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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Second generation is with the "best" pairings, while every child still has an individual father.

    Lex is IMO the best for Ayra. Her kids end up with Elite, a ton of defense, ambush, good strength and speed, a ton of HP, etc. Ayra's kids end up Godly, in other words. |:

    Ayra gets Hero Sword from Lex too.

    Best is in quotes. Define best. Most realistic, or simply the best child that can be offered? Best child might not be possible due to rankings.

    Lex is a good example and I'm glad you brought him up. Him and Aira do in fact make the best babies. Skasha becomes Admiral Killface and Lakche becomes General Manslaughter. They kill and never die AND level up quick AND get freaking Ambush. I had Skasha defend Lenster by himself with nothing but the thunder sword in chapter...8 I think it was, from that squad of javelin cavs with the mage knight leader. But is it realistic? I'm sure Aira finds the hero sword a nice gift and a sweet thought, but how can she pounce Lex's bones if he's off being an axe guy with a brave axe, great durability AND a horse in a lance heavy game? She doesn't have the patience to wait for Lex's slow ass to show up for a booty call when she has the back-up lay that is Holyn. He's there all the time, gives major odo, BOTH kids get their swords, she gets the hero sword anyways, kids get moonlight sword, and the kids in general end up almost as good, but not so much worse as to warrant it not happening. Why be unrealistic with Lex when Holyn is so dependable? They're the same damn class, they'll NEVER be too far away from eachother, are fast (so it benefits even in first generation), make good kids and generally help each other out. Lex is too busy to have sex with Aira.

    This is what I'm talking about. Or am I overestimating the ranks in this game?

  2. No.

    ...kidding, kidding, fine.

    Personally, I found it...boring. It had a fast battle system, but the game was just way too damn easy. Couldn't stand most of the characters. Only likable ones were Auron simply because he's the token badass, and Seymour, who is actually a legitimately insane villain.

  3. I couldn't set all the way through the first one, simply as the game started to feel repetitive. But as long as they keep the same style, and make the game a lot more like a Zelda game (Okami felt bare), I'd be interested in it.

    Sounds good to me. That and the character events seem so...bland. If character interaction was as good as it was in Majora's Mask, I'd be sold immediately.

    Seriously, Majora's Mask is way too good.

  4. FE4 tier list.

    Top Teir


    Everyone Else Teir

    Everyone else

    Joking aside, I'd be guessing the 2nd generation will be substitutes only? Because I'd actually imagine some children just not happening (LevinxFury comes to mind. How can they score if they're never next to eachother?). Would a good idea be to only allow realistic children to avoid the nightmare that would be all possible children in the list? Like AzelxTiltyu. It's fast for the rank, it makes decent kids anyways, they'll always be next to eachother for lack of action until Azel promotes, which chances are will be enough time for them to make babies. After all, if ranks are concerned, wouldn't a good idea be to go with the best pairing within a reasonable time and realistic options? Like, Fin is just flat out not having kids. He's going to take too long, the ones he makes remotely good kids with he has to waste a lot of your time to do it (and I think it's just with Lachesis anyways.). This is my thoughts on it though, if someone could explain how even unrealistic pairings could work in a rank run, would be much obliged as I am a rank noob. I'm so bad, I only have an A on Lyn's Hard Mode (I go through so fast, and yet 1 star from the tactics rating is mysteriously missing...). But it's a thought I thought I should bring up. I'm curious anyways.

    With this in mind though, Holyn would be the best father, due to two realistic pairings that yield awesome kids AND (possibly) gets Aira the Hero Sword, not to mention pass on the badass Luna Strike. Talk about laying some mean pipe...

  5. This makes no sense. Dismounting that restricts the potential of mounted units indoors makes them easier to use? I think you're wrongly associating unit usage with unit selection. Then you say that dismounting is essentially a nonfactor because of fatigue? Even if fatigue weren't present, the need to dismount still affects unit choices in indoor chapters. Your implication that dismounting has a very negligible effect because fatigue is the main determinant of unit selection is wrong - dismounting and fatigue are equally important factors to consider in unit selection and don't always coincide.

    I'd rather have fresh mounts outdoors than tired dismounts indoors. I'm just saying fatigue pretty much made dismounting pointless aside from teh rare occurance of indoor segments in outdoor chapters (all 2 of them, one where most of the battle happens outdoors anyways). At least that's my view. All dismounting does is make you have a tired mount the next chapter. IF fatigue didn't exist, there would be a point. It gives a mount a CLEAR reason just not to be indoors. In exchange, they'll be able to rock the chapters afterwards due to resting up. It doesn't make them suck indoors, it just makes them that much more awesome outdoors.

