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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    Sure Mitsuki you can join and win automatically at the beginning of the game without posting. Also I love Kaoz. Edit: I didn't type this, Mitsuki also spent like 10 minutes giggling in front of the computer before I came over to see what had happened.
  2. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    sure you can be the only anonymous player
  3. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    [spoiler=rules]1. The game is non-bastard. 2. This game is NOC. Don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Please post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). 3. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Prod-dodging posts will not be considered towards activity, please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting for long periods of time, otherwise two prods will result in forced replacement or modkill. 4. Lynches require hammering except during D1, where a majority lynch may happen. In the following phases failure to hammer will result in No Lynch, and the second no lynch in the game will result in a universal loss. Don't talk after the hammer. 5. LyLo will be anounced regardless of it being true LyLo, MyLo or potential MyLo/LyLo 6. You will be informed if your action fails or is redirected. 7. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a modkill. Flavorspec through character names and the sort is discouraged but allowed. 8. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon will result in automatic loss for the player involved regardless of the game outcome. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact me and ask. The rules are the same as those in Guitar Mafia, but this game has skills other than roles, which can give people stuff like modifiers, passive abilities or actual role-like powers. Fire emblem 9 was cool so I decided to make a cool setup for it, join the game! Player List (13/13) - kirsche - Boron - Dandragon - Cosmicdude - Marth - Shinori - Junko - Refa - Disco Kawaii - Izhuark - Quote - Roxas - Terrador Subs - The3rdCorinthian - eclipse - Gilgamesh - Rapier - Blitz - (Crysta (14th)) - (Gaius (17th)) - zerosaber?
  4. Ok so I can host FE9 if nobody's against it, I fortunately backed up the file with the PMs so I can host from Mitsuki's computer
  5. http://i.imgur.com/k5SyHiV.gifv best eimm character I sent this to a couple of people and they probably thought I was joking
  6. That must be some weird custom I haven't unlocked yet, better play some more smash and pay even less attention to eimm
  7. Shame on you guys for shooting Bowie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqa4G0J2faE#t=1m35s He also had the best alias in the whole game, rip
  8. Vhaltz

    The Well

    Poly Mancer Gaius
  9. Wait so I was left alive because the scumteam thought I was the cop, and they had ridiculous utility against it? I thought the "assume I died and flipped VT" comment was extremely transparent and that's why I wasn't getting killed
  10. I'm a nice guy sometimes =/ Also Randa when are you going to post QTs and stuff?
  11. Also I'm pretty sure my next game after that one was FE6? In which I was town Take that Refa's memory
  12. That was much easier to do when I had virtually no ties with anybody in SF yet :V I'm pretty sure I wouldn't play scum like that anymore.
  13. Cool but why extend deadline if game was going to be over anyway? having to go to sleep without seeing the flip sucks =/ Maybe after a couple more games like this one people will stop thinking that I might be a super mastermind bussing scumlord. Mitsuki: So this game was actually fun to follow! I'm pretty sure the only reason why people didn't scumread Yolo until the last part of the game is because it's hard to get used to the way he posts (Not to insult your play, Yolo, but I don't think you put much effort in this game overall). I get the impression that people didn't put much effort in understanding what he was doing. Also I thought Excellen was obvtown. Not to defend him, since his attiude was terrible and he deserved to be lynched, but I don't think lynching someone just for their defense on scum should be the standard way to go. You're not looking at the reason why the person is doing what they are doing, and town can be wrong too. Hell, I've defended scum plenty of times and I'll probably do it again someday. But scumhunting is not about facts, it's about meanings. Also how did people even consider that Vhaltz could be bussing. WHO WOULD BE SO CRUEL AS TO BUS SOMEONE LIKE THAT I'm stealing Vhaltz's computer and not letting him type. SORRY VHALTZ
  14. This is the kind of reaction he was aiming for with those posts imo. If he had enough time to read through my D4 post and question the legitimacy of my case you'd think he'd have read the first post of D4 from his top scumread, and spend a minute or two more to write out more than one line to defend himself and push his case.
  15. This is the kind of reaction he was aiming for with those posts imo. If he had enough time to read through my D4 post and question the legitimacy of my case you'd think he'd have read the first post of D4 from his top scumread, and spend a minute or two more to write out more than one line to defend himself and push his case.
  16. I'm here kind of, don't really have much to say though. I'd request an extension if it didn't mean lynch rules changing weirdly and maybe not getting a lynch with 3 people. I guess kirsche could claim and I can claim afterwards, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't really get us anywhere.
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