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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I'm somewhat burnt out by the game for high intensity projects like trying to high score for stuff like this personally, it's more like I don't have the same concerns when playing. Like I said, I have the stamina potions to crash through those maps if needed. So I'm not too pushed to go crazy with ranking. I'm mostly trying to get as many orbs as I can before the 4th. Also, @YingofDarkness, I did forget about that, partly because I already did the quests and Infernal Michalis. Also, the stamina potion surplus makes me not as concerned.
  2. Why are so may pushing over 100k right now? I'm only at 40k today, just trying to finally hit 99k for once. B!Ike got Close Def, and I'm already cackling manically. At least I calculated that you only need around 7.2k/day beforehand, and with the amount of stamina potions I have I'm ready in case of emergency.
  3. Little too easy. Little bit empty. Disappointing but quick. And of course Anna and Sharena might get more of these as well.
  4. The evening I posted. As soon as I saw what had happened, I chilled somewhat. She's capable of doing so much damage and I am scared it'll happen again to something I really don't want overwritten.
  5. Pfft I love this, makes perfect sense despite being utter gibberish.
  6. Getting lucky is a non-issue on lower difficulties: Corrin, Ryoma and Takumi can take Garon out together fine there (though Azura will have to dance at least one up to get there). On higher difficulties, I'll have to come back to that. Whenever I can convince myself to play through it again. Also, to the person making the point about Light being easy unless you're an idiot, if you somehow get HP screwed, you can turn out to have at least one of your lords unable to do anything anyway! (I know you'll respond with Athos. I know, it's very obvious. Not everyone will be using Athos on this map all the time for whatever reason the have) 37 HP is a large amount of damage, and the lords could end up low enough that they're unable to actually fight the boss because it just just enough damage to kill them. That Flametongue is no joke.
  7. My neice deleted my endgame sale for Spirit Tracks. I am still not over it.
  8. I was trying to remember that nickname! Thanks, I've been using Nohrhido because I couldn't remember it. I'll just put some thoughts
  9. I am going to prioritise Red (I have none of them: No Ike from HF2, Celica was released on my personal bugbear banner and Ayra was bait), Colourless (I only have the free Brave Lyn, despite all the orbs during HF2 I got no Genny and I skipped the Bride banner after being burnt by the SoV banner), Green (I have Hector, Spring Camilla's only relevant if I got for a raven build and Deirdre would be nice), Blue (Because Spring Xander's a trap. Bride Caeda would be alright I guess and Fjorm... we'll see how she is)
  10. IV, VI and IX are my three favourites. Certainly think they're worth trying at least. As for some of the older ones (I don't think I can really comment on the newer ones as well and most of the comments have involved them and IV/VI): V is pretty lighthearted and it has the best of the class-focused customisation in the main series. The plot's not bad (but also pretty generic) and it's the title that puts the most effort in its humour. There's not much I can say about it. III feels quite archaic, even as the remake did attempt to give some story for the warriors of light. I liked it alright, but there are better titles (though I don't think any other title has nipple beams). It's also pretty grindy in the end, I had to grind 10 levels for the final boss alone after clearing the rest of the dungeon. II has quite a bit in terms of trying new things, especially for when it came out. Also, II is awful. Curiosity about what it did doesn't make it a good game. It's the series's worst title imo. I is certainly an old entry, being 30 years old this year. But it's not bad, however I don't know if you'd be interested in playing it. Also, the GBA version is at a solid enough pace that the game can be beaten in under 12 hours, even with getting levels all the time up to level 50.
  11. The mission wasn't too hard for Michalis. Anna, on the other hand, was a test of patience as I struggled to figure out how to both keep her alive and not kill Michalis with Arvis on Lunatic. Did it with those two, Azura and Lukas. Got the infernal version on my first attempt with Flier Emblem: 5* Michalis, Hinoka, Elincia and 4* Caeda. Caeda with Desperation is worth it guys! Oh, and Hone + Fortify + Goad is useful if you want your axe flier to take out the lance flier as the starting point, I have no doubt that QR was unnecessary on Michalis, but I could be wrong.
