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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. TT is here, but I only have Lyn. Can that change? 4 Blue, 1 Green (Really?) 4* Frederick (Well, least it wasn't an off focus unit. +Spd/-HP) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Gaius (Not even good fodder), 5* Hunktor (I DON'T NEED MY GREENS! The monster has arrived. +Res/-HP isn't great, but it's not +Spd so it's not all bad.), 3* Nino (Drag Back's nice fodder.), 4* F!Corrin (Well, Draconic Aura's nice. +HP/-Atk), 5* Roy (ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. Not the Roy I was looking for, but whatever. +Atk/-HP, actually debating promoting the one I have to merge.) Another 2 5* session, and I almost got what I was looking for too.
  2. This was pretty recent, but hey, we have more quests now. Infantry Emblem: 5* Eirika (+1, Fury 3, Swordbreaker 3, Rally Def, Bonfire, Fortify Res 1 Seal), M!Robin (Daggerbreaker 3, Reposition, Atk 1 Seal), Julia (G!Tomebreaker 3, Reposition), Nohrzura (WoM 3, Luna, Spur Res 1) l cleared it with this team last time, and the only difference is that Eirika has less bulk but doubles the axe because I merged the one I used onto a +Spd one. Might be able to do it without Nohrzura but either her or Eirika is likely necessary for Robin to tank the knives. Julia also needs him to break the Aegis on the manakete for her, while Eirkia takes out the axe and cleric. She and M!Robin deal with Navarre as well. Armour Emblem: This armour strat has 1 SI. Not mine obviously, but it's worth sharing because of relative accessibility: Cavalry Emblem: 5* Sigurd (Reposition, Glimmer, Atk Smoke Seal 1), L'Arachel (Hone Cav), Titania (Death Blow 3, Desperation 3, Hone Cav 3, Swap, Iceberg), B!Lyn (S rank Summoner, Swap, SAA 5) My B!Lyn starts by 1-rounding Navarre. If that doesn't show what happens on offence effectively, I don't know what will. Anyway, Sigurd repositions her and tanks, taking out the axe user. The manakete is in front of him and caused a failure last time, so I have Lyn attack, near 1-rounding the manakete, get Sigurd to reposition and have L'Arachel finish. From there it's about ensuring all three can't attack at once, allowing Titania to get one of the thieves with an Iceberg proc. I'm not remembering everything right, but the cleric's the last unit to take out anyway. Flier Emblem: 5* Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla, Valter (Same as for Xander/Narcian) Magical witch girl OP plox nerf. To be fair, this one is a lot more Newmilla, who tanks a lot of hits from the knives and the cleric. To start, Witch!Nowi 1-rounds the hammer with Valter 2 spaces away, then Newzura gets her out of there. From there it's a bit more limited due to the manakete popping into the middle of the party, which takes up the next turn and leads to Valter tanking the knives and Navarre. From there it's a bit of a mess as the rogue dagger thief messes up everyone's stats in conjunction with the cleric using panic (Because Hone Fliers is always the right call, right?), but Valter and Newzura have to be moved out when they take too much damage (though Navarre's dead first). Eventually all the damage doesn't matter as I finally take out the knives and the cleric after that. Might have redone once.
  3. Is this the end of my pity streak? 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Sakura (And here I was thinking I'd not see her again for a while. +Res/-Atk), 4* Clarine (Well that's disappointing. +HP/-Atk) Back to misery.