  6. It wasn't even a nerf. All it did in FE3 was make cavs even MORE awesome so they could double until they got the speed to double with lances instead, indoors basically being mercenaries/heroes with one less move and probably better stats anyways.

    FE5, it just gave you a reason to have your mounted units rest for a chapter, so because of the fatigue system it actually makes them EASIER to use. Dismounting would have nerfed them, but the fatigue system just gave you a reason to let your mounted units to break so they'll be all rested up for the outdoor chapters.

    Paladins need a nerf, not a buff. I'm glad dismounting is gone. Who here doesn't want to see it next game?

  7. Mortal Kombat COULD be something amazing, but the makers just refuse to do so is all XD

    I like the characters more (well...at least until MK4). That and you just beat the bejesus out of eachother. It's satisfying, but sooner or later things will be learned that easily break MK to pieces. Infinites, various abuses, broken moves...if the MK style was just refined and perhaps playtested on occasion to fix the problems of it, MK could be pretty damned awesome. But until then, Street Fighter and Guilty Gear have far superior gameplay. Though MK's cast even later is better than SF3's general cast of nobodies...at least 3rd strike with Necro, the excuse for just not putting in Dhalsim. MK took ninja recolors and made them awesome (sans that loser Rain, but Armageddon was general fail). That takes magic. Havik might have been nothing more than plot device, but at least he was a fun one.

    Also, Reptile will eat your face. Literally.

  8. Jackal Laguz










    Skills: Weapon use: Can use a weapon based on the character's chosen weapon when untransformed.. Could be a sword, a form of magic or bow. Dependent on character. Cannot use staves.


    Manabark- When attacked from a range untransformed, does the character's magic stat in damage in counter. Ignores resistance. Activation rate= (Luck+ Magic)/2.

    Mastery: Sunstroke: Damage becomes weapon might+Str+(Magicx3).

  9. I was being a bit sarcastic and exaggerating over there. >_> But you get what I was trying to convey.

    Anyway, God Hand is absolutely amazing. Don't listen to what others tell you. Rent it and see for yourself.

    I'm aware, I just like saying har har.

    Gotcha...should realize game critics suck at their jobs anyways. lol, FF12 being fun.

  10. I'm not sure if I would like an Ookami 2, since I haven't even played the first one.

    Okami 2, on the other hand, would be nice, even though it's nigh impossible. Those bastards at Capcom are abandoning Clover's games (like God Hand and Okami) and instead stroking their own epenis by creating even more Mega Man spinoffs (God fucking dammit, we've had enough of those) and RE4 clones.

    Well not exactly, but still, you get what I mean.

    So I made a typo, har har.

    Anyways, if God Hand really any good? I heard it sucked.

    Wait, MORE mega man spin-offs?! Why!?! Megaman rocked, X was cool, Zero and Battle network were excusable, and apprently Legends is an aquired taste, but even with network and zero they were going a bit far...How does capcom have any money anymore?

    RE4 clone? You mean RE5? In that case, RE2 was a clone of RE1 (and RE3 is made from miracles). If there's to be fault in RE5, I'd bust it for not being scary, something that RE has had since RE1, aside from RE4. It's charm was that it tried. RE4 just felt...lazy...It's different form of play was fun, but it wasn't scary or fun (outside of mercenaries)....or relevant...That IS of course, if RE5 isn't actually scary. We don't know for sure, but it doesn't seem to be going that way...

  11. Bisexuality exists too. In a world like this, why would it be so bizzare for bisexuality to exist among the other things? Besides, you make it seem like bisexuality is an image problem. Some people are bisexual and laid back, not giving a damn ya know...

  12. They don't even sound that great IMO. Their guitarists sound talented on their recordings, but their music is too melodic and their drummer and vocalist both dig on the buttsecks a bit too much.

    It is an aquired taste, but the point of listening to them is not so much to enjoy their music, but laugh at how hard they try XD their guitarist in reality sucks bad. The recordings are the guitarist playing slowly and they mash different recordings together and speed it up to sound like it's fast and harmonizing.

    I don't even realize they have a drummer...but I'm more than aware of their horrid vocalist -_-;; the buttsecks might be why his voice is so...high pitched....the drummer must lay some mean pipe dude.

