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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. TWEWY's plot can seem quite a bit edgy and over the top and silly... it is but I still liked it (I was 16 getting it though, so take that as you will). The actual setting's really good though and the music is as well. The gameplay has also varied from version to version based on the hardware. DS had 2-screen fighting with the stylus and directional buttons (or face buttons for the lefties), iOS pretty much ditched the second character entirely and I can't tell exactly what this port will do right now, though Neku has stayed pretty consistent across all of them. I liked the original DS version, though it's probably going to feel it's age a bit here. The new content is where I start wondering. They also showed Fe, though the indie status of it is debatable because EA are publishers.
  2. Out of nowhere..... TL:DR: Snore. No 3DS, lots of stuff I'm uninterested it.
  3. ......Wait how does that make sense? She's got the ability to run into her brother better than Roy could. That horse makes a difference. Well, I thought I saw similarities, though it might be just the way everything is angled. Ah, but you probably won't do as bad as many other protagonists. The castle might probably won't blow up. Well, he said around the room. Probably expected the Lycian army to die outside it. But knowing what's coming..... Again, the genius of Gaylance. Yeah, that's not clever. But it's about as clever as Legance might seem. I thought Treck was being hit by 2 lances here. ...... Stealing this for future use. I do get This. Still prefer Dorothy/Clarine's support, because Clarine actually is a better person than usual and is actually helpful to Dorothy. Sadly, we'll never see it. Bors probably told her not to grieve. Bors was wrong. Immediately thought of this: Barth is too memeable. iunderstoodthatreference.jpg Again, Legance the master general. No words needed. Roy has levels by now. And better bases. And Better growths. And more accurate weapons. Point being Wendy sucks don't use her. At least Legance gives some smiles out. Even if it's a smile for "Oh honey, he's trying to rebel. How cute." You know what, I didn't expect an actual useful tactic here. I wouldn't think of this, so thanks. Treck: Possible best unit? I hope so. The king of obliviousness being the best here would be worth the chuckle. Probably not. From what I can tell, once Roy talks to her she prioritises running away to the north. Maybe she can't get to there at all this turn so she just doesn't bother? DUN DUN DUN. Alright then, Ruben and Wrys will be involved in the Western Isles. How will you deal with the route split?
  4. .....Well, this banner is spoiler city. Kind of wish I could have it blacked out or something. On the other hand, there's a story update after 6 weeks, a terrain type that spells anti-cav, higher Hero Merit caps are out and Cymbeline gets to be refinable. Michiah seems like a neat ploy user, and her weapon is OP as all get out, Sothe looks legit crazy powerful with good IVs and a more useful Rogue Dagger and Zelgius is like "What if I rebalanced my stats barring getting more defence" while also free teleporting. He also gives no solitary fuck for spoilers. Dick. Also, when Thracia? This will now be my question on every banner.
  5. Actually no, it's an option that can be toggled off but it's not animations. Looking up generic enemy mercenaries (essentially the hero class) crashes the game, and that includes scrolling over them if you have certain options toggled on. But that's avoidable and they can be fought without crashing. It only affects generic mercenaries in the last 3 chapters.
  6. So I got round to updating my summons spreadsheet. I'm on 670 now, and the big changes include a lot more green pulls and the 3* and 4* pulls are actually about equal now. My luck with 3* units just won't decrease. Some pie charts of the overall summons. Feel like I should pop the actual spreadsheet somewhere.
  7. Tried to do the missions in Lunatic with Bride Lyn. Failed, went for Sonya. Team of 5* Alfonse, Sharena, Anna and Sonya. Sonya tanks the green mage first (because the blue mage doesn't bother to fight her) and then I pull back a bit. Then the sword cav fights Sharena on enemy phase and loses to Alfonse on player phase, Sharena moves to fight Eirika who gets Luna'd to death and Anna then has to move in to take out both blue mage and Ephraim. Would you believe it but Alfonse and Sharena got to S rank right afterwards too. (Probably deserve all the disgusting memes my way)
  8. I don't think it glitches up much at all, but it's been a while since I played it in full. I'm not someone who pretends to say a translation is accurate, so I'd ask someone else. The only gamebreaking glitch is on a chapter near the end of the game but that's in gameplay and can be prevented by turning an option off in the menu.
