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Everything posted by mr_e_s

  1. *feels like writing a booper* Stefan: Well, aren't you an interesting little specimen? Amy: Huh? What's a specimen? Stefan: It doesn't matter, what your name, young one? Amy: I'm Amy! Stefan: Amy, how old are you? Amy: I dunno! Mommy says I'm 5! Stefan: And your mommy is... Amy: Mommy's name is Calil! Stefan: But...Calil didn't have any children three years ago... Say, Amy, are yo- Amy: Look bub, I know what you are. I know you know what I am. But the fact is, they feed me, clothe me, and never suspect me when their shit goes missing. If they find out I'm 38, I won't be happy. And if I'm not happy, Largo won't be the only one missing an arm, UNDERSTAND? Stefan: Y-yes ma'am! Amy: Good, now let's play tea party!
  2. I'd agree with you, but we're enemies, so instead, die.
  3. I had more fun with FFVIII than FFVII. I've only played through I-IX, mind, but of all those, I had the best time playing FFVI.
  4. Ike x Lucia C: Lucia: General Ike, the princess asked me to...what are you doing? Ike: Huh? Oh, I was just lugging this crate of supplies to the armory tent. Lucia: You're the general of this army, you can't be laboring away while your subordinates do nothing! Ike: They're not doing nothing, everyone's preparing in their own way for the battle to come. Besides, I like doing stuff like this. Lucia: But what if your men see you? Surely you'll lose the respect of your army if they see you toiling away. Ike: What? I don't know about that. I mean, I'd respect a leader more if the were willing to get their hands dirty and pitch in, instead of some noble sitting on their high and mighty behind throwing out orders. Lucia: I see...I apologize if I have offended you, I'll be off. B: Ike: Hey, Lucia! What are you doing out here alone? Lucia: I just came out here to think. You know, on my high and mighty behind. Ike: Huh? Lucia: You really don't think much of anyone born into nobility, do you? You think we're all stuffed shirts, afraid to take part in work for fear of breaking a nail! Ike: Well, come on, I never said that. I just think a lot of noble's take what they have for granted, and see commoners as vermin. But I'd never think that of the Apostle, or Elincia. Or...you. Maybe Bastian... Lucia: Heh, I guess maybe I took your words a little too much to heart. Ike: No, it's my fault. I made an unfair generalization and I hurt your feelings without even thinknig about it. Lucia: Well, maybe you had a point. A: Ike: Hah, there's a sight I didn't think I'd see. Lucia: And what's so special about this? Ike: Not too long ago, you were hassling me about helpingout with the labour, and now I see you, pitching in with the commoners. It's really a great thing to see, if you don't mind me saying. Lucia: No, well, what you said made a lot of sense to me. Really, when it was just me and Elincia growing up, I'd do a lot of things like this with her. I just stopped when I became an adult, though. It was heavily frowned upon. Ike: I've never cared for rules like that, no way to live a life. Lucia: Well, I must admit, it feels almost liberating to be pitching in like this. I really don't mind at all. Ike: Good. You know... Lucia: Yes? Ike: If you ever get tired of it. Noble life, that is. There'll always be a spot for you with the Greil Mercenaries. Lucia: Are you asking me to- Ike: You know what, nevermind, it was a stupid question, sorry for bringing it up. Lucia: I'll think about it. Ike: Really? Lucia: Yep. But for right now, I better get back to work. Ike: Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
  5. These seem to be going well. Isn't everyone glad they didn't get marked for moderation?
  6. Hmm, is this in danger of being closed? I may not be that attentive, and kind of forgetful, but I can keep writing these things pretty much indefinitely. Rolf X Marcia C: Rolf: Marcia! Marcia: Huh? Oh, hey there, kiddo, long time no see! Rolf: Hey! I grew up a lot since last time! Marcia: No kidding, you're like a foot taller! I bet you have no problem hitting that target 30 times in a row any more, am I right? Rolf: I practice at 100 times in a row now. I can do it most of the time, too. Marrcia: Wow, you're becoming a real master archer! Rolf: I'm still not as good as my teacher... Marcia: He's that weird guy with the pony tail, right? Rolf: Shinon isn't weird! Marcia: Kiddo! Well, guess he hasn't gotten much better about taking a joke... B: Marcia: Hey there, kiddo, how's it going? Rolf: Oh, hey there. I was just going out to practice. Marcia: Well, you're not any more. Come on, a few of us are going to try this new drink Boyd made. Someone dared Gatrie to drink it, and he's gonna do it! Rolf: But Master Shinon sai- Marcia: Shinon's going to be there, who do you think dared Gatrie in the first place? Rolf: He is...well... Marcia: Oh come on, training is great and all, but you have to have fun sometimes! Rolf: ...No. Sorry. I really have to practice. Marcia: Gah! Why are you so stubborn about this? Rolf: I have to be able to protect everyone! If I miss a shot and someone dies I'll...I gotta go if I wanna finish before it gets dark. Later. Marcia: Yeah...bye. A: Rolf: Marcia? Marcia: Hey there, Rolf! Look, about the other day, I'm really sorry about saying that stuff, I know you practice so you can protect your friends. Rolf: No, I actually had a tough time practicing that day, because I was thinknig about what you said. Marcia: Wow, and here I thought nothing could stop your focus! Rolf: Well, I was thinking about how I just blew off all of the friends I was trying to protect, and I realized you were right, it's really important to have fun, too. Marcia: Heck, I can't believe I'm hearing you say that! I'm so proud of you, Rolf! Rolf: So, you wanna go do something? Marcia: Can't, I gotta go train. Rolf: Oh....okay. Marcia: Just kidding! What do you wanna do? Rolf: Anything you want, Marcia. Anything you want.
