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Posts posted by Vhaltz

  1. I didn't read the game but js this is not really a believable claim. Other than that one MotK game hosted by Dan where the entire point was that the Vanilla was conftown due to the rules confirming vanillas, I have never seen only one vanilla in a game.

    Yes, but... the context was everything in this case. With flavor as stupid as we made up for this game and how odd some of the flipped roles were (Jack of all functional vanillas), one vanilla town specifically called "Batvanilla townie" in flavor is wacky enough to seem believable.

  2. So in order to not let Baldrick ruin the game for everybody else for no reason, we decided that the best way to keep the game relatively unscathed is to consider Baldrick's flip as the D5 lynch. His role is as copy/pasted above.

    It is now night 5. Send in your actions in the next 24 hours!

    Expect day phases to get shorter from now on by the way, probably 48 hours unless a significant amount of players complain that they want 72 hour phases instead.

  3. Baldrick is also banned from playing any future games I host.

    You should honestly not play mafia if you're going to be a jerk to literally everybody as soon as something that you don't like comes up or things aren't handled the way you would want to.

    It's our game and we run it however we want to, take your salty complaints over trivial matters elsewhere.

  4. You all wake up to a gruesome scene. The BATKID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is DEAD!!!!!


    You are THE BATKID!!!!!!!

    But you’re not an innocent child. You’re too cool to have such an OP role right at the beginning of the game, and instead you must work HARD to achieve confirmed town status. At night, you may visit random people you choose and stare at them with puppy eyes, thus confirming your town status to them. You are too PRO and COOL to abuse this though so you’ll force yourself to use it only twice no matter the outcome.

    You are the Town 2-shot Friendly Neighbor.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    Rip. I'm sure if Proto were still alive he would be flaking right around now.

    It is now Day 4.

    There are 72 hours till phase end. With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.

  5. So you guys decided to lynch Diego for Batman's wedding!

    ...woah, that's kind of messed up



    Through the magical powers of PROFILE CHECKING, you can find out who is town and who the hell is lying about their favourite Fire Emblem characters. However, being exposed to blatant lies about people’s Fire Emblem character preferences will cause you to become severely injured and die.

    You are the Town Weak Cop.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    Not like anybody cared about Batman's wedding anyways, happy thanksgiving!

    It is now Night 1. Send in your actions within the next 23 hours!

  6. So only 3 people left to confirm: Splodge, Sniper Knight and Flamesrule

    We've contacted some other players just in case somebody doesn't have the time to play anymore or they just outright don't appear. The game should be starting soon one way or the other.

  7. Hey I'm Vhaltz I want to sub in for Vhaltz.

    Sorry I had exams that I was heavily unprepared for, so I wasn't even aware that phase end was 12 hours ago lol. You guys have 12 more hours to decide a lynch if you feel like it.

    MancerNecro (3): Gaius, Bakura, SB (L-1)

    Tinygoddess (1): Mancer

    @Splodge: People usually do not talk after they've replaced out, but I can understand the confusion given the situation with Elieson and Refa in the previous phase, so you and Mancer are also both free to post as the same slot until phase end.

  8. "Hey I'm Refa I need a sub, get Elie to play"

    "Hi I'm Elie I'll sub but I can't play much for the next 15 hours which is literally the exact time the phase ends"

    "So Refa can you post some more until Elie can play?"

    "Yeah sure"

    "Hi I'm Elie nevermind everything I'll post some too"

    And after all of that they just kinda died. It wasn't me I swear.

    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies
    Welcome Refa, you're playing Mafia Sucks Mafia so your life choices have been recorded as probably bad!
    You're the Town Miller. HAVE FUN
    You win when mafia stops sucking and dies

    It is now Day 3. You have 72 hours to reach a lynch.

    With 6 alive, it takes 4 to hammer.

    Need a sub for Splodge.

    EDIT: MancerNecro subs in for Splodge.

  9. Mafia sucks, so you guys lynched mafia! Moving on to more important things.


    And now Vhaltz is staring at me as if he's extremely disappointed.

    Izhuark (4): Clarinets, Refelie, Gaius, Bakura (Lynch!)
    Bakura (2): Splodge, Izhuark
    Tiny Goddess (1) : SB

    So you already know you lynched mafia, but what about his amazing PM role?

    Hello, Izhuark!

    Welcome to Mafia Sucks Mafia: Where Mafia Sucks. Mafia sucks so much that you're a Miller. A scum Miller! Good luck!

    You win when your faction controls the vote.

    It is now Night 2. It ends in 24 hours, please send in your actions in time!

  10. Doot doot.

    Bakura (2): Splodge, Izhuark

    Izhuark (2): Clarinets, Refelie

    Tiny Goddess (2) : SB, Bakura

    Clarinets (1): Gaius


    With 8 alive it takes 5 to hammer. Majority lynch is still allowed this phase, vote ties at deadline will result in bad stuff happening.

    1 hour left.

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