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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. So if I did decide to get it, as someone who has Moon, does it matter enough to get UM like with B/W with B2/W2 or is it more worthwhile to get US?
  2. Well, after a mediocre 8% banner barring Ayra, it's new character time again. But after all the orb spending, I don't even care all that much about the new units. Though if I got any I wouldn't complain. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Olivia (Hone Atk 3 is nice. I just wish Hone Speed was more common), 4* Oscar (That was a risky click. +Spd/-Res is really good though. Better than the other one who inherited nothing. So I have to level him again. :P) Lancebreaker and Hone Atk 3. I've had worse pulls.
  3. Kliff needs to be level 9 sadly, but he will still do it well. The general strategy is distracting Slayde so that he chases after a pegasus rider, then proceeding to block his way (not fully though, he'll attack and die) so that he has to take a long way around as long as possible to get to the heal tiles while you deal with the rest of the army. Once you've dealt with most of them and you've pulled out Desaix, surround him and do as much damage as you can with your ranged units (especially an Excaliber mage) and whoever has the Lighting Sword to whittle him down. It won't be quick, but it's doable.
  4. I must try again. But there's something else first: Block A: 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (Lucky me) 3* Nino (Number 16 guys. Her nature sucks.) Block B: 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Not lucky me) 4* Marth (It's been a long seeing him again: +Def/-HP is better than the first one I pulled) Now, back to tears. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (No Celica for me then...) 4* Camilla (Well, least I have Savage Blow for Asshat. She is +Spd though. Is that worth is?), 5* Spring Camilla (Well, it took 7 months, but I have the first magic flier. Frankly, I'd prefer Summer Corrin, but whatever. +HP/-Spd sadly, she won't be doubling Rein any time soon.), 3* Setsuna (Well, it's more Bowbreaker.), 4* Klein (This is more like it for fodder.Neutral, so worse than my +Atk. Who wants DB?), 4* Abel (Another +Atk Abel, but he's -Def. Good fodder.) It could have been saltier. No Celica, Genny or Bridelia for me though. :( Least I have a lot of fodder while I save away.
  5. Rubenio's NMotE: Where Matthis destroys the world. At least, I think that was what happened....... I assume "Wee ones", which is referring to little kids. It's an archaic phrase, doesn't come up much any more. If that was just a joke and you did get it, apologies. Now things get wild. This of course means things won't end well. For anyone. Of course, that means Wrys died twice. Dangit. YOU WERE NOT KIDDING. I DIDN'T THINK THIS WOULD BE THE CASE. WHAT IS BALANCE, RIGHT? What was the person who thought adding Imhullu to a map was the right idea on? So, the timeline's strung out like a piece of melted cheese, Ruben's about to screw up leaving and we still don't know how this is supposed to resolve everything. Who wants to bet on Pretzel being the hero we needed?
  6. She's great for avoiding because of her luck and speed. Her offense, sadly, is not as solid, that amount of magic gain certainly isn't impossible, but it's unlucky. She can dodge, and res still hits a lot of enemies hard. So while she might not be the most powerful, she does fit as a dodgetank when promoted.
  7. Turns out I was wrong. Eh, I'll support Sigurd. Man on Fire deserves that much.
  8. *Bends the icy winds into an ice wall *Knocks the next person off a height with the ice wall.
  9. I started off alright, pulling Ayra and a -Atk Ike, but it's been a drought since. Need another pull before surrendering though. I'm almost certain the 3* rate is a lie too.
  10. While the next banner is coming tomorrow, I know what I want: A 5* unit. 3 Colourless, 2 Red (Let's go!) 3* Azama (Asshat again, with yet again questionable bulk), 3* Niles (Why all these bad units lately? I avoid them for so long.... Are we sure that the 3* rate is right? (His nature sucks too)), 4* Rebecca (Well now, this is disappointing. But Darting Blow fodder is neat), 4* Roy (TA fodder, that's nice. He's -Atk, which isn't), 4* Henry (So again more fodder) 10.5%. yay.
  11. AAAAAH That makes so much sense. Lolcalisation at its finest. SO my guess is that Laslow and Virion are likely additions, though Frederick could be chosen and that opens a whole other can afterward. Speaks volumes as how bad romance has been shown depending on the gender for this series.
  12. His Dracoshield will not drop in the final battle. If you think you can do the damage, go for it. If you're going to go for it, you need to damage him every 4th attack. Ragnarok with Celica can get some good damage in and a crit can 1-shot him (It's how I did it) so get her support partners around her. It also kills the mogalls. Yes, Alm will be freed up once you go through Duma Tower. Though frankly I am not a fan of Duma Tower in the remake.
  13. Well, it seems that the double Tharja might have an effect.... probably not. :P Tharja likely winner. Priscilla is the only unit who might have a chance, and I doubt it. As for the other half, I'm going to guess that someone like Laslow is likely, but not certain about that.
