly serious* O\/O

  3. *shoots bullet out of the sky*







    Fine. *pulls knife from pocket and throws it at you*

    Impudent fool! Dont you know who I am? I is ever-present, therefore, cannot be killed.

    Killing you wasn't my plan. *unzips pants*

  4. *casts Rewarp and gets out from the thread*

    Dammit Aida! Smart son of a *mumbles in frustration*

    Yep, without it you would be nothing but a pussy in front of me. Right? *Grins back*

    *shoots your kneecap* You think I'm dumb enough to fall for that stupid trick? Even worse, I don't think you have any continues left.

  5. Dead wrong. Barack Obama's mother was a typical white Kansas Christian, and by the time his father moved to the United States he was a "practicing" atheist. The president did not "hide" anything. But don't let this ruin your tea time with Bill O'reily.

    And despite what people may assume about America being "behind the times", I would first say such a claim is relative, and since most self-effacing Americans (read: pussies) seem to bow their heads to some mystical power called Europe, I would remind you that in mainland Europe there are many parties which are explicitly based in religion or support pan-national and ethnocentric viewpoints, whether the Christian Democratic Union in Germany (currently controls the government) or the linguistic-ethnic based parties in Belgium, and radical national parties in almost every mainland country (although their share of the parliaments in most cases are minimal). America is still under the influence of tradition and religion in our policies, but to say we're "behind the times" lacks proof. Despite how much some people (pussies) deride America's tolerance, I can tell you we will probably see a president from every religion and minority group before we ever see a chancellor of Turkish decent in Germany.

    Well I remember seeing him on the news with some other news organization saying he had muslim relatives. I don't think it's a big deal, but he seemed to only bring it up there and then. Oh, hey! Thanks for pinning me a fan of the douchebag that is Bill O'whogivesadamn! Based on something I SAID wasn't a big deal, it doesn't make him some hyper-extremist or terrorist or whatever the hell. I'm just saying apparently, Obama THOUGHT it would be a big deal. I feel sorry he had to think he could only bring it up outside the country. I like the guy, I wanted him to be president, but it wasn't like we were gonna call him out on it. If we did, I'd have left for Canada out of embaressment.

    I'm also one who actually likes America, just one that accepts we COULD do with some improvements. If we're good, why stop from being even better? I'm aware most parts of Europe are very lagging. I'm just saying we COULD be better. EVERYONE'S behind the times. Europe is smart, yet old fashioned. We're new fashioned, but we could be smarter. See my point?

    By the way, nice going on saying people are pussies for even thinking we could do with improvements regardless. Europe has just as good ideas as we do, but if I thought they were actually better, don't you think I'd have left by now?

  6. I'm dissapointed by the lack of axe users too. I can't seem to stop running into silver axes...

    SPOILERS? I found treasures at the chapter you get Paula, basically have Julian stand at the castle gate, gets you an Aiote Shield. Found treasure in the desert chapter, AND I found a TON of treasure lying around in the wasteland chapter. the one with the barbarians hunters and flying dragons.

    In both the desert and wasteland chapter, got silver axes. Wasteland seems to be the treasure map because I found a lot of stat boosters and a Lady Sword. Including an Amulet.

  7. Well, this thread confuses me like the dickens.

    Anyway, on the Wolf Brigade... I'll probably get something - probably not juicy, but at least with more personality tidbits - on them when I'm done doing more of these BS script translations.

    As for how I can interpret the other Archanea Knights, I think I'll throw some of these in based on clues:

    Boah: before Archanea was nearly wiped out, he was apparently so trusted and high-ranking that the King entrusted him with his last orders. May overexert himself. Has the welfare of the nation in mind, but seems to be prone to (grave) errors.

    Midia: Based on her looks she may have been a high-ranking noble before being a Paladin. Her manner of speaking suggests an inner "rebellious princess" personality, yet she has a lot of Archanean pride of loyalty - perhaps this mixture is what gets her in the situation she's in in Book 2. As for her and Astria, they were probably lovers for a long time - perhaps childhood sweethearts.

    Dolph and Macellean: Seem to be friendly with each other and Boah. Based on their appearances, are likely twin brothers. Otherwise not much to go on here.

