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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I don't know what I was worrying about Takumi for. -Atk honed Hinoka can 1-round Takumi with DB 2 and Blazing Wind. That's amazing. Though both bonus runs had 2 archers in the final map. That seems like it was planned. :P
  2. Quick Riposte seal, that's just beautiful. Also, for those going with Ravening Takumi to death, it's nice to know he doesn't have CA. Though I am concerned with Desperation with an all flier squad. Might just switch in Springmilla instead of Witch!Nowi and give her Gronnraven first..
  3. Let's try before TT. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Effie (+HP/-Spd, best nature I've pulled so far), 4* Leon (+HP/-Atk, Honestly kind of meh to pull. Would prefer Rebecca or especially Klein to do this) Well, tomorrow's another day.
  4. Poor Treck. Being the only member of the troop left who can fight, having to see Jerrot break down and all the expectations that arise out of that. I just hope he doesn't die too, he's another unit I like a lot from this game. I do something similar when I play it: It's either Medic or Heavy, with the rare dive into something like Engineer. I wonder what other insults could work like that. ......You clearly forget that Hugh's the worst regarded (certainly outside of Hard), for similar reason, his later appearance and that you have to pay to get him. Yes, Quality. In a sense. I'm only doing the rebuttal now as all the info's on the table. Okay, let me explain why that conclusion is wrong. It's also established in BS that pretty much all the marquesses are descended from Roland, which makes sense when you consider it's been 1000 years since the Scouring and Roland likely expanded the domain of Lycia from Ostia, which explain's Ostia's prominence. From there, marriage between the houses makes sense and is something to pass the time I guess. To be fair, this does not say that other Lycians would be unworthy of wielding Durandal as well, so that's one plothole. It also doesn't explain why only Eliwood is allowed wield Durandal, but the beta data shows Lyn was able to swing Durandal around as well. In other words, Eliwood being the only wielder in BS is the result of gameplay, not story. Kaim, unlike Roland, seems to not be a dick and restrict the weapon to bloodlines either, meaning Hector earns his weapon by might making right. The exclusivity also is a bit nonsensical there, especially with BB having units need S rank for them rather than being x unit. Arguably better because the enemies usually have bad res. That's the holy spirit! Potential power couple? I'm fine with this. Deus Vult! (Alternate lines included Dies Irae, but I thought it was too on the nose.) I swear, that's what lead Bishop Casey to having that kid and keeping it secret for years. (Ah yes, jokes that only people from one country will get. I'll be perfect for this format if I finish) I may have been wrong. Anyone would be paranoid after that chapter to be fair. BOOOO Don't claim your boss's kills man! No wonder Narcian hurts my thoughts on Zephiel as well. The congregation arrives! Even Margaret and Humphery are there! But, but, Hot for Teacher! Course, I find it ridiculous, but Roy's FE's first harem king. He needs the older one in his list of cliche brides. Perceval could likely solo Narcian's band of warriors alone. Perceval makes everything better. So he's going to be on your bench. They had to find some way right? I mean, the three maps shouldn't be that much time. Maybe they were on the border anyway. Again, Perceval's bases. Humphrey's Missingno! On that grim note we end the first arc of BB. So now we have to wonder how Marcus will react to this guy. I mean Ruben's not the most liked by him before now and I don't see Cecilia being that sympathetic either for some reason. Least it's good for filling in the timeskip time.
  5. I know I can't count it, but Leaf's personal arc is great. There's a reason he's my favourite lord. As for a story arc, It's probably between the Manster arc, Lenster arc (both in Thracia) and the end of the Plegian Arc. I'd consider bringing up chapter 5 as it would likely by multiple chapters by a more standard game, same with Alm's part of Chapter 4 (Even I can't pretend that Cheddah's involvement isn't a mess). Future Past is the best of the DLC at present, but I didn't want to focus on it too much. As well as that, Heirs of Fate was I think the best of the arcs in Fates, contrived as that ending is.
  6. Alright, so Dublin's the kind of place I'm not usually in (what with living pretty much on the other side of the country), so some general tips. Make sure to have a jacket ready, it'll still be likely to rain even if it's not the depths of winter and you're not on the west coast. Short clothes are still not a good idea for that time of the year. I can't really say where to avoid as I'm not based in Dublin. I think I'd say more on what not to do if I had a bit more information.
