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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Read this part again. It's more about the selective defending over off-site meta right after the push than about the push or the coaching.
  2. Look at that mess of a votecount. kirsche, SB and Randa should switch to Green Poet to secure a lynch whenever they pop in because I think they're the only ones aside from myself that are in timezones that are active at these hours. Check for a response from Elieson on the lynch threshold before you do though. I'm also heavily frowning at scorri after going over that Randa vote again and noticing that it happened at 17-18 hours to phase end and possibly disabled the chances for a bear wagon at deadline. GP should've claimed already.
  3. Also @Elieson/Manix Requesting that the lynch threshold be lowered to 6 players to hammer since there's essentially 11 of us playing the game unless Shinori (or whoever) gets a replacement by the end of the day
  4. Yeah how about you guys stop complaining about the game moving slowly and instead attempt to get it moving. Every time "game stagnation" is brought up all it does is make more people aware of it and drown in "well shit it's everybody else's fault that the game is stagnating because they aren't posting so I might as well not put in effort to post either". Self-fulfilling prophecies and such. Town has lost games with like 3 mislynches left just because of this attitude (see: MotK game where SB was lynched on PoE because people were too lazy to scumhunt) and it's your responsibility to kill it unless you want to lose the game. I want to see content from Eury and bearclaw by the end of the day or I will loverize any combination of Eury/bearclaw/Shinori (if he isn't lynched and gets a sub) tonight. I got my result from rolecopping Eury in FE6 despite dying and that was also an Elieson game, so I'm like 95% sure this will work regardless of whether I die or not.
  5. The best part of SB's bio IMO is that everybody else's tries really hard to deliver playstyle or self-image whereas his just looks like he went "fuck I'll say whatever to get this over with"
  6. Also before I go to sleep, does bearclaw have a history of forgetting that his vote exists or phase-long intervals as town?
  7. The line of interactions with Kay does sound good, but to be fair on that last point he was being gauged into voting one of the main wagons instead of Psych and iirc he didn't appear to be really comfortable with any of them. I maaaay have to revisit Randa's ISO because my read on him was heavily based on midD1 posts, but going off of what I see in that case I would still very much rather lynch Shinori or GP. Randa's votes after Kay may just be a consequence of evolving thread content along with a lack of input from Kay, whereas Kay's interaction with GP feels more likely to be a scum!scum interaction.
  8. Not really :V Do you think he was bussing Kay yesterday?
  9. What? Eury had like a pretty large of posts and iirc you haven't even mentioned her so far And if you have a relatively solid opinion on bear then you can give an opinion on Shinori as well, their activity levels have been really similar. Heading to bed soon
  10. Let me know if there is an SF discussion on this somewhere because I don't really want to join skype group conversation with dozens of people I don't know talking about the game in different terminology.
  11. Nvm, at first I got townie vibes from that post but then I reviewed the Kay interaction and I think I'm just second-guessing too much. I think you're either misrepresenting or didn't really understand the case I brought up. It has less to do with the fact that you had a Psych case or that you voiced against Prims' plan and more with the wording surrounding it. In the first case the wording implies that you were wary of what people would think of your case ("no one raised any issues" wrt the case on Psych). You claim that this wording is because you were expecting to see reactions to your case because people were ignoring you, but did you ever call anybody out by asking them what they thought of your vote/case? If you did link that over. In the second case it's more about the "but I was only voting somebody in a wagon =/"-sounding wording than about disagreeing with the idea itself. While this is pretty subjective, it's what I thought sounded legit scummy as opposed to other more generally-accepted universal scummy things that I didn't think were reliably alignment-telling given the circumstances. This instance also oversimplified Prims' case which was more than "GP was on Vhaltz's wagon" which is a trend I'm seeing that I don't really like. Upon rechecking, Kay's interaction with GP that I asked Prims about is also potentially telling. Kay harped on GP for FoSing instead of voting, but immediately justified it by claiming that other forums have a more open use of FoS and called it null. This would explain why coaching would've happened in-thread as opposed to through QT, because the main aim of the interaction would be geared towards protecting GP from potential votes coming as a result of the noncommital FoS. This is specially bad and held double standards in that her vote on me was purely based on the use of self-meta which could be equally explained by being unfamiliar with SF meta. Note: I haven't actually fully gone through EO2, I barely read any of the game when it was running so it's very hard to parse anything with the walls she was writing there. All I could get so far is that she is fond of explaining herself and that her activity level was noticeably higher.
  12. Shin, post your opinions on players that aren't GP/bearclaw Mulling stuff over for a bit, might take a while to put out a post
  13. Just a heads up, I was pretty lucky with my schedule last week but I have practicals tomorrow and will barely be able to do anything but check the thread until I'm done with both practicals and lessons, which I think is around 2 hours before deadline. Might be able to do stuff at lunch time but it mostly depends on that we don't go overtime in practicals like we did on thursday.
  14. I understand what you mean and I'm not assuming bearclaw is 100% town out of what I mentioned. I just don't think that the whole rolecop situation makes him scum, if he's scum he's bound to be scummy over other things and I haven't really seen anything from him yet that screams scum to me. What you're saying here is a "Possible tell", it works based on an assumption and would be right as long as the assumption is right, but as soon as the assumption is wrong because there's an alternate explanation then the whole thing falls apart. It's not really a good approach.
