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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Yes, yes there are. If I were a full time asshole. Kind of an unemployed freelance asshole at present, trying to find some position. Those last two responses referred to the ones in that reply. Felt a bit bad. I should get some sleep if I write comment as commonet. Which I shall now describe as a section of internet infrastructure owned by a community. True, her magic is pretty subpar. Still a pretty constantly used unit in BB and was a regular healer in Heroes for a long while. I have a lot of fun once she is trained, especially when she can solo an entire squad in Chapter 21. OH NO. In a run like this it cannot end well. Good ol' Merlinus. Is Roy a swordomancer or something? Maybe that explains his bad stats, he secretly has amazing magic that he doesn't use directly. Eliwood/Ninian confirmed? Diecks just dang done died. All the jokes I could have made...... I should have done them sooner. I don't think all the letters for tactician are there. Truly the greatest. Honestly I wouldn't have been surprised if this was on purpose. But then again you need all the healers you can get. ......Uhhhh, I don't think I can respond adequately. That sprite actually leaves me on edge. It's not like the mages in this game are amazing off the bat as is and losing one of the better ones is no good news. Especially because it makes it more likely you can't use Gonzales. Well, this can only end well. But don't you see? The Elimine church is a well trusted organisation that has a foothold in every part of the continent and are trusted as a holy group. Even if there's a chapter dedicated to a bunch of corrupt clerics. Of course the (vaguely defined) gods wouldn't allow a cleric to be robbed by mere brigands, right? But it still doesn't jive with Merlinus, paranoia expert. Maybe he's a zealot? ........no. He can't have come here. He just can't. That's a great first 5 chapters. Not even at chapter 7 and already the bodies are piling up, and Merlinus didn't die again. Then again, two units I liked died. Might as well wait until the next update.
  2. Oh look, a flying.... green.... dancer. THANKFULLY IT'S FOR A MONTH RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHA (Cries in red mage armour) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (DAMMMIT!) 3* Azama (Return of Asshat. Nature's not great either. Don't care to promote him that much either)
  3. One free pull, and another shot at the legendary banner. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Obviously taking a chance on Raven) 3* Bartre (Of.... course? Another unit to train for a skill sadly.) Back to legends maybe? 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Beruka (Until 2.0 I would consider this trash. Thankfully not any more), 3* Bartre (Again? Really?), 3* Hana (Another 3* Unit? Well, it is L&D at least), 5* Bride!Lyn (I get staves in this one like swords in the first! REALLY regretting promoting Lissa now! +Atk/-Spd, so close to being amazing), 3* Donnel (long time pulling him, he's +Atk/-Res. That's best nature imo. So it's fine.) That ended alright. Where do I sign up as a Lyn hoarder?
  4. Well, I think Lucius alone makes this map insane. Does not help that Hard is level 40 now. Beat Hard with Sprincina, Arvis, Nohrzura and Felicia. Infernal has Lucius with Miracle at 1. Screw that. Used Arvis, Eliwood, B!Lyn and Nohrzura. Arvis finished the mage and the archer, Eliwood took out the troubadour and Lyn clears the other half because Brave Bow + Hone Cav is balanced. My real problem was that most of the units I used lacked reposition, but I found my way.
  5. I was wondering, as a bit of a code idiot despite programming being a substantial part of my postgrad. It's not like exceptions being a pain in the ass is new, but I was wondering if such exceptions could be handled. Again, it's a small thing, but it's pretty irksome imo. Any implementation kind of requires working with everything else, so I get the problem.
  6. I then have a question: What kind of mechanism could be used to compensate for this? Could the game check for than then compensate for that point given/taken at some point in the character's levels? Or is the system for growths something that could not be modified as is?
  7. Having Boons/Banes in and of itself is pretty fitting of gacha as is, and I could live with it even as free to play. But making any stat 4 can feel arbitrary at times, and for many they don't get a boon to compensate. Alright, I forgot, after I had checked it. Whoops. Refining weapons focusing on defences make sense with the intent of reducing offence's OPness. It's not only about fixing boons/banes.