  4. There's an innate boost that varies based on class, but there's also an increase based on support level. There's a bit more to it in the calculation (I think), but details should be on the site somewhere. This link here: https://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/pair-up/
  5. After the misery that was Xander yesterday, I'll have to see how this goes. Flier Emblem: 5* Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla, Valter (Same as for the Xander quests) My failed attempt had Witch!Nowi actually 1-round the archer. What I did instead was have her attack, then force the enemy to start kiting, taking out whoever I could safely separate until all that was left was the sword infantry. The GHB clearing duo roll on. Cavalry Emblem: 5* Sigurd (Reposition, Glimmer, Atk Smoke 1 Seal), L'Arachel (Hone Cav 3, BoL Seal 3), Cecilia (Greentome Breaker 3, Hone Cav 3, Drag Back, Draconic Aura, Drive Def Seal 1), B!Lyn (Swap, SAA 5 Seal 1) Had to redo once or twice to get the first step figured out. To start, I have a boosted L'Arachel 1-round the infantry, then gets repositioned by Sigurd, who has to tank the blue mage who doubles him (Thanks DD3 seal!). I pull everyone back, let Cecilia tank the bow user and everyone is pulled back. She also tanks the blue mage, while everyone else moves in. At this point, Narcian start moving for the party separately from the others, so Sigurd is given to tank the . Sigurd then tanks for 0 damage and 1-rounds Narcian, while the others move in for us. Lyn 1-shots the green mage and Sigurd and L'Arachel take out the archer. Armour Emblem: Not figured out yet, have to get that first bait sorted. Infantry Emblem: 5* M!Robin (BowBreaker 3, Reposition, SAA 4 Seal), Sonya (GTomebreaker 3, Drag Back, Atk Ploy 2 Seal), BridLyn (Spd +3, Hone Spd 3, BoL Seal 3), 4* +2 Olivia (Spd +2, Wings of Mercy 3, Luna) Actually did first try, though it had the advantage of being based off my strat from the last time. Thanks to Res Ploy from Sonya, I think M!Robin can kill the sword in two hits without Hone Atk, though I still used it, encouraged the funnelling of the enemy and proceeded to snipe or bait the mages and archers as needed. The mounted bow is baited, then M!Robin is moved back so Sonya baits the blue mage. From there, I retreat so as to allow the others to move closer and take the blue mage out next EP. After that, I pull back again and on the next player phase M!Robin takes out the sniper and Sonya the green mage when they get close enough and she takes enough damage that Olivia can use WoM to teleport in and move everyone out of Narcian's way. She tanks and then finishes Narican in player phase, ending the map. Easier than last time.
  6. True, but I doubt when I did it that many newer teachers would be familiar with rickrolling when it happened. Well, Idoun is the dragon generic factory. But where's the one making Zinque? Guess we'll have to. See, while Wendy and Sophia are awful to raise, the end result is actually more useable if they weren't RNG screwed, though at base they're worse. Wade has the promotion boost, Juno has flier utility. Douglas is stuck in the worst class, with very knighty bases that he can't really improve on, they're not as impressive as all that because enemies will be hitting over 30 damage by the time he joins and he's not going to dodge much at all, which all the others you mentioned should be able to do better. It doesn't help that his con is also too high to rescue for anyone not named Shin, making it harder to use him for those points you want him to choke, probably the one "advantage" Wendy has on him. TL:DR Wendy is objectively worse, but I can't shake how poor Douglas is personally. Yeah, I understand why not. I didn't, I just assumed you were having a laugh. There is worse than that. I saw someone who had 2 of their kids 30 years apart. GEEZ ROY, IT'S CALLED A LIGHT BLADE, IT SHOULD BE EASY TO LIFT! The competence is really questionable. Should have tried Legance's strategy, might keep him around longer. I am disappointed. Clearly they realised that they had to give the name another chance in Awakening. Well he's a corpse. Didn't even get to see Roy recruit him, or you get that brave axe. EVEN WORSE, YOU DIE TO A LANCEREAVER BARTRE. I don't know what to do with you. Or he goes back to being edgy and all his development goes away. He might kill Zephiel though. Add Sloth to his list of sins? Well, this might still end up the canon route. You never know. Well, they probably still assume he's dead (It's Roartz remember?) and the Etruians aren't exactly sending out lookers for their occupation. Still should cover up those golden locks. Or pretend he's Lucius's kid. I didn't expect an even smugger Roy. Amazing. I even missed that you'd edited Elphin too. Speaking of Smoy, because there's no way I can use this now that you've outdone yourself: >When you're about get in a playground fight but your mum arrives at the last second AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WRYYYYYYs what are you doing get out of there. That's one way to use a morph. Nergal should have taken notes. But he's dead. Well, at least Ruben knows what to do this time. So there's our other route. I can already imagine Wrys upon seeing Ruben show up out of nowhere for Chapter 10: With that I leave you with the shittiest of shit posts.