    Probably the only reason he's there for, since you can never actually hear the drums....XD

  13. No, America isn't a theocracy. We're behind the times. There's a difference.

    Example. Major part of our latest president's run for the presidency was what his religion was. He himself was christian, but he could rarely even mention some of his family WASN'T christian and were in fact muslim. The fact he thought he had to hide this simply as not to scare the people out of voting for him should say something. It shouldn't even have been an issue in the first place, but it was made into one...

  14. Now I see, those lyrics...they are kind if dark, but at the same time they are also amazing lyrics and the songs are great, or at least from what I've heard for now.

    Their lyrics are stock and...VERY repetitive. I can't stress this enough. Once you heard one song, you've literally heard them all.

    Their songs are all edited. Most of it is recordings of guitars sped up and slapped together. Thus the part where they can't play their own songs, because they never were able to.

    They SOUND great, but the truth is that they're terrible musicians.

    ...But it's soooo funny...XD

  15. They are uptight granted, but that kinda comes with military profession. It's rather dependent on the situation. I can understand being strict in a dire situation, they need to be the best when duty calls. It's a sacrifice that is to be appreciated as they don't have the luxury to be slacking off. However, I wouldn't include a fellow soldier being gay one of these dire situations. Being uptight in a situation that calls for action is understandable, being uptight to a fellow soldier for something he or she is most likely not pushing you towards is unneeded and rather uncalled for. If anything, it'd be one less thing to worry about. In a high stress situation, an idea to have would be to not have to worry about the people you're working with. In a profession such as the military, I'd expect soldiers to not have sex in such a situation, gay or not. Sexuality shouldn't enter the equation for a job that doesn't involve sex. If a gay person is trying to seduce you in the military...If I were his or her superior officer, I'd discipline them for such unprofessional behavior, not because it was gay. It'd be the same for a male officer trying to get into the pants of a female soldier or vice versa, they should know better as soldiers that this isn't the job for such behavior. It's a job that requires discipline, not a lack of gay people. They sacrifice enough as it is, sacrificing comfort among the people who would fight in a war with you is just piling on an unecessary sacrifice and a very psychologically bad one. It makes one unnecessarily paranoid (or adds on unnecessary poundage to already existent paranoia), and paranoia is a pretty bad thing to have in such a profession.

    As for hate crimes...I could understand this causing friction among soldiers, but discipline will fix this. If that doesn't fix the behavior problems of a soldier, then there's something wrong underneath. Religion could enter the equation, but they'd have to be a fanatic to go so far as to harm a fellow soldier based solely on that. Psychological aspects could enter the equation, but that would obviously mean a soldier is crazy, and thus unfit to serve. Personal issues towards the soldier he or she plans to harm could come into this, but come on...Also, what's to say a gay person harms a straight person for being straight? Anyone's capable of hate. Shipping them off from the military based on the idea they might get hurt is silly. Of course, in this culture it's more likely to happen towards gays, but that doesn't mean gay people wouldn't harm straight people for the same reason. If this is the reason for the don't ask don't tell rule, then it's nothing short of coddling. If a gay person is brave enough to join the military, I don't think you need to coddle them.

    I don't mean to sound rude or ignorant of the possible idea, I just wish to explain my view. Obviously this is an issue of debate, it happens and people are bound to have their own view on it. So I apologize if perhaps I had sounded so at any point.

  16. He has a point. Class balance is cool and all, but the individual characters are incredibly imbalanced in most FEs. It isn't that paladins are godlike, it's the characters who just HAPPEN to be godlike. Like lets say there was a character who was an armor knight. Armor knights suck due to lack of mobility, but Oswin rocks because they gave him stuff to do and he had great stats in all the right places. If they gave an armor knight celerity, he'd automatically be pretty rocking, but you wouldn't say armor knights rock.

    Paladins are overpowered simply because the ones you get can do anything anyways, just it's even more overpowered because they're doing it much faster thanks to their mobility. Sain and Kent are awesome statistically, but rather meh thanks to sain's affinity and kent's lousy support options (not that sain's are any better). Lowen wouldn't be so awesome if he had something like Darkness or Wind, would he? Most of the reason Lowen rocks is because he has an awesome affinity that fixes his problems and awesome supporters immediately.

    Cain and Abel are awesome because they're godly and you get them first chapter. Luke Cecile and Roddy are awesome for the same reason while throwing in Sirius, the godly already promoted rape tank. FE4 was soooo biased to horse riding units that it's not even funny. FE5 gave you Fin...a balanced growth guy with a freaking brave lance at the start. He had a small break during the prison chapters, not that it hurts him any. FE6 had the same thing with Cain and Abel, but threw in Percival who starts off already better than anyone. FE8....The cast was in my belief rather balanced, but it doesn't help that the enemies are crazy weak. Seth and Franz however are crazy. The other two cavs were rather meh for the same reasons sain and kent were. FE9 was soooo biased towards the paladins. Knight ward, great growths, Titania, Oscar's earth affinity, Keiran having axes the whole time ina lance heavy game, Bonus exp making Makalov usable to the statistically best one out of all of them, able to pick axes after promotion if they don't have them, freaking Sol...