  12. Considering there's no recent topic on this, I decided I'd weigh in after finally clearing the hidden (relatively speaking) boss. Spoilers for SoV postgame obviously. From a story perspective, it's honestly simplistic. Every part leading up to Thabes is an excuse plot to get there; once again, the people giving missions not having much character is a shame, they had the chance for a cameo or they could have done something more (imagine Athena just sitting there asking for a lift back). As for the story within the labyrinth, while it's not a bad origin for Grima and the Risen, the power we see from the Risen prototypes just makes the Risen in Awakening even weaker. We also finally get an idea of how Thabes was as a society through what happened with Forneus, making this the first time I actually was interested in Thabes, somehow an easy feat after playing three games that it was in. Of course, getting the conversation between Duma and Mila gave us some nice context for the events before the main game (as well as being a bookend for the story as it shows the beginning (of the divide at least) at the end) and we got some idea of what Duma once looked like. might have been nice to get some more, but I'm not mad at what we got. As for the gameplay, the absence of Mila shrines makes the dungeon more tense for obvious reasons, making the real challenge keeping as many of those precious turns as possible for the boss maps. Even with 12 turns, you can find yourself running low quite early on, especially if you wish to grind the dungeon for certain items (screams in ancient weapons). It's still a dungeon in this game, so there's nothing too surprising once you've seen an opponent before: there's not going to be a massive difference in experience each time you go into the dungeon. The layout can throw you off, but it can be memorised as well to make less of a concern. The difficulty is also quite a barrier for Hard Mode, but it is doable without the (Paid) DLC (alright, I can say the Taurus Shard, pitchforks and the boots helped with this massively: Clive is so much better with even one loop!). The stats on enemies are quite likely to be on par with your units early on once you first arrive, but the deeper you go, the more noticeable the stat inflation gets and the more it tries to drain you before the end. Brigands and Villagers on the 6th floor are quite likely powerful enough to floor you when you first arrive (And the enemies don't get easier from there), any non-terror dragons are terrifying opponents and the final map is up there for difficulty in this game because of the reinforcing grunts (which are very powerful in their own right) and of course Grima itself being a tricky boss as is. I'll just stick my experience of the final boss here: If anyone wants to expand on this, feel free to bring up what you want to bring up.
  13. So, I decided I wasn't spending orbs until December. There's a new banner at least. Shame I didn't really bother with the Death Blow banner. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (aka a total waste. I have a great Sonya and a very good Nephenee nature wise) 3* Frederick (Why is he so common lately?) So, back to saving orbs.
  14. ...despite expectations, the Death Eaters did not take over Hogwarts. He was very severe in responding to them and it led to him facing Voldemort. Arvis would not defeat Voldemort, but after the Horcruxes were destroyed he was able to assist in Voldemort's demise. However, Arvis got bored not getting to take over the country, so he left. The next place he showed up was.....
  15. So who in terms of type of unit should I have with BIke for this TT? He'll be great for his defence, but his offence isn't amazing and he could use some help there. Don't need specifics here, just some suggestions. Brave Lyn will have Horse Emblem to help her on a backup team (it will be glorious), and my only other brave unit is -Atk Roy.
  16. I'm conflicted on Conquest. The story is terribly executed, the cast varies from alright to I NEVER WANT TO SEE THIS CHARACTER AGAIN, the writing as a whole is troubled and the world kind of tries but massively fails to be engaging. The gameplay I think is in the correct direction with certain things. The way they changed Dual Guard/Strike was the right choice, the expansion of skills brought a lot of skills I do like into the game, there are some good ideas with the individual weapons and personal skills tend to be useful unless you're someone like Arthur. Then there's other things: I definitely think the weapon triangle should not be like this again, limiting weapon ranks by class is so stupid and I hope never to see it again, weapon durability is a double edged sword because the changes led to some dumb ideas imo, the magical castle can feel superfluous at times, the world map is just ghastly and unit balance is not as good as Fates would like to claim it is. Conquest also tries more with its maps so I am okay with them in comparison to, say, Revelation. As for the maps, the maps with the Hoshidan Royals are all good imo (Yeah, the routes for Ryoma are kind of annoying, but it's nowhere near as bad as Treason), the maps before them are awful (I like none of the travelling to Hoshido maps: the moment The Black Pillar ends, it's six awful maps in a row.), the Rainbow Sage map sucks as usual, but aside from that I do like most of the other maps, either despite or because of their gimmicks. The overabundance of ninjas tends to frustrate maps quite often as they tend to get enough strength that they can actually do damage even in lower difficulties that it makes you wonder if Hoshido is supposed to be the weaker nation or not. The final two maps being stuck together is also frustrating, making the possibility of screwing it up more concerning. It really does make using certain units undoable (I had to use Peri over Arthur or Nyx for example. Conquest is kind of cruel sometimes.) without justifying it too barring DLC, which is a shame. I do get having issues with it. Guess some of the appeal is that it's harsher, people seem to ignore Birthright for the reason that it is pretty generic with the gameplay. Considering Conquest the best route in Fates for gameplay isn't saying much.