  7. Probably never see that luck again. Both Newzura and Newmilla's all make sense, probably go for those if I pull any, though only Moonbow is obtainable right now. I'd probably pick Witch!Nowi as the fourth if I pick this team, though the overuse of Hone Fliers is a concern. I had a bad natured Hinoka beforehand, but decided the old one with -Atk could be salvaged a bit easier than the one with -Spd that had been pulled then (Both were +Res). She has DeB2, LB2 and Swap as is. -Atk Hinoka can still be an issue, though this is TT at least. Thanks both of ye, I'll need to figure out what I can get in the long run and until then hope Takumi isn't too scary.
  8. Did I mention I got Newmilla and Newzura in the same pull? With +HP/-Def on both of them? It was oddly fitting (well, that and Hinoka also being there. Even more mental with the bonus units this time around). Any ideas for skills for the two? I'll also consider using Hinoka, but her nature's bad.
  9. I don't know if people remember my constant referring to Wendy ceaselessly showing up in the pull topic. I at one point had a 3* +2 (a mistake in hindsight) in the first week of the game or something (3 of my first 10 pulls, to give the idea) and her recurrence was a sort of personal joke. Well, here are the results of that recurring trend. My biggest (and unintended) project:
  10. Finally crushed the infernal version of the true narcissist (from what I can tell, haven't played Tellius) with the true rallyqueen (as well as 3 princesses of various nations). 5* Eirika (+Def/-Spd, Fury, Swordbreaker, Rally Def, Bonfire, Rally Res 2 Seal), SummElise (+Def/-HP, G!Tomebreaker, Draconic Aura, HP +3 seal.), Nohrzura (+Atk/-Res, Wings of Mercy, New Moon, Spur Res 1 Seal) and Fjorm (Neutral, Reposition, Spur Atk 1 Seal) were used. Took a few turns to move units in to the right, but once Elise, Eirika (in between to provide buffs) and Fjorm were in there I had Elise 1-round the horse, Fjorm reposition her and Eirika moves out. After Fjorm tanks the manakete and mage, the next turn is about moving out of the corridor, everyone being behind Fjorm in the south. The next enemy phase sees the green mage and Oliver head for the left corridor, while the other three are now in the right corridor having to hold off a boosted Fjorm. Eirika helps finish off the manakete, Fjorm blocks the red mage and infantry while everyone else waits in range. Eirika and Elise team up to defeat Oliver, and Fjorm waits to take out the mage and hold the sword infantry. From there, Eirika takes out the green mage with Nohrzura's help and Elise and Fjorm team up to beat the sword infantry. 2000 feathers and another meme are mine.
  11. Found on the FEH subreddit, continuation of this one.
  12. Hard could be done with most anything I have. Think I cleared with 4* units like Hawkeye (5* Chrom literally went unused). Lunatic had me using 4* Barst (No Brave Axe, has Axebreaker), 5* Julia (G!Tomebreaker, Reposition), Fjorm (Reposition) and Bride!Lyn (WS!Candlelight). Barst took a lot of damage, but kept on trucking with help from Brave!Lyn, Fjorm is well able to take opponents out and Julia barely got involved because of me letting all the enemies through. Infernal is actually quite concerning, partly because Arvis is 1 speed short of 1-rounding (I think) the manakete with Valflame, Uror boosts and DaB. The one problem I need to solve is the first turn of tanking, it might take me a bit.
  13. ...If I still had a Roy and enough time to prep Bunilla.... That would be the best of the lot imo, but no Bowbreaker sadly.
  14. Actually, yes. It's currently on my Bunilla, but if I were to stick it on someone like Newilla, Hinoka or even my 4th unit.... Yeah, that's probably the way. Have to figure out my fourth unit, it'd be so simple if I had Summer Corrin to be honest. I'd probably want a unit with Fortify as well to seal the deal. Newmilla would be good for it. Shame neither Witch!Nowi or Bunilla have a blade tome between them, far as I recall. Iote's shield is the obvious other choice, though Takumi's bases will determine my approach.
  15. ....I have the three fliers for this TT. On the other hand Takumi's the boss. Should I go and use the three fliers in my first party?
  16. That's great actually. I mainly choose blades for it because they really don't matter much otherwise. Also, another edit idea because I couldn't think of one before I had to head out earlier: Knoll gets replaced by Canas. Bases, growths, weapon ranks, affinity, all the gameplay stuff is Canas instead.