  9. Can I get flying Azura? 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Camilla (Oh hey, another one. Savage Blow fodder for me. +HP/-Spd) And that's 3.5% 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Well crap) 4* F!Corrin (+Spd/-Atk. Bit of a shame) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Gunter (It's a Hone Cav bot), 4* Arthur (....Well, he's fodder) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (Well that's a bit of deja vu) 5* Newzura (WOOOOO! Somehow ended up in my castle! +HP/-Def, could be worse, but I have a bonus unit that doesn't hamper me either), 4* Leon (Need to check my current one, but this +Res/-Atk one isn't going to stay long), 5* Newmilla (WELL WELL WELL. It so happens she showed up, so that's a bonus, I'll take it. +HP/-Def as well sadly), 5* Hinoka (HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS. LUCKY FUCKING DAY. +Res/-Spd though, about as bad as my first one), 4* Odin (Well, he's good fodder. +Spd/-Res, worth passing.) I have Hone Fliers fodder. Not every day I could say that. Here's my proof, because I will likely never see this again.
  10. It's more like you have to know what the messed up text means. It mostly affects options in the menu and flavour text for items, so stuff like items themselves, characters and numbers are fine. It's playable for sure. This is from the patch I have, to give an idea of what it's like for gameplay. Didn't get any glitchy story dialogue in the short time I was checking, so this'll have to do.
  11. To be fair, I had been expecting Tharja/Camilla final this time. It appears I was mistaken after all, but it was predictable who'd win. Either way I did not even bother getting all the feathers and the only reason I was putting flags in late was because I'd been to a late screening last night. Lissa got to a final, that's neat imo. Not likely to happen again.
  12. The translation is buggy in places, the text is definitely not fixed in menus and it's kind of known for a meme for years now (unless that was an older patch I'm thinking of). It's merely serviceable and if you want to wait that's fine. The issue for Thracia is that it's a game that is far tougher without guidance as there is a lot of weird mechanical differences and design choices that are plain frustrating. Doesn't help that the best guide for the game is on a Spanish site (which is alleviated by the guide getting a full translation without google translate). But if you do know what you're doing it's so exploitable that the difficulty really goes down. I'd say that Thracia is the hardest title on it's lowest difficulty out of what I've played, particularly if playing blind.
  13. LET ME GUESS, BERN ARE OUR SAVIOURS. WE'RE NOT WORTHY. It seems Rutget wants to punch the enemy to death. The problem is that his opponent has the high ground in the form of a horse. I knew you'd care! Well, that's Fir gone, and possibly Karel gone too. Least you can just let her die on someone's lance now. Oh wait. Well that makes Klein harder to get. Also Clarine's dead. You monster. Mostly just observing the good edit. Though I'm still lost as to which side that scar should be on. Also, 2 updates? Damm. So it appears that they might have gotten away.... But for this Sigune-looking woman. So I wonder what she's doing here. Is she a subordinate to one of the generals? *Audible groan. Mind. Gutter. Out. Jeez, there's now more corpses for Humphry than there was for Ruben. How does he explain that mess?
  14. I wasn't remembering how broken Robin was overall. +4 to the chosen stat for modifiers purposes. That's just crazy. I still said most of the time it wouldn't be higher than 3 either way because of that (to be fair, including Lonk. I was remembering one of his kid's stat modifiers. My mistake.). Nobody in Gen 1 barring Robin and some of the spotpass units are getting modifiers over 3 and they all tend to balance out anyway.
  15. Caps. The caps for each class and modifiers for each unit are on the main site, and you have to add the modifiers to the class caps to get each unit's specific caps (HP has no modifiers, caps out at 80 for everyone). Unless you're someone like Lon'qu or a gen 2 unit, it's unlikely for a modifier to be beyond 3 either way. Some of the other skills that she might consider for instance are Lancefaire on Falcoknight orTomebreaker on Sorcerer but only bother if you have way too much patience or a long period of time/preparing for Apothesis as they're all at level 15, like most of the ridiculous skills are.
  16. Why not be Sirius? Because you could be Merric. (Merric, by the way)
  17. ......HOW? I mean, I'm happy to have gotten to the final with Chrissa and all, but that is kind of proof that the multiplier is pretty dumb. Not seeing Tharja and Camilla in the final might be a relief to someone who's not a big fan of them, but still. Did not see it coming. Expect an Azura win though, Chrissa's not going to be that popular right?
  18. Don't. It would be more interesting than Xane. A lot has been mentioned, much that I agree with, but I'll say some stuff here. For me, Fates is kind of my "IT'S TIME TO STOP" when it comes to throwing dragons in. I've ranted as to why elsewhere, but Anankos is the perfect case of doing nothing right overall, and dragons kind of need to be scaled back in future if this is the extent we're going to get. If Laguz are as good as I hear here, maybe that's more of the direction to take, but the one thing I'll say is that dragons/Manaketes need to be treated differently next time regardless of direction. SoV has caused some frustration for some people because of the confirmation of Mila and Duma as dragons, but it made sense with those two anyway when you also consider how Naga in particular has worship heaped on her for honestly less involvement, at least at the same points in time based on the timeline for those parts of the series. They were still kind of there in that game without much more in terms of their direct involvement and that's worth a complaint though. We'll have to see how FE Switch is handled, but hopefully whatever dragons they are aren't too close a retread. As for the lolification, I don't think removing loliketes will save us from the loli. I don't think I have anything clever to comment beyond that.