  7. I AM STUPID. Deleted this post earlier, might as well just put it down again. Pulled from the TT Banner, got 4* M!Robin Back to the LA banner, got 4* Hawkeye, Setsuna, Jeorge and Saizo and was on 3.5% AFTER the misery of the Xander maps (Which was not a complete success), I gathered enough orbs to try again. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Felicia (Well, it's better fodder than usual. Neutral, arguably better than I have), 4* Matthew (Is this the future of colourless fodder actually being good? +Res/-Def, nature sucks but what's even good for him?) 3.75%
  8. So, Xander finally showed up. It's about time I got to bash him again. Flier Emblem: 5* Valter (Renewal 3, Goad Cav, Reposition, Heavy Blade 3 Seal), Witch!Nowi (Escape Route 3, Draconic Aura, Iote's Shield (from Lloyd's GHB)), Newzura (Haigota +Def), Newmilla (Haigota +Def, Desperation 3, Reposition) (Witch!Nowi and Fjorm are S rank) Newzura and Witch!Nowi best duo. So Witch!Nowi takes out the swordie with a refresh from Newzura, who is repositioned out by Valter. Nowi then proceeds to just 1-shot the green mage and 1-rounds the cav mage while surviving and everything else is in the way. Valter then tanks Xander in enemy phase, taking 0 damage and finishes him off because Nowi can't due to Aegis.. He also takes out the lancer, allowing Newmilla 1-rounds the cleric and the map is cleared Horse Emblem: THIS MAP IS INFURIATING. EVERY ATTEMPT LEFT ME TOO EXPOSED. Going to leave this here for now, will post if I manage to find some workable strat (Oh to never get a good Rein.....) Armour Emblem: THIS IS ALSO FRUSTRATING. Will return to. Infantry Emblem: 5* Arvis (DaB3, Ardent Sacrifice, Luna, Initiate Res 1 Seal, Water Blessing), Fjorm (Reposition, Spur Atk 1 Seal), Nohrzura (WoM3, Luna, Spur Res 1 Seal, Water Blessing), 4* Arthur (Hone Atk 3, Dragon Gaze) (Arvis and Fjorm are A rank) Water Blessing OP? Maybe, but that lance unit screwed me over here until I replaced Fae with Arthur. To start, Arvis is moved in to take out the sword user with Nohrzura refreshing him. Nohrzura is repositioned by Fjorm, and Arvis forces the healer to go to the green mage after he attacked Arvis, while everyone else is grouped together in the corridor. Arthur 1-rounds the lancer, Arvis takes out the cav mage and then the regular green mage after a dance and Fjorm tanks Xander. Arivs takes out the cleric with a Luna hit, is danced and takes out Xander. In conclusion, Arvis is the true ruler of this map (Especially if he and Fjorm got S rank right after this battle) In all honesty, if I had a red mage armour or cav, this might be easier. Fassum Rassum.
  9. >Can't be limited by dogma if you don't follow it. Not like it matters to single old me.
  10. FINALLY DID IT. (Any deviations from normal listed) 5* BK (+1) (Ward Armour, Reposition, Close Def Seal), Arden (Earth Boost 3, Ward Armour, Pivot, Ignis, Panic Ploy Seal (THANK YOU @Rafiel's Aria, this was necessary)), Hector (Vantage 3, Swap, SA Ace 1 Seal), 4* +9 Wendy (TA 2, BA 3, Ward Armour, Slaying Lance, Reposition, Bonfire, QR 3 Seal) First off, BK tanks the eastern chokepoint with Hector and Wendy below him giving Goad and Ward support. This allows him to tank the lancer and Michalis, who gets a Black Luna to the face and can be easily killed next player phase. He tanks for another turn before Wendy repositions him and takes over, while Hector moves south as the Heavy Spear Lancer moved that way towards Arden. Wendy laughs at what's left of the fliers and Hector and Arden move south again. I start moving everyone so that the lancer can be fought with as much support I can muster. Hector is then moved to tank the lancer with 2 Wards behind him, he tanks, and the lancer is (finally) killed on player phase. FUCK. THIS. QUEST.
  11. Got infantry after too many retires with 5* B!Ike, Nephenee, Ayra and Summer Robin. Armour still eludes me. It's the issue of lack of mobility for me, I can't get enough damage on Wendy either, if she could actually take out the lance flier that would be no big deal.
  12. Surprise, I kind of want Hector and Bowy 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green, Blue 3* Virion (Trash), 4* Jakob (Blanked again, the memory won't fade. +HP/-Atk), 4* Titania (Could be better. +Spd/-Atk) 4 Red, 1 Blue (Oh no) 4* Wendy (Another merge level for MechaWendy. Is +HP/-Spd better than +Def/-Spd?) I'm on 3.25% because of getting Lyn in the middle of the third pull yesterday. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Serra (Again Colourless hell in motion.), 3* Nino (More fodder. *Sigh) Still 3.25% sadly.
