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Everything posted by Chen

  1. my /tg/ buddies talk about TIME stories and betrayal
  2. yes...actually i got one in the mail just yesterday. it's a 2012 model, backlit, and it usually retails for 40 dollars now but i got it for free! QOTD 1373 - ARE YOU CUTE?
  3. cao cao did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong and neither did caim QOTD 1372 - Have you ever owned a Tamagotchi?
  4. i've wanted it since the trailer came out, don't be a memer shezzy
  5. can't think of any.. QOTD 1371 - Characters whose motivations can never be understood, only appreciated?
  6. it's pretty legit if you aren't using releases
  7. FE Warriors, total cash cow, man Intelligent System's corporate plan Frederick, oh, Frederick You're swearing and you're groaning Destroying your buddy Ralph With plenty of moaning Frederick, oh, Frederick He doesn't love his wife It was the biggest mistake in his entire life! He laments his life choices He dreads his parents' voices At least he isn't Chrom, the filthy bandito lord Frederick, oh, Frederick His wife makes him cry He wonders if he'd be better if he did die One last thing for enemies, he'll say "If you're single, let's hook up and ride away!"
  8. the only vidya i play now are short runs of roguelikes, shmups, and casual board games :^( no time to do a full jrpg
  9. i want to do online diablo play with you guys or literally any coop campaign game but nobody has time to play vidya anymore
  10. its 30% pubg and 70% porn games now imo tell that guy to play a jay are pee gee instead
  11. ya, wizardry got popular enough later that newer games got devved in japan is pc gaming just not popular in japan? i think it's picking up steam with the release of shitty multiplayer games that are pc only
  12. blobbers are basically japanese staple tho they appropriated western game!!
  13. i'd like to see what more japanese crpgs would look like tbh. you could probably find some untranslated ones made by hobbyists that are japanese only
  14. i'd like to see what more japanese crpgs would look like tbh. you could probably find some untranslated ones made by hobbyists that are japanese only
  15. @Tryhard what do you think of this japanese crpg
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