  19. I kind of feel like that idea's shot in the foot a bit because of weapon refinery, unless they just give them the same upgrade. Obligatory mentions of Reina, Yukimara and I think that Nils would be a nice green dragon, while Myrrh could be any imo, probably green if Nils isn't.
  20. I'll see if I can get that dancing flier. Also, free unit day. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (Perfect) 3* Barst (Reposition's fine) Back to NY banner. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Gunter (Well, he has Hone Cav), 3* Frederick (Probably worse to pull sadly) 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Beruka (+Atk/-HP. Is it any good?) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Arthur (Lancebreaker fodder then), 4* Frederick (I swear he wants to be too common. I also have +Atk/-Res already) 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue 3* Cecilia (I've been looking for her lately actually. Rally Res is something I can use for another fodder), 4* Gunter (Well, he does have Hone Cav right away. +Def/-HP) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green 4* Cecilia (Well, it's ER 3 from the off) That was disappointing.
  21. Forgot with Karel to be fair (though he also has the issue of being the game's Gotoh), and Bartre might have bases now, but he's on the B Route so more often than not he doesn't exist for me. I have not forgotten. The struggle for Treck is real. .....HOLY CRAP MERLINUS YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST! Well, I should get round to that thing I said earlier after this fabulous edit. That's part of my issue. He seems a little too competent in the cutscenes, not really getting much in the way of emotional moments. So for me he might be a bit too perfect in story. In game totally balances that out until chapter 22. So it has to arrive wherever she is (likely by pigeon), she has to gather a powerful force and a second general and all in the time it takes for Roy to take two thrones in close places. Roy must have perfect Charisma rolled or something. I try to use him. I really do. I don't know if I could use him legitimately. That face is also effective imo. Dang. Also, down a pretty good unit there. Man dying in Ostia, who gets saved and passes his sword on, likely before moving on. Oujay maybe? Karel? One of the series's many swordsmen wandering the world after the war they were part of? HOW DOES HUMPHREY EXPLAIN THIS ONE? Wait, how does Ruben explain the other times then? I've always felt you were intentionally too strict on this, but I get it. Course, I'd also rather not kill the lord off just for a reset. I assume you meant lunch. Also the LP isn't in the spoiler for the most part. Could be worse, the images might not have loaded at all.
  22. I don't even do that. And when I say solo, I meant it. No supports for the dodge queen. Besides, I'd pick Dorothy, Dieck or Lance anyway to be contrarian. I've never felt much interest in Rutger, though he's still one deadly unit. Gonzales best axe. I don't care if he's as likely to hit someone as Tom Hanks, I always love using him. Oh look, you actually remembered. I'm touched. Also dangit, had to remind me. Again, a summary of BB's pre-chapter dialogue: Merlinus: Roy no. Roy: Roy yes! Think I've seen Smug Roy (Now called Smoy from here on out) somewhere. Might be better than Leery Marth. GBA smudge, where would we be without it? Shin's not her brother. Also his bases are great. So naturally you have to not level him up too much or else you get Sacae. He's also popular as a result. What are the powers of Human Mr. Potato Head, that he can ignore the RNG so thoroughly? At least he ain't Pretzel. You'll come around at this rate. Calling it. Or she'll die next chapter. Can see that too. I can get Merlinus liking Human Mr. Potato Head (now known as Humphry), though Marcus seems a little too quick to do so. Must have been easily Rubed up the wrong way before. Also, Marcus and Merlinus may have expected too much good as everyone barring Eliwood is worse than in BS 20 years ago. Nostalgia eh? Don't be so smug Marcus, you can't near solo the game this time! Also yeesh, Sid got left in the dust. Small mercies that Ruben and Wrys showed up while running away right?
  23. Yeesh, her personality is pretty grating. On the surface she's pretty awful. But the supports actually do help a bit, as well as additional material like her and Tiki's harvest festival conversation. I'd say the characterisation is better than expected, but the surface personality is pretty bad. Still > Tharja imo.
  24. I'm going to mention Drill Dozer for GBA if you can pick it up for a good price. It's a platformer with a nice central mechanic. I'm surprised at the absence of Advance Wars being mentioned but I'd look into it and see if you might like it. Any of it. Echoing mentions of TWEWY, CT and the portable Metroidvanias (mainly the Sorrow titles), and FF5/6 for GBA because 4 is better elsewhere (On the DS in particular) Radiant Historia is also coming out for 3DS this year (It's 2018 here now), so if you're like me it's the only way to get it without importing or if you're in a region that can get it it's pretty rare as far as I know.
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