  8. Am I the only player who's sick of boon/banes being -/+4 on occasion? I feel like the way it's handled can be utterly crap. Because of the nature of summoning, you can't control if you have a unit who happens to have a -4 bane, which can literally screw units over (see: Lissa, whose Christmas form has a -4 bane in Speed. She gets no +4 boon, and if she gets that bane it pulls her down a BST group for arena. Regular Lissa has 3 stats that get -4 as a bane, and the only other two are Speed and Attack, which are kind of eh for a healer but getting -Atk is worse since 2.0.). You're kind of left without this knowledge without the internet, so you might not notice that it holds a unit back, even if only slightly. Because of how weapon forging works, if the -4 bane is attack or speed, then you can't really fix it with forging and mages just can't fix it regardless of what bane it is. Some have it as a balancing mechanism, sure. Rein has one for Defence, likely to prevent someone going for that as the obvious dump stat. That kind of stuff usually isn't as big a dealbreaker though, and a unit like Rein can get away with it. For others it's not like it makes that unit any more appealing, especially if they don't have a +4 boon to compensate. You might say it's the name of the game, but it takes control away from the player and I frankly am sick of it.
  9. I wouldn't sell it too short. It's not like everyone died. Least, not in the end. See, rube's a word in the English language. I was trying to make a joke, but it obviously doesn't work here partly because I can't really link the meaning to something in the thread. Not yet at least. Like ticking a checklist. Another one for the LP in general. I really need to not reply when it's late. Those last two commonets of mine were pretty bad. This scene is a personal favourite. I mean, it reaffirms why I think Narcian is too dumb to be halfway decent, but still, some teen just leaves him so hurt in such a short time. I really don't kill him with her often enough. Again, oh you. I almost expect him to be some wraith by the end of the game. What the actual hell with that cavalier? Well, Dieck's not as popular as he once was, and a support square could be useful. Also, at least your losses haven't been substantial so far. Just more Merlinus death and two subpar units who are easily replaced.
  10. ....This new banner I swear. Ward filers and a bond skill with speed show up on Camilla. This would be like Tharja again..... But thankfully she's not that interesting to me. I have Elincia so I'm pretty good there. Azura on the other hand has Hone Fliers again.... Of course they do it. But it's more that she can dance that interests me.
  11. Hey, SoV already dealt with this and Tatiana is certainly different from Nyna. As for favourite things about things about units I don't like and visa versa: Peri: She's more usable than quite a few Conquest units. Canas: Certainly not the winner for Dad of the year.
  12. Managed to pull Chrissa recently, and thanks to the boost to exp, got her 24 levels in 3 warriors maps. She is pretty fun even with -Spd. So, if I want to use her for TT, what armours should I have besides Vamp!Henry (because of Armour March)? I have most of them barring the christmas seasonals, and Hector, BK, Arden and FrankenJakob are 5* while pretty much all the others are 4* barring Wendy with 4* +5.
  13. Decided to try based off Canas. Lines here: Assessment here (It's a little off imo):
  14. Passing a 5* Lachesis's skills onto Lissa (who I also promoted to 5* with -Atk) instead of Elise.
  15. Well, let's see if this banner's like the last one 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 5* Elise (FREE PULL WHAT? A dupe sure, but she has LtS, Recover + and I already have a suboptimal one. This one's got +HP/-Def. Is that worth it?), 4* Cherche (+Def/-Res. If only she were +Atk), 3* Hinata (Fury 3 exists at least), 4* Wendy (Units I keep pulling: Wendy. I'd love if that were Shanna. +HP/-Atk), 4* Abel (+HP/-Spd. Swordbreaker 3 it is) First pull. I'm honestly impressed. That's the second time.
  16. .......Flying. Dancing. Green Unit. Alright, I guess Azura might interest me. The other three? Not at all unless their skills are something else. I already got shafted trying to get Tharmas and now this? Well, my orbs are not ready.
  17. Found it, trying to figure out how to keybind it right now, but regular VBA might not have that option. VBA-M does, so might just go for that if I can install it. May be, but it does make sense why Wrys and Rube(n) are like that with each other though. As for Merlinus, could see that. Sadly. I think we're missing the idea that Narcian just sat there. I don't know what Brunya did, but Narcian likely didn't do crap. Redoing your own jokes. Like so many other LPs. Well, that's another tick. .....I might just steal this. This seems like the ticket. Watch this space. Well, I expect to see it often. Irregardless of your talents, Roy is not what I'd call combat ready. YOU MISSED JUST GOING "he's just Ruuder" Augh, you have to push for such rude puns man. Hopefully it does not cause seizures if it goes that far. (More continuity lockout) Also, only 2 Merlinus deaths? THOSE ARE ROOKIE NUMBERS.
