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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. OK, these are crazy maps. I am utterly stuck on Effie's hard map. That alone is beating me soundly. I am concerned.
  2. Beat it a few weeks back, made a highly optimistic post as the start of a topic. I think that a poll asking about this might be nice on this topic though.
  3. Wonder how I ended up in my least favourite region. Then likely be put beck to sleep by the Vivilon as I am in its territory.
  4. Me, I'm of the mind that there's no point for me to be chasing to play the older titles 100% legit considering the difficulty. Partly because I started pretty late in the series's life (during the doldrums, before Awakening came out). I've emulated in some form pretty much every title except for Tellius (because the best method to do so is a bit roundabout) and the 3DS titles (which I've paid for). Besides, trying to buy old physical copies isn't supporting IS at this point considering that they're no longer being distributed. If someone else wants to get them legit, I'm one less competitor. Supporting titles from here on out is more relevant. Fanright or not, I'm not really someone who could adequately get these legit. If that changes in the future, maybe.
  5. What did we do indeed, he's clearly loving this!
  6. I think I give the plots of this series too much credit. Spoilers for most of the series. Also in order from best to worst, though this is probably not as well sorted as it should be and is not final at all.
  7. I'd guess that Marth started circling the guards, went "Alright, I'll entrust the task of guarding my fiancee to......" and then chose the person he was pointing at when he stopped. It's not like he hadn't other options to pick from who'd have worked out better. This is not something I expected to see today. And I know it's not the pain meds, I'm not taking anything that strong. Navarre's face is great. It's almost like he realised he'd been dancing in.... oh wait. That's a great edit if it is though. Okay, now I might have been wrong about earlier. Am I actually high after all? OHO Ominous! So this is a mad update and I just don't see how this will end as of yet.
  8. I was referring to some of the other options for promotion, but she is certainly one of the better choices.
  9. I'd probably have promoted Klein already if he wasn't -Spd to be honest. Cordelia is probably the one I'd be least likely to promote of these four on the basis that she's in a competitive field already, much as that +Spd is great on her. Cecilia already has regular Gronnblade, and she would fit on a team quite well with all the horses I already have, probably promote her. Fae's probably one I should just get on with as well, regardless of the lack of Lightning Breath fodder. She has TA inherited too, she'll be a great blue counter.
  10. I hadn't given it to Nephenee because she has 40 speed already. The pain train is real with her. Probably should forge something like Spd if I got +Atk/-Res actually or Def on this one.
  11. Hopefully a bad Nephenne (for me anything that isn't +Spd/-Res because I already have one that's -Def) drops into my lap: I'd definitely go with Wrath. I have none currently, I only got her recently and the options for inheritance haven't been amazing from all my pulls. Still need to figure out a better A skill than TA2 or Defiant Atk 3 as well.
  12. I have a ton of feathers. While I have to keep around 14,000 for some 3* units, I've got about 100k right now. Naturally, I have no idea who to spend it on. I'll put what I already have up and what I'm considering as worth the upgrade. Or if I should go for merges, say so.
  13. I finally bought an upgrade for a legendary weapon: Lyn has the Sol Katti upgraded now. I think that'l be fun. Especially if it can be passed onto a merge with a better nature.
  14. His strength works well with the mercenary class once he can catch up: the promotion bonuses cover his weaknesses well. Archer is probably the best niche though: archer accuracy is a concern, but the only other option is Leon and Atlas can fill in really well, especially if you decide to go with the Killer bow. Being mounted in swamp maps might be a concern, but it's not a likely occurrence. Mage does eventually give some yucks with Rescue, but he's unlikely to benefit much from it or other classes.
  15. II and III are good fun, got both still. Will see how this one turns out, IV and V were offputting for me in the end. Seems to be a reboot of SC I, which isn't an easy title to access, is it?
  16. Zigludo is currently in a multiplier. I wonder how much that might lead to this early on.
  17. Actually took a few tries to use an infantry team on Berkut, but Sharena, Nohrzura, Arvis and Joshua (all 5*) were able to pull it off. This despite me assuming I screwed it up as the green mage, the archer and Berkut were descending on Arvis and Nohrzura. Berkut even ran for Sharena instead of fighting Nohrzura. Joshua takes the northern half of the map and goes near the fort, while the other three wait outside of combat. He tanks the axe cav and the red mage, while the others move for Arvis and Nohrzura. Sharena moves into range of Berkut, Arvis takes out the green mage and Nohrzura dances him out of range. the archer attacks Nohrzura and Berkut attacks Sharena. She finishes him of player phase and Nohrzura and Arvis take out the archer together. Joshua has not got Windsweep, Sharena has Luna and Desperation, Nohrzura has WoM, Arvis has Darting Blow, Ardent Sacrifice and Iceberg Berkut facing himself also took a bit, but I cleared with Brave Lyn (with Summoner support), Eliwood (5*), Berkut and Cecilia (4*) (Cecilia did nothing). Brave Lyn with Obstruct (critical to this strat) takes out the archer first from the fort, Eliwood sits 2 spaces below, Berkut moves into the fort in enemy Berkut's range and Cecilia sits outside. The other enemies fight Lyn and die (except for the axe cav), while Berkut starts attacking Berkut. Because my Berkut has Lancereaver 2, he doubles this round. On player phase, Lyn swaps with Eliwood, who stays in place, Berkut and Cecilia also wait. Enemy Berkut activates Blazing Flame, leaving my Berkut badly injured and with a Blazing flame of his own. The axe cav dies to Eliwood. Berkut does just enough damage to finish enemy Berkut himself on player phase. Cecilia did nothing. This requires Obstruct 2 on Brave Lyn and Berkut having Lancereaver (at least 1). Eliwood could be altered to fit this battle better as well, but Ward Cav is important.
  18. When it comes to the postgame, I get the criticisms. Especially the balance. Then again, it seems like they weren't too worried about that. Maybe the intention was to encourage purchase of the DLC? I think part of my optimism about the postgame was linked to actually managing to beat The Creation without the grinding DLC or overclasses. It makes sense the criticisms didn't sink in when I first posted. I still think it's the best postgame for the 3DS era (which is up against Awakening throwing (imo) non-canonical paralogues and Fates not having one, not much of a feat)
  19. The real shitstorm: Chrom/F!Robin fans having that pairing deconfirmed. That would be a firestorm of an incident. It's funny, because Kaga seemed a bit more okay with shipping in TearRing, at least for some units. Wonder why that changed?
  20. Because they themselves are an exception that proves the rule. Besides, it's obvious that the tragedy there is the better knight is sidelined after the war. I also don't see Clive himself being okay with that. (I'm a bit serious here to be fair, though that's as much because Mathilda's so much better) There's also the awkwardness of Leaf and Nanna's background and how they're pushed together in Thracia as a result of said background. Also Linoan and Deen, another pair that Kaga pulled the rug under.
  21. Eliwood still kills his most plot-focused interest. Leaving it to the player indirectly is also a concern. So shipping lord seems the most sensible option.
  22. My first attempt at beating the E4 in Pokemon Moon. I was running out of power, realised I forgot my charging cable and lost it all. It's not like Decidueye was an easy opponent to begin with. I also knocked out Tapu Koko, so not a waste I lost it. I can't really recall losing a lot of progress due to forgetting to save otherwise. On a tangential note, I had my finished save of Spirit Tracks overwritten by my niece. Needless to say I still have trust issues.
  23. Free pull is free. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (Shoot, another change at Ephraim gone) 4* Tharja (Already have a great one: her nature sucks: Free Darting Blow Fodder (Also Raoudrblade, but most units wouldn't use it anyway)
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