  7. Heather x Oscar C: Oscar: Excuse, me, Miss... Heather: It's Heather. Oscar: Right, Heather, I'm Oscar, pleased to meet you. I noticed you walking by- Heather: And you thought you could pick me up by just walking up to me and engaging me in conversation? Oscar: Well, actually, I thought this little satchel might belong to you, I noticed it on the ground. Heather: Oh, alright...thank you. Oscar: No problem! B: Oscar: Heather! Heather: Huh? did I drop something again? Oscar: Huh? Oh! No, I just thought I'd say hi. Heather: Right, sure you were. Oscar: What are you getting at? Heather: Come on, we both know how men work, they try and take advantage of the situation so they can take advantage of women. It's sickening watching them walk around like they own the world! So, no, I don't want to go out with you sometime! Oscar: I wasn't going to ask you out. Heather:That's right, I said I don't wanna-what? Oscar: I just wanted to be your friend, I'm sort of involved with a woman already. Heather: What are you hoping to get out of this friendship? Oscar: Just...friendship. Heather: I'll think about it. A: Heather: Yo, Oscar! Oscar: Hey there, Heather! Heather: Okay, let's do it. Oscar: Well, I already told you I didn't want t- Heather: No! I meant let's be friends, you blockhead! I figure even if pretty much all men are pigs, I might as well find out if there are a few nice guys out there. Oscar: I'm glad to hear it, but I probably won't be introducing you to my brother, Boyd. He might not help with you getting along better with men. Heather: Right...so, what do we do now? Oscar: I was going to go make some lunch, wanna help? Heather: Ha, a man in the kitchen, that's exactly where they shou...sorry. Oscar: It's okay, you're working on it, I understand.
  8. FESS, that's the place I'm not allowed on any more! I remember now.
  9. Nolan x Boyd? On it ( A little late, maybe, but on it) C: Nolan: Hey there! Boyd! Boyd: Uhh, hi...Wait, how do you know my name? Nolan: That girl over there told me, said you and I would really get along! Oh, and she also said she thought you were pretty cute. Boyd: Which girl? Where? You should really point or something when you say things like that! Nolan: Oh, my bad, she's right...Damn, I lost her. Boyd: Well, what did she look like? Nolan: Oh, yeah, I should be able to-Oh wow, I just realized I was late for a meeting with Micaiah, man, you don't want to be on that girl's bad side, not so much for her, but for Sothe, he can be a little more intense than he needs to, yuo know? Anyways, later! Boyd: Wait...what girl? Who thinks I'm cute?! Gah! He's gone! B: Boyd: Come on...think harder. You need to remember more than that she was kind of cute! Nolan: Well...her hair was... Boyd: Yeah? Nolan: Kind of long...ish. Boyd: What about her eyes? Nolan: She had both of them. Boyd: ...I gotta let you know, man, you're driving me absolutely insane right now. Nolan: Wait, I got something! Boyd: What is it? Nolan: She had a nice...you know...area. Boyd: ..Area? Nolan: You know,above the stomach and below the neck. Boyd: ...grfrigleschnp. Nolan: Huh...I think he passed out, wonder why? A: Nolan: Yo, Boyd! Boyd: Look man, don't worry about it. I know you tried your best, and I can live with that. If this girl thinks I'm that cute, she'll tell me on her own sometime. We're in the middle of a war, I shouldn't be thinking about that stuff anyways. Nolan: Yeah...I guess you could have a point there. Boyd: Damn right, besides, I made a new buddy, and that's good enough for me. Wanna go catch a drink? Nolan: Sure, but- Boyd: Cool, first round is on you! *Boyd leaves* Nolan: But I remembered who it was.... Boyd: *off screen* You coming, bud? Nolan: *shrugs* Hell, why not?
