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Posts posted by Eurykins

  1. *I've been up all day/night playing WoW and such leveling and been up this entire time lol. But also Shinori literally made it impossible for me to even play/use my role so I guess I got GG'd since Day 1. XD I can't actually get the attention needed to ever use tree stumpy role well smh.

  2. Just now, Sunwoo said:

    OMG, I can't believe I said 12 PM PST instead of AM (at least I got the time range right) ... I'm so sorry Eury.

    It is what it is. I'm actually kinda irritated that SHINORI didn't like @PING ME PERIOD IN LYLO, and instead auto-voted. But I guess for whatever reason in this case, Jamie vs me was an auto-lose despite winning against Ichigo 1v1, so it do be what it be.

  3. 18 minutes ago, JamieIsBored said:

    My redemption for not being aggressive enough last game.

    I “picked out” Ichigo immediately Day 1, why is it “for show” when I do it, but for Makaze it’s towny? 

    He did. That message is from Elie 100%. Maybe his message tells someone a random action of the night?

    Scared of Doc before going into -Lo? 🤷‍♂️

    My action failed yes. 

    The bolded notion is exactly what I was meaning by the comment in FEF's post earlier:

    6 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    All right, I wanted to keep this secret, but I guess I have to.

    I can copy the role PM of a dead player and then use that copied ability on an alive player. So that cop role DF had? Where they can find out the role of another player? I can copy it and use it.

    If I was Mafia...Bluedoom would have been dead Night 1.

    Their logic at the start of this day phase, was the concept of Copying DF's cop role, and then using it as a basis to "Why FEF is NOT SCUM/MAFIA."

    When the entire scenario is impossible, unless one of the cop actions (which neither flipped to be) was a DAY ACTION to check someone. There is no world, with either DF's or Ichigo's role, that would have allowed them to scan Bluedoom and kill him N1 securely knowing he was the doctor.

    This was the reason why I found the notion early on with FEF's claim kinda iffy, and then they stated later they HELD ACTION N1, and failed N2. Why would town-sided player hold/not pick up a x2 Cop Role that we Mislynched? There is no world that you should ever leave a role to that caliber unclaimed as town, period, since they would be fulfilling their aspect of being a BACKUP/Grave Digger that is meant to supplement if town loses a powerful role. 

    It makes zero sense to have Idled N1, and then attempted to act on the night Shinori claimed to Mass Block. 


    However, the fact that Ichigo was a cop, likely means that Bluedoom WAS checked and identified as a Doc, in most cases. Because I do not see a world in which Bluedoom took priority over Shinori (loudest player by far and was read fairly ok for the most part), Makaze, or Myself for the fact that Ichigo dying meant that I won the 1v1 on my side. To me, Bluedoom was a rather obscure target, one less likely to be watched, and if he was indeed known as the Doc by Ichigo scan, it was why he was killed N2.

    The Paranoia/use of Bluedoom death as logic of trying to state "I'm not Mafia because he didn't die N1" sounds contrived at best, and was likely their best attempt to spin fakeclaim IMO. The unclear nature of their role/their Night actions is also extremely suss to me, and I'm willing to bet on another 1v1 to settle it. 

  4. Also, if you are Ichigo's scumbuddy, your removal of Ichigo vote makes sense as an attempt to save him, and claim that "something was bothering you". Like you were giving people the chance to flip to me rather than him, which would have been a Mislynch and saved Ichigo from the Lynch for another day phase/another NK.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I feel I need to clarify this because I can't sleep with it nagging on my brain, lol.

    What I'm trying to say here is that my Role PM allows me to copy the ability of a deceased player and then use that copied ability on an alive player. I'm not sure how else to say it without copy/pasting it directly, which I'm not sure is allowed.

    What I was trying to say was that, I'd I was the Mafia, I would have copied DF's ability after he was lynched Day 1 and tried to find the doctor and kill them Night 1. This is also me under the assumption that I'd get the info from my copied-cop ability before choosing the target to kill.

    And because I'm very tired, I feel very backed into a corner, and I know I'm not explaining any of this correctly, I should also note that my power is a one-time use and I have not used it yet. I tried to use it tonight and got blocked. And this

    followed by my other posts of poor explanation quoted above, was my dumb-butt dyslexic brain trying to tell you why I'm not Mafia in a scenario that, in my head, made sense, again under the assumption that I would have the info from the cop ability before picking the target to die that first night.

    So there's a problem with the first bolded:

    Ichigo's slot already had a cop role. Sure, they could have taken it and used it to do MORE role hunting, but logically speaking, there would be more desire for other roles like RBs, docs, etc that would be more desirable to either increase the OFFENSIVE power of scum, or to increase the PROTECTION for themselves.