  17. I'd be number 3 but I just don't log in when looking at stuff on Youtube. Which is why I always make sure for her to be outside of range and not be attacked before she can run into Klein. It's not that hard thankfully What, leave her in range of them? I'm not that daft. Yes, yes that was. I might give her a lot of credit, but I just always tend to have the troubadours turn out well (somehow excluding Priscilla), so they always get a bit more credit from me. Same for their characters too (Again, excluding Priscilla). Either way, might as well bury this tangent. I may have mistakenly guessed that they were heading to the Western Isles. Seems I was wrong. I heard this clip while the laptop was muted. Fitting choice. Basements can be surprising sometimes. I've lived in one, There can be a surprising amount of space. Barth just picks her up right after. Pfft. Just see him saying something like "Now now, just because you electrified a man doesn't mean you can tank. Now watch as others tank better than I can." Eh, skill might be nice for axes if he promotes. The mage's mind right now. With Wade in range mind. BB thrones for you. If he had higher strength, I'd be jumping about it. As is...... This guy's next. Joy. After 8x of course, we have the Battle Congregation of the 5 minus 2 armies. Wait that sounds disappointing.
  18. Blades get +2 weight, -1 Might and 1-2 range. (Gives blades a niche for sword wielders)
  19. Free Ryoma chance? Free Ryoma chance. 3 Blue, 2 Green (Best not to react.) 3* Odin (Well, it's fodder) Need more orbs to get squat from the RD banner. My mistake to bother.
  20. I knew it sounded like him! Sadly not Danny DeVito (I actually like the idea, meme as it was), but I can live with this. Wonder if Reynolds will take this into account for the movie. Though this seems like something very unserious, judging by what I'm hearing. Might have a laugh at that overall, so either that's a good thing or it's supposed to be serious and it's already doomed.
  21. Wrathful staff forging is beautiful. Bride!Lyn gets so much damage out of it. If only she weren't -Spd and couldn't get Fury. It speaks volumes how much better staves do with that.
  22. Getting Jakob sucked. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 4* Catria (Well, she's +Spd/-Res. Might be better than the one I have), 4* Jagen (+HP/-Def, he is Fortify Cav fodder at least), 3* Matthew (I don't get him often enough. +Spd/-Atk, well that's a shame but his attack sucks anyway.) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 3* Wendy (And the saga continues.), 4* Cordelia (+Atk/-Def, already have +Spd. Probably could pass on), 3* F!Corrin (Well, she is a useful fodder. -Atk sadly) 3.25% 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Mae (+HP/-Spd. Fodder it is.), 3* Serra (3* cleric. Snore.) 4 Blue, 1 Green 3* Oboro (Well, could be better. Nature's not great, merge makes sense), 4* Jagen (More Fortify Cav. I seem to get the Hones and so on in waves), 3* Shanna (More desperation fodder), 4* Tailtiu (Got my hopes up for a second, and her nature's not great) This banner, like so many others, shows more disappointment.
  23. We'll see if Michiah shows up. Hopefully she does, My blue mage options are M!Robin, Ursula and Springcina. A refresh is needed. Sothe would be neat too. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Oscar (Not the one from Tellius I'm looking for, but it is Lancebreaker 3. +Res/-HP), 4* Sakura (It's flower power. +Def/-Atk) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Really wants me to pull Zelgius apparently?) 4* Effie (Well, she's +Res/-Def. Dangit), 4* Azama (Asshat, are you good this time? +Spd/-Def. So close) 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Jackpot?) 4* Oscar (ALL THIS LANCEBREAKER FODDER. +HP/-Atk), 4* Odin (He is good fodder. +Def/-Atk), 4* Lukas (+Def/-HP. I may be able to roll with that.), 3* Shanna (About time a 3* showed up. -Spd sadly, so fodder she is.), 5* Jakob (WELL FUCK. DROP THE BASTARD TO THE DEPTHS PLEASE. +HP/-Res, Renewal might be worth it.) THAT ENDING RUSTLES ME. I HAVE GOTTEN JAKOB 3 TIMES WHEN HE WAS NOT WANTED. FUCKING JAKOB.
  24. Miriel, don't care what class you end up with.
  25. Well, SA6 has a disappointing seal. Easy enough clear, 2 retries total.
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