  15. Went back to check on D2 decks and fully read Kay's role mechanics I find it pretty unlikely that Kay was the scum's rolefinder since her power would essentially only be useful if roleblocking somebody took priority over giving him two damn fullcop cards. She could switch her hand with somebody else's stopping them from using cards that night, so I figure Kay's hand had more alignment-neutral cards to avoid the hand-switch being an outright scumclaim (maybe the deck checks and hand theme cops). If the setup is really 12/3/1 or 11/4/1 then it's completely justified for the fullcop cards to come from town (and the fullcop cards also gave alignment so scum having them could potentially screw up the ITP big time and heavily cut down on his winning chances) That said I also don't think it's very likely for bearclaw!scum to out his result as scum rolecop because the whole point of janning somebody is to hide their role to town and all. Could be WIFOM but eh, I think scum is bound to have better cards than a rolecop that doesn't get card info.
  16. The cases on GP over the unvote sound kind of ech so far but I'm not actively against them, GP posted a few things that made me go "???" last phase and I just handwaved them because I thought her deadline posts were mostly alright and Shinori was scummier. This one most of all Which sounds like scum reviewing whether or not it's safe to vote somewhere than town evaluating whether somebody is more likely to be scum than other candidates. She does actually evaluate why Psych over the others in a different post here but it's far away enough and ambiguous wrt Eury and Poly that it could've been made a posteriori. Her replies to Prims' suspicion and willingness to shove her off a cliff through loverizer also feel like scum caught for the wrong reasons when she complains that she was only being suspected over being part of a wagon. ##Unvote ##Vote: Green Poet Trying to get a full reread and comparison to EO2 now, I had been procrastinating it because Shinori was scummier but if Shinori is literally not playing or getting a sub then I'd rather make my vote more useful atm even if it's a weaker read. Still want a Shinori lynch over anything else. btw Prims, what do you think about the Kay/GP interaction around here, does it read like Kay is purposefully coaching her scumbuddy in-thread? Haven't really been talking about my reads in general for the day so here's a brief overview, skip if uninterested. kirsche is mostly null atm. I could also use a scorri!scum game if anybody could link one over. Eury is a big ???, I thought I'd be able to read her easily due to her being a buddy in Healer, I thought she was townie D1 because she had no reason to continue hard defending me after she picked up a wagon for it, but now she has completely disappeared ever since the votes/suspicion on her died off which makes me somewhat worried. SB should post a bit more, I think he's town and his posts are still good, but a higher activity rate would make me less paranoid that I could be wrong. What do you think about scorri? Will follow up on the drive thing once I'm sure that everybody has checked in and nobody claimed it, only Shinori and Eury missing iirc
  17. @kirsche Ok I get where you could be coming from with most of your stuff now, but there's one thing left that irked me in the first place, why did you bring up the point about Prims knowing better about turbolynches think when he turbo'd you as town in MLP? Make it two things, why is a lack of discussion about Randa bound to make him scum? and how come that suspicion is at the same level as Prims and Shinori whom you at least have some sort of a case going on with? Also I was just talking to Mitsuki about the redirect for the gajillionth time and I finally understand why it's odd. If scum could essentially redirect the vig onto whoever they wanted without having to worry about a doc stopping the kill (since it would've been redirected into Kay) then why did they pick BBM to redirect onto over, say, kirsche or Prims? It's odd considering that BBM had minimal content and was bordering the need for a sub.
  18. Also Randa I see you hanging around the thread rather often due to apparently being in similar timezones. You haven't really said anything ever since you were asked who you thought was scum, step it up and post something man.
  19. Like I feel like #456 could easily come from scum who just slapped two additional suspects onto their D1 list and called it a day. I don't see evolving thought processes. Comparing it to #174, I don't see a followup on why Randa is scummy from your point of view? And why is SB suddenly off your list with no followup either? Your thought processes as a whole are a big question mark and it feels like there's a whole chunk of content missing.
  20. I mixed up Balc and Baldrick, go me. Well you changed your mind on me towards deadline and then just made your D2 post like that never happened. There's no mention to what happened there other than "Vhaltz/Eury could be buddies", and then the Prims suspicion also seemed to stem from him voting Psych over Eury, which would only make sense if you were considering him to be buddies with Eury avoiding lynching her by voting Psych. Your reply to me on this didn't feel like you thought it through very well. Saying "Eury sure was a viable wagon" doesn't make it out to be true either. Hindsight is 10/10 and iirc I'm pretty sure that after SB went to sleep there was a solid bunch of hours during which Prims was the only one in the thread willing to vote Eury. I don't think it would've been possible for an Eury lynch to happen unless scorri had shown up earlier to unvote me, by the time she did show up the Psych wagon was already a majority.
  21. @SB why 11/4/1? Isn't that incredibly imbalanced towards anti-town? So reads stuff. One of scorri's posts irked me slightly It's mostly an issue of wording, it feels like she's just putting out whatever comes to the top of her head instead of actually reading through the thread like she said she would and make a case on somebody. I'd appreciate it if she elaborated her reads and priorities a bit more. I'm also somewhat wary of kirsche due to his last contentpost. His Prims suspicion seems to stem from his deadline actions where he was pretty much trying to avoid a townread getting lynched and switching to Psych when he did makes sense if he didn't think Eury was going to get lynched instead. The suspicion on Prims along with keeping a suspicion on Eury/me solely on "they could be buddies" also doesn't make sense unless you consider that the scumteam is Prims/Eury/Me, which he doesn't appear to have really thought through. Could be scum trying to hang onto their D1 suspicions for the sake of not producing newer content to be scrutinized. I'd also appreciate it if he elaborated on his thoughts.
  22. That was directed and kirsche obviously. Got cut.
  23. Yes, but somebody was clearly aiming at BBM as well because Kay died too That or Balc was a bomb by role instead of card (since there are no used bomb cards aside from the rolebomb card), and that conflicts with bearclaw's rolecop report.
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