  10. mr_e_s


    You're trying to say my words are things of amusement to you? I have no patience for your self-importance, and I do not enjoy being ridiculed! Nothing I write is for humour's sake! Ever!
  11. mr_e_s


    How dare you edit a quote of my words! Our differences are now irreconcilable! Where's the enemy feature on this site?
  12. little late. And supports? I can't do supports for Deghinea x Lehran, Lehran isn't in the part long enough, and Deghinsea isn't even playable.
  13. Ike: Shinon! You missed the battle meeting! Shinon: So? I miss a lot of battle meetings. Let me guess, we kill our enemies, right? Ike: Well...yeah, but you have a special job this time! Shinon: If it's not leader, I don't care. At all. Ike: They're going to hang Lucia in the town square, before we get in there to help the princess out, we need you to shoot an arrow throug her noose so they can't hang her. Only you can do this job Shinon! We really need your years of experience, you can't just toss this one on Rolf! Shinon: Fine, fine! Ike: I want you to tell me you understand! Shinon: Sheesh mom! I'll cut through the noose before the rest of you have even settled into position! Ike: ...Good. *later* Rolf: Are you sure Ike said it was okay for me to do this? Shinon: Positive, go for it, kid. Deghinsea: Hey there Lehran! Long time no see! Sephiran: Indeed my old friend! Too long! Deghinsea: Makes you think back, doesn't it? Sephiran: Makes me think back to the 20 bucks I borrowed you that you promised to pay back with interest. Deghinsea *gulp* What's the interest on a thousand years? Sephiran: Lots, trust me. Deghinsea: Come on, there's gotta be some other way I can help! Sephiran: Well... *later* Ike: Why are you and your people determined to fight us? Deghinsea: Sorry kid, my hands are tied!
  14. Marcia x Elincia C: Elincia: Marcia? What are you doing? Marcia: Oh? Crackers! Queen Elincia! I just finished my "noble steed" here, and I thought I'd groom yours while I was at it. Elincia: I appreciate, but you don't have to do that for me, you know, even though I'm a queen, I still know how to groom my pegasus. You don't have to go out of your way to make sure I don't get my hands dirty. Marcia: I...was just doing it because you're my friend. Elincia: Oh...I'm so sorry Marcia, i just thou- Marcia: Forget it, just don't worry about it, I'm gonna go. B: Marcia: Grr.. that pea brained idiot! Elincia: Is it your brother again? Marcia: Oh...Queen...yes. Elincia: I could hep if you want, take some money out of the royal coffers and- Marcia: And take pity on a commoner? I thought we were friends, but it's always got to be about you being queen, doesn't it? Elincia: Marcia... Marcia: Look, it's fine, after this whole situation, I'll find another place to work. For now, I'll just stay out of your way, Queen. A: Elincia: Marcia! Marcia: ... Elincia: Marcia! Marcia: ....I'm here, Queen. Elincia: Oh! Good, I really wanted to sort this out with you. Marcia: What's there to sort out? Elincia: Well, I think we both made the same mistake. You tried to help me, and I thought it was because I was royalty, and I tried to help you, and you thought I was taking pity on you, but we were both just trying to be good friends! Marcia: ....Wow, I'm stupid, I didn't even think about that. Elincia: So...are we good? Marcia: Yeah, of course, sorry about that, Queen Elincia. Elincia: Since we're such good friends, you really don't have to be so formal. Marcia: Hee hee, how's Lincy sound? Elincia: ...We'll have to work on that.
  15. mr_e_s


    Donatello provided all the Turtle's gadgetry. Turtle Van? Donatello. Communicators? Donatello. The blimp with the detachable jet? Donatello. And he's always making some wacky invention or another. Michaelangelo is just there for cheap laughs and the teenage stereotype of the late 80s.Raphael was aroundfor being a jerk and bad puns. Leo was just a wet blanket. Donny was where it was at. Not speaking for the New Turtles show, as I don't watch it.