    FE10's mobility reduction indoors didn't magically fix them, nor did their miserable caps. Not with the time inbetween their start and their caps, they still could have been statistically better. All they did was give you one awesome one instead, her name was Titania. Oscar's earth affinity didn't exactly fix his might problem, but at least he could dodge well. The CRK would be awesome under better joining conditions and Fiona....sucks.

    It would be a hard thing to balance paladins. I would think that having squads of enemies with horseslayer weapons or more enemies with ambus(vantage) would help. But I can't magically fix it as I'm not a programmer of the games. However, dismounting was just dumb. All it did was in FE3 made the cavs even MORE awesome until they got their speed up to double with lances at which they never did it again unless forced. But even then, all they'd be is mercenaries with a point less move. Dismounting didn't help in FE5 at all because of the fatigue system. You could chose not to use them, and they'd recover their fatigue for a map. It removes any reason at all to play a horse rider indoors and is infact advantageous to them.

    I'd prefer IS went with character balance next time. If this means the enemies have imbalanced classes and thus makes some enemies a challenge, that would be even better. I'd rather be like "Shit, enemy heroes!" rather than "Uh-oh, that one single dude has a killer/brave weapon...". I can understand why they did class balance in this game (wi-fi, most characters being garbage no matter what), but when all is put to situation, FE1 is hard to fix. What is there to do about Thomas and Est? They could have given those two the same treatment as Wolf and Zagaro did. Why THEY of all people got it is beyond me though. Especially with the lack of treatment the other prepromotes got MINERVAAAAAAA!!! .

    And there is my long winded thoughts on the current situation of the discussion...

    tl;dr, characters>class

  17. Anything about the Pegasus sisters?

    I might have my wires crossed, but are they related Minerva and family?

    If they are, I have a theory that Minerva, Michalis and Maria are all children from the queen, while the pegasus sisters are bastard children from a mistress. It was surprisingly common in medieval times apparently.

    While that is a pretty awesome sounding situation, they aren't related. Minerva, Maria and Michalis are related, but not to the pegasi sisters. Matthis and Lena however...It is mentioned about being Macedonian citizens, and I believe it is mentioned somewhere that they're related to royalty, and they have the signature red hair...

  18. Okay, first off.

    I am NOT calling this a bad idea by any means. It's just not going to affect Vyland's quality as a unit.

    If we judge one character for class swapping utility, we have to judge all characters for it.

    Julian also has to catch up, but he's still a decent unit. This is not to say that Machis is as good as Julian in this setup, but he has the growths to be usable enough to where Archer isn't his only option.

    What? The only way this is, is because he starts underleveled, but his averages in HP and Def are pretty close to the starting Social Knights. If anything, Archer/Mage will hurt his durability.

    He loses growths, which he really, really wants.

    D in lances means that he's using Javelins right away.

    Neither do the Cavs, but since Vyland's averages aren't that far behind the Cavs, he should be able to take them on regardless. Pegasus Knights are really easy, and by the time Dracoknights come around, he'll be leveled up enough.

    K, NOW I'm convinced. I just mentioned archer aainst draco knights in the ones in the lefcandy trap chapter.

    I've no problem with judging all characters on it, but I'd prefer it be to make a unit usable because if a unit is good as it is, why change it? But I didn't even realize Vyland isn't that far behind the cavs in stats...So there I was misinformed. He doesn't really lose in stats he wants though unless he switches to mage (and even then, I only suggested a single chapter for that.).

    Forgot about Julian...K, Matthis has a decent option then. STILL would prefer him an archer though...

    Thanks by the way. Helps me know more in the intricacies in this game. I can't help but be obsessive to detail, it's an odd quirk of mine. Sorry if perhaps I seemed out of hand at times.

    So lets move on, shall we? What are your thoughts on Knight!Bord? Starts with more defense by I think 2 points, has better growths in said stat, better strength, both have bad speed and luck anyways that won't be cured any time soon...I'd rather rely on better durability, which from looking from the outside in Knight!Bord seems to have more of...or in normal mode, does Doga manage the fast enough thing?

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