    Tomas: Refers to Dolph and Macellean as "The Armor Knights", suggesting he's perhaps more distant than the rest of the group. Regardless, he stayed with them the whole time... perhaps he's Aspergers-y? He's the most likely to be the oddball of the bunch, anyway.

    Anyway, I recall in Japan there's a lot of other non-game material to go with, which we should probably try looking up. In particular I recall a CD Drama series and some book compilations...

    But anyway, as for the anime hinting at personalities...

    Nabarl: In the anime he seems to have a nightmare about a girl being brutally killed. This is probably meant to be a suggestion about his past. The girl looked to be of high rank, so I'd assume the girl to be... a dancer, mayhaps? Based on his main character gimmick, I assume he somehow blames himself for whatever tragedy happened - perhaps he killed her with his own blade, somehow?

    Julian: Is apparently supposed to be a wussy based on how he flails his sword around against Nabarl. Kinda bizarre since he seems a lot more muscular in the anime...

    Shiida: Anime Genki Girl who tends to get clingy and jealous whenever her "man" is approached by another women. If this was how she was in the games she'd probably have ripped Nyna and Maria, and perhaps Linde based on that outfit alone, to shreds.

    Gordin: Takes multiple tries to land an arrow in someone's butt. How he goes from this to "The Greatest Archer in Altea" in Book 2? God knows....

    These are nice bits. Particularly with Thomas. Saves me a lot of thought on the Aritian Knight. Knew Midia was a royal though.

    Nice bit with Nabarl too...seems to fit him well. As for Julian, would make sense he's a jackass with a blade, considering he's a thief with low weapon skill, he's probably not used to taking on such skilled swordsmen like freaking Nabarl XD.

    Thanks for this though! Very nice.

    As for Gordin, easily explainable. Norne helps him out.

  8. Just another sad man in the word of politics, honestly, I don't see how anybody could want to get into politics especially when things are like this.

    EDIT:I just hit 400 posts (yay for me)

    When politics get bad is the PERFECT time to pay attention to it. They fuck up, we suffer.

    Unless you meant like becoming a senator or something...That point it's all on motive, which everyone would HOPE is good, but not everyone's a saint on the inside.

  9. Dew in the spirit forest is not going to get attacked at all (enemies don't attack you if they have 0 hit, at least not those), so he will essentially just cause useless clogs there. And in that forest, Azel is going to be attacked and likely one-rounding...but overall it seems reasonable to put Dew > Azel for this map.

    Forgot about that...but he can still nab extra money there at least. Azel also can't take two shots because even in the forest, he isn't dodging well. Two shots, Azel takes a dirt nap. Sure, the enemy density isn't close together, but he still needs to be walled off. Lets not forget the time it would take for Azel to get there in the first place. Speaking of low enemy density, Dew won't be causing huge clogs, considering the enemy isn't exactly tight nit. With how many guys have range now (Fin, Cuan, Midayle, Lex, Azel even), having a couple guys to take out a single axe guy won't be too troublesome. Another point for Dew, he can be a wall for Azel to do his job without worry.

    Just to clarify is all.

  10. Can you guys stop fucking up my thread with your off-topic bullshit? It really pisses me off.

    Again, look at what I'm making tier lists for. Individual chapters. What is Azel in the first few chapters? A unit that has the durability of Fin minus Prayer, the offense of Sigurd and the mobility of Ardan. What does that make him? Crap everything except offense.

    Just because there's no ranks doesn't mean I throw efficiency out of the window. If that were true, FE8 tier lists would be impossible, and that kind of thing. If you want to whine about that, do it in another thread, after reading vykan's post in this thread. Until then, get the fuck out of my thread or contribute something.

    I wanted to drop the argument like three times, but Chainey wanted to continue for some reason...but I'd be more than happy to drop it and I apologize.

    For chapter 1, I think Dew should go above Azel for nabbing enough gold to make sure Aideen never has to worry about money for a while. He can sit on the lone forest nearby while Aideen escapes, the axe guys surround him, only one guy able to hit him and it's a miserable chance no less. They constantly rearrange themselves so he can just steal a crapload of gold. Getting a lot of gold for Aideen, a healer who cannot enter the arena, would LOVE to have a lot of gold early on. Might get a level too while he's chipping at them, not to mention keeping them out of the forest and leaving you an easy ambush with cover from said forest. Nabs plentiful gold for Aideen, distracts enemy to be an even easier target,and can essentially dodgetank the axers in this chapter in forests as he'll be untouchable then.