  17. As I might have expected. As I don't have the DLC, that's good to know. Also, is there a source for a list of expected turns to beat maps? Asking as I'd like a reference for that Blitzkrieg playthrough.
  18. I've only been able to play most of the series because of emulation, late as I was. I think trying at least one version of each setting would be the way to go about it (e.g. don't bother with the NES titles unless you really want to see what those are like as the DS remakes are mostly the best versions to work with) I recommend reading up on the titles and seeing what you might like about them before diving right in.
  19. So, do people recommend trying to get the Blitzkrieg medal by soloing with Alm/Celica, or am I being dumb? I'd like to do that for the next replay, but if that makes no sense, I guess I'll figure it out another time.
  20. A gauntlet for the Fates Retainers: I'm more surprised it doesn't exist yet. Probably M vs. F in the first round, with Nohr and Hoshido on either side. Maybe a gauntlet for Camuses versus units from the big bad nations who join the player?
  21. This is now my headcanon for these two on a break. I have them at S rank, and them just taking their free time at the beach is great in my head, especially as they get used less (Barring my lack of Summer Xander, but I don't care)
  22. Also a regicide, robber of libraries and kind of an awful brother. Michalis is a... mixed bag. Maybe he heard about Gharnef being there and looked to see if she was there. Doesn't explain much for Feena, or why he stayed around. Pretty good pun name there. Just wanted to acknowledge it. Do you mean Merric seeing Michalis prior to the War of Heroes? Because this sentence needs fixing. No, the involvement of this man confuses the whole thing, doesn't it? Maybe he decided some possible decoys could be no bad thing? Rely might not be the idea, but making things easier for him could be on the cards. It's still a good point that it doesn't fit correctly. SO GHARNEF IS INVOLVED AGAIN. CAN JUST ONE LEADER IN ARCHANEA WHO DOES IMMORAL THINGS NOT BE CORRUPTED BY HIM? PROBABLY NOT! Yeah, these maps not bothering to balance its units is a problem. Michalis is OP isn't he? Also, the power of friendship compels you Elrean. Friendship is everything....... I couldn't help myself.
  23. 80's movie: the between map music. I could say I do like the way it plays with the narration for the chapters, but it's easier to say that it's a track that suits a montage of multi-coloured mulleted people riding horses across a desert building up to the movie's climax. It's alright for the soundtrack it's in, but this is Genealogy, so it's still good. 7/10 Roy's Battle - Binding Blade
  24. Is it heretical to like all three and have promoted all three at once? Also, someone mentioned the lack of Bowbreaker options. I think we need some more options for other breakers: Swordbreaker: Abel could be dropped to 3-4* and I'd be fine here. Sully only gets it at 5*, and Abel is more common since 1.6. Lancebreaker: Until Oscar happened, this was a big one imo. Narcian is a GHB unit, while Arthur has it at 5* and few people would promote him to get it. Oscar could go down to 3-4* and I wouldn't mond. Axebreaker: Pretty easy to get thankfully, Laslow exists. Eliwood also has it to 5*. R!Tomebreaker: Odin exists at least. A second source for tomebreakers could be nice, Odin is pretty useful fodder in general. B!Tomebreaker: THIS NEEDS ANOTHER UNIT. F!Robin is the only one right now, this needs to change. G!Tomebreaker: This one is easy enough as Henry's there at 3-4*. He also is pretty common for me at either rating at least. Bowbreaker: Setsuna exists in 3-4*, so this isn't awful. The real issue is the pool overall and the luck people seem to get from it. A second source would be no bad thing either. Daggerbreaker: Kagero could go down to 3-4* star and this would be fine. Hilariously she's my second most common 4* (THE FIRST IS STAHL. THIS IS NOT OKAY). But this is the least relevant weapon type, it needs a big change before people will demand more daggerreakers. Staff/Breathbreaker: Non-existent. I don't know if this would be a good idea or not.
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