    To be honest, I'm more wondering the question: Why would you NOT copy/use DF's role as Town!FEF, knowing that town LOST THEIR COP D1 MISLYNCH? Why would you not do the backup role there, and use it to scum hunt as the replacement cop and either CLEAR or OUT a scum check? 

    With you claiming that you refrained from acting N1, and then attempted to act N2, makes no sense to me. There was a VERY GOOD INVESTIGATION ROLE that we lost D1, and as townside, that's not a role you'd want to copy, with it being a X2 SHOT FULL COP ROLE? 

    I don't buy it. Newbie or not, that simply is a role I would never expect a townsided player to ignore/NOT copy, especially with it resulting from D1 Mislynch.

    ##Vote:  @Fire Emblem Fan


  6. 1 minute ago, Shinori said:

    I think stealing and using in one night is an option, but normally you can't self-target.

    God I feel like I'm making this game harder than it has to be.

    I'm gonna wait for Jamie/Makaze to get some posts in and see what they think.


    I'll be honest - I debated on FPS checking FE Fan but felt that would be very rude to do to someone in their first ever mafia game.

    Oh true, I see it in the rules. Well that scratches that- forgot about that rule.

  7. EDIT: WAIT. 

    What happens if FEF STOLE ICHIGO'S ROLE/ABILITY, AND USED IT LAST NIGHT? USING THE ONE SHOT TO BYPASS RB TO KILL BLUEDOOM? Because if the block went off, and other players CONFIRM it went off (IE. Jamie?), wouldn't that be a means to to have it done? There wouldn't be any rule against stealing a TEAMMATE'S ability, no? If any part of that role claim was true?

  8. It is strong, but the Role PM did state it was a 1 shot role, so at least there's that.

    This still doesn't state how the Kill got thru though, if you actually did your Mass RB last night. You wouldn't be lying about that, and be running around as a normal RB, would you? There's no way Ichigo would've had a 1 shot role, and then the other scum have a passive ability that just blocks non-lethal stuff as well- that would be insane. 

    Is there any role that can "outspeed" or take priority action? Like something that can bypass all other roles in priority to ensure their actions can go first, before anything like RB can affect them? Any sort of role come to mind @Shinori?

  9. Also I stand by that I still have doubts on Jamie Watcher being any form of cleared, btw. Ichigo interactions might have been one thing (and good to consider), but having a watcher (if he even is one) + Role cop/Immunity to Non-lethal actions from Ichigo gives fair amounts of information for Scum to utilize.

    But I would say some form of copy cat/thief roles like DF would make sense as well on scumside because of the potential to yoink your RB or Doc or anything else really. (Imagine they stole mine lmao.)

    IDK something not feeling good with FEF claim, and I'm also assuming Bluedoom DID get checked, which btw, could also have been a scum slip by FEF (If Ichigo had checked him N1). Cause of all the people to kill the past Night Phase (Shinori, myself with Ichigo's flip, or even Makaze?), why kill Bluedoom? Or even Jamie? 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    They are 'back up' so they get whatever role of a dead person.

    They claim they got DF's role.

    They claim they used it on Marth.

    Marth then died - n2, so there is a large possibility that if FE fan IS wolf - wolf had two cops night 1.

    And if I had died - they would have had a 1x mass roleblock.

    I'm beginning to put some bits of math together and think that my role is designed in this set up solely so mafia could potentially get it off my corpse.

    So, there's a slight problem with DF's explanation:
    1. From I recall of actual backups, the role is inherited AUTOMATICALLY, it is not by picking/CHOOSING from the roles, so the specific wording below makes no sense to me: 

    53 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    All right, I wanted to keep this secret, but I guess I have to.

    I can copy the role PM of a dead player and then use that copied ability on an alive player. So that cop role DF had? Where they can find out the role of another player? I can copy it and use it.

    If I was Mafia...Bluedoom would have been dead Night 1.

    2. THE STATEMENT "I CAN copy and use it" was stated in present tense. This is pinging me, because if they were claiming the the role and it was already done in N1 from the flip in first day phase, and it sounds off that they wouldn't have said "I got their role PM from the DF mislynch" or something to that effect. As in, past tense. IDK, might be wording, but something feels super off.
    3. The cop/role checks would have had to been use N1, meaning results would not occur until D2. In no way, shape, or form would Bluedoom have been CAUGHT AND KILLED the same night phase for being the doc, it would be physically impossible to do, even with the other cop role with Ichigo. 

  11. I mean, in theory I had no qualms which is why I dived head first into that 1v1 with Ichigo to see if you guys were right, cause to me I had nothing to lose. XD

    Real talk tho- Am I the only one not really understanding the FEF role claim? Somethin' sounds kinda sketch?