    Azel? Gets a kill, maybe two if he's lucky at the first squad, spends the rest of the chapter trying to catch up...I'd easily say Dew does you a bigger favor here than Azel. For once, I was brief with a point...Yay me!

  11. Vyland and Matthis seperated from birth? Nuh-uh. First off, they are like exact opposites statistically, one being a tank, the other being fast. Second, Vyland knows his criminal family, some dye their hair red to be able to fool people into thinking they were Macedonian royalty (look at Vyland, he even looks rich, even richer than Matthis who actually is royalty). You can get away with a lot of stuff as royalty. It's why he keeps his hair dyed with his rich looking style (he has a nice slick back style with his hair, nice touch), so despite being a knight, all will know what he did and where he came from. He felt unfit to be a knight unless he confessed himself. Here's an interesting touch though...His father's name is Biraku.

    How does everyone here think of Zagaro's brother Thomas deciding to go under a new name as a royal bodyguard? His new name? Zagarro, due to Zagaro's new name being Sedgar, but it being a nice deviation? In fact, Thomas looks more like old Zagaro more than Sedgar does, while Sedgar looks more like old Thomas...

    ...This made me think of an awesome deviation of the final parts of FE3 book 2...

  12. And once again, you are failing to understand what tier lists are about.

    They're a list of character rankings of who is most useful. This shouldn't be hard to comprehend. Battle saves are not going to magically change the focus of tier lists just because they make the game easy. It certainly hasn't changed FE4 tier lists.

    You also act like other games FE games can't be abused and completely trivialized, yet those games have tier lists.

    I'm aware of other abuses, but games like FE7 with their ranks would at least reduce abuse. If you're abusing, then why bother thinking of efficiency? Even Lyn's mode doesn't magically make awesome units unless you sit there for hours to get one of the cavs to level 20 promoted, punching Lundgren in the face over many hours...Staff abuse would waste turns (though the turns you can afford are fair, not like those will magically make staff guys suddenly launch to top level). Boss abuse is one, but again wouldn't count as efficient, which seems to be the whole point of these arguments. They make the game easier, yet battle saves are simply ignored for doing the same thing. Why? It doesn't waste turn counts? Well considering we can't fail with battle saves, we might as well measure it by save counts or with a stopwatch. There's no such thing as efficiency if you can't fail in the first place. Other things are abusable and trivialize the game sure, but they count against efficient play because they waste turns. Savestates don't count against turns, they just waste time to readjust every move until it works. Those other tier lists do exist, but they don't involve abuse, do they? In efficient play, only thing that could actually trivialize the game are characters (Just make FE9 Titania, FE10 Black Knight, Naila, Haar, Titania, the royals or FEDS Zagaro do it.), or gameplay aspects (battle saves).

    This time, the point wasn't about the tier list, it was about the game in general. Why even have a list if you're just gonna battle save your way through the game? With battle saves, anything you can do counts as efficiency as long as you manipulate it to work. Only thing in your way is the assload of time it would take to make it work. Last I recall tier lists allowing abuse are only abuses you can get away with. FE4 is one of them that COULD be one that allows near no abuse aside from maybe staff (which how they work, cannot be helped in any FE), but battle save abuse you can just get away with scott free the whole game. The warp staff CAN'T be used everywhere this time, limited character money avoids the problem of just sending a dude with a holy weapon from just going in and soloing maps since once it breaks, they aren't completely invincible. But there are the battle saves...making sure you can't lose with anyone ever.

    I'm aware Fire Emblem babies you, but FE4's method of it is so easy to avoid compared to the warp staff in other games and overpowered solo units in some. FE4 units are strong, but they aren't invincible. Besides, I gave reasonable times for saves to work. Not like I'm telling you to flat out not use them. Just enough so the whole entire game isn't badly trivialized.

    To think this post was longer than I had intended...

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