  16. Edward x Mia C: Edward: Hyaa! Hyaa! Hyaa! Mia: ... Edward: Take that! Hy-wha-Ow! Mia: *gigles* Good job! Edward: You distracted me! Who are you? Mia: I'm Mia, I work for Ike. Edward: Oh...I'm Eddie. Hey, cool sword! So you're a sword user too, huh? Mia: Uh huh, and you kind of remind me of me a few years back. Edward: Really? Mia: Well, except for that last part where you landed on your butt and almost stabbed yourself, yeah. In any case, good luck training, Eddie. Edward: Yeah...thanks. B: Edward: Mia! Mia: Hmm? Oh, hey there, Eddie, what's up? Edward: I saw you sparring with Ike! You're really good! Mia: Yeah, well, if you were watching the match I think you were, you'll remember I lost. Edward: Still! I couldn't pull off moves that flashy even with years of training! Mia: Don't worry about it, the more you practice, the easier stuff like that gets, just be careful not to impale yourself trying. Edward: Mia...Would you mind sparring with me from time to time? Mia: No problem, but don't think just becasue I'm more experienced means I'll go easy on you! Edward: Of course not! Where's the fun in that? A: Edward: ...You creamed me. Mia: Yeah, but that last thing you did, with the spin, what was that? Edward: Huh? I don't know, I just kind of made it up. Mia: You really almost got me with that. If you can make stuff up like that on the fly, you definitely have what it takes to become a real master! Edward: Really? Mia: For sure! Edward: Wow, cool! Wanna go again? Mia: Why not? Hey, Eddie? Edward: What? Mia: You ever think about getting white robes? Edward: ...Why? Mia: No reason.
  17. Also, in case you're curious as to why these are taking a while, it's because I'm writing them while waiting to respawn while in zombie mode of L4D.
  18. I find this to be a somewhat disconcerting issue. *considers marking for moderation*
  19. Whoa, calm down there, Chett, noone likes a pushy Pete.No reason to be a Needy Ned. Just play it cool, Billy. In conclusion, I havem't read it.
  20. Ike/Micaiah C: Micaiah: General Ike! Ike: Just...Ike, please. Micaiah: Okay, Ike, I need to speak with you. Ike: Right, so what did you need? Micaiah: I just wanted to...apologize for- Ike: Don't bother. Micaiah: What? Ike: Look, you did what you had to do, and you didn't have any other choices, why apologize for that? Micaiah: Well, we were fighting you. Ike: If you really want to make it up to me, fight our enemy harder.*leaves* Micaiah: ...How blunt. B: Micaiah: ... Ike: You look distant. Micaiah: Oh! I was just thinking... Ike: About everyone turning to stone? Micaiah: Well, yeah. It's really all my fault. Ike: That's nonsense. Don't blame yourself. Blame those upper crust idiots causing enough war and strife to let this happen. They used us all to do this. Not just you. Micaiah: I know you're right, but I can't stop feeling this way. Ike: That's completely up to you. Go get something to eat. Sothe was worried about you. *leaves* A: Ike: Wow. Micaiah: What? Ike: Your troops speak incredibly highly of you, you know that? Micaiah: I know, they think I'm something I'm not, though... Ike: They think you saved their homeland from Daein, and that you kept them going through one of it's darkest hours, and you did. What's there to be confused about? Micaiah: They don't see- Ike: Stop being so down on yourself! You've done amazing things, you're an amazing person! Everyonearound you sees it except you! Micaiah: I... I just don- Ike: Just let the past go, move on, Micaiah: Thanks...No, really, thank you. I can tell what Sothe sees in you. You really are a great guy. Ugh, I dislike Micaiah as a char.
  21. Nolan x Jill C: Nolan: You, red head! Jill: What? Oh...are you with us? Nolan: Oh come on, you know me! Jill: I don't think so... Nolan: Come on, I'm the leader of the Dawn Brigade! Jill: Micaiah is the leader of the Dawn Brigade. Nolan: Well, now yeah, but I used to- Jill: Goodbye, Nolan. B: Nolan: Yo, Red! Jill: Mm? Nolan? What is it? Nolan: I just wanted to say thanks, you really saved my but out there the other day! Jill: Oh, I didn't think you even noticed, you were just kind of swinging away... Nolan: Well, if I stopped to say thanks then I probably would have lost an eye or something. Jill: Yeah, I suppose that's true, well, you're welcome. Nolan: ...Well? Jill: What? Nolan: What about that archer that was trying to take you down that I took out? Jill: Huh? I don't remember any archer shooting at me in that last battle... Nolan: That's because I took him out! Jill: Sure, goodbye, Nolan. Nolan:...Wait! A: Jill: Nolan! Nolan: Oh? Hey there, Red. Jill: Wow, that wound looks painful! Nolan: Well, an archer got a lucky shot at my shoulder, it's fine though, no tendons severed or anything. Jill: Lucky shot? He was aiming for me, then you shouted and distracted him! Nolan: Oh, heh, you saw that , huh? Jill: Of course...Thank you for looking out for me. Nolan: Don't worry, Red, I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you could by me a beer if you really wanted to thank me, though. Jill: Sure thing, Nolan.
  22. I'm doing something a bit different right now, to fill my boredom time, it doesn't realy beliong here, though...
  23. mr_e_s, same as everywhere. Either one, it happened years ago.
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