    45 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    All right, I wanted to keep this secret, but I guess I have to.

    I can copy the role PM of a dead player and then use that copied ability on an alive player. So that cop role DF had? Where they can find out the role of another player? I can copy it and use it.

    If I was Mafia...Bluedoom would have been dead Night 1.

    5 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Because in using my role and discovering Bluedoom was the doctor, they'd have been killed immediately.

    What were your night actions? Because the above doesn't make sense to me.

  12. Also the hell sort of Mass RB you playing at that can't stop the kill? I guess this implies a strongarm killer or something else? Cause the other flip on Ichigo had something that made players immune to non-killing stuff, so unless BOTH were equipped to block non-fatal abilities (including RBs), you gotta be lying or something.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    We have two lynches - so if we can properly solve the PoE down to 2 people we can basically win the game.

    Probably just claim anyway and let's hear it.

    But then I have absolutely zero chance of it being put to use, and that'd make me sad, cause I planned to be vengeful with it lmao.

    But if you want to know, I'm deku tree with only one heart to play with. I was plan on having fun with the role, had it ever triggered. 😞

  14. I can, but I will tell you right now that me claiming my role does absolutely nothing. As in, there is no chance/means to prove it, and revealing it completely shuts out the reason for it. But hey, we got one Scum killed, so I guess we got some heads that can roll freely? I do want to hear what Makaze has to say in response to my notions above though, cause the logic on the night posts were WILD.

  15. So there's something I need to point out, because it made me half laugh, half facepalm when I saw Makaze posting something earlier.

    16 hours ago, Makaze said:

    These quotes stuck out to me.

    Throughout Eury's ISO side, they nulltown Ichigo and end up defending them at every turn, then jump on the wagon early without adjusting their actual reasoning. The vote doesn't fit their "not interested in Ichigo today" at the beginning of the phase.

    TL;DR Eury is scum.

    16 hours ago, Makaze said:


    Jamie is pretty much cleared by Ichigo interactions.

    Shinori is too. Less sure about this one, but it's looking very good for them.

    Eury and FEF look very bad.

    Bluedoom interactions are null but look somewhat better for Bluedoom; it does seem like they forgot Bluedoom existed a lot of the time, versus avoiding them. It would be really gutsy to WIFOM in the legacy like that, so gonna consider that NAI.

    1. Eurykins
    2. FEF
    3. Bluedoom

    So are you assuming the 1v1 was some form of Scum V Scum gambit? Cause that's kinda weird tbh.

    Secondly, you want to claim that my vote "Came out of nowhere" for Ichigo last day phase? I'm not usually one for noting "Cherry picking posts", but I wish to direct you to the posts below that I made last day phase, before my Ichigo Vote ever posted:

    On 9/12/2024 at 3:33 PM, Eurykins said:

    Also, since this probably is a question that others may ask, to confirm:
    I still have no issues personally with Ichigo's slot myself. However, many of you are concerned about his association with myself and others, which is putting him and myself as probably the 2 highest considerations for this day phase, unless I'm missing something.

    Why I'm willing to commit to a 1v1 if necessary, is for the simple fact that I may be entirely wrong on my read on him, and am willing to trust gut/PoE things from the rest of the players, if there's something I'm not personally seeing as being scummy coming from him. So if this feels "out of character" in terms of me reading my slot on him/being willing to consolidate, it comes down to my reads haven't changed, but it's being voiced as being most prominently challenged by the rest of players, and I might just be having an incorrect read on a scum slot.

    On 9/12/2024 at 3:59 PM, Eurykins said:

    Jamie still remains an iffy slot for me, and not much has changed to alter that fact.

    I understand now why you noted your role as anti-town, especially if DF ever did a cop check on you (I think it was role cop, if I recall the flip right?), since it was basically Aster's scum role last game lol. Kinda surprised you chose to hold the shot last night, with Elie saying the things he did, amongst other things, but I can sorta understand with it being a one shot role.

    Makaze has not bothered me since subbing in, and I've yet to think of a reason for scum-sided alignment to have an Insomniac role. Slot appears to be fine to me, atm, despite prior player's scattered playing style and flailing pre-sub.

    I probably need to re-read FEF/Bluedoom if I'm to be honest (the latter tonally struck me kinda townish vibes/wasn't bothered by them earlier, and I don't think anything has changed for the worse). The former (FEF) felt better than me than the DF slot yesterday, but we know how that flip went so.... 😕

    I may need to check on them though, in those considerations.

    Beforehand I had Jamie / DF/Aster in the priority. Which now shifts to Jamie/Makaze as of D2, with the latter shifting off the radar moreso.

