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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Eh actually I just went back to check the context and that contradiction was actually a misrep by Paper Note that the bolded part can go either ways if you just read the first sentence, Rapier could be meaning that he agrees with SB's point or he could just be using it as comparison to Xin's to explain why Xin's is worse. Paper's interpretation would be okay in this case, but then there's the underlined part of the post that implies that Rapier already considered Paper bad at this point, so he never actually considered that Paper's SB point was ever good. Happier with where I put my vote now.
  2. Yeah okay I can see how you could've meant that. What do you think of people that aren't SB? Prims play the game. Gutvoting is bad coming from you because I know you could explain where the gut comes from. Forgot where Bear's vote was and thought he had been cheerleading the wagon while on somebody else. Checking back to where he voted I noticed I missed this earlier. Bear's #53 makes no sense. He had reasoning to vote prims that was silly yet understandable from earlier and dug out something else to warrant voting Rapier but then just goes for an RVS vote on Paper which is ??? Reads like he was just posting for the sake of posting and looking active/town. Also: #92 "Paper specifically said that he found SB defensive, how is that a failure to give reasons?" #112 "Restating that you found SB defensive =\= explaining what was defensive. I didn't see the defensiveness so I want an explanation On that" I don't see town forgetting their own opinions in such a short time window, it feels like Bear just wanted to avoid moving his vote and sit on the growing wagon. ##Unvote ##Vote: Bearclaw Eh now that I've checked Rapier, Paper's point in #115 is very similar, I agree that he contradicts himself wrt Paper's SB point and I also agree with the point about buddying up to bear. Rapier's contradiction also enabled him to vote Paper so there's scum intent to be had there too, but eh, I could see Rapier being town and drawing a wagon onto himself just due to being too loud. Not opposed to voting Rapier but I prefer Bear atm, he is as bad if not worse and nobody is caring to read him iirc. "Vhaltz's scumhunting has just read as weak and forced to me." ED1 scumhunting quality That aside, care to tell me what part of my post back there was fluff, Refa? Keeping an eye on Poly for reasons.
  3. It was an attempt to meta, I don't know who plays or doesn't play often. I tend to make my posts too large so I'm trying to be concise this game and perhaps I'm overdoing it. Apologies if it offended you. I never meant to imply any interactions read when it comes to SB/scorri btw. I just said they were guilty of the same thing. Don't think I misread anything, if I did then I'm not seeing it. This reads like you understand a possible line of suspicion being "town has something to lose from SB's first post because they're giving scum info but if he's scum he wouldn't worry because has nothing to lose doing that" This third line comes right after the other two, you point out that it refers to the line right above it but I was already considering that it was referring to that. It still reads like "dismiss because too much speculation". Which is still exactly what I said earlier so my point still stands. Poly also fails to explain why you're scum, Rapier, do you have any reason to hold Xin and Paperblade as priorities over him?
  4. Actually, I can see how SB's first post could've been useful from a town perspective. It doesn't necessarily make him town but I'd feel dumb going to sleep while keeping that vote. ##Unvote ##Vote: Xinnidy All of the fluff. Not only fluff but useless waffle fluff: - dismiss my line of reasoning - delve into line of reasoning anyway - dismiss it again - jump on SB anyway over the reasoning the other guy on the wagon brought up Are Xin's posts commonly like this?
  5. They could. But town has nothing to gain from that post whereas scum does.
  6. ##Vote: SB First post in-thread amounts to "hey guys I'm asking the mod setup/role questions I'm so town" Scorri is guilty of the same thing but I don't have two votes this time. @Poly it'd be useful if you attempted to explain why
  7. hjkl Is "derp" a signature reply by Elie as a mod or something?
  8. My old anime paintover avatar chosen by random.org is ready for this game
  9. Best Lets Play Did the dude actually stop writing after he saw the LP?
  10. Uh Well considering that, I'll play, sure.
  11. Eh that was meant to mean that I'd play from Sunday onwards
  12. Tempted to join because I won't be able to mafia until mid-February otherwise. I'll check some stuff to see if I can sign up before that but otherwise I'll only in if signups are still up by Sunday night. Bard please tell me that isn't Nue in your avatar
  13. I'm just seeing the amount of posts that Grass is churning out in the last few hours and I have trouble believing that a newer player as scum could be this consistently active without sounding scummy as fuck in every post ffffffffffffffffffffffff I'm probably really dumb for doing this but I have to get back in class minutes ago. ##Unvote
  14. The point Grass brought up about Objection's claim being too simple is not good because my role is simple too, I get nothing other than doublevote, but that argument is just so bad and desperate that I just don't see scum bringing it up?
  15. I'm actually considering unvoting Grass if only because he seems to be putting in 10x the effort that Objection is and we might be on the way to a no lynch otherwise. Holy shit SB get in here =/
  16. Grass is scummier than Objection with rolespec aside I already said that before I'll be back in 45~ mins
  17. Then again last time I was in a game where town let somebody live to prove his claim the following day it turned out like shit. idk, just hoping there's hammer by the time I finish next class because I won't be able to check the thread during my last class (I tried this one because the lecture was boring and the wifi is just too shit)
  18. Refa's post was tl;dr I only have like 5 minutes to read up and post Track is more likely to be town at this point although it's mostly based on watcher flip, the role can actually be proved tomorrow if SB backs up Objection and he provides another investigation result, unlike odd-night roleblock, where Grass!scum could just idle the block tonight and go "see, I was telling the truth!" Scum having tracker and watcher at the same time is not entirely unbelievable and apparently the anon game that just ended had a lot of setup spec punishment but still Lynch Grass guys.
  19. Anyway I'm off to class. It'd be cool if SB came around and we could still lynch Grass because that way I won't have to be running in and out of class every hour to check the thread.
  20. Rolenames aren't included in the role PMs so answering anything else would've been dumb :V Scum maybe remembers Prims pulling the same thing D1 with Shinori but meh, still inclined to lynch Grass over Objection even if role related stuff comes up. Still think SB and Isaac are town but just in case I'm wrong I'd rather the lynch not be decided over role related stuff that nobody else has any idea about. Also think it's more likely that Grass is scum than Objection due to the way Objection's wagon literally sat at L-2 for most of the day and nobody really did jack about it except maybe push Grass instead.
  21. Who all is in a timezone that allows them to be around at deadline? Apparently you are, I think SB is and I am, but anybody else?
  22. Scum tracker would be stupid with scum watcher though Unless it's a fake and like I said his teammates wanted him to go out and get CC'd to out MORE investigation roles which would be dumb.
  23. Wouldn't really feel that objected to Objection lynch happening instead though since now that I think of it, it appears that Isaac has role-related reasons to think he's likely to be scum, and I'd be pretty surprised if Miria/Isaac's slot was scum.
  24. Nevermind a scum roleblocker would've blocked Prims and not BBM since he claimed some sort of investigation role towards the end of D1, so it's possible that Grass is just throwing around any desperate BS he can come up with. Then again I just thought scum could've made Objection claim like that intentionally since Prims defended somebody reading their role PM wrong yesterday. Feels a lot more unlikely though and if Objection is town he's definitely having a bad game and since he doesn't feel like he's caring much about the game anymore I could see him screwing up his rolename because of not doublechecking his PM. Grass also just backpedaled wrt to my last D1 post but didn't reply to anything else I called him out on because that stuff was BS and he couldn't really explain having misunderstoof that. Think I'm sticking to Grass, not like I can vote Objection without hammering anyway. Cut: Doesn't really matter that you unvote, I'm doublevoter and all :V
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