  13. Well, I've done it before, I can do it again. Flier Emblem: 5* Michalis, Hinoka, Valter, Newmilla Nice and easy. Michalis and Newmilla tank the lance flier and Michalis, Michalis is killed on player phase, Valter and Hinoka are moved in to deal with the sword fliers on the next player phase and Michalis sits to take the lance infantry. Ward Fliers ensures Michalis keeps up his QR and the reduction in offence is negligible. Horse Emblem: 5* Sigurd, B!Lyn, Camus, Titania Also first try. Camus with Hone Cav demolishes the Zanbato cav, he also takes a sword flier because of Vantage twice, Lyn takes the other, Sigurd 1-rounds Michalis, Titania takes both lance users. Armour Emblem: 5* +1 BK, VampHenry, 5* Hector, 4* +9 Wendy CHRIST THAT LANCER. CHRIST THOSE PEGASI. Handsome Hector would be so much more helpful. If only I had a Sheena Fodder right now for Hector, this would be easier. If Wendy was stronger as well. THIS QUEST IS NUTS. I am needing help with this one. Infantry Emblem: I'll deal with this when the Armour quest is done, probably use a similar team to what I had back in November. I have to admit I need help with the armour quest. I am lost as to the layout for this quest
  14. I actually think so (Despite how that sounds), though I can't say for certain.
  15. You can do it at any point before Sigurd gets to Velthomer. So yes they don't have to be all sorted out by Lubeck. Probably for the best to get the unnecessary ones out of the way.
  16. My question: Why Spice and Wolf? What made it so compelling to you? I ask as I don't know about it at all.
  17. It seems like the will of Naga faded out of the Book of Naga (Similar to the other divine weapons, hence explaining the reduction in stats) over time unlike the Falchion, which gained strength through the rite of the Exalt. So at creation the Book of Naga is stronger but by the time of Awakening Falchion (At least the Exalted one) is stronger imo. Though Acacia is right about none of the Judgrali weapons attacking dragons directly and never being tested on them. As for Medeus vs. Loptyr, I would consider Loptyr potentially stronger, though we don't really see much of Loptyr that isn't dependent on a vessel. Medeus does show his full might and while he can be attacked y more than Falchion, he still needs to be attacked by Divine Dragons. So Medeus as we see him, though Loptyr could have been stronger.
  18. Funny thing is I forgot that. Unnecessary hones for about half the map. Imagine If B!Hector had the same effect somehow. I don't know if I could clear the map then.
  19. Paralogue 18 was really quite fun, Hector is the best paralogue character since Ephraim's "Disgusting". Of course because of his actions we'll be worrying about Berskerer Armads for months to come. Also map 3 was probably the toughest story map on its own for the first time in a while. Took some actual reworking to clear the quest on Lunatic (Like replacing Raigh with Lilina or making sure Lyn got as much attack as possible in both rounds and that Eliwood was dead beforehand), mainly because Berserker Hector is a beast. TLDR: Berserker Hector scares me and I love him.
  20. I guess I read that wrong, I thought that the quests for the blessings meant you had to do that. That's my mistake. Guess I'll have to edit.
