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Everything posted by Chen

  1. ghostery noscript rikaisama ublock origin old firefox theme restorer these are the KAMI essentials QOTD 1339 - What is a food that you used to hate but you now like?
  2. personally, I feel that PoFV is the most underrated touhou game and the one you should play if you want to improve your reflexes and not do memo shit, looking at replays for PoFV is pretty (lol unless you want to learn scoring for pofv play it on lunatic! it's the easiest lunatic! (just skip easy mode btw it's not worth playing)
  3. i can stomach eroge but bland extended moeshit characters make me end it
  4. i can stomach eroge but bland extended moeshit characters make me end it
  5. ugh to much moe anime shit so it sucks xd
  6. the most hilarious form of elitism is elitism over flawed gameplay/programming/etc. "why are you playing a newer version of this game that fixes the lag and broken mechanics you should play the old version for the challenge xdddd" "patches that make a game less laggy on a system are cheating" gotta respect the creator's original vision right?????
  7. the most hilarious form of elitism is elitism over flawed gameplay/programming/etc. "why are you playing a newer version of this game that fixes the lag and broken mechanics you should play the old version for the challenge xdddd" "patches that make a game less laggy on a system are cheating" gotta respect the creator's original vision right?????
  8. i wonder if people in japan yell about censorship "why are they censoring our american games???" "lol if you dont want censored games just fucking learn english like i did xd"
  9. rick roll QOTD 1338 - Which addons are necessities for your browser?
  10. check out this guy's stuff, pretty impressive
  11. you can deal damage by using the releases if i remember correctly
  12. goddamn is it just me or is UFO's ufo mechanic intrusive as hell? hate those little fucks
  13. >literal waifu game is more popular than a regular shooty shooty sad!
  14. http://store.steampowered.com/app/574160/Senko_no_Ronde_2/
  15. are you using spring or summer? i find spring to be the hardest final spell, try switching to an easier season shot
  16. alright, this is quite literally chinese dark souls lel
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