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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Eh so why didn't the player willing to sub in get to actually sub in again?
  2. -Not playing- Left my account open around Mitsuki so she decided to troll me -Not playing-
  3. Votals by random person not playing or modding v2.0 Refa (2) - Proto, SB Mitsuki (2) - BBM, Blitz Blitz (2) - Mitsuki, kirsche kirsche (1) - Kay Kay (1) - Refa SB (1) - Prims Co-mods should probably put up some ISOs and stuff
  4. I don't know that the setup was exactly yet but I feel like any game with less than 15p should actively avoid potential situations with three deaths in one night. Having too many deaths at once gives off the impression that the game depends almost entirely on roles and people lose their will to play normally. Not to mention that making everybody scum is going to make the game inherently lurkier to begin with :V
  5. If Kaoz was town Paper would've shot him instead since he was literally suiciding Day 3 anyway
  6. Sorry guys going home to be a family man
  7. Also I've crumbed my role at some point in the game Doesn't hurt to say so because literally nobody would be able to figure out what it is even if they found the crumb.
  8. ##Unvote ##Vote: Rapier SB would've been better off flipping Rapier tbh
  9. 8 minutes left I'm getting called for lunch so if Rapier doesn't claim in the next 3 I'm voting.
  10. Already explained Shinori and Bear. Wrt Eury I don't like the idea of making a rushed/bad presentation of my cases in the last 15 minutes of the day while suspecting that you're scum. Makes it easy for you to drill on them later if you want to try and get me lynched tomorrow. Case will come D2.
  11. Rapier I can see you're here and there's 25 minutes left, claim Refa, say something if you're still around Lunch will be ready here any minute and I'm forced to go eat with my family when that happens so make this as fast as possible
  12. Wouldn't support wonderwagon on bearclaw, haven't gone back and checked what Kaoz said regarding my case and bear has no excuse to not be around D2 anyway.
  13. I think my vote will go to Rapier if he doesn't make a miracle last-minute arrival with a claim. Mostly based on big activity drop towards the end of the day coinciding with his wagon dying down in support for the Poly wagon. What later day content he has is dedicated to self-explaining and has little in the ways of scumhunting, and what little there is is a Refa vote for ??? reasons that feels like not-me-over-me. Refa bugs me in the way that he voiced worry about getting lynched around midD1, but eh, it isn't exactly a good tell.
  14. Scumreads atm are Kaoz and Eury for reasons I don't have the time to write up atm. I'll get them out on D2. Shinori dropped from immediate priorities mostly due to gut/tone and associative read with Poly making one of my big points on him earlier void. You (Refa) dropped because what was bugging me is minor compared to Eury/Kaoz and I can't really establish priorities between You/Rapier since I've been sheeping Prims' opinion and postponing a good read on Rapier.
  15. Refa if you're still around can you summarize why you think Rapier is scum in like 10 lines or less? Anybody doing the same for either Refa or Rapier would be cool because reading through their wall-filled ISOs going back and forth with people is getting me nowhere.
  16. Also Eury's case is extremely bad and I'm baffled that so many people have read it without noticing blatant contradictions within itself but w/e I'll get to that later.
  17. Was writing other stuff but noticed I need a votecount Paperblade (1): bearclaw13 Rapier (3): Paperblade, Refa, Bluedoom Xinnidy (1): Polydeuces Refa (2): Prims, Rapier Polydeuces (1): scorri Shinori (1): Vhaltz Vhaltz (1): Eurykins About 1h 40m remaining if I counted correctly Rapier/Refa feel like bad lynches compared to other people but it doesn't look like I have a choice. I'll be rereading.
  18. I'm here and reading up, apparently there's like shit time left compared to what I thought there was.
  19. Waffles. He has done objectively scummy stuff that I dislike but I had no trouble whatsoever pointing out objectively scummy things he did as town when I was scum last game so eh. Would consider lynching him if there's no other scummier options.
  20. If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, you quoted the wrong post If you aren't then what
  21. The cases on Refa are ok but the reason I find myself slightly leaning scum on Refa is mostly due to the way he handled the suspicions on him in his second wall. He drops the suspicions on Xin and me after people call those out on being bad but keeps his scumread on Rapier (who still happens to be a wagon), which as a standalone point could come from either alignment but then there's something irking me really bad is in his reply to people disliking his Rapier case "OK, my calling your votes easy was a misrep, apologies for that." If there's something I learned last game it's that appeasement isn't always a scumtell and town do it too, there's several instances of appeasement in the wallpost that could go either way, but that particular line I quoted just strikes me as the heavy kind of appeasement that I think is really unlikely to come from suspected town. I feel like Refa!Town would've tried to justify why it seemed like a good point at the time before dropping it. Shinori = Bear >> Refa SB where do you stand wrt Eury, Bear and Poly?
  22. Yeah ok I really dislike Shinori. On top of what I mentioned earlier about his odd Bear (prodvote) > Poly (case) priority, the token questioning bugs me pretty bad. Asking Paper if he's town is 100% useless post and the other two questions run in the way of "hey guys what am I? am I being town enough?" which doesn't appear to have any scumhunting intent behind it and reads like self-conscious scum wanting to appear to be actively contributing while finding out where people stand on him. ##Unvote ##Vote: Shinori Still heavily dislike Bear but my vote is essentially useless if he's just not around (didn't remember the signups warning), still want to see posts from him when he manages to be around or I'll support his lynch by deadline.
  23. I have to proofcheck them tomorrow because I'm tired but I think the Refa cases are ok for the most part. Still like Bear better though at least atm. Shinori is giving me odd vibes. The vote on Bear over Poly is confusing even after the explanation, he had several things on Poly he heavily disliked while it seemed that his reasons to vote Bear were more of a prodvote so it doesn't feel like legit priorities, it feels more like when I was BSing my way out of voting BBM late D1 last game even after repeatedly claiming he was scummy. Gonna go bed now.
  24. Prims and Xin calm down a little please =/
  25. Uh wait a sec. Shinori, why Bear over Poly?
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