  14. I'm going for more 5* units, please! 3 Green , 1 each Red, Colourless (Jackpot!) 4* Cain (WoM fodder's good to have, though +HP/-Res is a good nature), 3* Gunter (Hone Cav fodder woo!), 3* Cecilia (Eh, fodder is fodder), 4* Hawkeye (+Res/-Atk, so fodder he is), 4* Gaius (+HP/-Atk. Why bother, he sucks as fodder in general) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* M!Corrin (How can I hold all this bad fodder?), 4* Azama (+Spd/-Res, he really doesn't want to lose bulk sadly), 4* Hawkeye (Another one. +Res/-Spd) 3 Green, 2 Colourless 3* Arthur (More Lancebreaker I see), 4* Fae (Renewal fodder! Her nature sucks! I'm okay with this!), 4* Boey (+HP/-Def. I can think of some units who want Earth Boost), 3* Serra (MY most common unit this banner), 3* Setsuna (Well, Bowbreaker's nice) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Clarine (Eh I guess), 3* Gunter (Again, Hone Cav's great), 4* Gaius (List of units I never want: Gaius sits really high there), 4* Soren (Pfft, this fodder's meh at best) So I got squat. 10% right now
  15. I felt it at the time. The scene is executed well and despite the forced lack of choice it has a good impact imo. It helps that Chapter 10 follows after it. I was not happy to see the paralogue. Of course I now just don't count the paralogues as canon, especially as they seem to have been thrown in after release. It's kind of like getting units for trial maps only you can get experience out of unlocking them.
  16. ....I now need to pull another Camilla just for this, that sounds beautiful.
  17. 4 games past and nearly a decade since SD, never mind the attitude shifts since then (though no wonder I didn't remember the market after playing SD, localisation for the lose). It won't surprise me that it wouldn't be censored this time. SoV is also pretty okay with leaving the implications of what happens to witches out there, so the whole losing their souls thing isn't a no-sell either. Thing is, I do think the reactions to the localisation of Fates will have an impact; the change in attitude between Fates and SoV already shows some signs that being risk averse in changing things rather than trying to avoid controversy did no harm, at least in discourse for localisation.
  18. It seems like several of us think that the 1st siblings are one and the same, myself included. The idea seems too obvious actually, considering Bruno and all. I'll assume that this elder sibling will be mentioned in the story, and we'll see what way that might be depending on how the story deals with it.
  19. So, 2.0 is here. I'll just do some sessions for now, leave the rest for the 4th. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Frederick (The last 3 summons have been Fred. Seriously? +HP/-Spd), 4* Camilla (No egg again. +Atk/-Def. Sacrifice), 3* Hinata (Fury Sacrifice is nice), 3* Serra (Disappointing), 3* Serra (....I don't know what I expected from the colour that's given me two Virions at the same time twice) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Niles (Haven't gotten him in a while. And I mean a WHILE. He's also +Res/-Spd sadly), 4* Selena (TA + Reposition's nice. +Res/-HP, so I'd sacrifice her), 5* Ike (Fine, I'll like him! Not so much if he's +Res/-Atk), 4* Tailtu (+Res/-Def. Better than the first one), 3* F!Corrin (Hone+ Draconic Aura fodder. +Spd/-Def) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 5* Ayra (YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM THRILLED! She's Neutral, so that's alright by me), 4* Leon (+Atk/-Spd. Bit disappointing), 3* Felicia (BoL fodder? BoL fodder), 3* Beruka (....Glimmer's going to be more relevant, right?) 2/12 today. Neat. Shame about all the 3* units.
  20. In terms of bow users, I'd say something like this in practice: Geitz > Rath (promoted) > Louise > Lyn > Rath (umpromoted) > Dorcas/Bartre > Rebecca > Wil Geitz has double B rank and good bases and growths to allow him to fit in immediately. Rath has a horse and sword access on promotion, and even before then has good aid to allow him to carry most allies. Louise ends up as high as she does because of her high starting bases, bow rank and her Pent support. Lyn at least has the Mani Katti and bows are more of a supplemental. Dorcas and Bartre have bows as an extra as well, though they're not amazing and can be ignored long term unless you want Karla. Rebecca is an unmpromoted archer, but at least she can get enough speed to consistently double. Wil.... Just, poor Wil.
  21. As long as you're not a dragon or a god you're probably fine. Also at present Lego haven't. Mega Bloks did some, but it didn't have much presence outside of Asia and it's had no sets since 2008. Here's a set list.
  22. Well, I definitely see that. On the other hand, it doesn't prevent me from using the theme set with other lego sets. That's why I can live with the possibility of a set existing. Of course, I grew up in the period when Lego shifted from focusing on generic boxes that are open on what you do with them to primarily theme sets.
  23. Maybe it would be that way. We don't know what's going on there (and I don't want to). Also, I lean towards Ricken. Maribelle should have been an option too.
  24. Honestly? I might scream for this if they handle it well. I mean, I never bothered with the Star Wars ones because of the style clash with bonkles; if they fixed it and a massive set like Sirius on a horse or, yes, BK (despite my lack of connection to Tellius) would happen, I might just jump on that. Not like horses happened when Bionicle was running.
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