  21. So I didn't bother killing Lloyd with Lloyd in Infernal (Says the idiot who thought Lloyd had to kill Lloyd for the blessing), but I cleared the others fine (Barring Infantry, which took a bit.) Flier Emblem: 5* +1 Elincia, 5* Witch!Nowi, Valter, Newzura (Witch!Nowi and Newzura have S rank) Neutral Witch Nowi survives the archer with Iote's Shield, Drive Def 3 and her at least B-rank Ally next to her (Ward Flier might be able to emulate, though she had one HP when she was attacked). Learned that after she died the first time. Other than that one of the easier ones, though I did also screw up by leaving Airzura get lunged where I couldn't get her out. Elincia with boosts could 1-round axes, Witch!Nowi 1-rounded Lloyd because of all the boosts she had (Hone and 2 Goads, plus the bond skill), Newzura was the weakest link but did fine with help. Armour Emblem: 5* +1 BK, VampHenry, 5* Hector, 4* +8 Wendy First try with this one. Used Armour March to get Henry ready to fight the fighter, then get repositioned by BK. He sits, takes the fighter out and 1-shots the bow fighter thanks to hones and Black Luna. From there, proceeded to fight with each enemy using Weapon Triangle to take them out, barring Wendy who finished the flier. Wendy also 1-shot Lloyd with Bonfire proc. Probably the easiest to make barring Vamp!Henry. Theoretically L!Eliwood could act like Hector did if he has Swap as my Hector didn't really fight, Wendy has Slaying Lance but probably should be able to deal the damage as well as mine did with TA3 instead of 2 and Killer Lance, BK is freely available and purchasable, Vamp Henry might be replaceable with A!Lyn. Horse Emblem: 5* Eliwood, Titania, Ursula, B!Lyn (Eliwood and Lyn, Titania and Ursula have S) First try with this one. Lyn starts the fighting, I reposition everyone out and start sniping to take out close by units as they come. Eliwood needed all the boosts he could get to survive the axe flier as it attacked and left him with 1 HP. Infantry Emblem: 5* Fjorm, Sonya, Arvis, B!Ike (Arvis and Fjorm have A rank) This took more than a few retries, mainly because of the Bow Knight. Arvis needed a Spd +1 seal, Fjorm a space away and DaB to 1-round the axe fighter, then gets repositioned. Ike is then put in to tank most everything, I have everyone start with cleanup on the next phase and all that was left was Lloyd, who Fjorm tanked.
  22. Tried Hard. Probably might switch to expert because it might be easier to predict hits. Not that I care unless it turns out getting S rank matters. Also, Roy's Journey sucks and I'm miffed that I had to listen to it for 40 floors.
  23. Keep in mind I only promoted Valter of these three at present, so here are my thoughts: Valter is pretty good on promotion, with a unique weapon that gives quicker cooldown and a partial fury effect. He's not so fast without ally skills, but he can cause some serious damage, hitting 50/33 with his weapon and can easily do a lot more damage with the right skills or even a few Goad Fliers. If you don't like him taking damage then you can use Renewal, which is particularly good for modes like CC or TT. Lyon gets a personal Raven tome, so he's got potential as a Lynbreaker in arena and his high res makes him alright for tanking green magic as well. Lloyd has a sword which makes him faster when his opponents have full health, his stats work well for a fast sword but he has plenty of competition. I'd say it depends on what you're lacking the most.
  24. So, Soren. I got a 5* one in the LA banner, and I've got some questions: 1: The 5* one is +Res/-HP, the 4* one I have is +Def/-Res. Which one do I keep and should I promote the 4* one for merging purposes if it's the 5*? 2: If I don't keep the 5*, who benefits the most from Watersweep?
  25. This banner has tempted me more as it's come closer to release. Hopefully I can get at least Lyn. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Abel (Alright, not bad fodder. He's +Res/-Atk), 5* Lancina (*Airhorns Wait, really? I JUST PULLED YOU! SHE'S ALSO +SPD/-RES. I MERGE THE LEVELLED ONE ONTO HER RIGHT?), 4* Olivia (I've been looking for Hone Atk 3, but the merge level would be more useful +Def/-Spd), 4* Cherche (Eh, could be worse fodder. Shame I can't really merge onto the 5* I just promoted. +Res/-Atk), 4* Priscilla (Well, could be worse. Though 5* might have been better +HP/-Atk) 3 Blue, 2 Colourless (My chances are good?) 4* Peri (I was afraid for a second. +Spd/-Res. Might be better than what I have), 4* Mathilda (Well, it's Hone Atk 3. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Oscar (Fodderman arises from the blue! +Res/-HP), 3* Niles (Iceberg fodder), 4* Rebecca (If she'd been 5* again.... +HP/-Def) 3 Green, 1 each Blue, Red 5* Soren (WHAT IS MY LUCK? +Res/-HP. Is that any good or do I sacrifice for Watersweep?), 5* A!Lyn (AMEN! GOT HER! +Spd/-Res. THAT'S CLOSE TO AMAZING!), 3* Nino (Fodder it is), 4* Gunter (Well, it's more Hone Cav. Where are the cavs? Neutral), 4* Fir (Disappointing finish? Sure. But I got Lyn quite quick so I'm good. +Def/-HP) 3 5* units, Lyn Emblem and a fear of blue orbs. I doubt I'll be pulling tomorrow.
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