  18. Blue may be better than before, but it's a low priority as I have a Fjorm and Springcina and Bridelotte's not that interesting. So's Red, despite it having Ryoma as I have the other two. Colourless has Elise and I am concerned I'll pull her, despite it meaning LtS 3 but the other two are much more interesting for me. Green is where it's at this time. Gunnthra alone is more interesting than her sister, Ameila is insanely strong and even Carrom isn't a bad unit.
  19. Alright, let's go! 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Fir (Obvious meh is obvious. +Atk/-Res, nearly optimal), 4* Peri (Once again, I locked up. She's Neutral), 4* Soren (Will he be good? +Def/-Res, nah), 5* Chrissa (I HEAR THOSE SLEIGH BELLS RINGALING! Oh look, a Focus Unit! Haven't seen one in a while! Don't need to pull green..... if I want to torture myself again. +Def/-Spd, Bit sad about that as she has a speed stat.), 4* Setsuna (+Atk/-Def. Think I have it already) THIS IS MORE LIKE IT. I might try for Tharja again, but only if I can face it again.
  20. Makes sense when you look right out of Goldeneye but in 2D. (I'll stop now) 1. Alright, not something I usually think about doing as inexperienced as I am with using it for more than, well, playing games on it. 2. Clearly with the result. The faces are working out pretty well as well, though one is reminding me of Oboro's scary face. :P Much better than the applet I found, though that's more because the asset list on it is not as through as might be liked. 3. That is true. He's not hacking in any of his scenes, but he might be putting on a brave face in front of others. Never do see him on his own. 4. I'll get the images ready then maybe? :P 5. .... The poll setting it up is a from while back, and it should cover BB and BS. I've kind of been distracting myself from it, but I have made some progress. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/316/708/ca1.jpg It's better than more bandits though. Right? Right? Honestly, I like this. It fits, after all that's happened since NM. Oh hey that's a neat way to show the growths. HP could stand to be better placed but I'm not certain where yet. ....To become the generic soldier for the rest of the game? I'll bite. This thing taunts me. It's happened a few times so far and every time it pisses me off. .....I could go into a rant as to why I actually hate BB Merlinus. I won't, but I'll say it's this shit right here. All game. Joy. Should I take bets on how long, or is that inappropriate? Heyoh! With that, Merry Christmas to you anyway.
  21. 4* Fred on a Cav team will have to do, but I have plenty of better units to help him too. Should level up the +Atk/-Res one though and merge onto him. Nowi would be good on a backup team, especially with M!Marth if need be. Course if I manage to get an armour that'll be priority one.
  22. Infernal actually made me restart (unlike Lunatic where M!Robin wrecks most of the map, and it was easy to kill Navarre with himself or Alfonse). Took a team of M!Robin, Nohrzura, Julia and Eirika to clear, and that required the QP seal on M!Robin. Julia utterly wrecks the manakete once M!Robin breaks Aegis, while Eirika with Swordbreaker and Fury can tank Navarre well.
  23. Thanks man in the red suit! (aka Navarre) 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue 3* Stahl (OF COURSE. Least I don't need to promote him for jack), 4* F!Corrin (Wrong avatar unit. +Atk/-Spd. Bit of a shame), 3* Frederick (Already have one trained up. THIS ONE IS +ATK/-RES. AHHHH I MIGHT NEED TO TRAIN THIS ONE UP!), 3* Barst (Reposition fodder's nice), 3* Gunter (Hone Cav might be neat, but I swear the game's trolling me since 2.0 with all the 3* units) 4% focus units and a -Atk Lachesis. This is one stingy banner.
  24. It matters if you are keeping an ear out. So if you're listening for it, it'll be obvious if the sounds that play on certain actions don't make sense. Or if the song playing doesn't match. If not, well it can kind of not matter as much as other things take your focus.
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