    So I'd say that puts a pool of Jamie/FEF/Ichigo by everyone else's PoE as the trio to consider. I will need to recheck once I'm off work in about 4hrs or so, though, because lunch break be finishing.


    On 9/12/2024 at 9:21 PM, Eurykins said:

    I think, if scum was going to hammer for mislynch, they would have done so already, no? Also no lynching would probably harm us more than doing a lynch today, so should keep the votes at 3 atm.

    ##Vote: @Ichigo to ensure we have enough votes to lynch.

    So. Tell me, why/how am I even remotely scummy for voting on a now confirmed SCUM WAGON @Makaze?

  16. 2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    If we get a scum flip no one gets to do anything tonight.

    IDK. If we nail one here, I say let the other one do as they please. Just keep an eye on yourself via Jamie or whomever else, and let it ride. More to pick out from in the day phase if we do so IMO. More info to be had, and if they assume that I must be town if Ichigo flips scum, we'll let them decide who they like more between you and me N2. Or maybe someone else gets picked randomly lol.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Makaze said:

    I think Eury is scummy by PoE alone. I can't read their walls.

    This is a case where a tracker on Eury or FEF would come in handy.

    Watch should be on the next target after Jamie.

    Shinori is locktown for that claim.

    Can't or won't? I think it's more that you prefer not to, than anything else lol.

    Ichigo flipping town in this scenario will actually be tragic btw, if I'm the only one who has any associative flips with/against him. 

  18. Jamie still remains an iffy slot for me, and not much has changed to alter that fact.

    I understand now why you noted your role as anti-town, especially if DF ever did a cop check on you (I think it was role cop, if I recall the flip right?), since it was basically Aster's scum role last game lol. Kinda surprised you chose to hold the shot last night, with Elie saying the things he did, amongst other things, but I can sorta understand with it being a one shot role.

    Makaze has not bothered me since subbing in, and I've yet to think of a reason for scum-sided alignment to have an Insomniac role. Slot appears to be fine to me, atm, despite prior player's scattered playing style and flailing pre-sub.

    I probably need to re-read FEF/Bluedoom if I'm to be honest (the latter tonally struck me kinda townish vibes/wasn't bothered by them earlier, and I don't think anything has changed for the worse). The former (FEF) felt better than me than the DF slot yesterday, but we know how that flip went so.... 😕

    I may need to check on them though, in those considerations.

    Beforehand I had Jamie / DF/Aster in the priority. Which now shifts to Jamie/Makaze as of D2, with the latter shifting off the radar moreso.

    So I'd say that puts a pool of Jamie/FEF/Ichigo by everyone else's PoE as the trio to consider. I will need to recheck once I'm off work in about 4hrs or so, though, because lunch break be finishing.

  19. Also, since this probably is a question that others may ask, to confirm:
    I still have no issues personally with Ichigo's slot myself. However, many of you are concerned about his association with myself and others, which is putting him and myself as probably the 2 highest considerations for this day phase, unless I'm missing something.

    Why I'm willing to commit to a 1v1 if necessary, is for the simple fact that I may be entirely wrong on my read on him, and am willing to trust gut/PoE things from the rest of the players, if there's something I'm not personally seeing as being scummy coming from him. So if this feels "out of character" in terms of me reading my slot on him/being willing to consolidate, it comes down to my reads haven't changed, but it's being voiced as being most prominently challenged by the rest of players, and I might just be having an incorrect read on a scum slot.

  20. 3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    I mean I went over this:

    If jamie doesn't watch me it's basically just lynch them.  They weren't roleblocked or redirected and they are the obvious target to do that too n1.  Why run the risk of running into a watcher if you don't need to.

    This means either Jamie is wolf - and is forced to let me live to next day or be lynched.

    Or he's town and he's going to target me and most likely be come the mafia kill target.

    I think a 1v1 between you and ichigo is kind of set there are the moment anyway to be honest, the question is probably finding the buddy.

    I kind of think it's just Ichigo at the moment and my misgivings related to them are just kind of me second guessing myself.

    I understand that, but what prevents Jamie from LYING about whether he's watching you or not? Or lying about the results? That's what I don't understand. Anyone can fabricate results, and unless there's someone else who can track/verify the fact that Jamie is indeed overseeing you, that's the issue I have?

    He could claim to have watched you and saw no one, which on townside would imply a ninja would kill you. We get zero info and you die. If this is due to a one time scum role or passive role, it doesn't mean by default that Jamie is scum. HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO DISCERN THIS IF THIS OCCURS? (Town v Scum Jamie)
    He could claim to have watched and saw someone else (for mislynch) as scumside, and you would die N2 and that would just throw the game as well.

    There are pockets in where I don't see how the action of him watching you guarantees we find/lock down town reads or scum in this instance, or how him watching you = guaranteed "protection".

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