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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Well yeah if they increased landing lag they'd also need to delay autocancel for it to do anything. Wrt needles I was referring more to projectile speed, I don't think increasing the endlag would make a very significant change to playing against Sheik, whereas being able to react to needles more easily could prevent getting hit by them offstage and make them less great in neutral as well.
  2. After a long night of waiting for people to send in their night actions, you noticed that somebody inevitably died, since you spent way too much time not worrying about people getting murdered! RIP Refa, it appears that he will now sleep forever. It is now Day 2. Not voting: Everybody. With 11 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have 76~ hours to reach a lynch, I ended the night phase earlier than I said I would so you get that extra time as day phase time.
  3. Forgot to say how much I was extending deadline. 6 hours 15 minutes from now should be enough.
  4. That's not something that I feel is that bad. I don't play Sheik but if I were to change anything about Sheik it'd probably revolve around making some of her stronger moves easier to punish. Alternatively maybe add a few more landing lag frames to fair so that it stops being extremely safe in most situations, or make the needles slightly slower for similar reasons. If any of her combo tools were outright nerfed Sheik would become terrible at racking up damage, which might screw her over way too hard. Overall balance is pretty good in this game and definitely getting better with every patch.
  5. I have some night actions missing, make sure to let me know you're idling if you don't plan on doing anything. Might extend deadline for a few hours just in case. It'll also help with making the update time not suck for me.
  6. I don't think any of the top tiers need nerfs as much as lower tiers need buffs. I'd particularly like to see some multihit upsmashes that don't drag people in well do that better, like Samus' and Pit's, and more characters getting better combo throws.
  7. D1 scum lynches whoo Terrador (7): kirsche, Refa, disco KAWAii, Dandragon, TheCosmicDude, Shinori Dandragon (2): Quote, Izhuark disco (1): Terrador Shinori (1): Junko Boron (1): Marth Marth (1): Boron Not voting: Roxas I guess Astrid looked extremely suspicious for some reason? It's now Night 1. Please send in your actions in the next 24 hours. I might end night phase early if possible.
  8. More Votecounts Bro Terrador (6): kirsche, Refa, disco KAWAii, Dandragon, TheCosmicDude (L-1) disco (1): Terrador Shinori (1): Junko Boron (1): Marth Marth (1): Boron Dandragon (1): Quote Not voting: Izhuark, Shinori, Roxas With 13 alive it takes 7 to hammer. 12 hours and 20 minutes left in the day.
  9. If you're going to have a results fabricator you should probably label the game bastard. I mean when I was spectating the game from Mitsuki's POV, the first thing I thought wrt Elie's role is that it made no sense in a game with a fulldoc, unless the mafia had several shots of strongman. Literally the first thing I thought after that was that the vest was fabricated, but then I saw the broken vest result and concluded that it couldn't be fake. I hadn't thought that such a role could exist, and I think if the game had been labeled bastard then anybody could've at least considered the possibility of something like that happening even if they hadn't seen the role before.
  10. I'm currently away from home, but Terrador is now at L-1.
  11. Vhaltz

    The Well

    Are you going to post the poll results at some point? I can already kind of imagine the trends but it'd still be worth checking out.
  12. Yep, game started out 52 hours ago. I added a couple of hours in to make deadline into midday for me instead of 8am. This deadline is still slightly inconvenient so I can give an 8 hour extension if necessary, provided that the prodded people actually play the game.
  13. Votecount V3.0 Terrador (5): kirsche, TheCosmicDude, Refa, disco KAWAii (L-2) disco (2): Terrador, Dandragon Shinori (1): Junko Boron (1): Marth Marth (1): Boron Dandragon (1): Quote kirsche (1): Roxas Not voting: Izhuark, Shinori With 13 alive it takes 7 to hammer. 24 hours left in the day. Isos have been added to the OP. Terrador and Roxas have been prodded.
  14. Shinori has been prodded. Disco Kawaii has been prodded.
  15. Votecount Time! Disco Kawaii (3): Refa, Terrador, Sunwoo Shinori (2): commie scum, Dandragon commie scum (2): TheCosmicDude Terrador (1): kirsche Dandragon (1): Quote TheCosmicDude (1): Refa kirsche (1): Roxas With 13 alive it takes 7 to hammer. There are 46~ hours left in the day.
  16. Fun fact, we spent a lot of the time Kaoz was here in Spain playing FE12 Kaoz was not very pleased with the later chapters
  17. That's everyone then. Wanted to start up last night before I went to sleep but then I fell asleep while watching something. If this deadline is terribly inconvenient for anybody else I'll see about adding a couple of hours in, because I'm usually not awake this early in the morning to begin with. Day 1 Begins! Not voting: Everybody. With 13 alive, 7 are required to hammer. You have slightly over 72 hours.
  18. All role PMs are now out, please confirm that you've received and read your PM by posting "/confirm" in this thread. Also feel free to ask any questions as replies to the PMs I sent
  19. [spoiler=rules]1. The game is non-bastard. 2. This game is NOC. Don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Please post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). 3. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Prod-dodging posts will not be considered towards activity, please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting for long periods of time, otherwise two prods will result in forced replacement or modkill. 4. Lynches require hammering except during D1, where a majority lynch may happen. In the following phases failure to hammer will result in No Lynch, and the second no lynch in the game will result in a universal loss. Don't talk after the hammer. 5. LyLo will be anounced regardless of it being true LyLo, MyLo or potential MyLo/LyLo 6. You will be informed if your action fails or is redirected. 7. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a modkill. Flavorspec through character names and the sort is discouraged but allowed. 8. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon will result in automatic loss for the player involved regardless of the game outcome. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact me and ask. Player List (13/13) - kirsche - Boron Lord Gaius - Dandragon - Cosmicdude - Marth - Shinori - Junko - Refa - Disco Kawaii - Izhuark - Quote - Roxas - Terrador [spoiler=Deaded]- Terrador. Astrid, mafia 2-shot ninja w/ Paragon/Savior. Lynched Day 1. - Refa. Haar, VT w/ Guard/Provoke. Killed Night 1. - TheCosmicDude. Devdan, mafia Roleblocker w/ Serenity/Wrath. Lynched Day 2. - Quote. Tauroneo, Doctor w/ Resolve/Smite. Killed Night 2. - Izhuark. Nasir, Mass Caffeinator w/ Nihil. Killed Night 2. - Roxas. Sothe, VT w/ Thief. Lynched Day 3. - Marth. Lethe, Tracker w/ Halfshit/Fullshift. Killed Night 3. Subs - The3rdCorinthian - eclipse - Gilgamesh - Rapier - Blitz - Crysta - Gaius - zerosaber
  20. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    Randomized the signups and roles. The3rdCorinthian stays out for now, which kind of sucks because they were the first to sign up but I'll ask them first when I inevitably end up needing a sub. RolePMs will be sent out in the next couple of hours, I'll make a new thread so hold out on confirming until it's up.
  21. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    I'm heading back for my place tomorrow, will probably set everything up and send PMs as soon as I get back on my laptop over there.
  22. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    So technically that's 13/13 signups starting on Monday, but I'll randomize signups so if anybody else wants to join feel free to do so. Also I figured it would be obvious from the whole abilities/skills thing that this game is going to be a bit more role-heavy than my previous games, so newer players don't be afraid ask me, Mitsuki or Kaoz for help if you get lost at any point during the game. Not particularly
  23. It's pouring buckets over here and there's not much to do Anybody wanna play a couple of games?
  24. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    Pretty sure Kaoz checked the setup or was at least somewhat involved in checking stuff so rip
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